package; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor; import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteWatchdog; import org.apache.commons.exec.PumpStreamHandler; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ScriptJobRunner { static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScriptJobRunner.class); private static final String PREFIX_COMAND = " source /etc/profile; "; private Map<String, String> envMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private AbstractSaturnJob job; private Integer item; private String itemValue; private SaturnExecutionContext saturnExecutionContext; private String jobName; private SaturnExecuteWatchdog watchdog; private boolean businessReturned = false; private File saturnOutputFile; public ScriptJobRunner(Map<String, String> envMap, AbstractSaturnJob job, Integer item, String itemValue, SaturnExecutionContext saturnExecutionContext) { if (envMap != null) { this.envMap.putAll(envMap); } this.job = job; this.item = item; this.itemValue = itemValue; this.saturnExecutionContext = saturnExecutionContext; if(job != null) { this.jobName = job.getJobName(); } } public boolean isBusinessReturned() { return businessReturned; } private void createSaturnJobReturnFile() throws IOException { if (envMap.containsKey(SystemEnvProperties.NAME_VIP_SATURN_OUTPUT_PATH)) { String saturnOutputPath = envMap.get(SystemEnvProperties.NAME_VIP_SATURN_OUTPUT_PATH); saturnOutputFile = new File(saturnOutputPath); if (!saturnOutputFile.exists()) { FileUtils.forceMkdir(saturnOutputFile.getParentFile()); saturnOutputFile.createNewFile();//NOSONAR } } } private CommandLine createCommandLine(Map<String, String> env) { StringBuilder envStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (envMap != null && !envMap.isEmpty()) { for (Entry<String, String> envEntrySet : envMap.entrySet()) { envStringBuilder.append("export " + envEntrySet.getKey() + "=" + envEntrySet.getValue()).append(";"); } } String execParameter = envStringBuilder.toString() + PREFIX_COMAND + ScriptPidUtils.filterEnvInCmdStr(env, itemValue); // CommandLine cmdLine = CommandLine.parse(execParameter); final CommandLine cmdLine = new CommandLine("/bin/sh"); cmdLine.addArguments(new String[]{"-c", execParameter}, false); return cmdLine; } private SaturnJobReturn readSaturnJobReturn() { SaturnJobReturn tmp = null; if(saturnOutputFile != null && saturnOutputFile.exists()) { try { String fileContents = FileUtils.readFileToString(saturnOutputFile); if (fileContents != null && !fileContents.trim().isEmpty()) { tmp = JSON.parseObject(fileContents.trim(), SaturnJobReturn.class); businessReturned = true; // 脚本成功返回数据 } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("[{" + jobName + "}] msg={" + jobName + "}-{" + item + "} read SaturnJobReturn from {" + saturnOutputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "} error", t); tmp = new SaturnJobReturn(SaturnSystemReturnCode.USER_FAIL, "Exception: " + t.toString(), SaturnSystemErrorGroup.FAIL); } } return tmp; } public SaturnExecuteWatchdog getWatchdog() { if(watchdog == null) { long timeoutSeconds = saturnExecutionContext.getTimetoutSeconds(); if (timeoutSeconds > 0) { watchdog = new SaturnExecuteWatchdog(timeoutSeconds * 1000, jobName, item, itemValue);"[{}] msg=Job {} enable timeout control : {} s ", jobName, jobName, timeoutSeconds); } else { //需要指定超时值,才会启用watchdog: 强行指定为5年 watchdog = new SaturnExecuteWatchdog(5L * 365 * 24 * 3600 * 1000, jobName, item, itemValue); if(log.isDebugEnabled()){ log.debug("[{}] msg=Job {} disable timeout control", jobName, jobName); } } watchdog.setExecutorName(job.getExecutorName()); } return watchdog; } public SaturnJobReturn runJob() { SaturnJobReturn saturnJobReturn = null; //String jobName = job.getJobName(); long timeoutSeconds = saturnExecutionContext.getTimetoutSeconds(); try { createSaturnJobReturnFile(); ProcessOutputStream processOutputStream = new ProcessOutputStream(1); DefaultExecutor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); PumpStreamHandler streamHandler = new PumpStreamHandler(processOutputStream); streamHandler.setStopTimeout(timeoutSeconds * 1000); //关闭线程等待时间, (注意commons-exec会固定增加2秒的addition) executor.setExitValue(0); executor.setStreamHandler(streamHandler); if(watchdog == null) { getWatchdog(); } executor.setWatchdog(watchdog); // filter env key in execParameter. like cd ${mypath} -> cd /root/my. Map<String, String> env = ScriptPidUtils.loadEnv(); CommandLine commandLine = createCommandLine(env); try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis();"[{}] msg=Begin executing {}-{} {}", jobName, jobName, item, commandLine); int exitValue = executor.execute(commandLine, env); long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"[{}] msg=Finish executing {}-{} {}, the exit value is {}, cost={}ms", jobName, jobName, item, commandLine, exitValue, (end - start)); SaturnJobReturn tmp = readSaturnJobReturn(); if(tmp == null) { tmp = new SaturnJobReturn("the exit value is " + exitValue); } saturnJobReturn = tmp; } catch (Exception e) { ExecuteWatchdog watchDog = executor.getWatchdog(); String errMsg = e.toString(); if (watchDog != null && watchDog.killedProcess()) { // 超时 saturnJobReturn = new SaturnJobReturn(SaturnSystemReturnCode.SYSTEM_FAIL, "Timeout(" + timeoutSeconds + "s): " + errMsg, SaturnSystemErrorGroup.TIMEOUT); log.error("[{}] msg={}-{} Timeout: {}", jobName, jobName, item, errMsg); } else { // 出错 saturnJobReturn = new SaturnJobReturn(SaturnSystemReturnCode.USER_FAIL, "Exception: " + errMsg, SaturnSystemErrorGroup.FAIL); log.error("[{" + jobName + "}] msg={" + jobName + "}-{" + item + "} Exception: " + errMsg, e); } } finally { try { // 将日志set进jobLog, 写不写zk再由ExecutionService控制 String jobLog = processOutputStream.getJobLog(); saturnExecutionContext.putJobLog(item, jobLog); // 提供给saturn-job-executor.log日志输出shell命令jobLog,以后若改为重定向到日志,则可删除此输出 System.out.println("[" + jobName + "] msg=" + jobName + "-" + item + ":" + jobLog);//NOSONAR"[{}] msg={}-{}: {}", jobName, jobName, item, jobLog); processOutputStream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("[{}] msg={}-{} Error at closing output stream. Should not be concern: {}", jobName, jobName, item, ex); } try { streamHandler.stop(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.debug("[{}] msg={}-{} Error at closing log stream. Should not be concern: {}", jobName, jobName, item, ex); } ScriptPidUtils.removePidFile(job.getExecutorName(), jobName,""+ item, watchdog.getProcessId()); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("[{" + jobName + "}] msg={" + jobName + "}-{" + item + "} Exception", t); saturnJobReturn = new SaturnJobReturn(SaturnSystemReturnCode.SYSTEM_FAIL, "Exception: " + t.toString(), SaturnSystemErrorGroup.FAIL); } finally { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(saturnOutputFile.getParentFile()); } if(saturnJobReturn.getProp() == null){ saturnJobReturn.setProp(new HashMap()); } return saturnJobReturn; } }