package; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A class to provide static utiltiy functions for the JavaScript API. All API * functions must be registered within the JSNI <code>register</code> method. * Notes: GWT-Exporter not needed here because registering static methods is * quite straightforwards using JSNI, plus the Eclipse plug-in provides features * such as auto-complete which makes defining function signatures simpler. */ public class SaxonceApi { private static boolean processorWasJsInitiated = false; public static void setProcessorWasJsInitiated() { processorWasJsInitiated = true; } /** * @return boolean to indicated to logging and other code that the * XSLTProcessor was initiated from the JavaScript API */ public static boolean doThrowJsExceptions() { return processorWasJsInitiated && (handler == null); } // API public static JavaScriptObject requestXML(String URI) throws Exception { try { String pageHref = Window.Location.getHref(); String absSourceURI = (new URI(pageHref).resolve(URI)).toString(); return createAsyncDoc(absSourceURI); } catch (Exception e) { // re-throw exception back to calling JavaScript throw (e); } } /** * Returns a DocumentInfo object that wraps a XML DOM document. * * If the JavaScript object passed as a parameter is not a DOM document, but * simply a place-holder, then the Document is first fetched synchronously * before wrapping. * * @param obj * the DOM document or a place-holder * @param config * The Saxon-CE configuration * @return a DocumentInfo object */ public static DocumentInfo getDocSynchronously(JavaScriptObject obj, Configuration config) throws XPathException { String absSourceURI = getAsyncUri(obj); Document doc; try { if (absSourceURI != null) { try { String xml = XMLDOM.makeHTTPRequest(absSourceURI); doc = (Document) XMLDOM.parseXML(xml); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XPathException( "Synchronous HTTP GET failed for: " + absSourceURI); } } else { doc = (Document) obj; } // check there's a document element if (doc.getDocumentElement() == null) { throw new XPathException("no document element"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new XPathException("Error resolving document: " + e.getMessage()); } return (DocumentInfo) config.wrapXMLDocument(doc, absSourceURI); } /** * Registers static methods of this SaxonApi class and the LogController * class as static methods for use in the JavaScript API, within the Saxonce * namespace. This method must be called when the Saxonce GWT module is * first loaded. */ public static native void register() /*-{ $wnd.Saxon = {}; $wnd.Saxon.requestXML = $entry(function(url) { return;)(url) }); $wnd.Saxon.parseXML = $entry(function(text) { return;)(text) }); $wnd.Saxon.serializeXML = $entry(function(node) { return;)(node) }); $wnd.Saxon.setErrorHandler = $entry(function(handler) { return;)(handler) }); $wnd.Saxon.setLogLevel = $entry(function(level) { return;)(level) }); $wnd.Saxon.getLogLevel = $entry(function() { return }); $wnd.Saxon.newXSLT20Processor = function(doc) { var sp = new $wnd.Saxonce.XSLT20Processor(doc); sp.setThis(sp); return sp; }; $wnd.Saxon.getErrorHandler = $entry(function() { return }); $ = $entry(function(cmd) { return;)(cmd) }); $wnd.Saxon.getVersion = $entry(function() { return }); }-*/; /** * Factory method for JavaScript API to create new XSLT20Processor Converts * this to new Saxonce.XSLT20Processor(doc) */ public static native JavaScriptObject newXSLT20Processor( JavaScriptObject doc) /*-{ return;)(doc); }-*/; private static JavaScriptObject handler = null; /** * API call to set the function used by <code>initCallback()</code> to make * a JavaScript callback when a logging event occurs * * @param handlerFunction * - An instance of a JavaScript function */ public static void setErrorHandler(JavaScriptObject handlerFunction) { handler = handlerFunction; } /** * Public API function - but also used internally Return the function object * thats the error handler. This is the external error handler (set by a * hosting editor for example) of if there is none then the error handler * set using <code>setErrorHandler() */ public static JavaScriptObject getErrorHandler() { return handler; } public static void setAnyExternalErrorHandler() { logHandlerExternal = callExternalErrorHandler( Version.getProductTitle(), "INIT"); } private static boolean logHandlerExternal = false; public static boolean isLogHandlerExternal() { return logHandlerExternal; } private static native boolean callExternalErrorHandler(String message, String level) /*-{ if ($wnd.external) { try { $wnd.external.saxonErrorHandler(message, level); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } else { return false; } }-*/; /** * Calls back into the JavaScript calling code to allow logging of errors * and events from within JavaScript * * @param message * - The error message * @param errorType * - The error type - can be any type used by GWT-Logging */ public static void makeCallback(String message, String errorType, String milliseconds) { JavaScriptObject currentHandler = getErrorHandler(); setErrorMessage(message); if (currentHandler == null && !isLogHandlerExternal()) return; if (!callbackErrorReported) { boolean success = false; if (currentHandler != null) { JavaScriptObject evt = createEventObject(message, errorType, milliseconds); success = initCallback(currentHandler, evt); logAnyCallbackError(success, "JS"); } if (isLogHandlerExternal()) { success = callExternalErrorHandler(message, errorType); logAnyCallbackError(success, "Ext"); } } } public static void logAnyCallbackError(boolean success, String name) { if (LogConfiguration.loggingIsEnabled() && !success) { callbackErrorReported = true; // prevent recursion Logger.getLogger("HandlerCallback").severe( "Exception on " + name + " errorHandler callback"); } } static boolean callbackErrorReported = false; /** * Creates an event object for use in the JavaScript API callback * * @param message * The event message * @param errorType * The event type e.g. FINE * @return the event object */ private static native JavaScriptObject createEventObject(String message, String errorType, String milliseconds) /*-{ var eventObj = {} eventObj.message = message; eventObj.level = errorType; eventObj.time = milliseconds; return eventObj; }-*/; private static native boolean initCallback(JavaScriptObject handlerFn, JavaScriptObject eventObj) /*-{ try {, eventObj); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }-*/; private static native void setErrorMessage(String msg) /*-{ if ($wnd.Saxon) { $wnd.Saxon.message = msg; } else { $wnd.SaxonMessage = msg; } }-*/; public static native JavaScriptObject createAsyncDoc(String URI) /*-{ var docObj = {} docObj.asyncUri = URI; return docObj; }-*/; public static native String getAsyncUri(JavaScriptObject obj) /*-{ if (obj.asyncUri) { return obj.asyncUri; } else { return null; } }-*/; public static native JavaScriptObject runCommand(JavaScriptObject cmd) /*-{ var proc = $wnd.Saxon.newXSLT20Processor(); var methodVal = null; var sourceVal = null; var sourceDoc = null; var result = null; for ( var p in cmd) { if (cmd.hasOwnProperty(p)) { var pValue = cmd[p]; switch (p) { case "baseOutputURI": proc.setBaseOutputURI(pValue); break; case "initialMode": proc.setInitialMode(pValue); break; case "initialTemplate": proc.setInitialTemplate(pValue); break; case "stylesheet": if (typeof pValue == 'string' || pValue instanceof String) { try { var s = $wnd.Saxon.requestXML(pValue); proc.importStylesheet(s); } catch (e) { throw " error: on importing stylesheet " + pValue; } } else { proc.importStylesheet(pValue); //assume Document or RequestDocument } break; case "logLevel": $wnd.Saxon.setLogLevel(pValue); break; case "errorHandler": $wnd.Saxon.setErrorHandler(pValue); break; case "method": methodVal = pValue; break; case "success": proc.setSuccess(pValue); break; case "source": if (typeof pValue == 'string' || pValue instanceof String) { sourceDoc = $wnd.Saxon.requestXML(pValue); } else { sourceDoc = pValue; } break; case "parameters": for ( var x in pValue) { if (pValue.hasOwnProperty(x)) { proc.setParameter(null, x, pValue[x]); } } break; } //switch } //if } // for if (methodVal == "transformToFragment") { proc.transformToFragment(sourceDoc, null); } else if (methodVal == "transformToHTMLFragment") { proc.transformToHTMLFragment(sourceDoc, null); } else if (methodVal == "transformToDocument") { proc.transformToDocument(sourceDoc); } else { proc.updateHTMLDocument(sourceDoc, null); } return proc; }-*/; } // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. // If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at // This Source Code Form is “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses”, as defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.