package; /* * +=================================================================+ * SlipStream Server (WAR) * ===== * Copyright (C) 2013 SixSq Sarl ( * ===== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * -=================================================================- */ import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException; import javax.persistence.RollbackException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.dashboard.DashboardResource; import org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException; import; import; import; import org.restlet.representation.Representation; import org.restlet.representation.StringRepresentation; import org.restlet.resource.Get; import org.restlet.resource.Post; import org.restlet.resource.ResourceException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.configuration.Configuration; import com.sixsq.slipstream.connector.Connector; import com.sixsq.slipstream.connector.ConnectorFactory; import com.sixsq.slipstream.connector.ExecutionControlUserParametersFactory; import com.sixsq.slipstream.credentials.Credentials; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.ConfigurationException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.ServerExecutionEnginePluginException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.SlipStreamClientException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.SlipStreamException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.exceptions.ValidationException; import com.sixsq.slipstream.factory.RunFactory; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.Module; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.ModuleCategory; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.ModuleParameter; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.NodeParameter; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.Parameter; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.Run; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.RunParameter; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.RunType; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.RuntimeParameter; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.ServiceConfiguration; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.User; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.UserParameter; import com.sixsq.slipstream.persistence.Vm; import com.sixsq.slipstream.resource.BaseResource; import com.sixsq.slipstream.util.ConfigurationUtil; import com.sixsq.slipstream.util.HtmlUtil; import com.sixsq.slipstream.util.RequestUtil; import com.sixsq.slipstream.util.SerializationUtil; /** * Unit test: * * @see RunListResourceTest.class * */ public class RunListResource extends BaseResource { public static final String TYPE = "type"; public static final String REFQNAME = "refqname"; public static final String MUTABLE_RUN_KEY = "mutable"; public static final String IGNORE_ABORT_QUERY = "ignoreabort"; public static final String BYPASS_SSH_CHECK_KEY = "bypass-ssh-check"; public static final String KEEP_RUNNING_KEY = "keep-running"; public static final String TAGS_KEY = "tags"; public static final String REDIRECT_TO_DASHBOARD = "redirect_to_dashboard"; String refqname = null; @Get("txt") public Representation toTxt() { RunViewList runViewList = getRunViewList(); String result = SerializationUtil.toXmlString(runViewList); return new StringRepresentation(result); } @Get("xml") public Representation toXml() { RunViewList runViewList = getRunViewList(); String result = SerializationUtil.toXmlString(runViewList); return new StringRepresentation(result, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML); } @Get("html") public Representation toHtml() { RunViewList runViewList = getRunViewList(); return new StringRepresentation(HtmlUtil.toHtml(runViewList, getPageRepresentation(), getUser(), getRequest()), MediaType.TEXT_HTML); } private RunViewList getRunViewList() { int limit = getLimit(Run.DEFAULT_LIMIT, LIMIT_MAX); RunViewList list = new RunViewList(); try { RunsQueryParameters parameters = new RunsQueryParameters(getUser(), getOffset(), limit, getCloud(), getRunOwner(), getUserFilter(), getModuleResourceUri(), getActiveOnly()); list.populate(parameters); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throwConfigurationException(e); } catch (ValidationException e) { throwClientValidationError(e.getMessage()); } return list; } /** * We need to merge data from different sources: - the form (entity) - the * default module * * In the case of orchestrator + VM(s) (i.e. deployment and build) we also * need to merge: - the default from each node * * The service cloud is the part that causes most trouble, since it can be * defined at all levels. */ @Post("form|txt") public void createRun(Representation entity) throws ResourceException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, SlipStreamException { Form form = new Form(entity); setReference(form); Run run; try { Module module = loadReferenceModule(); authorizePost(module); updateReference(module); module.validate(); User user = getUser(); user = User.loadByName(user.getName()); // ensure user is loaded from database RunType type = parseType(form, module); validateUserPublicKey(user, type, form); Map<String, List<Parameter<?>>> userChoices = getUserChoicesFromForm(module.getCategory(), form); run = RunFactory.getRun(module, type, user, userChoices); run = addCredentials(run); setRunMutability(run, form); setKeepRunning(run, form); setTags(run, form); if (Configuration.isQuotaEnabled()) { Quota.validate(user, run.getCloudServiceUsage(), Vm.usage(user.getName())); } createRepositoryResource(run);; launch(run); setLastExecute(user); run.postEventCreated(); } catch (SlipStreamClientException ex) { throw (new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_CONFLICT, ex.getMessage())); } setResponseLocation(run, form); getResponse().setStatus(Status.SUCCESS_CREATED); } private void setResponseLocation(Run run, Form form) { // if the query parameter 'redirect' is set, then redirect to its value // this is a gap solution, such that the CLI can retrieve the uuid, while // the ui can redirect to the dashboard String redirect = form.getFirstValue(REDIRECT_TO_DASHBOARD); String location; if(redirect != null) { location = "/" + DashboardResource.RESOURCE_URI_PREFIX; } else { location = "/" + Run.RESOURCE_URI_PREFIX + run.getName(); } String absolutePath = RequestUtil.constructAbsolutePath(getRequest(), location); getResponse().setLocationRef(absolutePath); } private void setLastExecute(User user) { user.setLastExecute(); try { user =; } catch (StaleObjectStateException e) { } catch (RollbackException e) { } catch (OptimisticLockException e) { } } private void setKeepRunning(Run run, Form form) throws ValidationException { String keepRunning = form.getFirstValue(KEEP_RUNNING_KEY, null); if (keepRunning != null) { List<String> keepRunningOptions = UserParameter.getKeepRunningOptions(); if (! keepRunningOptions.contains(keepRunning)) { throw new ValidationException("Value of " + KEEP_RUNNING_KEY + " should be one of the following: " + keepRunningOptions.toString()); } String key = RunParameter.constructKey(ExecutionControlUserParametersFactory.CATEGORY, UserParameter.KEY_KEEP_RUNNING); RunParameter rp = run.getParameter(key); if (rp != null) { rp.setValue(keepRunning); } } } private void setRunMutability(Run run, Form form) { String mutable = form.getFirstValue(MUTABLE_RUN_KEY, ""); if (isTrue(mutable)) { run.setMutable(); } } private void validateUserPublicKey(User user, RunType type, Form form) throws ValidationException{ boolean bypassSshCheck = isTrue(form.getFirstValue(BYPASS_SSH_CHECK_KEY, "false")); if (type != RunType.Machine && !bypassSshCheck) { RunFactory.validateUserPublicSshKeys(user); } } private void setTags(Run run, Form form) { RuntimeParameter rp = run.getRuntimeParameters().get(RuntimeParameter.GLOBAL_TAGS_KEY); if (rp != null){ rp.setValue(form.getFirstValue(TAGS_KEY, "")); } } private void authorizePost(Module module) { if(!module.getAuthz().canPost(getUser())) { throwClientForbiddenError("User does not have the rights to execute this module"); } } private void setReference(Form form) { refqname = form.getFirstValue(REFQNAME); if (refqname == null) { throw new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing refqname in POST"); } refqname = refqname.trim(); } public static Map<String, List<Parameter<?>>> getUserChoicesFromForm(ModuleCategory category, Form form) throws ValidationException { Map<String, List<Parameter<?>>> parametersPerNode = new HashMap<String, List<Parameter<?>>>(); for (Entry<String, String> entry : form.getValuesMap().entrySet()) { if (notUserChoiceForNode(entry)) { continue; } // parameter--node--[nodename]--[paramname] String[] parts = entry.getKey().split("--"); String nodeName = ""; String parameterName = ""; if (category == ModuleCategory.Deployment) { if (parts.length != 4) { throw new ValidationException("Invalid key format for " + category + " module: " + entry.getKey()); } nodeName = parts[2]; parameterName = parts[3]; } else { if (parts.length != 2) { throw new ValidationException("Invalid key format for " + category + " module: " + entry.getKey()); } nodeName = Run.MACHINE_NAME; parameterName = parts[1]; } String value = entry.getValue(); if (category == ModuleCategory.Deployment) { if (!parametersPerNode.containsKey(nodeName)) { parametersPerNode.put(nodeName, new ArrayList<Parameter<?>>()); } Parameter<?> parameter = new NodeParameter(parameterName); value = NodeParameter.isStringValue(value) ? value : "'" + value + "'"; parameter.setValue(value); parametersPerNode.get(nodeName).add(parameter); } else { if (!parametersPerNode.containsKey(nodeName)) { parametersPerNode.put(nodeName, new ArrayList<Parameter<?>>()); } Parameter<?> parameter = new ModuleParameter(parameterName); parameter.setValue(value); parametersPerNode.get(nodeName).add(parameter); } } return parametersPerNode; } private static boolean notUserChoiceForNode(Entry<String, String> entry) { List<String> keysToFilter = new ArrayList<String>(); keysToFilter.add(RunListResource.REFQNAME); keysToFilter.add(RunListResource.MUTABLE_RUN_KEY); keysToFilter.add(RunListResource.TYPE); keysToFilter.add(RunListResource.KEEP_RUNNING_KEY); keysToFilter.add(RunListResource.BYPASS_SSH_CHECK_KEY); keysToFilter.add(RunListResource.TAGS_KEY); keysToFilter.add(RunListResource.REDIRECT_TO_DASHBOARD); if (keysToFilter.contains(entry.getKey())) { return true; } return false; } private RunType parseType(Form form, Module module) { RunType defaultRunType = module.getCategory() == ModuleCategory.Image ? RunType.Run : RunType.Orchestration; String type = form.getFirstValue(RunListResource.TYPE, true, defaultRunType.toString()); try { return RunType.valueOf(type); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw (new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, "Unknown run type: " + type)); } } private Run launch(Run run) throws SlipStreamException { User user = getUser(); user.addSystemParametersIntoUser(Configuration.getInstance().getParameters()); slipstream.async.Launcher.launch(run, user); return run; } private Run addCredentials(Run run) throws ConfigurationException, ServerExecutionEnginePluginException, ValidationException { Credentials credentials = loadCredentialsObject(); run.setCredentials(credentials); return run; } private Credentials loadCredentialsObject() throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException { Connector connector = ConnectorFactory.getCurrentConnector(getUser()); return connector.getCredentials(getUser()); } private void createRepositoryResource(Run run) throws ConfigurationException { String repositoryLocation; repositoryLocation = ConfigurationUtil .getConfigurationFromRequest(getRequest()) .getRequiredProperty( ServiceConfiguration.RequiredParameters.SLIPSTREAM_REPORTS_LOCATION .getName()); String absRepositoryLocation = repositoryLocation + "/" + run.getName(); boolean createdOk = new File(absRepositoryLocation).mkdirs(); // Create the repository structure if (!createdOk) { throw new ResourceException(Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL, "Error creating repository structure: " + absRepositoryLocation); } } private Module loadReferenceModule() throws ValidationException { Module module = Module.load(refqname); if (module == null) { throw new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "Coudn't find reference module: " + refqname); } return module; } private void updateReference(Module module) { refqname = module.getName(); } @Override protected String getPageRepresentation() { return "runs"; } }