package; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import java.lang.RuntimeException; import; import; import; /** * A Handler that prints logs to the window.console - this is modelled on * the gwt firebug handler but designed for other consoles - for firebug, * the debug() method is called instead of the log() method */ public class GenericLogHandler extends Handler { private static boolean useHandler; private static boolean isFirebug; private static boolean isDirxml; public GenericLogHandler() { //previously: //setFormatter(new TextLogFormatter(true)); setFormatter(new SaxonLogFormatter(false)); // false = don't show stack traces in browser console setLevel(Level.ALL); isFirebug = isFirebug(); isDirxml = isDirxml(); useHandler = (isSupported()); } @Override public void close() { // No action needed } @Override public void flush() { // No action needed } private long previousMillis = 0; @Override public void publish(LogRecord record) { if (record == null) { return; } if (!isLoggable(record)) { return; } int val = record.getLevel().intValue(); String msgText = record.getMessage(); // prevent duplicate console messages to Chrome or re-thrown JavaScript API logging: if (val == Level.SEVERE.intValue()) { if (previousMillis == record.getMillis() || (previousMillis != 0 && msgText.startsWith("[js] "))) { return; } previousMillis = record.getMillis(); } // add INFO and FINE log items to the timeline - supported by // latest chrome and firebug releases if (val == Level.INFO.intValue() || val == Level.FINE.intValue()){ timeMark(msgText); } if (val == Level.FINEST.intValue()) { aggFinest(msgText); // aggregate xml for later } else { // add all info messages to the timeline String msg = getFormatter().format(record); if (val <= Level.FINE.intValue()) { logGeneral(msg); } else if (val < Level.WARNING.intValue()) { info(msg); } else if (val < Level.SEVERE.intValue()) { warn(msg); } else { if (LogController.traceIsEnabled() && isDirxml && finestSb != null) { // xml will not be well-formed so dump as a string if (finestSb.length() > 0) { String m = finestSb.toString(); finestSb = new StringBuilder(); logGeneral(m); } } error(msg); } } } private void logGeneral(String msg) { if (isFirebug) { debug(msg); } else { log(msg); } } private static StringBuilder finestSb = null; public static void aggFinest(String str) { if (finestSb == null) { finestSb = new StringBuilder(); } finestSb.append(str + "\n"); } public static void dumpTrace() { if (LogController.traceIsEnabled()) { if (finestSb != null) { if(isDirxml()){ logDirxml(finestSb.toString()); } else { log(finestSb.toString()); } finestSb = new StringBuilder(); } } } public static native void logDirxml(String text) /*-{ if (window.DOMParser) { parser = new DOMParser(); xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/xml"); } // For Internet Explorer - but IE doesn't support console.dirxml // so shouldn't ever be called else { xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.loadXML(text); } console.dirxml(xmlDoc); }-*/; public native boolean isSupported() /*-{ return !!(window.console); }-*/; public native boolean isFirebug() /*-{ return !!((window.console && window.console.firebug)); }-*/; public static native boolean isDirxml() /*-{ return !!((window.console && window.console.dirxml)); }-*/; private native void debug(String message) /*-{ window.console.debug(message); }-*/; private native boolean timeMark(String message) /*-{ if ($wnd.console){ if ($wnd.console.timeStamp) { $wnd.console.timeStamp(message); return true; } else if ($wnd.console.markTimeline) { $wnd.console.markTimeline(message); return true; } } return false; }-*/; private static native void log(String message) /*-{ window.console.log(message); }-*/; private native void error(String message) /*-{ if (window.console.error) { window.console.error(message); } else { window.console.log(message); } }-*/; private native void info(String message) /*-{ if ( {; } else { window.console.log(message); } }-*/; private native void warn(String message) /*-{ if (window.console.warn) { window.console.warn(message); } else { window.console.log(message); } }-*/; }