package; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor; import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteWatchdog; import org.apache.commons.exec.PumpStreamHandler; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * 用于处理Shell的相关pid功能 * * @author linzhaoming * */ public class ScriptPidUtils { static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScriptPidUtils.class); public static long UNKNOWN_PID = -1; /** 系统分隔符 */ protected static final String FILESEPARATOR = System.getProperty("file.separator"); /** * Saturn的运行目录 * <p>${HOME}/.saturn/executing */ public static final String EXECUTINGPATH = System.getProperty("user.home") + FILESEPARATOR + ".saturn" + FILESEPARATOR + "executing"; /** * Saturn的运行目录 * <p>${HOME}/.saturn/output */ public static final String OUTPUT_PATH = System.getProperty("user.home") + FILESEPARATOR + ".saturn" + FILESEPARATOR + "output"; /** 作业执行的运行目录 * <p>目录: ${HOME}/.saturn/executing/[executorName]/[jobName] * */ public static final String EXECUTINGJOBPATH = EXECUTINGPATH + FILESEPARATOR + "%s" + FILESEPARATOR + "%s"; /** 作业执行的Pid文件 * <p>目录: ${HOME}/.saturn/executing/[executorName]/[jobName]/[jobItem]/PID * */ public static final String JOBITEMPIDSPATH = EXECUTINGJOBPATH + FILESEPARATOR + "%s" + FILESEPARATOR + "PIDS"; public static final String JOBITEMPATH = EXECUTINGJOBPATH + FILESEPARATOR + "%s"; public static final String JOBITEMPIDPATH2 = EXECUTINGJOBPATH + FILESEPARATOR + "%s" + FILESEPARATOR + "PIDS" + FILESEPARATOR +"%s"; /** Shell作业执行的回写结果路径文件 * <p>目录: ${HOME}/.saturn/output/[executorName]/[jobName]/[jobItem]/[randomId/messageId]/[timestamp] * */ public static final String JOBITEMOUTPUTPATH = OUTPUT_PATH + FILESEPARATOR + "%s" + FILESEPARATOR + "%s" + FILESEPARATOR + "%s" + FILESEPARATOR + "%s" + FILESEPARATOR + "%s"; private static final String CHECK_RUNNING_JOB_THREAD_NAME = "check-if-job-%s-done"; /** * 获取当前Saturn的执行目录(executing) * @return Saturn的执行目录 */ public static File getSaturnExecutingHome() { File executingHome = new File(EXECUTINGPATH); try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(executingHome); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("msg=Creating directory error", ex); } if (executingHome.exists() && executingHome.isDirectory()) { return executingHome; } else { return null; } } /** * 写入对应的作业分片的pid文件 * @param executorName Executor name * @param jobName 作业名字 * @param jobItem 作业分片 * @param pid 进程pid */ public static void writePidToFile(String executorName, String jobName, int jobItem, long pid) { String dir = String.format(JOBITEMPIDSPATH, executorName, jobName, jobItem); String path = String.format(JOBITEMPIDPATH2, executorName, jobName, jobItem, pid); try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(dir)); File itemFile = new File(path); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(itemFile, String.valueOf(pid)); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(String.format(SaturnConstant.ERROR_LOG_FORMAT, jobName, "Writing the pid file error"), e); } } /** * 仅用于兼容旧版,获取 PID * @param executorName * @param jobName * @param jobItem * @return */ @Deprecated public static long _getPidFromFile(String executorName, String jobName, String jobItem) { String path = String.format(JOBITEMPATH, executorName, jobName, jobItem); File itemFile = new File(path); if (!itemFile.exists() || !itemFile.isFile()) { return UNKNOWN_PID; } try { String pid = FileUtils.readFileToString(itemFile); try { return Long.parseLong(pid); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error(String.format(SaturnConstant.ERROR_LOG_FORMAT, jobName, "Parsing the pid file error"), e); return UNKNOWN_PID; } } catch (IOException e) { log.error(String.format(SaturnConstant.ERROR_LOG_FORMAT, jobName, "Reading the pid file error"), e); return UNKNOWN_PID; } } public static long getFirstPidFromFile(String executorName, String jobName, String jobItem) { List<Long> pids = getPidsFromFile(executorName, jobName, jobItem); if(pids.isEmpty()){ return UNKNOWN_PID; } return pids.get(0); } /** * 获取对应作业分片的pid, -1表示不存在或读取出错 * @param executorName Executor Name * @param jobName 作业名 * @param jobItem 作业分片 * @return pid */ public static List<Long> getPidsFromFile(String executorName, String jobName, String jobItem) { List<Long> pids = new ArrayList<Long>(); //兼容旧版PID目录 Long pid = _getPidFromFile(executorName, jobName, jobItem); if(pid > 0){ pids.add(pid); } String path = String.format(JOBITEMPIDSPATH, executorName, jobName, jobItem); File dir = new File(path); if (!dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory()) { return pids; } File[] files = dir.listFiles(); if(files == null || files.length == 0){ return pids; } for(File file:files){ try { pids.add(Long.parseLong(file.getName())); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(String.format(SaturnConstant.ERROR_LOG_FORMAT, jobName, "Parsing the pid file error"), e); } } return pids; } /** * 获取对应作业的分片pid文件列表 * @param executorName Executor Name * @param jobName 作业名 * @return pid文件列表 */ public static String[] getItemsPaths(String executorName, String jobName) { String jobNamePath = String.format(EXECUTINGJOBPATH, executorName, jobName); File jobNameFile = new File(jobNamePath); if (!jobNameFile.exists() || jobNameFile.isFile()) { return new String[0]; } File[] files = jobNameFile.listFiles(); if(files == null || files.length == 0){ return new String[]{}; } String[] filePaths = new String[files.length]; int i=0; for(File file:files){ filePaths[i++] = file.getAbsolutePath(); } return filePaths; } /** * 删除作业分片的全部pid文件 * @param executorName Executor Name * @param jobName 作业名 * @param jobItem 作业分片 * @return 删除是否成功 */ public static boolean removeAllPidFile(String executorName, String jobName, String jobItem) { String path = String.format(JOBITEMPATH, executorName, jobName, jobItem); File itemFile = new File(path); if (!itemFile.exists()) { return false; } try { FileUtils.forceDelete(itemFile); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } return true; } public static boolean removePidFile(String executorName, String jobName, String jobItem , long pid) { String path = String.format(JOBITEMPIDPATH2, executorName, jobName, jobItem, pid); File itemFile = new File(path); if (!itemFile.exists()) { return false; } try { FileUtils.forceDelete(itemFile); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } return true; } public static boolean removeAllPidFile(String executorName, String jobName, int jobItem) { return removeAllPidFile(executorName, jobName, ""+Integer.toString(jobItem) ); } /** * This method will kill all the child/grandchild/... processes. * @param pid pid to kill. */ public static void killAllChildrenByPid(long pid, boolean force) throws InterruptedException { if(pid <= UNKNOWN_PID){ return; } String pidStr = Long.toString(pid) + ""; List<String> pidList = new ArrayList<>(); pidList.add(pidStr); while ( null != (pidStr = exeCmdWithoutPipe(CommandLine.parse("pgrep -P " + pidStr), null, null))) { String[] pids = pidStr.split(System.getProperty("line.separator")); for (int i = 0; i < pids.length; i++) { pidList.add(pids[i]);//NOSONAR } pidStr = StringUtils.join(pids,","); } // make sure kill the son before kill the parent. for (int i = pidList.size() - 1; i >=0; i--) { String ppid = pidList.get(i); if(!isPidRunning(ppid)){ continue; } if (force) { exeWholeCmd("kill -9 " +ppid); } else { exeWholeCmd("kill " + ppid ); } } } public static String exeWholeCmd(String cmd) { // Common apache exec doesn't support piple operation. // It's the shell (e.g. bash) that interprets the pipe and does special processing when you type that commandline into the shell. // But we could use a ByteArrayInputStream to feed the outuput of one command to another. if (cmd.contains("|")) { String[] cmds = cmd.split("\\|"); String out = null; for (int i = 0; i < cmds.length; i++) { CommandLine cmdLine = CommandLine.parse(cmds[i]); if (i == 0) { out = exeCmdWithoutPipe(cmdLine, null, loadEnv()); } if(out != null){ out = exeCmdWithoutPipe(cmdLine, new ByteArrayInputStream(out.getBytes(Charset.forName("utf-8"))), loadEnv()); } } return out; } else { CommandLine cmdLine = CommandLine.parse(cmd); return exeCmdWithoutPipe(cmdLine, null, loadEnv()); } } public static String exeCmdWithoutPipe(CommandLine cmdLine, ByteArrayInputStream input, Map<String,String> env) { DefaultExecutor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); ExecuteWatchdog dog = new ExecuteWatchdog(3 * 1000); executor.setWatchdog(dog); executor.setExitValue(0); try { ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream errorStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PumpStreamHandler streamHandler = new PumpStreamHandler(outputStream,errorStream,input); executor.setStreamHandler(streamHandler); int value = executor.execute(cmdLine, env); if (value == 0) { String out = outputStream.toString(); return out; } else { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("msg=" + e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } /** * 检查是否已经已有作业名重复运行 * @param zkJobNames 作业名列表 */ public static void checkAllExistJobs(final CoordinatorRegistryCenter regCenter, final List<String> zkJobNames) { if (zkJobNames == null || zkJobNames.size() == 0) { return; } for (final String jobName : zkJobNames) { checkOneExistJob(regCenter, jobName); } } public static void forceStopRunningShellJob(final String executorName, final String jobName) { String[] pidFromFile = ScriptPidUtils.getItemsPaths(executorName, jobName); if(pidFromFile == null || pidFromFile.length == 0){"[{}] msg={} no pids to kill", jobName, jobName); return; } for (String path : pidFromFile) { String itemStr = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(path, File.separator); int jobItem = Integer.parseInt(itemStr); List<Long> pids = ScriptPidUtils.getPidsFromFile(executorName, jobName, ""+Integer.toString(jobItem) ); for(Long pid : pids){ if (pid > 0 && ScriptPidUtils.isPidRunning(""+pid)) { try { ScriptPidUtils.killAllChildrenByPid(pid, true); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error(String.format(SaturnConstant.ERROR_LOG_FORMAT, jobName, e.getMessage()), e); } } } ScriptPidUtils.removeAllPidFile(executorName,jobName, jobItem); } } public static void checkOneExistJob(final CoordinatorRegistryCenter regCenter, final String jobName) { final String executorName = regCenter.getExecutorName(); String[] itemPaths = ScriptPidUtils.getItemsPaths(executorName, jobName); if(itemPaths == null || itemPaths.length == 0){ return; } String jobTypePath = JobNodePath.getNodeFullPath(jobName, ConfigurationNode.JOB_TYPE); String jobType = regCenter.get(jobTypePath); if(!"SHELL_JOB".equals(jobType)){"{} is not shell job ,igore checking ", jobName); return; } String enabledPath = JobNodePath.getNodeFullPath(jobName, ConfigurationNode.ENABLED); String isEnabledStr = regCenter.get(enabledPath);"[{}] msg={} pidFromFile size :{};isEnabledStr:{}",jobName,jobName,itemPaths.length,isEnabledStr); // null means new job, if there are pid files, kill -9. // if it's true, means it's an enabled job, there shouldn't exist the pid files. kill them with no mercy. if ("true".equals(isEnabledStr) || isEnabledStr == null) { killRunningShellProcess(executorName, jobName, itemPaths); } else{ // if there are other executors, failover will occure. This executor only has to kill the pids. if (areThereOtherExecutorsRunningTheShards(regCenter, jobName)) { killRunningShellProcess(executorName, jobName, itemPaths); } else { // enabled job with pid files existed and no other executors, means that the job is exited improperly. // under this situation, we need to restore the running job status. final List<String> shardItems = new ArrayList(); for (String path : itemPaths) { String itemStr = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(path, File.separator); int jobItem = Integer.parseInt(itemStr); long pid = ScriptPidUtils.getFirstPidFromFile(executorName, jobName,""+ Integer.toString(jobItem)); if (pid > 0 && ScriptPidUtils.isPidRunning(""+Long.toString(pid))) { String runningPath = JobNodePath.getNodeFullPath(jobName, String.format(ExecutionNode.RUNNING, Integer.parseInt(itemStr))); regCenter.persistEphemeral(runningPath, "");"[{}] msg={}-{} restores running status, path={}", jobName, jobName, jobName, path, runningPath); System.out.println(jobName + "-" + path+ " restores running status, path=" + runningPath);//NOSONAR shardItems.add(itemStr);"[{}] msg={}-{} is running, pid={}", jobName, jobName, path, pid); }else{ ScriptPidUtils.removeAllPidFile(executorName, jobName, itemStr);"[{}] msg={}-{} is not running, pid={}", jobName, jobName, path, pid); } } if(shardItems.isEmpty()){ return; } // start a thread to check if shell process is done, if yes, remove pid file -> add completed -> clear running new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (!Thread.interrupted()) { try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } boolean finished = true; for(String shardItem:shardItems){ long pid = ScriptPidUtils.getFirstPidFromFile(executorName, jobName, shardItem); if (pid > 0 && ScriptPidUtils.isPidRunning(""+Long.toString(pid))) { finished = false; continue; } else { // remove pid file -> add completed -> clear running // make sure u have added completed node before remove running node. otherwise failover will triggered. ScriptPidUtils.removeAllPidFile(executorName, jobName, shardItem); String completedPath = JobNodePath.getNodeFullPath(jobName, String.format(ExecutionNode.COMPLETED, shardItem)); regCenter.persist(completedPath, ""); String runningPath = JobNodePath.getNodeFullPath(jobName, String.format(ExecutionNode.RUNNING, shardItem)); regCenter.remove(runningPath);"[{}] msg={} - {} is done, write complete node path {}", jobName, jobName, shardItem,completedPath); System.out.println(jobName + "-" + shardItem + " is done.");//NOSONAR } } if (finished) {"[{}] msg=all running shell processes are done. now quit the thread."); System.out.println("all running shell processes are done. now quit the thread.");//NOSONAR break; } } } }, String.format(CHECK_RUNNING_JOB_THREAD_NAME, jobName)).start(); } } } private static void killRunningShellProcess(String executorName, String jobName, String[] pidFromFile) { for (String path : pidFromFile) { Integer item = Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(path, File.separator)); long pid = ScriptPidUtils.getFirstPidFromFile(executorName, jobName, ""+item); System.out.println("pid found for jobName:" + jobName + " executorName:" + executorName+ ", kill -9 " + pid);//NOSONAR try { killAllChildrenByPid(pid, true); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error(String.format(SaturnConstant.ERROR_LOG_FORMAT, jobName, "killRunningShellProcess interrupted:"), e); } ScriptPidUtils.removeAllPidFile(executorName, jobName, item); } } private static boolean areThereOtherExecutorsRunningTheShards(final CoordinatorRegistryCenter regCenter, String jobName) { final String executorName = regCenter.getExecutorName(); List<String> executors = regCenter.getChildrenKeys(SaturnExecutorsNode.SATURN_EXECUTORS_EXECUTORS_NODE_NAME); if (executors != null && !executors.isEmpty()) { for (String executor : executors) { if (!executorName.equals(executor)) { // check if this executor has taken care of the failovers. String sharding = regCenter.get(JobNodePath.getNodeFullPath(jobName, executor + "/sharding")); if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(sharding)) { return true; } } } } return false; } /* public static boolean isPidRunning(long pid) { CommandLine cmdLine = CommandLine.parse(String.format(CHECK_PID_CMD, pid)); String outPut = exeCmdWithoutPipe(cmdLine, null, null); if (StringUtils.isBlank(outPut)) { return false; } return true; }*/ public static boolean isPidRunning(long pid) { String path = "/proc/" + pid; return new File(path).exists(); } public static boolean isPidRunning(String pid) { String path = "/proc/" + pid; return new File(path).exists(); } public static Map<String, String> parseString2Map(String source) { Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<>(); String[] lines = source.split(System.getProperty("line.separator")); for (String oneLine: lines) { String[] kvs = oneLine.split("="); if (kvs.length == 2) { map.put(kvs[0], kvs[1]); } else if (kvs.length > 2) { map.put(kvs[0], oneLine.replace(kvs[0] + "=", "")); } } return map; } public static Map<String,String> loadEnv() { Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>(); try { final CommandLine cmdLine = new CommandLine("/bin/sh"); cmdLine.addArguments(new String[]{"-c","source /etc/profile && env"}, false); String output = exeCmdWithoutPipe(cmdLine, null, null); if(output == null) { return env; } env = parseString2Map(output); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("msg=" + e.getMessage(),e); } return env; } public static String filterEnvInCmdStr(Map<String,String> env, String cmd) { String patternString = "\\$\\{?(" + StringUtils.join(env.keySet(),"|") + ")\\}?"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(cmd); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();//NOSONAR while(matcher.find()) { matcher.appendReplacement(sb, env.get(; } matcher.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); } }