/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package eu.aniketos.spec; import java.util.Iterator; import org.jdom.Element; /** * represents a boolean operation (AND and NOT) * @author Administrator */ public class BOp extends BExp { public String type; public BExp l, r; public BOp(){ type=""; l=null; r=null; } /** * Initialisation of boolean operation * tag - type of operation * b1, b2 - parameters * in case of NOT: b2 = null. */ public BOp(String tag, BExp b1, BExp b2) { type = tag; l = b1; if(!type.equals(Tag.not_tag)) r = b2; } /** *@Artsiom: Create the class out of an xml element */ public BOp(Element e){ type = e.getName(); Iterator iter = e.getChildren().iterator(); l = BExp.generateBExp((Element)iter.next()); if(!type.equals(Tag.not_tag)) r = BExp.generateBExp((Element)iter.next()); } /** * trasfrom it to a DOM element */ public Element toElement() { Element sguard_elm = new Element(type); sguard_elm.addContent(l.toElement()); if(!type.equals(Tag.not_tag)) sguard_elm.addContent(r.toElement()); return sguard_elm; } }