package org.reuseware.air.coconut; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EMap; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAnnotation; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.reuseware.air.algebra.GenericFragment; import org.reuseware.air.coconut.IComplexOperator; import org.reuseware.air.coconut.IParameterWrapper; import org.reuseware.air.coconut.IUpperLevelInterpreter; import org.reuseware.air.coconut.plugin.CoconutCore; import org.reuseware.air.coconut.ReusewairComposer; import; import org.reuseware.air.coconut.util.FragmentUtil; import org.reuseware.air.core.util.GenericCompositionAlgebra; import org.reuseware.air.util.FileProcessingException; import org.reuseware.air.util.FileProcessingProblem; import org.reuseware.air.language.componentmodel.Location; public class ComplexComposerInterpreter implements IUpperLevelInterpreter { private static final String annotationSourceURI = ""; private IFragmentRetriever fragmentRetriever = null; public ComplexComposerInterpreter() {} /** * Interprets complex operators (active syntax) * @throws CoreException * */ public void interpret(EObject fragment, Map<String, List<EObject>> env, Map<String, EClass> envTypes, List<FileProcessingProblem> problems) throws CoreException { IComplexOperator operator = ComposerRegistry.getInstance().getComplexOperator(fragment.eClass()); if (operator != null) { for (Method method : operator.getClass().getMethods()) { ReusewairComposer annotation = method.getAnnotation(ReusewairComposer.class); if (annotation != null) { if (fragment.eClass().getName().equals(annotation.value())) { // 1. Construct parameters ArrayList<ArrayList<EObject>> parameters = constructParameters(fragment); // 2. Wrap parameters List<Object> wrappedParameters = wrapParameters(parameters, fragment.eClass()); // 3. Invoke the method (operator) if (wrappedParameters != null) { IFragment returnFragment = null; try { returnFragment = (IFragment)method.invoke(operator, wrappedParameters.toArray()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CoreException(CoconutCore.createStatusWithStackTrace("Exception occured while visiting composers.", e)); } // replace the fragment with the result from the operator GenericCompositionAlgebra.replace(fragment, ((GenericFragment)returnFragment).getFragments()); } } } } } // remove the fragment (the operator) FragmentUtil.selfRemove(fragment); return; } /** * Construct the parameter list to be passed to the composer (composition operator) * * The main job is to resolve locations into concrete fragments * * @param fragment * @return */ private ArrayList<ArrayList<EObject>> constructParameters(EObject fragment) { // holding the parameters to pass to the composer implementation ArrayList<ArrayList<EObject>> parameters = new ArrayList<ArrayList<EObject>>(); EList<EStructuralFeature> features = fragment.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures(); for (EStructuralFeature feature : features) { //ArrayList<EObject> parameter = new ArrayList<EObject>(); EObject param = (EObject)fragment.eGet(feature); // if the fragment is not a Location, then it is a single fragment if (!(param instanceof Location)) { ArrayList<EObject> singleParam = new ArrayList<EObject>(); singleParam.add(param); // add the parameter to the parameter list parameters.add(singleParam); } // if the fragment is a Location, then automatically resolve it // into EObject instances else if (param instanceof Location) { Location location = (Location)param; // get the annotation containing the type of the // fragment referenced by the location EAnnotation annotatedType = feature.getEAnnotation(annotationSourceURI); EMap<String,String> details = annotatedType.getDetails(); String language = null, construct = null; /** * Go through the details containing: * * language ->[language].ecore * construct -> [construct] * */ for (Iterator<Entry<String,String>> detailIter = details.iterator(); detailIter.hasNext(); ) { Entry<String,String> detail =; if (detail.getKey().equals("language")) { language = detail.getValue(); } else if (detail.getKey().equals("construct")) { construct = detail.getValue(); } } try { // retrieve the exact location of the fragment and parse it InterpreterSystem is = InterpreterSystem.getInstance(); /** * Retrieve the fragment, using the exact type for parsing, * as specified in the annotated model (see above) * */ List<EObject> frgmt = fragmentRetriever.getFragmentFromLocation(location.getPath(), getConstruct(language, construct), null); /** * HACK: * * Make sure that the fragment is represented as an ArrayList, * and not something else, such as LinkedList. * * This just to guarantee that we don't encounter a cast problem * during * */ ArrayList<EObject> frgmtList = new ArrayList<EObject>(); for (EObject obj : frgmt) { frgmtList.add(obj); } // use the resolved fragment as a parameter parameters.add(frgmtList); } catch (FileProcessingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } return parameters; } /** * Wrap parameter list into composer appropriate types. * * The wrapping is done by a component model specific wrapper function * which is specified using the extension mechanism of Eclipse * * @param parameters * @param annotation * @return * @throws CoreException */ private List<Object> wrapParameters(ArrayList<ArrayList<EObject>> parameters, EClass construct) throws CoreException { IParameterWrapper wrapper = ComposerRegistry.getInstance().getWrapper(construct); if (wrapper != null) { // call specified wrapper method List<Object> wrappedParameters = wrapper.wrap(parameters); return wrappedParameters; } // default return null; } /** * Returns the construct type for a given language and construct * * @param language * @param construct * @return EClass representing the construct in the given language */ private EClass getConstruct(String language, String construct) { EPackage ePackage = EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(language); EClass eClass = (EClass) ePackage.getEClassifier(construct); return eClass; } public void initialize(IFragmentRetriever retriever) { this.fragmentRetriever = retriever; } }