package; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; /** * Class description goes here * * @author $Author:$ * @version $Revision:$ */ public class DatabaseUtil { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DatabaseUtil.class.getName()); // private static boolean isDebug = false; private static long timeToOpenConnection = -1; static{ try { Class.forName("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static String getDbConnectionUrl() throws Exception { File configDir = SysUtil.getConfigDir(); String connectionUrl = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:" + configDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/DB/SMM_DB";"connectionUrl = %s", connectionUrl)); return connectionUrl; } public static Connection openConnection() throws Exception { timeToOpenConnection = System.currentTimeMillis(); return DriverManager.getConnection(getDbConnectionUrl(), "SA", ""); } public static void closeConnection(Connection connection) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }"time of session (second) = %d ", ((System.currentTimeMillis() - timeToOpenConnection) / 1000))); } public static List<String> initDatabase() { Connection connection = null; try { connection = openConnection(); try { connection.prepareStatement("select * from Attribute").execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //create table connection.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE Attribute (id BIGINT generated by default as identity not null primary key, name varchar(255), type BIGINT)").execute(); connection.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE NodeType (id BIGINT generated by default as identity not null primary key, name varchar(255))").execute(); connection.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE Node (id BIGINT generated by default as identity not null primary key, nodeType BIGINT)").execute(); connection.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE NodeAttrValue (nodeId BIGINT, attrId BIGINT, value varchar(1024))").execute(); // addAttribute(connection, "name", AttributeType.String.ordinal()); // addAttribute(connection, "year", AttributeType.Number.ordinal()); // addAttribute(connection, "score", AttributeType.Number.ordinal()); // addAttribute(connection, "genre", AttributeType.String.ordinal()); // //insert default nodetypes, movie, tv, poeple // addNodeType(connection, NodeType.TYPE_MOVIE); // addNodeType(connection, NodeType.TYPE_TV); // addNodeType(connection, NodeType.TYPE_PEOPLE); Map<String, Map<String, Class>> attributeMap = ServiceUtilities.getNodeTypeAttributeMap(); for(String nodeTypeName : attributeMap.keySet()) { addNodeType(connection, nodeTypeName); Map<String, Class> stringClassMap = attributeMap.get(nodeTypeName); for(String attributeName : stringClassMap.keySet()) { Class attributeClass = stringClassMap.get(attributeName); if (attributeClass.isAssignableFrom(Number.class)) addAttribute(connection, attributeName, AttributeType.Number.ordinal()); else if (attributeClass.isAssignableFrom(File.class)) addAttribute(connection, attributeName, AttributeType.File.ordinal()); else addAttribute(connection, attributeName, AttributeType.String.ordinal()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return Collections.singletonList(e.toString()); } finally { try { connection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // return Collections.singletonList(e.toString()); } } return Collections.emptyList(); } static long getMaxId(Connection connection, String tableName) throws Exception { ResultSet resultSet = connection.prepareStatement("select max(id) from " + tableName).executeQuery(); long maxId = resultSet.getLong(0); resultSet.close(); return maxId; } static Attribute addAttribute(Connection connection, String name, int type) throws Exception { // try // { // Attribute attribute = getAttribute(connection, name); // if (isDebug) // System.out.println("attribute already exist, just return the existing attribute"); // return attribute; // } // catch(Exception e) // { // //can not find the attribute, try to insert it. // //e.printStackTrace(); // } PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(String.format("insert into attribute(name, type) values ('%s', %s) ", name, type), Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); statement.executeUpdate(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { long attrId = resultSet.getLong(1); resultSet.close(); return new Attribute(attrId, name, Attribute.AttributeType.values()[type]); } throw new Exception("Failed to get insert attribute"); } static Attribute getAttribute(Connection connection, String name) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException { ResultSet resultSet = connection.prepareStatement(String.format("select * from attribute where name = '%s') ", name)).executeQuery(); if ( { long attrId = resultSet.getLong(1); int typeId = resultSet.getInt(3); resultSet.close(); return new Attribute(attrId, name, Attribute.AttributeType.values()[typeId]); } else throw new ObjectNotFoundException(); } static Attribute getAttribute(Connection connection, int attrId) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException { ResultSet resultSet = connection.prepareStatement(String.format("select * from attribute where id = %s) ", attrId)).executeQuery(); if ( { int typeId = resultSet.getInt(3); String name = resultSet.getString(2); resultSet.close(); return new Attribute(attrId, name, Attribute.AttributeType.values()[typeId]); } else throw new ObjectNotFoundException(); } static Collection<Attribute> getAllAttributes(Connection connection) throws SQLException { ResultSet resultSet = connection.prepareStatement("select * from attribute order by name ").executeQuery(); List<Attribute> attributeList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); while ( { int attrId = resultSet.getInt(1); int typeId = resultSet.getInt(3); String name = resultSet.getString(2); attributeList.add(new Attribute(attrId, name, Attribute.AttributeType.values()[typeId])); } resultSet.close(); return attributeList; } static Collection<NodeType> getAllNodeTypes(Connection connection) throws SQLException { ResultSet resultSet = connection.prepareStatement("select * from nodeType order by name ").executeQuery(); List<NodeType> nodeTypeList = new ArrayList(); while ( { int typeId = resultSet.getInt(1); String name = resultSet.getString(2); nodeTypeList.add(new NodeType(typeId, name)); } resultSet.close(); return nodeTypeList; } static NodeType addNodeType(Connection connection, String name) throws Exception, ObjectNotFoundException { PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(String.format("insert into nodetype(name) values ('%s') ", name), Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); statement.executeUpdate(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { int nodeId = resultSet.getInt(1); resultSet.close(); return new NodeType(nodeId, name); } throw new ObjectNotFoundException(); } static NodeType getNodeType(Connection connection, String name) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException { ResultSet resultSet = connection.prepareStatement(String.format("select * from nodetype where name = '%s' ", name)).executeQuery(); if ( { int nodeId = resultSet.getInt(1); resultSet.close(); return new NodeType(nodeId, name); } throw new ObjectNotFoundException(); } // public static boolean addNodeAttrValue(Connection connection, int nodeId, String attrName, Object value) throws SQLException { // if (value == null) // return false; // AttributeType attributeType = AttributeType.String; // String strValue = String.valueOf(value); // if (value instanceof Number) { // attributeType = AttributeType.Number; // } else if (value instanceof File) { // attributeType = AttributeType.File; // strValue = ((File) value).getAbsolutePath(); // } // else // { // attributeType = AttributeType.String; // } // // Attribute attribute = null; // try { // attribute = getAttribute(connection, attrName); // } catch (SQLException e) { // try { // attribute = addAttribute(connection, attrName, attributeType.ordinal()); // } catch (Exception e1) { // e1.printStackTrace(); // } // } // if (attribute == null) // return false; // // //todo: need to check if value already exist, if exist, update it. // connection.prepareStatement(String.format("insert into NodeAttrValue(nodeId, attrId, value) values (%s, %s, %s)", nodeId, attribute.getId(), strValue)).executeUpdate(); // return true; // } static Node updateNode(Connection connection, NodeType nodeType, long nodeId, Map<Attribute, Object> nodeValueMap) throws Exception { List<String> messageList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { //todo: should only delete those attribute value in nodeValueMap. connection.prepareStatement( String.format("delete from NodeAttrValue where nodeId = %s", nodeId)).executeUpdate(); } catch(SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); messageList.add(e.toString()); } for(Attribute attr : nodeValueMap.keySet()) { Object value = nodeValueMap.get(attr); if(value == null) { logger.warning(String.format("value is null for attribute : %s", attr)); continue; } try { connection.prepareStatement( String.format("insert into NodeAttrValue(nodeId, attrId, value) values (%s, %s, '%s')", nodeId, attr.getId(), URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(value), "utf-8"))).executeUpdate(); } catch(SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); messageList.add(e.toString()); } } return new Node(nodeId, nodeType, nodeValueMap); } static Node addNode(Connection connection, NodeType nodeType, Map<Attribute, Object> nodeValueMap) throws Exception { List<String> messageList = new ArrayList<String>(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(String.format("insert into node(nodetype) values (%s) ", nodeType.getId()), Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); statement.executeUpdate(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { int nodeId = resultSet.getInt(1); // for (String attrName : nodeValueMap.keySet()) { // try { // addNodeAttrValue(connection, nodeId,attrName, nodeValueMap.get(attrName)); // } catch (SQLException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // messageList.add(e.toString()); // } // } for(Attribute attr : nodeValueMap.keySet()) { Object value = nodeValueMap.get(attr); if (value == null) { logger.warning(String.format("value is null for attribute : %s", attr)); continue; } try { connection.prepareStatement( String.format("insert into NodeAttrValue(nodeId, attrId, value) values (%s, %s, '%s')", nodeId, attr.getId(), URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(value), "utf-8"))).executeUpdate(); } catch(SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); messageList.add(e.toString()); } } return new Node(nodeId, nodeType, nodeValueMap); } throw new Exception("Fail to insert node"); } static Collection<Long> getALlNodeIds(Connection connection, NodeType nodeType) throws Exception { ResultSet resultSet = connection.prepareStatement(String.format("select * from node where nodetype = %s", nodeType.getId())).executeQuery(); Collection<Long> nodeList = new ArrayList<Long>(); while ( { long nodeId = resultSet.getLong(1); nodeList.add(nodeId); } resultSet.close(); return nodeList; } static Collection<Node> getAllNodes(Connection connection, NodeType nodeType) throws Exception { return searchForNode(connection, nodeType, null); } static Node getNode(Connection connection, NodeType nodeType, long nodeId) // static Node getNode(Connection connection, long nodeId) throws Exception { //look up in the db for the node type? or just pass it in? // ResultSet resultSet = connection.prepareStatement(String.format( // "select distinct, a.type, v.value, n.nodeType, from NodeAttrValue v, Attribute a, Node n, NodeType nt where v.attrId = and v.nodeId = %s and v.nodeId = and n.nodeType =", // nodeId)).executeQuery(); // // Node node = null; // while ( // { // long attrId = resultSet.getLong(1); // int attrType = resultSet.getInt(2); // Object value = resultSet.getString(3); // long nodeTypeId = resultSet.getLong(4); // String nodeTypeName = resultSet.getString(5); // // if (node == null) // node = new Node(nodeId, new NodeType(nodeTypeId, nodeTypeName), new HashMap<Attribute, Object>()); ResultSet resultSet = connection.prepareStatement(String.format("select, a.type, v.value from NodeAttrValue v, Attribute a where v.attrId = and v.nodeId = %s", nodeId)).executeQuery(); Node node = new Node(nodeId, nodeType, new HashMap<Attribute, Object>()); while ( { int attrId = resultSet.getInt(1); int attrType = resultSet.getInt(2); Object value = resultSet.getString(3); if (attrType == AttributeType.Number.ordinal()) { // value = Number. } else { try { value = URLDecoder.decode(String.valueOf(value), "utf8"); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(attrType == AttributeType.File.ordinal()) { value = new File(SysUtil.getConfigDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/image/" + String.valueOf(value)); } } node.addAttrValue(attrId, value); } resultSet.close(); return node; } static Collection<Node> searchForNode(Connection connection, NodeType nodeType, Map<Attribute, Object> searchCriteria) throws Exception { //select unique from NodeAttrValue v, Node n where n.nodeType = XXX and v.nodeId = and (v.attr = XXX and v.value =XXX) and ((v.attr = XXX and v.value =XXX) or (v.attr = XXX and v.value =XXX)) // StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("select unique from NodeAttrValue v, Node n where n.nodeType = "); // sb.append(nodeType.getId()); // sb.append(" and v.nodeId ="); // int index = 0; // for (Attribute attribute : searchCriteria.keySet()) { // if (index == 0) // sb.append(" and ( "); // else // sb.append(" or "); // sb.append(" (v.attrId = ").append(attribute.getId()).append(" and v.value = ").append(searchCriteria.get(attribute)).append(")"); // index ++; // if (index == searchCriteria.size()); // sb.append(")"); // } // System.out.println("sb.toString() = " + sb.toString()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("select v.nodeId, v.attrId, v.value, a.type from NodeAttrValue v, Attribute a where v.attrId = and v.nodeId in (select nodeId from NodeAttrValue where nodeId in (select id from Node where nodeType = "); sb.append(nodeType.getId()).append(")"); int index = 0; if (searchCriteria != null) { for (Attribute attribute : searchCriteria.keySet()) { if (index == 0) sb.append(" and ( "); else sb.append(" or "); sb.append(" (attrId = ").append(attribute.getId()).append(" and value = '").append(searchCriteria.get(attribute)).append("')"); index++; if (index == searchCriteria.size()) sb.append("))"); } } // System.out.println("sb.toString() = " + sb.toString()); ResultSet resultSet = connection.prepareStatement(sb.toString()).executeQuery(); Map<Long, Node> nodeMap = new HashMap<Long, Node>(); while ( { long nodeId = resultSet.getLong(1); long attrId = resultSet.getLong(2); Object value = resultSet.getString(3); long attrType = resultSet.getLong(4); if (attrType == AttributeType.Number.ordinal()) { // value = Number. } else if(attrType == AttributeType.File.ordinal()) { value = new File(SysUtil.getConfigDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/image/" + String.valueOf(value)); } else { try { value = URLDecoder.decode(String.valueOf(value), "utf8"); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Node node = nodeMap.get(nodeId); if (node == null) { node = new Node(nodeId, nodeType, new HashMap<Attribute, Object>()); nodeMap.put(nodeId, node); } node.addAttrValue(attrId, value); } resultSet.close(); return nodeMap.values(); } }