package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Class ARegexIterator - provides an iterator over matched and unmatched substrings. * This implementation of RegexIterator uses the modified Jakarta regular expression engine. */ public class ARegexIterator implements RegexIterator { private UnicodeString theString; // the input string being matched private UnicodeString regex; private REMatcher matcher; // the Matcher object that does the matching, and holds the state private UnicodeString current; // the string most recently returned by the iterator private UnicodeString next; // if the last string was a matching string, null; otherwise the next substring // matched by the regex private int position = 0; // the value of XPath position() private int prevEnd = 0; // the position in the input string of the end of the last match or non-match private IntToIntHashMap nestingTable = null; // evaluated on demand: a table that indicates for each captured group, // what its immediately-containing captured group is. /** * Construct a RegexIterator. Note that the underlying matcher.find() method is called once * to obtain each matching substring. But the iterator also returns non-matching substrings * if these appear between the matching substrings. * @param string the string to be analysed * @param matcher a matcher for the regular expression */ public ARegexIterator(UnicodeString string, UnicodeString regex, REMatcher matcher) { theString = string; this.regex = regex; this.matcher = matcher; next = null; } /** * Get the next item in the sequence * @return the next item in the sequence */ public Item next() { if (next == null && prevEnd >= 0) { // we've returned a match (or we're at the start), so find the next match if (matcher.match(theString, prevEnd)) { int start = matcher.getParenStart(0); int end = matcher.getParenEnd(0); if (prevEnd == start) { // there's no intervening non-matching string to return next = null; current = theString.substring(start, end); prevEnd = end; } else { // return the non-matching substring first current = theString.substring(prevEnd, start); next = theString.substring(start, end); } } else { // there are no more regex matches, we must return the final non-matching text if any if (prevEnd < theString.length()) { current = theString.substring(prevEnd, theString.length()); next = null; } else { // this really is the end... current = null; position = -1; prevEnd = -1; return null; } prevEnd = -1; } } else { // we've returned a non-match, so now return the match that follows it, if there is one if (prevEnd >= 0) { current = next; next = null; prevEnd = matcher.getParenEnd(0); } else { current = null; position = -1; return null; } } position++; return currentStringValue(); } private StringValue currentStringValue() { if (current instanceof BMPString) { return StringValue.makeStringValue(((BMPString)current).getCharSequence()); } else { return StringValue.makeStringValue(current.toString()); } } /** * Get the current item in the sequence * @return the item most recently returned by next() */ public Item current() { return currentStringValue(); } /** * Get the position of the current item in the sequence * @return the position of the item most recently returned by next(), starting at 1 */ public int position() { return position; } public void close() { } /** * Get another iterator over the same items * @return a new iterator, positioned before the first item */ /*@NotNull*/ public SequenceIterator getAnother() { return new ARegexIterator(theString, regex, new REMatcher(matcher.getProgram())); } /** * Get properties of this iterator, as a bit-significant integer. * * @return the properties of this iterator. It is always * acceptable to return the value zero, indicating that there are no known special properties. * It is acceptable for the properties of the iterator to change depending on its state. */ public int getProperties() { return 0; } /** * Determine whether the current item is a matching item or a non-matching item * @return true if the current item (the one most recently returned by next()) is * an item that matches the regular expression, or false if it is an item that * does not match */ public boolean isMatching() { return next == null && prevEnd >= 0; } /** * Get a substring that matches a parenthesised group within the regular expression * @param number the number of the group to be obtained * @return the substring of the current item that matches the n'th parenthesized group * within the regular expression */ public String getRegexGroup(int number) { if (!isMatching()) { return null; } if (number >= matcher.getParenCount() || number < 0) return ""; UnicodeString us = matcher.getParen(number); return (us == null ? "" : us.toString()); } /** * Get a sequence containing all the regex groups (except group 0, because we want to use indexing from 1). * This is used by the saxon:analyze-string() higher-order extension function. */ public SequenceIterator getRegexGroupIterator() { int c = matcher.getParenCount() - 1; if (c == 0) { return EmptyIterator.getInstance(); } else { StringValue[] groups = new StringValue[c]; for (int i=1; i<=groups.length; i++) { groups[i-1] = StringValue.makeStringValue(matcher.getParen(i).toString()); } return new ArrayIterator(groups); } } /** * Process a matching substring, performing specified actions at the start and end of each captured * subgroup. This method will always be called when operating in "push" mode; it writes its * result to context.getReceiver(). The matching substring text is all written to the receiver, * interspersed with calls to the {@link RegexIterator.OnGroup} methods onGroupStart() and onGroupEnd(). * @param context the dynamic evaluation context * @param action defines the processing to be performed at the start and end of a group */ public void processMatchingSubstring(XPathContext context, OnGroup action) throws XPathException { Receiver out = context.getReceiver(); int c = matcher.getParenCount()-1; if (c == 0) { out.characters(current.toString()); } else { // Create a map from positions in the string to lists of actions. // The "actions" in each list are: +N: start group N; -N: end group N. IntHashMap<List<Integer>> actions = new IntHashMap<List<Integer>>(c); for (int i=1; i<=c; i++) { int start = matcher.getParenStart(i) - matcher.getParenStart(0); if (start != -1) { int end = matcher.getParenEnd(i) - matcher.getParenStart(0); if (start < end) { // Add the start action after all other actions on the list for the same position List<Integer> s = actions.get(start); if (s == null) { s = new ArrayList<Integer>(4); actions.put(start, s); } s.add(i); // Add the end action before all other actions on the list for the same position List<Integer> e = actions.get(end); if (e == null) { e = new ArrayList<Integer>(4); actions.put(end, e); } e.add(0, -i); } else { // zero-length group (start==end). The problem here is that the information available // from Java isn't sufficient to determine the nesting of groups: match("a", "(a(b?))") // and match("a", "(a)(b?)") will both give the same result for group 2 (start=1, end=1). // So we need to go back to the original regex to determine the group nesting if (nestingTable == null) { computeNestingTable(); } int parentGroup = nestingTable.get(i); // insert the start and end events immediately before the end event for the parent group, // if present; otherwise after all existing events for this position List<Integer> s = actions.get(start); if (s == null) { s = new ArrayList<Integer>(4); actions.put(start, s); s.add(i); s.add(-i); } else { int pos = s.size(); for (int e=0; e<s.size(); e++) { if (s.get(e) == -parentGroup) { pos = e; break; } } s.add(pos, -i); s.add(pos, i); } } } } FastStringBuffer buff = new FastStringBuffer(current.length()); for (int i=0; i < current.length()+1; i++) { List<Integer> events = actions.get(i); if (events != null) { if (buff.length() > 0) { out.characters(buff); buff.setLength(0); } for (Integer group : events) { if (group > 0) { action.onGroupStart(context, group); } else { action.onGroupEnd(context, -group); } } } if (i < current.length()) { buff.appendWideChar(current.charAt(i)); } } if (buff.length() > 0) { out.characters(buff); } } } /** * Compute a table showing for each captured group number (opening paren in the regex), * the number of its parent group. This is done by reparsing the source of the regular * expression. This is needed when the result of a match includes an empty group, to determine * its position relative to other groups finishing at the same character position. */ private void computeNestingTable() { nestingTable = new IntToIntHashMap(16); UnicodeString s = regex; int[] stack = new int[s.length()]; int tos = 0; int group = 1; int inBrackets = 0; stack[tos++] = 0; for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) { int ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch == '\'') { i++; } else if (ch == '[') { inBrackets++; } else if (ch == ']') { inBrackets--; } else if (ch == '(' && s.charAt(i+1) != '?' && inBrackets == 0) { nestingTable.put(group, stack[tos-1]); stack[tos++] = group++; } else if (ch == ')' && inBrackets == 0) { tos--; } } } } // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. // If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at // This Source Code Form is “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses”, as defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.