import; import; // Lejos imports import lejos.nxt.*; import lejos.nxt.comm.*; // Collect commands, write to screen public class MainCtrl { //Defines the execution mode variable used for turning relivant test functions on/off private static int execMode = 0; //Deifines a boolean to determine wheather the movement motors are currently running private static boolean moving = false; //Defines the variables used for determining the position of each wheel private static int steeringangle_left = 0; private static int steeringangle_right = 0; //Defines the motors used for steering the right and left wheels private static final Motor motor_left = Motor.A; private static final Motor motor_right = Motor.B; //Defines the motor used for the kicker private static final Motor motor_kick = Motor.C; //Defines the number of motor turns to wheel turns private static final double rotConstant = 2.375; //Defines the sensor port used to power the communication light private static final SensorPort port_comlight = SensorPort.S1; //Defines the buttons private static final Button button_left = Button.LEFT; private static final Button button_right = Button.RIGHT; private static final Button button_enter = Button.ENTER; //Defines the variable used to prevent the motors starting whilst turning private static boolean inturn = false; // Defines variables used for the managing bluetooth connection private static BTConnection connection; private static DataInputStream inputStream; public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException{ motor_left.setSpeed(900); motor_right.setSpeed(900); executionMenu(); } //Aims to establish a conection over Bluetooth public static void connect(){ writeToScreen("Trying to connect", 7); // Wait until connected connection = Bluetooth.waitForConnection(); writeToScreen("Connected", 7); inputStream = connection.openDataInputStream(); writeToScreen("Connection Opened", 7); } //Handles collecting the messages from the server over Bluetooth private static void collectMessage() throws InterruptedException{ boolean atend = false; long numoftwos = 0; long prevval = 0; int messageno = 0; while(atend == false){ try { // Parse if there are any messages long inlen = inputStream.available(); if((inlen>=4) && (inlen%4 == 0)){ writeToScreen("Got message no:"+Integer.toString(messageno),7); if (inlen > 4){ inputStream.skip( ((int) (inlen / 4)) * 4); } int message = inputStream.readInt(); // Do specific action if (message == 10000){ atend = true; writeToScreen(Integer.toString(message),7); } else { writeToScreen(Integer.toString(message),6); parseMessage(message); } inputStream.close(); inputStream = connection.openDataInputStream(); } else { writeToScreen("inlen = "+Long.toString(inlen),7); if (prevval == inlen){ numoftwos++; } else { numoftwos = 0; } if (numoftwos > 30){ inputStream.close(); inputStream = connection.openDataInputStream(); } prevval = inlen; //try{ // Thread.sleep(200); //}catch (InterruptedException e){ //} } } catch (IOException e) { writeToScreen("Error",7); atend = true; } } writeToScreen("Exit While",7); } //Parses integer messages public static void parseMessage(int message){ switch(message){ case 100: reset(); break; case 101: drive(); break; case 102: stop(); break; case 103: startSpinRight(); break; case 104: startSpinLeft(); break; case 105: stopSpin(); break; case 466: kick(); break; case 467: spinRightShort(); break; case 468: spinLeftShort(); break; default: if ((message >= 106)&&(message <=465)){ setRobotDirection(message - 106); } else if ((message >= 469)&&(message <= 828)){ turnLeftWheelByAmount(message - 469); } else if ((message >= 829)&(message <= 1188)){ turnRightWheelByAmount(message - 829); } else if ((message >= 1189)&&(message <= 1548)){ turnLeftWheelTo(message - 1189); } else if ((message >= 1549)&&(message <= 1908)){ turnRightWheelTo(message - 1549); } } } // Writes a message to the brick's screen on a particular line if valid public static void writeToScreen(String message, int line){ if ((line >= 0)&&(line <=7)){ LCD.drawString(" ", 0, line); LCD.drawString(message, 0, line); LCD.refresh(); } } // Defines the function to provide the menu for choosing execution mode of the program public static void executionMenu(){ int selectedchoice = 0; int numchoices = 3; boolean enterselected = false; boolean haschanged = false; writeToScreen("Select Execution Mode",0); switch (selectedchoice){ case 0: writeToScreen("1. Standard Exc.", 1); break; case 1: writeToScreen("2. Test +BT", 1); break; case 2: writeToScreen("3. Test -BT", 1); break; } while (enterselected == false){ //enumerates the list item when the right button is pressed if (button_right.isPressed()){ if(selectedchoice < (numchoices -1)){ ++selectedchoice; } else { selectedchoice = 0; } haschanged = true; } //denumerates the list item when the left button is pressed if (button_left.isPressed()){ if(selectedchoice > 0){ --selectedchoice; } else { selectedchoice = (numchoices - 1); } haschanged = true; } //deals with the enter key being pressed if (button_enter.isPressed()){ enterselected = true; } //if the menu item has been changed this updates the screen if (haschanged == true){ switch (selectedchoice){ case 0: writeToScreen("1. Standard Exc.", 1); break; case 1: writeToScreen("2. Test +BT", 1); break; case 2: writeToScreen("3. Test -BT", 1); break; } } haschanged = false; } //executes the relevant routines based on selection switch (selectedchoice){ case 0: writeToScreen("1. Standard Exc.", 0); writeToScreen("",1); execMode = 0; executeStandard(); break; case 1: writeToScreen("2. Test +BT", 0); writeToScreen("",1); execMode = 1; executeTestPlusBT(); break; case 2: writeToScreen("3. Test -BT", 1); writeToScreen("",1); execMode = 2; executeTestMinBT(); break; } } // Standard execution path public static void executeStandard(){ connect(); motor_right.resetTachoCount(); motor_left.resetTachoCount(); motor_right.regulateSpeed(true); motor_left.regulateSpeed(true); motor_right.smoothAcceleration(true); motor_left.smoothAcceleration(true); try{ collectMessage(); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Msg Col Interupt",7); } } // Test execution with Bluetooth public static void executeTestPlusBT(){ } // Test execution without Bluetooth public static void executeTestMinBT(){ //Tests the drive and stop commands //Drive forward for ten seconds then stop writeToScreen("Drive Test 1.",1); writeToScreen("Fwd10,Stp",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); drive(); try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //Drive forward 5sec, stop 2sec, forward 5sec, stop writeToScreen("Drive Test 2.",1); writeToScreen("Fwd5,Stp,Fwd5,Stp",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); try{ Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } drive(); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //Drive forwards 2sec, drive forwards 2sec, stop writeToScreen("Drive Test 3.",1); writeToScreen("Fwd2,Fwd2,Stp",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); drive(); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //Drive forwards 2sec, stop, stop writeToScreen("Drive Test 4.",1); writeToScreen("Fwd2,Stp,Stp",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); stop(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //Tests startSpin and stopSpin //startSpin, drive 5s, stop, stopSpin writeToScreen("Spin Test 1.", 1); writeToScreen("StasR,Fwd5,Stp,Stps",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); startSpinRight(); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); stopSpin(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //startSpin, drive 5s, stop, stopSpin writeToScreen("Spin Test 2.", 1); writeToScreen("StasL,Fwd5,Stp,Stps",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); startSpinLeft(); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); stopSpin(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //startSpin, stopSpin writeToScreen("Spin Test 3.",1); writeToScreen("StasR,Stps",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); startSpinRight(); try{ Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stopSpin(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //startSpin, stopSpin writeToScreen("Spin Test 4.",1); writeToScreen("StasL,Stps",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); startSpinLeft(); try{ Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stopSpin(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //spinLeftShort writeToScreen("Spin Test 5.",1); writeToScreen("spinLeftShort",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); spinLeftShort(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //spinRightShort writeToScreen("Spin Test 5.",1); writeToScreen("spinRightShort",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); spinRightShort(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //Tests setRobotDirection //The Square test: setRobotDirection 90Deg, forward 3s, stop, setRobotDirection 180Deg,forward 3s, stop, setRobotDirection 270Deg, forward 3s, stop, setRobotDirection 0Deg, forward3s, stop writeToScreen("SRDir Test 1.",1); writeToScreen("The 3s Sqr Tst",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(90); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); setRobotDirection(180); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); setRobotDirection(270); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); setRobotDirection(0); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //The Diamond Test: setRobotDirection 315Deg, forward 3sec, stop, setRobotDirection 45Deg, forward 3sec, stop, setRobotDirection 135Deg, forward 3sec, stop, setRobotDirection 225, forward 3, stop, reset writeToScreen("SDir Test 2.",1); writeToScreen("The Diamd Tst",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(315); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); setRobotDirection(45); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); setRobotDirection(135); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); setRobotDirection(225); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //Tests the Kicker //Standard kick writeToScreen("Kick Test 1.",1); writeToScreen("Std Kick",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); kick(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //Moving Kick: reset(), forward 2s + kick() writeToScreen("Kick Test 2.",1); writeToScreen("Mving Kick",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); drive(); kick(); try{ Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Interrupted!",7); } stop(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //Turns the left wheel by 191Degs and then resets the steering back to 0 writeToScreen("TWByAmount Test 1.",1); writeToScreen("TLWByAmt 191Degs, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); turnLeftWheelByAmount(191); writeToScreen("Turned!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //Turns the right wheel by 191Degs and then resets the steering back to 0 writeToScreen("TWByAmount Test 2.",1); writeToScreen("TRWByAmt 191Degs, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); turnRightWheelByAmount(191); writeToScreen("Turned!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); //Sets the robot in a direction of 135Degs and then turns the left wheel to 120Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 1.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 135, TLWTo 120, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(135); turnLeftWheelTo(120); writeToScreen("LW at 120Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 120Degs and then turns the left wheel to 135Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 2.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 120, TLWTo 135, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(120); turnLeftWheelTo(135); writeToScreen("LW at 135Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 170Degs and then turns the left wheel to 190Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 3.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 170, TLWTo 190, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(170); turnLeftWheelTo(190); writeToScreen("LW at 190Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 10Degs and then turns the left wheel to 300Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 4.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 10, TLWTo 300, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(10); turnLeftWheelTo(300); writeToScreen("LW at 300Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 200Degs and then turns the left wheel to 320Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 5.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 200, TLWTo 320, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(200); turnLeftWheelTo(320); writeToScreen("LW at 320Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 320Degs and then turns the left wheel to 200Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 6.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 320, TLWTo 200, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(320); turnLeftWheelTo(200); writeToScreen("LW at 200Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 190Degs and then turns the left wheel to 120Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 7.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 190, TLWTo 120, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(190); turnLeftWheelTo(120); writeToScreen("LW at 120Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 10Degs and then turns the left wheel to 193Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 8.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 10, TLWTo 193, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(10); turnLeftWheelTo(193); writeToScreen("LW at 10Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 120Degs and then turns the right wheel to 135Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 9.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 120, TRWTo 135, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(120); turnRightWheelTo(135); writeToScreen("RW at 135Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 135Degs and then turns the right wheel to 120Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 10.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 135, TRWTo 120, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(135); turnRightWheelTo(120); writeToScreen("RW at 120Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 170Degs and then turns the right wheel to 190Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 11.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 170, TRWTo 190, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(170); turnRightWheelTo(190); writeToScreen("RW at 190Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 10Degs and then turns the right wheel to 300Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 12.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 10, TRWTo 300, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(10); turnRightWheelTo(300); writeToScreen("RW at 300Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 200Degs and then turns the right wheel to 320Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 13.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 200, TRWTo 320, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(200); turnRightWheelTo(320); writeToScreen("RW at 320Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 320Degs and then turns the right wheel to 200Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 14.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 320, TRWTo 200, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(320); turnRightWheelTo(200); writeToScreen("RW at 200Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 190Degs and then turns the right wheel to 120Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 15.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 190, TRWTo 120, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(190); turnRightWheelTo(120); writeToScreen("RW at 120Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); //Sets the robot in a direction of 10Degs and then turns the right wheel to 193Degs and resets writeToScreen("TWTo Test 16.",1); writeToScreen("SDir 10, TRWTo 193, RST",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); setRobotDirection(10); turnRightWheelTo(193); writeToScreen("RW at 193Degs?",2); button_enter.waitForPress(); reset(); writeToScreen("Done!",2); } // Activate kicker public static void kick(){ writeToScreen("Kick", 7); motor_kick.setSpeed(900); motor_kick.rotate(720); } //Sets the robot's direction to the input direction in degrees public static void setRobotDirection(int DirectionDEGs){ inturn = true; boolean hasmoved = false; //Halts the movement motors if they are already running if (moving == true){ stop(); hasmoved = true; } // For the left motor if (DirectionDEGs > steeringangle_left){ motor_left.rotate((int)(rotConstant * (DirectionDEGs - steeringangle_left)),false); steeringangle_left = DirectionDEGs; } else if (DirectionDEGs < steeringangle_left){ motor_left.rotate((int)(-1*(steeringangle_left - DirectionDEGs)*rotConstant),false); steeringangle_left = DirectionDEGs; } // For the right motor if (DirectionDEGs > steeringangle_right){ motor_right.rotate((int)(rotConstant * (DirectionDEGs - steeringangle_right)),false); steeringangle_right = DirectionDEGs; } else if (DirectionDEGs < steeringangle_right){ motor_right.rotate((int)(-1*(steeringangle_right - DirectionDEGs)*rotConstant),false); steeringangle_right = DirectionDEGs; } //Restarts the movement motors if the robot was moving prior to executing the command if (hasmoved == true){ drive(); } inturn = false; } //Defines the function to set the robot to spin around it's own centre in the right direction public static void startSpinRight(){ boolean hasmoved = false; inturn = true; //Halts the movement motors if they are already running if (moving == true){ stop(); hasmoved = true; } //For the left (rotate wheels to 135Deg) if ((steeringangle_left % 360) > 315){ motor_left.rotate((int) (rotConstant * (135 + (360 - (steeringangle_left % 360))))); } else if((steeringangle_left % 360) < 135){ motor_left.rotate((int) (rotConstant * (135 - (steeringangle_left % 360)))); } else if ((steeringangle_left % 360) >= 135 && ((steeringangle_left % 360) <= 315)) { motor_left.rotate((int) (rotConstant * -1 * ((steeringangle_left %360) - 135))); } steeringangle_left = 135; //For the right (rotate wheels to 315Deg) if ((steeringangle_right % 360) > 315){ motor_right.rotate((int) (rotConstant * -1 *((steeringangle_right % 360)-315))); } else if((steeringangle_right % 360) < 135){ motor_right.rotate((int) (rotConstant * -1 *(45 +( steeringangle_right % 360)))); } else if ((steeringangle_right % 360) >= 135 && ((steeringangle_right % 360) <= 315)) { motor_right.rotate((int) (rotConstant * (315 - (steeringangle_right % 360)))); } steeringangle_right = 315; //Restarts the movement motors if the robot was moving prior to executing the command if (hasmoved == true){ drive(); } inturn = false; } //Defines the function to set the robot to spin around it's own centre in the right direction public static void startSpinLeft(){ boolean hasmoved = false; inturn = true; //Halts the movement motors if they are already running if (moving == true){ stop(); hasmoved = true; } //For the left (rotate wheels to 315Deg) if ((steeringangle_left % 360) > 315){ motor_left.rotate((int) (rotConstant * -1 *((steeringangle_left % 360)-315))); } else if((steeringangle_left % 360) < 135){ motor_left.rotate((int) (rotConstant * -1 *(45 +( steeringangle_left % 360)))); } else if ((steeringangle_left % 360) >= 135 && ((steeringangle_left % 360) <= 315)) { motor_left.rotate((int) (rotConstant * (315 - (steeringangle_left % 360)))); } steeringangle_left = 315; //For the right (rotate wheels to 135Deg) if ((steeringangle_right % 360) > 315){ motor_right.rotate((int) (rotConstant * (135 + (360 - (steeringangle_right % 360))))); } else if((steeringangle_right % 360) < 135){ motor_right.rotate((int) (rotConstant * (135 - (steeringangle_right % 360)))); } else if ((steeringangle_right % 360) >= 135 && ((steeringangle_right % 360) <= 315)) { motor_right.rotate((int) (rotConstant * -1 * ((steeringangle_right %360) - 135))); } steeringangle_right = 135; //Restarts the movement motors if the robot was moving prior to executing the command if (hasmoved == true){ drive(); } inturn = false; } //Defines the function used to stop the robot spinning round it's own centre public static void stopSpin(){ boolean hasmoved = false; inturn = true; //Halts the movement motors if they are already running if (moving == true){ stop(); hasmoved = true; } //Puts the wheels back to 0Deg reset(); //Restarts the movement motors if the robot was moving prior to executing the command if (hasmoved == true){ drive(); } inturn = false; } //Communicates with the light sensor on the RCX to start the drive motors public static void drive(){ if((inturn == false) && (motor_left.isMoving() == false) && (motor_right.isMoving()== false)){ port_comlight.setPowerType(port_comlight.POWER_RCX9V); port_comlight.activate(); moving = true; } } //Communicates with the light sensor on the RCX to stop the drive motors public static void stop(){ port_comlight.passivate(); moving = false; } //Resets both wheels to 0 deg public static void reset(){ inturn = true; //rotates the left wheels back to 0 deg if ((steeringangle_left % 360) > 180){ motor_left.rotate((int)(rotConstant * (180 - ((steeringangle_left % 360) - 180)))); } else if ((steeringangle_left % 360) <= 180) { motor_left.rotate((int)(rotConstant * -1 * (steeringangle_left % 360))); } steeringangle_left = 0; //rotates the right wheels back to 0 deg if ((steeringangle_right % 360) > 180){ motor_right.rotate((int)(rotConstant * (180 - ((steeringangle_right % 360) - 180)))); } else if ((steeringangle_right % 360) <= 180){ motor_right.rotate((int)(rotConstant * -1 * (steeringangle_right % 360))); } steeringangle_right = 0; inturn = false; } //Makes the robot make a slight spin right public static void spinRightShort(){ startSpinRight(); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(600); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Msg Col Interupt",7); } stop(); stopSpin(); } //Makes the robot make a slight spin left public static void spinLeftShort(){ startSpinLeft(); drive(); try{ Thread.sleep(600); } catch (InterruptedException e){ writeToScreen("Msg Col Interupt",7); } stop(); stopSpin(); } //Turns the left wheel by a specified ammount public static void turnLeftWheelByAmount(int TurnDegs){ motor_left.rotate((int) (rotConstant * TurnDegs)); steeringangle_left = ((steeringangle_left + TurnDegs) % 360); } //Turns the right wheel by a specified amount public static void turnRightWheelByAmount(int TurnDegs){ motor_right.rotate((int) (rotConstant * TurnDegs)); steeringangle_right = ((steeringangle_right + TurnDegs) % 360); } //Turns the left wheel to a specified angle public static void turnLeftWheelTo(int TurnDegs){ if ((steeringangle_left % 360) < 180){ if (TurnDegs < 180){ motor_left.rotate((int)(rotConstant * (TurnDegs - steeringangle_left))); } else if (TurnDegs >= 180){ if ((TurnDegs - (steeringangle_left % 360)) < 180){ motor_left.rotate((int) (rotConstant * (TurnDegs - steeringangle_left))); } else if((TurnDegs - (steeringangle_left % 360)) >= 180 ){ motor_left.rotate((int) ( rotConstant * -1 *((360 - (TurnDegs % 360)) + steeringangle_left))); } } } else if ((steeringangle_left % 360) >= 180){ if ((TurnDegs % 360) >= 180){ motor_left.rotate((int)(rotConstant * ((TurnDegs % 360) - steeringangle_left))); }else if (TurnDegs < 180){ if(((steeringangle_left % 360) - (TurnDegs % 360)) < 180){ motor_left.rotate((int)(rotConstant * ((TurnDegs % 360) - (steeringangle_left % 360)))); } else if(((steeringangle_left % 360) - (TurnDegs % 360)) >= 180){ motor_left.rotate((int)(rotConstant * ((360 - (steeringangle_left % 360))+ TurnDegs))); } } } steeringangle_left = (TurnDegs % 360); } //Turns the right wheel to a specified angle public static void turnRightWheelTo(int TurnDegs){ if ((steeringangle_right % 360) < 180){ if (TurnDegs < 180){ motor_right.rotate((int)(rotConstant * (TurnDegs - steeringangle_right))); } else if (TurnDegs >= 180){ if ((TurnDegs - (steeringangle_right % 360)) < 180){ motor_right.rotate((int) (rotConstant * (TurnDegs - steeringangle_right))); } else if((TurnDegs - (steeringangle_right % 360)) >= 180){ motor_right.rotate((int) ( rotConstant * -1 *((360 - (TurnDegs % 360)) + steeringangle_right))); } } } else if ((steeringangle_right % 360) >= 180){ if ((TurnDegs % 360) >= 180){ motor_right.rotate((int)(rotConstant * ((TurnDegs % 360) - steeringangle_right))); }else if (TurnDegs < 180){ if(((steeringangle_right % 360) - (TurnDegs % 360)) < 180){ motor_right.rotate((int)(rotConstant * ((TurnDegs % 360) - (steeringangle_right % 360)))); } else if(((steeringangle_right % 360) - (TurnDegs % 360)) >= 180){ motor_right.rotate((int)(rotConstant * ((360 - (steeringangle_right % 360))+ TurnDegs))); } } } steeringangle_right = (TurnDegs % 360); } }