package; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import org.apache.curator.framework.state.ConnectionState; import org.apache.curator.framework.state.ConnectionStateListener; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SaturnExecutor { protected static Logger log; private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); private String executorName; ClassLoader executorClassLoader; ClassLoader jobClassLoader; private Runnable shutdownHandler = null; private String namespace; private Object shutdownLock = new Object(); private ZookeeperConfiguration zkConfig; protected ZookeeperRegistryCenter regCenter; private SaturnExecutorService saturnExecutorService; private ResetCountService resetCountService; private boolean isShutdown; private ExecutorService executor; private static AtomicBoolean inited = new AtomicBoolean(false); private static Class<?> extClazz = null; private static void initZK() { if (extClazz == null) { return; } try { extClazz.getMethod("initZK").invoke(null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * 判断zk是否有该域 */ private void doValidation() { if (extClazz == null) { return; } try { extClazz.getMethod("doValidation", String.class).invoke(null, namespace); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private static void initExt() { try { final Properties props = ResourceUtils.getResource("properties/"); if (props != null) { String extClass = props.getProperty("saturn.ext"); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(extClass)) { extClazz = SaturnExecutor.class.getClassLoader().loadClass(extClass); extClazz.getMethod("init").invoke(null); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // NOSONAR } } /** * 日志目录 */ private static String NAME_SATURN_LOG_DIR = "SATURN_LOG_DIR"; /** * 获取环境变量 * @param key * @param defaultValue * @return */ public static String getEnv(String key, String defaultValue) { String v = System.getenv(key); if (v == null || v.isEmpty()) { return defaultValue; } return v; } /** * 获取日志目录 * @return */ public static String getLogDir() { String SATURN_LOG_DIR_DEFAULT = "/apps/logs/saturn/" + System.getProperty("namespace") + "/" + System.getProperty("log.folder"); String SATURN_LOG_DIR = System.getProperty(NAME_SATURN_LOG_DIR, getEnv(NAME_SATURN_LOG_DIR, SATURN_LOG_DIR_DEFAULT)); return SATURN_LOG_DIR; } /** * 初始化 * @param executorName */ public static void init(String executorName) { if (!inited.compareAndSet(false, true)) { return; } System.setProperty("log.folder", executorName + "-" + LocalHostService.cachedIpAddress); System.setProperty("saturn.log.dir", getLogDir()); JobTypeManager.getInstance().registerHandler("JAVA_JOB", SaturnJavaJob.class); JobTypeManager.getInstance().registerHandler("SHELL_JOB", SaturnScriptJob.class); initExt(); log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SaturnExecutor.class); } /** * SaturnExecutor工厂入口 */ public static SaturnExecutor buildExecutor(String namespace, String _executorName) { if (_executorName == null || _executorName.isEmpty()) { String hostName = LocalHostService.getHostName(); if ("localhost".equals(hostName) || "localhost6".equals(hostName)) { throw new RuntimeException( "You are using hostName as executorName, it cannot be localhost or localhost6, please configure hostName."); } _executorName = hostName;// NOSONAR } init(_executorName); return new SaturnExecutor(namespace, _executorName); } private SaturnExecutor(String namespace, String executorName) { this.executorName = executorName; this.namespace = namespace; executor = Executors .newSingleThreadExecutor(new SaturnThreadFactory(executorName + "-zk-reconnect-thread", false)); } /** * 获取saturnExecutorService * @return */ public SaturnExecutorService getSaturnExecutorService() { return saturnExecutorService; } protected void setSaturnExecutorService(SaturnExecutorService saturnExecutorService) { this.saturnExecutorService = saturnExecutorService; } protected String getExecutorName() { return executorName; } protected void setExecutorName(String executorName) { this.executorName = executorName; } protected String getNamespace() { return namespace; } protected void setNamespace(String namespace) { this.namespace = namespace; } protected String wrapLogPattern(String message) { return String.format("[%s] >>> %s", sdf.format(new Date()), message); } protected void scheduleJob(String jobName) {"[{}] msg=add new job {} - {}", jobName, executorName, jobName); JobConfiguration jobConfig = new JobConfiguration(regCenter, jobName); if (jobConfig.getSaturnJobClass() == null) { return; } if (jobConfig.isDeleting()) {"[{}] msg={} - {} the job is on deleting", jobName, executorName, jobName); String serverNodePath = JobNodePath.getServerNodePath(jobName, executorName); if (regCenter.isExisted(serverNodePath)) { regCenter.remove(serverNodePath); } return; } JobScheduler scheduler = new JobScheduler(regCenter, jobConfig); scheduler.setSaturnExecutorService(saturnExecutorService); scheduler.init(); } class ConnectionLostListener implements ConnectionStateListener { private AtomicBoolean connected = new AtomicBoolean(false); private AtomicBoolean stoped = new AtomicBoolean(false); private long getSessionId(CuratorFramework client) { long sessionId; try { sessionId = client.getZookeeperClient().getZooKeeper().getSessionId(); } catch (Exception e) {// NOSONAR return -1; } return sessionId; } private void restart() { try { execute(executorClassLoader, jobClassLoader); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("", e); } } @Override public void stateChanged(final CuratorFramework client, final ConnectionState newState) { // 使用single thread executor严格保证ZK事件执行的顺序性,避免并发性问题 if (ConnectionState.SUSPENDED == newState) { connected.set(false); final long sessionId = getSessionId(client); executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { do { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (isShutdown) return; long newSessionId = getSessionId(client); if (sessionId != newSessionId) {" {} is going to shutdown for zk lost ,client: {}", executorName, client); shutdown(); stoped.set(true); return; } } while (!isShutdown && !connected.get()); } }); } else if (ConnectionState.RECONNECTED == newState) { connected.set(true); executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (stoped.compareAndSet(true, false)) {" {} is going to restart for zk reconnected ,client: {}", executorName, client); restart(); } } }); } } } /** * 执行入口 * @param executorClassLoader * @param jobClassLoader * @throws Exception */ public void execute(ClassLoader executorClassLoader, ClassLoader jobClassLoader) throws Exception { this.executorClassLoader = executorClassLoader; this.jobClassLoader = jobClassLoader; StartCheckUtil.add2CheckList(StartCheckItem.ZK, StartCheckItem.UNIQUE, StartCheckItem.JOBKILL); initZK(); // 验证namespace是否存在 doValidation(); String serverLists = SystemEnvProperties.VIP_SATURN_ZK_CONNECTION; zkConfig = new ZookeeperConfiguration(serverLists, namespace, 1000, 3000, 3); if(saturnExecutorService != null) { saturnExecutorService.shutdown(); } if (regCenter != null) { regCenter.close(); } regCenter = new ZookeeperRegistryCenter(zkConfig); saturnExecutorService = new SaturnExecutorService(regCenter, executorName); saturnExecutorService.setJobClassLoader(jobClassLoader); saturnExecutorService.setExecutorClassLoader(executorClassLoader); // 初始化注册中心 try { regCenter.init(); ConnectionLostListener connectionLostListener = new ConnectionLostListener(); regCenter.addConnectionStateListener(connectionLostListener); StartCheckUtil.setOk(StartCheckUtil.StartCheckItem.ZK); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(wrapLogPattern(e.getMessage())); // NOSONAR e.printStackTrace(); // NOSONAR StartCheckUtil.setError(StartCheckUtil.StartCheckItem.ZK); throw e; } // 注册作业名 List<String> zkJobNames = saturnExecutorService.registerJobNames(); try { ScriptPidUtils.checkAllExistJobs(regCenter, zkJobNames); StartCheckUtil.setOk(StartCheckUtil.StartCheckItem.JOBKILL); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { StartCheckUtil.setError(StartCheckUtil.StartCheckItem.JOBKILL); System.out.println(wrapLogPattern("Start error. Please check it first.")); // NOSONAR System.out.println(wrapLogPattern(ex.getMessage())); // NOSONAR throw ex; } // 初始化timeout scheduler TimeoutSchedulerExecutor.createScheduler(executorName); // 先注册Executor再启动作业,防止Executor因为一些配置限制而抛异常了,而作业线程已启动,导致作业还运行了一会 // 注册Executor try { saturnExecutorService.registerExecutor(); StartCheckUtil.setOk(StartCheckUtil.StartCheckItem.UNIQUE); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(wrapLogPattern(e.getMessage())); // NOSONAR e.printStackTrace(); // NOSONAR StartCheckUtil.setError(StartCheckUtil.StartCheckItem.UNIQUE); throw e; } // 启动作业 if (zkJobNames != null) { for (String jobName : zkJobNames) { scheduleJob(jobName); } } // 添加新增作业时的回调方法 saturnExecutorService.addNewJobListenerCallback(new ScheduleNewJobCallback() { @Override public void call(String jobName) { scheduleJob(jobName); } }); // 启动零点清0成功数错误数线程 resetCountService = new ResetCountService(executorName); resetCountService.startRestCountTimer(); // 注册退出时资源清理回调 if (shutdownHandler == null) { shutdownHandler = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (isShutdown) { return; } shutdownGracefully(); executor.shutdown(); isShutdown = true; } }; ShutdownHandler.addShutdownCallback(shutdownHandler); } } private void shutdownAllCountThread() { Map<String, JobScheduler> schdMap = JobRegistry.getSchedulerMap().get(executorName); if (schdMap != null) { Iterator<String> it = schdMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String jobName =; JobScheduler jobScheduler = schdMap.get(jobName); if (jobScheduler != null) { jobScheduler.shutdownCountThread(); } } } } private void shutdownUnfinishJob() { Map<String, JobScheduler> schdMap = JobRegistry.getSchedulerMap().get(executorName); if (schdMap != null) { Iterator<String> it = schdMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String jobName =; JobScheduler jobScheduler = schdMap.get(jobName); if (jobScheduler != null) { if (!regCenter.isConnected() || jobScheduler.getCurrentConf().isEnabled()) {"[{}] msg=job {} is enabled, force shutdown.", jobName, jobName); jobScheduler.stopJob(true); } jobScheduler.shutdown(false); } } } } /** * Executor关闭 */ public void shutdown() { synchronized (shutdownLock) { shutdownUnfinishJob(); // 关闭SaturnExecutorService saturnExecutorService.shutdown(); // 关闭zkClient if (regCenter != null && regCenter.isConnected()) { regCenter.close(); } JobRegistry.clearExecutor(executorName); // cancel零点清0成功数错误数线程 resetCountService.shutdownRestCountTimer(); // shutdown timeout-watchdog-threadpool TimeoutSchedulerExecutor.shutdownScheduler(executorName); } } /** * Executor优雅退出: * 把自己从集群中拿掉,现有的作业不停; 一直到全部作业都执行完毕,再真正退出; * 设置一定超时时间,如果超过这个时间仍未退出,则强行中止 */ public void shutdownGracefully() { synchronized (shutdownLock) { shutdownAllCountThread(); // 关闭SaturnExecutorService saturnExecutorService.shutdown(); // cancel零点清0成功数错误数线程 resetCountService.shutdownRestCountTimer(); // shutdown timeout-watchdog-threadpool TimeoutSchedulerExecutor.shutdownScheduler(executorName); try{ blockUntilJobCompletedIfNotTimeout(); shutdownUnfinishJob(); JobRegistry.clearExecutor(executorName); }finally{ if (regCenter != null) { regCenter.close(); } } } } /** * block until all Job is completed if it is not timeout */ private void blockUntilJobCompletedIfNotTimeout() { Map<String, JobScheduler> schdMap = JobRegistry.getSchedulerMap().get(executorName); if(schdMap == null){ return; } Set<Entry<String, JobScheduler>> entries = schdMap.entrySet(); if(CollectionUtils.isEmpty(entries)){ return; } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean hasRunning = false; do{ try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println(wrapLogPattern(e.getMessage())); // NOSONAR e.printStackTrace(); // NOSONAR } for(Entry<String, JobScheduler> entry : entries){ JobScheduler jobScheduler = entry.getValue(); if("JAVA_JOB".equals(jobScheduler.getCurrentConf().getJobType())){ if (jobScheduler.getJob().isRunning()) { hasRunning = true; break; }else{ hasRunning = false; } }else if("SHELL_JOB".equals(jobScheduler.getCurrentConf().getJobType())){ if(jobScheduler.getCurrentConf().isEnabled()){ if (jobScheduler.getJob().isRunning()) { hasRunning = true; break; }else{ hasRunning = false; } } }else{ jobScheduler.stopJob(false); } } }while(hasRunning && System.currentTimeMillis() - start < SystemEnvProperties.VIP_SATURN_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT * 1000); } }