package; /** * A pointer to an atlas and region. */ public class ImageSpec { protected String atlasPath = null; protected String regionName = null; public ImageSpec( String atlasPath, String regionName ) { this.atlasPath = atlasPath; this.regionName = regionName; } public ImageSpec() { } public String getAtlasPath() { return atlasPath; } public String getRegionName() { return regionName; } @Override public boolean equals( Object o ) { if ( o instanceof ImageSpec == false ) return false; ImageSpec other = (ImageSpec)o; if ( atlasPath == null ) { if ( other.getAtlasPath() != null ) return false; } else { if ( !atlasPath.equals( other.getAtlasPath() ) ) return false; } if ( regionName == null ) { if ( other.getRegionName() != null ) return false; } else { if ( !regionName.equals( other.getRegionName() ) ) return false; } return true; } }