package eu.aniketos.spec; import java.util.Iterator; import org.jdom.Element; /** * Represents a method parameter * @author Luca * */ public class Parameter { public BaseType type; public Identifier identifier; public Parameter(){ } /** * Manual initialisation of Parameter class * base - one of the base types: INT = "int", BOOL = "bool", STRING="string", REAL="real" * ident - name of the identifier */ public Parameter(BaseType base, Identifier ident){ identifier = ident; type = base; } /** *@Artsiom: Create the class out of an xml element */ public Parameter(Element e){ Iterator<Element> iter = e.getChildren().iterator(); type = new BaseType(; identifier = new Identifier(; } /** * trasfrom it to a DOM element */ public Element toElement(){ Element e = new Element(Tag.parameter_tag); e.addContent(type.toElement()); e.addContent(identifier.toElement()); return e; } }