/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt * or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions Copyright 2013-2015 ForgeRock AS. */ package org.opends.server; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import org.testng.*; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite; import static org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils.*; import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.*; /** * This class is our replacement for the test results that TestNG generates. * It prints out test to the console as they happen. */ @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public class TestListener extends TestListenerAdapter implements IReporter { private static final String REPORT_FILE_NAME = "results.txt"; /** * This is used to communicate with build.xml. So that even when a test fails, * we can do the coverage report before failing the build. */ private static final String ANT_TESTS_FAILED_FILE_NAME = ".tests-failed-marker"; private final StringBuilder _bufferedTestFailures = new StringBuilder(); private static final String PROPERTY_TEST_PROGRESS = "test.progress"; private static final String TEST_PROGRESS_NONE = "none"; private static final String TEST_PROGRESS_ALL = "all"; private static final String TEST_PROGRESS_DEFAULT = "default"; private static final String TEST_PROGRESS_TIME = "time"; private static final String TEST_PROGRESS_TEST_COUNT = "count"; private static final String TEST_PROGRESS_MEMORY = "memory"; /** Hidden for now, since it's not useful to most developers. */ private static final String TEST_PROGRESS_MEMORY_GCS = "gcs"; private static final String TEST_PROGRESS_RESTARTS = "restarts"; private static final String TEST_PROGRESS_THREAD_COUNT = "threadcount"; private static final String TEST_PROGRESS_THREAD_CHANGE = "threadchange"; private static final SimpleDateFormat TEST_PROGESS_TIME_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat( "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z"); private boolean doProgressNone; private boolean doProgressTime = true; private boolean doProgressTestCount = true; private boolean doProgressMemory; private boolean doProgressMemoryGcs; private boolean doProgressRestarts = true; private boolean doProgressThreadCount; private boolean doProgressThreadChange; private void initializeProgressVars() { String prop = System.getProperty(PROPERTY_TEST_PROGRESS); if (prop == null) { return; } prop = prop.toLowerCase(); List<String> progressValues = Arrays.asList(prop.split("\\s*\\W+\\s*")); if (prop.length() == 0 || progressValues.isEmpty()) { // Accept the defaults } else if (progressValues.contains(TEST_PROGRESS_NONE)) { doProgressNone = true; doProgressTime = false; doProgressTestCount = false; doProgressMemory = false; doProgressMemoryGcs = false; doProgressRestarts = false; doProgressThreadCount = false; doProgressThreadChange = false; } else if (progressValues.contains(TEST_PROGRESS_ALL)) { doProgressNone = false; doProgressTime = true; doProgressTestCount = true; doProgressMemory = true; doProgressMemoryGcs = true; doProgressRestarts = true; doProgressThreadCount = true; doProgressThreadChange = true; } else { doProgressNone = false; doProgressTime = progressValues.contains(TEST_PROGRESS_TIME); doProgressTestCount = progressValues.contains(TEST_PROGRESS_TEST_COUNT); doProgressMemory = progressValues.contains(TEST_PROGRESS_MEMORY); doProgressMemoryGcs = progressValues.contains(TEST_PROGRESS_MEMORY_GCS); doProgressRestarts = progressValues.contains(TEST_PROGRESS_RESTARTS); doProgressThreadCount = progressValues.contains(TEST_PROGRESS_THREAD_COUNT); doProgressThreadChange = progressValues.contains(TEST_PROGRESS_THREAD_CHANGE); // If we were asked to do the defaults, then restore anything that's on by default if (progressValues.contains(TEST_PROGRESS_DEFAULT)) { doProgressTime = true; doProgressTestCount = true; doProgressRestarts = true; } } } public TestListener() throws Exception { initializeProgressVars(); } private static final String DIVIDER_LINE = "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + EOL; @Override public void onStart(ITestContext testContext) { super.onStart(testContext); // Delete the previous report if it's there. new File(testContext.getOutputDirectory(), REPORT_FILE_NAME).delete(); } @Override public void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory) { File outputDir = new File(outputDirectory); if (!outputDir.exists()) { outputDir.mkdir(); } File reportFile = new File(outputDirectory, REPORT_FILE_NAME); writeReportToFile(reportFile); writeReportToScreen(reportFile); writeAntTestsFailedMarker(outputDirectory); } private void writeAntTestsFailedMarker(String outputDirectory) { // Signal 'ant' that all of the tests passed by removing this // special file. if (countTestsWithStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE) == 0 && countTestsWithStatus(ITestResult.SKIP) == 0) { new File(outputDirectory, ANT_TESTS_FAILED_FILE_NAME).delete(); } } private void writeReportToFile(File reportFile) { PrintStream reportStream = null; try { reportStream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(reportFile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { originalSystemErr.println("Could not open " + reportFile + " for writing. Will write the unit test report to the console instead."); e.printStackTrace(originalSystemErr); reportStream = originalSystemErr; } reportStream.println(center("UNIT TEST REPORT")); reportStream.println(center("----------------") + EOL); reportStream.println("Finished at: " + new Date()); reportStream.println("# Test classes: " + _classResults.size()); reportStream.println("# Test classes interleaved: " + _classesWithTestsRunInterleaved.size()); reportStream.println("# Test methods: " + countTestMethods()); reportStream.println("# Tests passed: " + countTestsWithStatus(ITestResult.SUCCESS)); reportStream.println("# Tests failed: " + countTestsWithStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE)); reportStream.println(EOL + DIVIDER_LINE + DIVIDER_LINE + EOL + EOL); reportStream.println(center("TEST CLASSES RUN INTERLEAVED")); reportStream.println(EOL + EOL); for (Class<?> cls : _classesWithTestsRunInterleaved) { reportStream.println(" " + cls.getName()); } reportStream.println(EOL + DIVIDER_LINE + DIVIDER_LINE + EOL + EOL); reportStream.println(center("FAILED TESTS")); reportStream.println(EOL + EOL); reportStream.println(_bufferedTestFailures); reportStream.println(EOL + DIVIDER_LINE + DIVIDER_LINE + EOL); reportStream.println(getTimingInfo()); reportStream.close(); if (countTestsWithStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE) == 0 && countTestsWithStatus(ITestResult.SKIP) != 0) { originalSystemErr.println("There were no explicit test failures, but some tests were skipped (possibly due to errors in @Before* or @After* methods)."); System.exit(-1); } } private String getFqMethod(ITestResult result) { IClass cls = result.getTestClass(); ITestNGMethod method = result.getMethod(); return cls.getName() + "#" + method.getMethodName(); } private void writeReportToScreen(File reportFile) { // HACK: print out status for the last test object outputTestProgress(_lastTestObject); List<ITestResult> failedTests = getFailedTests(); StringBuilder failed = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < failedTests.size(); i++) { ITestResult failedTest = failedTests.get(i); String fqMethod = getFqMethod(failedTest); int numFailures = 1; // Peek ahead to see if we had multiple failures for the same method // In which case, we list it once with a count of the failures. while (i + 1 < failedTests.size() && fqMethod.equals(getFqMethod(failedTests.get(i+1)))) { numFailures++; i++; } failed.append(" ").append(fqMethod); if (numFailures > 1) { failed.append(" (x ").append(numFailures).append(")"); } failed.append(EOL); } if (failed.length() > 0) { originalSystemErr.println("The following unit tests failed: "); originalSystemErr.println(failed); originalSystemErr.println(); originalSystemErr.println("Include the ant option '-Dtest.failures=true' to rerun only the failed tests."); } else { originalSystemErr.println("All of the tests passed."); } originalSystemErr.println(); originalSystemErr.println("Wrote full test report to:"); originalSystemErr.println(reportFile.getAbsolutePath()); originalSystemErr.println("Test classes run interleaved: " + _classesWithTestsRunInterleaved.size()); // Try to hard to reclaim as much memory as possible. runGc(); originalSystemErr.printf("Final amount of memory in use: %.1f MB", (usedMemory() / (1024.0 * 1024.0))).println(); if (doProgressMemory) { originalSystemErr.printf("Maximum amount of memory in use: %.1f MB", (maxMemInUse / (1024.0 * 1024.0))).println(); } originalSystemErr.println("Final number of threads: " + Thread.activeCount()); List<Long> systemRestartTimes = TestCaseUtils.getRestartTimesMs(); long totalRestartMs = 0; for (long restartMs: systemRestartTimes) { totalRestartMs += restartMs; } double averageRestartSec = 0; if (!systemRestartTimes.isEmpty()) { averageRestartSec = totalRestartMs / (1000.0 * systemRestartTimes.size()); } originalSystemErr.printf("In core restarts: %d (took %.1fs on average)", TestCaseUtils.getNumServerRestarts(), averageRestartSec); originalSystemErr.println(); if (!_classesWithTestsRunInterleaved.isEmpty()) { System.err.println("WARNING: Some of the test methods for multiple classes " + "were run out of order (i.e. interleaved with other classes). Either " + "a class doesn't have the sequential=true annotation, which should " + "have been reported already or there has been a regression with TestNG."); } } @Override public void onTestStart(ITestResult tr) { super.onTestStart(tr); enforceTestClassTypeAndAnnotations(tr); checkForInterleavedBetweenClasses(tr); enforceMethodHasAnnotation(tr); } private void onTestFinished(ITestResult tr) { // Clear when a test finishes instead before the next one starts // so that we get the output generated by any @BeforeClass method etc. TestCaseUtils.clearLoggersContents(); addTestResult(tr); } @Override public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult tr) { super.onTestSuccess(tr); onTestFinished(tr); } @Override public void onTestFailure(ITestResult tr) { super.onTestFailure(tr); reportTestFailed(tr); } private void reportTestFailed(ITestResult tr) { IClass cls = tr.getTestClass(); ITestNGMethod method = tr.getMethod(); String fqMethod = cls.getName() + "#" + method.getMethodName(); StringBuilder failureInfo = new StringBuilder(); failureInfo.append("Failed Test: ").append(fqMethod).append(EOL); Object[] parameters = tr.getParameters(); Throwable cause = tr.getThrowable(); if (cause != null) { failureInfo.append("Failure Cause: ").append(getTestngLessStack(cause)); } for (int i = 0; parameters != null && i < parameters.length; i++) { Object parameter = parameters[i]; failureInfo.append("parameter[").append(i).append("]: ") .append(parameter).append(EOL); } appendFailureInfo(failureInfo); failureInfo.append(EOL).append(EOL); originalSystemErr.print(EOL + EOL + EOL + " T E S T S K I P P E D ! ! !" + EOL + EOL); originalSystemErr.print(failureInfo); originalSystemErr.print(DIVIDER_LINE + EOL + EOL); _bufferedTestFailures.append(failureInfo); String pauseStr = System.getProperty("org.opends.test.pauseOnFailure"); if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(pauseStr)) { pauseOnFailure(); } onTestFinished(tr); } public static void pauseOnFailure() { File tempFile = null; try { tempFile = File.createTempFile("testfailure", "watchdog"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); originalSystemErr.println("**** Pausing test execution until file " + tempFile.getCanonicalPath() + " is removed."); originalSystemErr.println("LDAP Port: " + TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()); originalSystemErr.println("LDAPS Port: " + TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapsPort()); originalSystemErr.println("JMX Port: " + TestCaseUtils.getServerJmxPort()); } catch (Exception e) { originalSystemErr.println("**** ERROR: Could not create a watchdog " + "file. Pausing test execution indefinitely."); originalSystemErr.println("**** You will have to manually kill the " + "JVM when you're done investigating the problem."); } while (tempFile != null && tempFile.exists()) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) {} } originalSystemErr.println("**** Watchdog file removed. Resuming test " + "case execution."); } private void appendFailureInfo(StringBuilder failureInfo) { TestCaseUtils.appendLogsContents(failureInfo); } @Override public void onConfigurationSkip(ITestResult tr) { super.onConfigurationFailure(tr); reportConfigurationFailure(tr); } private void reportConfigurationFailure(ITestResult tr) { IClass cls = tr.getTestClass(); ITestNGMethod method = tr.getMethod(); String fqMethod = cls.getName() + "#" + method.getMethodName(); StringBuilder failureInfo = new StringBuilder(); failureInfo.append("Failed Test: ").append(fqMethod).append(EOL); Throwable cause = tr.getThrowable(); if (cause != null) { failureInfo.append("Failure Cause: ").append(getTestngLessStack(cause)); } appendFailureInfo(failureInfo); failureInfo.append(EOL).append(EOL); originalSystemErr.print(EOL + EOL + EOL + " C O N F I G U R A T I O N S K I P ! ! !" + EOL + EOL); originalSystemErr.print(failureInfo); originalSystemErr.print(DIVIDER_LINE + EOL + EOL); _bufferedTestFailures.append(failureInfo); } @Override public void onConfigurationFailure(ITestResult tr) { super.onConfigurationFailure(tr); reportConfigurationFailure(tr); } private String getTestngLessStack(Throwable t) { StackTraceElement[] elements = t.getStackTrace(); int lowestOpenDSFrame; for (lowestOpenDSFrame = elements.length - 1; lowestOpenDSFrame >= 0; lowestOpenDSFrame--) { StackTraceElement element = elements[lowestOpenDSFrame]; String clsName = element.getClassName(); if (clsName.startsWith("org.opends.") && !"org.opends.server.SuiteRunner".equals(clsName)) { break; } } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append(t).append(EOL); for (int i = 0; i <= lowestOpenDSFrame; i++) { buffer.append(" ").append(elements[i]).append(EOL); } Throwable cause = t.getCause(); if (cause instanceof InvocationTargetException) { InvocationTargetException invocation = (InvocationTargetException) cause; buffer.append("Invocation Target Exception: ").append( getTestngLessStack(invocation)); } t.printStackTrace(); return buffer.toString(); } private static final int PAGE_WIDTH = 80; private static String center(String header) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); int indent = (PAGE_WIDTH - header.length()) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { buffer.append(" "); } buffer.append(header); return buffer.toString(); } @Override public void onTestSkipped(ITestResult tr) { // Make sure skipped test appear as failure super.onTestFailure(tr); reportTestFailed(tr); } @Override public void onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(ITestResult tr) { super.onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(tr); onTestFinished(tr); } private void addTestResult(ITestResult result) { getResultsForClass(result.getTestClass()).addTestResult(result); // Read the comments in DirectoryServerTestCase to understand what's // going on here. Object[] testInstances = result.getMethod().getInstances(); for (Object testInstance : testInstances) { if (testInstance instanceof DirectoryServerTestCase) { DirectoryServerTestCase dsTestCase = (DirectoryServerTestCase)testInstance; Object[] parameters = result.getParameters(); if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.SUCCESS) { dsTestCase.addParamsFromSuccessfulTests(parameters); // This can eat up a bunch of memory for tests that are expected to throw result.setThrowable(null); } else { dsTestCase.addParamsFromFailedTest(parameters); // When the test finishes later on, we might not have everything // that we need to print the result (e.g. the Schema for an Entry // or DN), so go ahead and convert it to a String now. result.setParameters(convertToStringParameters(parameters)); } } // else we already warned about it. } } private String[] convertToStringParameters(Object[] parameters) { if (parameters == null) { return null; } String[] strParams = new String[parameters.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { strParams[i] = String.valueOf(parameters[i]).intern(); } return strParams; } private Set<Class<?>> _checkedForTypeAndAnnotations = new HashSet<>(); private void enforceTestClassTypeAndAnnotations(ITestResult tr) { Class<?> testClass = tr.getMethod().getRealClass(); // Only warn once per class. if (_checkedForTypeAndAnnotations.contains(testClass)) { return; } _checkedForTypeAndAnnotations.add(testClass); if (!DirectoryServerTestCase.class.isAssignableFrom(testClass)) { String errorMessage = "The test class " + testClass.getName() + " must inherit (directly or indirectly) " + "from DirectoryServerTestCase."; TestCaseUtils.originalSystemErr.println("\n\nERROR: " + errorMessage + "\n\n"); throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage); } Class<?> classWithTestAnnotation = findClassWithTestAnnotation(testClass); if (classWithTestAnnotation == null) { String errorMessage = "The test class " + testClass.getName() + " does not have a @Test annotation. " + "All test classes must have a @Test annotation, and this annotation must have " + "sequential=true set to ensure that tests for a single class are run together."; TestCaseUtils.originalSystemErr.println("\n\nERROR: " + errorMessage + "\n\n"); throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage); } Test testAnnotation = classWithTestAnnotation.getAnnotation(Test.class); if (!testAnnotation.sequential()) { // Give an error message that is as specific as possible. String errorMessage = "The @Test annotation for class " + testClass.getName() + (classWithTestAnnotation.equals(testClass) ? " " : (", which is declared by class " + classWithTestAnnotation.getName() + ", ")) + "must include sequential=true to ensure that tests for a single class are run together."; TestCaseUtils.originalSystemErr.println("\n\nERROR: " + errorMessage + "\n\n"); throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage); } } private final LinkedHashSet<Class<?>> _classesWithTestsRunInterleaved = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private Object _lastTestObject; private final IdentityHashMap<Object,Object> _previousTestObjects = new IdentityHashMap<>(); private void checkForInterleavedBetweenClasses(ITestResult tr) { Object[] testInstances = tr.getMethod().getInstances(); // This will almost always have a single element. If it doesn't, just skip it. if (testInstances.length != 1) { return; } Object testInstance = testInstances[0]; // We're running another test on the same test object. Everything is fine. if (_lastTestObject == testInstance) { return; } // Otherwise, we're running a new test, so save the old one. if (_lastTestObject != null) { _previousTestObjects.put(_lastTestObject, _lastTestObject); } // Output progress info since we're running a new class outputTestProgress(_lastTestObject); // And make sure we don't have a test object that we already ran tests with. if (_previousTestObjects.containsKey(testInstance)) { _classesWithTestsRunInterleaved.add(testInstance.getClass()); } _lastTestObject = testInstance; } private Set<Method> _checkedForAnnotation = new HashSet<>(); private void enforceMethodHasAnnotation(ITestResult tr) { // Only warn once per method. Method testMethod = tr.getMethod().getMethod(); if (_checkedForAnnotation.contains(testMethod)) { return; } _checkedForAnnotation.add(testMethod); Annotation testAnnotation = testMethod.getAnnotation(Test.class); Annotation dataProviderAnnotation = testMethod.getAnnotation(DataProvider.class); if (testAnnotation == null && dataProviderAnnotation == null) { String errorMessage = "The test method " + testMethod + " does not have a @Test annotation. " + "However, TestNG assumes it is a test method because it's a public method " + "in a class with a class-level @Test annotation. You can remove this warning by either " + "marking the method with @Test or by making it non-public."; TestCaseUtils.originalSystemErr.println("\n\nWARNING: " + errorMessage + "\n\n"); } } /** * Return the class in cls's inheritance hierarchy that has the @Test * annotation defined. */ private Class<?> findClassWithTestAnnotation(Class<?> cls) { while (cls != null) { if (cls.getAnnotation(Test.class) != null) { return cls; } cls = cls.getSuperclass(); } return null; } private boolean statusHeaderPrinted; private synchronized void printStatusHeaderOnce() { if (statusHeaderPrinted) { return; } statusHeaderPrinted = true; if (doProgressNone) { return; } originalSystemErr.println(); originalSystemErr.println("How to read the progressive status info:"); if (doProgressTime) { originalSystemErr.println(" Test duration status: {Total min:sec. Since last status sec.}"); } if (doProgressTestCount) { originalSystemErr.println(" Test count status: {# test classes # test methods # test method invocations # test failures}."); } if (doProgressMemory) { originalSystemErr.println(" Memory usage status: {MB in use +/-change since last status}"); } if (doProgressMemoryGcs) { originalSystemErr.println(" GCs during status: {GCs done to settle used memory time to do it}"); } if (doProgressThreadCount) { originalSystemErr.println(" Thread count status: {#td number of active threads}"); } if (doProgressRestarts) { originalSystemErr.println(" In core restart status: {#rs number of in-core restarts}"); } if (doProgressThreadChange) { originalSystemErr.println(" Thread change status: +/- thread name for new or finished threads since last status"); } originalSystemErr.println(" TestClass (the class that just completed)"); originalSystemErr.println(); } private final long testSuiteStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private long prevMemInUse; private long maxMemInUse; private boolean isFirstTest = true; private void outputTestProgress(Object finishedTestObject) { if (doProgressNone) { return; } printStatusHeaderOnce(); DirectoryServerTestCase testInstance = (DirectoryServerTestCase) finishedTestObject; long startTime = testInstance != null ? testInstance.startTime : testSuiteStartTime; originalSystemErr.printf("[%s] ", TEST_PROGESS_TIME_FORMAT.format(new Date(startTime))); if (doProgressTime) { long endTime = testInstance != null ? testInstance.endTime : System .currentTimeMillis(); long durationSec = (endTime - testSuiteStartTime) / 1000; long durationLastMs = endTime - startTime; originalSystemErr.printf("{%2d:%02d (%3.0fs)} ", (durationSec / 60), (durationSec % 60), (durationLastMs / 1000.0)); } if (doProgressTestCount) { originalSystemErr.printf("{%3dc %4dm %5di %df} ", _classResults.size(), countTestMethods(), countTotalInvocations(), countTestsWithStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE)); } if (doProgressMemory) { Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); TestCaseUtils.quiesceServer(); long beforeGc = System.currentTimeMillis(); int gcs = runGc(); long gcDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - beforeGc; long totalMemory = runtime.totalMemory(); long freeMemory = runtime.freeMemory(); long curMemInUse = totalMemory - freeMemory; long memDelta = curMemInUse - prevMemInUse; double perMegaByte = 1.0 / (1024.0 * 1024.0); maxMemInUse = Math.max(maxMemInUse, curMemInUse); originalSystemErr.printf("{%5.1fMB %+5.1fMB} ", curMemInUse * perMegaByte, memDelta * perMegaByte); if (doProgressMemoryGcs) { originalSystemErr.printf("{%2d gcs %4.1fs} ", gcs, gcDuration / 1000.0); } prevMemInUse = curMemInUse; } if (doProgressThreadCount) { originalSystemErr.printf("{#td %3d} ", Thread.activeCount()); } if (doProgressRestarts) { originalSystemErr.printf("{#rs %2d} ", TestCaseUtils.getNumServerRestarts()); } if (testInstance == null) { originalSystemErr.println(": starting"); } else { String abbrClass = packageLessClass(testInstance); originalSystemErr.printf(": %s ", abbrClass).flush(); originalSystemErr.println(); if (doProgressThreadChange) { if (isFirstTest) { isFirstTest = false; } else { List<String> startThreads = testInstance.threadNamesBeforeClass; List<String> endThreads = testInstance.threadNamesAfterClass; List<String> removedThreads = removeExactly(startThreads, endThreads); List<String> addedThreads = removeExactly(endThreads, startThreads); if (!removedThreads.isEmpty() || !addedThreads.isEmpty()) { originalSystemErr.println(" Thread changes:"); for (String threadName : addedThreads) { originalSystemErr.println(" + " + threadName); } for (String threadName : removedThreads) { originalSystemErr.println(" - " + threadName); } } } } } } private int runGc() { Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); int numGcs; long curMem = usedMemory(); long prevMem = Long.MAX_VALUE; StringBuilder gcConvergence = new StringBuilder(); for (numGcs = 0; prevMem > curMem && numGcs < 100; numGcs++) { runtime.runFinalization(); runtime.gc(); Thread.yield(); Thread.yield(); prevMem = curMem; curMem = usedMemory(); gcConvergence.append("[").append(numGcs).append("]: ").append( prevMem - curMem).append(" "); } return numGcs; } /** * Removes toRemove from base. If there are duplicate items in base, then * only one is removed for each item in toRemove. * * @return a new List with base with toRemove items removed from it */ private List<String> removeExactly(List<String> base, List<String> toRemove) { List<String> diff = new ArrayList<>(base); diff.removeAll(toRemove); return diff; } private String packageLessClass(Object obj) { return obj.getClass().getName().replaceAll(".*\\.", ""); } private long usedMemory() { Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); return runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory(); } private final LinkedHashMap<IClass, TestClassResults> _classResults = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private TestClassResults getResultsForClass(IClass cls) { TestClassResults results = _classResults.get(cls); if (results == null) { results = new TestClassResults(cls); _classResults.put(cls, results); } return results; } synchronized StringBuilder getTimingInfo() { StringBuilder timingOutput = new StringBuilder(); timingOutput.append(center("TESTS RUN BY CLASS")).append(EOL); timingOutput.append(center("[method-name total-time (total-invocations)]")) .append(EOL).append(EOL); for (TestClassResults results: _classResults.values()) { results.getTimingInfo(timingOutput); } timingOutput.append(EOL).append(DIVIDER_LINE).append(DIVIDER_LINE).append(EOL); getSlowestTestsOutput(timingOutput); return timingOutput; } private int countTestMethods() { int count = 0; for (TestClassResults results: _classResults.values()) { count += results._methods.size(); } return count; } private int countTestsWithStatus(int status) { int count = 0; for (TestClassResults results: _classResults.values()) { count += results._resultCounts[status]; } return count; } private int countTotalInvocations() { int count = 0; for (TestClassResults results: _classResults.values()) { count += results._totalInvocations; } return count; } private synchronized List<TestMethodResults> getAllMethodResults() { List<TestMethodResults> allResults = new ArrayList<>(); for (TestClassResults results: _classResults.values()) { allResults.addAll(results.getAllMethodResults()); } return allResults; } private static final int NUM_SLOWEST_METHODS = 100; private void getSlowestTestsOutput(StringBuilder timingOutput) { timingOutput.append(center("CLASS SUMMARY SORTED BY DURATION")).append(EOL); timingOutput.append(center("[class-name total-time (total-invocations)]")) .append(EOL).append(EOL); List<TestClassResults> sortedClasses = getClassesDescendingSortedByDuration(); for (int i = 0; i < sortedClasses.size(); i++) { TestClassResults results = sortedClasses.get(i); timingOutput.append(" "); results.getSummaryTimingInfo(timingOutput); timingOutput.append(EOL); } timingOutput.append(EOL).append(DIVIDER_LINE).append(EOL).append(EOL); timingOutput.append(center("SLOWEST METHODS")).append(EOL); timingOutput.append(center("[method-name total-time (total-invocations)]")) .append(EOL).append(EOL); List<TestMethodResults> sortedMethods = getMethodsDescendingSortedByDuration(); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(sortedMethods.size(), NUM_SLOWEST_METHODS); i++) { TestMethodResults results = sortedMethods.get(i); results.getTimingInfo(timingOutput, true); } } private List<TestMethodResults> getMethodsDescendingSortedByDuration() { List<TestMethodResults> allMethods = getAllMethodResults(); Collections.sort(allMethods, new Comparator<TestMethodResults>() { @Override public int compare(TestMethodResults o1, TestMethodResults o2) { if (o1._totalDurationMs > o2._totalDurationMs) { return -1; } else if (o1._totalDurationMs < o2._totalDurationMs) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }); return allMethods; } private List<TestClassResults> getClassesDescendingSortedByDuration() { List<TestClassResults> allClasses = new ArrayList<>(_classResults.values()); Collections.sort(allClasses, new Comparator<TestClassResults>() { @Override public int compare(TestClassResults o1, TestClassResults o2) { if (o1._totalDurationMs > o2._totalDurationMs) { return -1; } else if (o1._totalDurationMs < o2._totalDurationMs) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }); return allClasses; } private static final String[] STATUSES = {"<<invalid>>", "Success", "Failure", "Skip", "Success Percentage Failure"}; private static class TestClassResults { private final IClass _cls; private final LinkedHashMap<ITestNGMethod, TestMethodResults> _methods = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private int _totalInvocations; private long _totalDurationMs; /** Indexed by SUCCESS, FAILURE, SKIP, SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE. */ private int[] _resultCounts = new int[STATUSES.length]; public TestClassResults(IClass cls) { _cls = cls; } synchronized void addTestResult(ITestResult result) { _totalInvocations++; _totalDurationMs += result.getEndMillis() - result.getStartMillis(); getResultsForMethod(result.getMethod()).addTestResult(result); int status = result.getStatus(); if (status < 0 || status >= _resultCounts.length) { status = 0; } _resultCounts[status]++; } private TestMethodResults getResultsForMethod(ITestNGMethod method) { TestMethodResults results = _methods.get(method); if (results == null) { results = new TestMethodResults(method); _methods.put(method, results); } return results; } synchronized void getSummaryTimingInfo(StringBuilder timingOutput) { timingOutput.append(_cls.getRealClass().getName()).append(" "); timingOutput.append(getTotalDurationMs()).append(" ms") .append(" (").append(getTotalInvocations()).append(")"); } synchronized Collection<TestMethodResults> getAllMethodResults() { return _methods.values(); } synchronized void getTimingInfo(StringBuilder timingOutput) { getSummaryTimingInfo(timingOutput); timingOutput.append(EOL); for (TestMethodResults results: getAllMethodResults()) { results.getTimingInfo(timingOutput, false); } timingOutput.append(EOL); } int getTotalInvocations() { return _totalInvocations; } long getTotalDurationMs() { return _totalDurationMs; } } private static class TestMethodResults { private final ITestNGMethod _method; int _totalInvocations; long _totalDurationMs; /** Indexed by SUCCESS, FAILURE, SKIP, SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE. */ private int[] _resultCounts = new int[STATUSES.length]; public TestMethodResults(ITestNGMethod method) { _method = method; } synchronized void addTestResult(ITestResult result) { _totalInvocations++; _totalDurationMs += result.getEndMillis() - result.getStartMillis(); int status = result.getStatus(); if (status < 0 || status >= _resultCounts.length) { status = 0; } _resultCounts[status]++; } synchronized void getTimingInfo(StringBuilder timingOutput, boolean includeClassName) { timingOutput.append(" "); if (includeClassName) { timingOutput.append(_method.getRealClass().getName()).append("#"); } timingOutput.append(_method.getMethodName()).append(" "); timingOutput.append(_totalDurationMs).append(" ms") .append(" (").append(_totalInvocations).append(")"); if (_resultCounts[ITestResult.FAILURE] > 0) { timingOutput.append(" ").append(_resultCounts[ITestResult.FAILURE]) .append(" failure(s)"); } timingOutput.append(EOL); } } }