/*- * #%L * Fiji distribution of ImageJ for the life sciences. * %% * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2017 Fiji developers. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html>. * #L% */ package spim.fiji.spimdata.imgloaders; import static mpicbg.spim.data.XmlHelpers.loadPath; import static mpicbg.spim.data.XmlKeys.IMGLOADER_FORMAT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME; import java.io.File; import net.imglib2.img.ImgFactory; import net.imglib2.img.array.ArrayImgFactory; import net.imglib2.img.cell.CellImgFactory; import net.imglib2.img.planar.PlanarImgFactory; import net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType; import org.jdom2.Element; import mpicbg.spim.data.XmlHelpers; import mpicbg.spim.data.generic.sequence.AbstractSequenceDescription; import mpicbg.spim.data.generic.sequence.ImgLoaderIo; import mpicbg.spim.data.generic.sequence.XmlIoBasicImgLoader; @ImgLoaderIo( format = "spimreconstruction.lightsheetz1", type = LightSheetZ1ImgLoader.class ) public class XmlIoLightSheetZ1ImgLoader implements XmlIoBasicImgLoader< LightSheetZ1ImgLoader > { public static final String DIRECTORY_TAG = "imagedirectory"; public static final String MASTER_FILE_TAG = "masterfile"; public static final String IMGLIB2CONTAINER_PATTERN_TAG = "imglib2container"; @Override public Element toXml( final LightSheetZ1ImgLoader imgLoader, final File basePath ) { final Element elem = new Element( "ImageLoader" ); elem.setAttribute( IMGLOADER_FORMAT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, this.getClass().getAnnotation( ImgLoaderIo.class ).format() ); elem.addContent( XmlHelpers.pathElement( DIRECTORY_TAG, imgLoader.getCZIFile().getParentFile(), basePath ) ); elem.addContent( XmlHelpers.textElement( MASTER_FILE_TAG, imgLoader.getCZIFile().getName() ) ); elem.addContent( XmlHelpers.textElement( IMGLIB2CONTAINER_PATTERN_TAG, imgLoader.getImgFactory().getClass().getSimpleName() ) ); return elem; } @Override public LightSheetZ1ImgLoader fromXml( final Element elem, File basePath, final AbstractSequenceDescription<?, ?, ?> sequenceDescription ) { try { final File path = loadPath( elem, DIRECTORY_TAG, basePath ); final String masterFile = XmlHelpers.getText( elem, MASTER_FILE_TAG ); final String container = XmlHelpers.getText( elem, IMGLIB2CONTAINER_PATTERN_TAG ); final ImgFactory< FloatType > imgFactory; if ( container == null ) { System.out.println( "WARNING: No Img implementation defined in XML, using ArrayImg." ); // if no factory is defined we define an ArrayImgFactory imgFactory = new ArrayImgFactory< FloatType >(); } else { if ( container.toLowerCase().contains( "cellimg" ) ) { imgFactory = new CellImgFactory< FloatType >( 256 ); } else if ( container.toLowerCase().contains( "arrayimg" ) ) { imgFactory = new ArrayImgFactory< FloatType >(); } else if ( container.toLowerCase().contains( "planarimg" ) ) { imgFactory = new PlanarImgFactory< FloatType >(); } else { // if factory is unknown we define an ArrayImgFactory imgFactory = new ArrayImgFactory< FloatType >(); System.out.println( "WARNING: Unknown Img implementation defined in XML:'" + container + "', using ArrayImg." ); } } return new LightSheetZ1ImgLoader( new File( path, masterFile ), imgFactory, sequenceDescription ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } } }