/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt * or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2008-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions Copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS */ package org.opends.quicksetup.util; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext; import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage; import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessageBuilder; import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger; import org.opends.quicksetup.*; import org.opends.quicksetup.installer.InstallerHelper; import org.opends.server.util.SetupUtils; import org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils; import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.CliConstants; import static com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentConstants.*; import static com.forgerock.opendj.cli.Utils.*; import static com.forgerock.opendj.util.OperatingSystem.*; import static org.opends.admin.ads.util.ConnectionUtils.*; import static org.opends.messages.QuickSetupMessages.*; /** * Class used to manipulate an OpenDS server. */ public class ServerController { private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass(); private Application application; private Installation installation; /** * Creates a new instance that will operate on <code>application</code>'s * installation. * @param application to use for notifications */ public ServerController(Application application) { this(application, application.getInstallation()); } /** * Creates a new instance that will operate on <code>application</code>'s * installation. * @param installation representing the server instance to control */ public ServerController(Installation installation) { this(null, installation); } /** * Creates a new instance that will operate on <code>installation</code> * and use <code>application</code> for notifications. * @param application to use for notifications * @param installation representing the server instance to control */ public ServerController(Application application, Installation installation) { if (installation == null) { throw new NullPointerException("installation cannot be null"); } this.application = application; this.installation = installation; } /** * This methods stops the server. * * @throws org.opends.quicksetup.ApplicationException if something goes wrong. */ public void stopServer() throws ApplicationException { stopServer(false); } /** * This methods stops the server. * * @param suppressOutput boolean indicating that ouput to standard output * streams from the server should be suppressed. * @throws org.opends.quicksetup.ApplicationException * if something goes wrong. */ public void stopServer(boolean suppressOutput) throws ApplicationException { stopServer(suppressOutput,false); } /** * This methods stops the server. * * @param suppressOutput boolean indicating that ouput to standard output * streams from the server should be suppressed. * @param noPropertiesFile boolean indicating if the stopServer should * be called without taking into account the * properties file. * @throws org.opends.quicksetup.ApplicationException * if something goes wrong. */ public void stopServer(boolean suppressOutput,boolean noPropertiesFile) throws ApplicationException { if (suppressOutput && !StandardOutputSuppressor.isSuppressed()) { StandardOutputSuppressor.suppress(); } if (suppressOutput && application != null) { application.setNotifyListeners(false); } try { if (application != null) { LocalizableMessageBuilder mb = new LocalizableMessageBuilder(); mb.append(application.getFormattedProgress( INFO_PROGRESS_STOPPING.get())); mb.append(application.getLineBreak()); application.notifyListeners(mb.toMessage()); } logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw("stopping server")); ArrayList<String> argList = new ArrayList<>(); argList.add(Utils.getScriptPath( Utils.getPath(installation.getServerStopCommandFile()))); int size = argList.size(); if (noPropertiesFile) { size++; } String[] args = new String[size]; argList.toArray(args); if (noPropertiesFile) { args[argList.size()] = "--" + OPTION_LONG_NO_PROP_FILE; } ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args); Map<String, String> env = pb.environment(); env.put(SetupUtils.OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME, System.getProperty("java.home")); env.remove(SetupUtils.OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS); env.remove("CLASSPATH"); logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw("Before calling stop-ds. Is server running? "+ installation.getStatus().isServerRunning())); int stopTries = 3; while (stopTries > 0) { stopTries --; logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw("Launching stop command, stopTries left: "+ stopTries)); try { logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw("Launching stop command, argList: "+argList)); Process process = pb.start(); BufferedReader err = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream())); BufferedReader out = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); /* Create these objects to resend the stop process output to the * details area. */ new StopReader(err, true); new StopReader(out, false); int returnValue = process.waitFor(); int clientSideError = org.opends.server.protocols.ldap. LDAPResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_CONNECT_ERROR; if (isWindows() && (returnValue == clientSideError || returnValue == 0)) { /* * Sometimes the server keeps some locks on the files. * TODO: remove this code once stop-ds returns properly when * server is stopped. */ int nTries = 10; boolean stopped = false; for (int i = 0; i < nTries && !stopped; i++) { logger.trace("waiting for server to stop"); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing } stopped = !installation.getStatus().isServerRunning(); logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw( "After calling stop-ds. Is server running? " + !stopped)); if (stopped) { break; } if (application != null) { LocalizableMessageBuilder mb = new LocalizableMessageBuilder(); mb.append(application.getFormattedLog( INFO_PROGRESS_SERVER_WAITING_TO_STOP.get())); mb.append(application.getLineBreak()); application.notifyListeners(mb.toMessage()); } } if (!stopped) { returnValue = -1; } } if (returnValue == clientSideError) { if (application != null) { LocalizableMessageBuilder mb = new LocalizableMessageBuilder(); mb.append(application.getLineBreak()); mb.append(application.getFormattedLog( INFO_PROGRESS_SERVER_ALREADY_STOPPED.get())); mb.append(application.getLineBreak()); application.notifyListeners(mb.toMessage()); } logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw("server already stopped")); break; } else if (returnValue != 0) { if (stopTries <= 0) { /* * The return code is not the one expected, assume the server * could not be stopped. */ throw new ApplicationException( ReturnCode.STOP_ERROR, INFO_ERROR_STOPPING_SERVER_CODE.get(returnValue), null); } } else { if (application != null) { application.notifyListeners(application.getFormattedLog( INFO_PROGRESS_SERVER_STOPPED.get())); } logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw("server stopped")); break; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException( ReturnCode.STOP_ERROR, getThrowableMsg( INFO_ERROR_STOPPING_SERVER.get(), e), e); } } } finally { if (suppressOutput) { if (StandardOutputSuppressor.isSuppressed()) { StandardOutputSuppressor.unsuppress(); } if (application != null) { application.setNotifyListeners(true); } } } } /** * This methods starts the server. * *@throws org.opends.quicksetup.ApplicationException if something goes wrong. */ public void startServer() throws ApplicationException { startServer(true, false); } /** * This methods starts the server. * @param suppressOutput boolean indicating that ouput to standard output * streams from the server should be suppressed. * @throws org.opends.quicksetup.ApplicationException if something goes wrong. */ public void startServer(boolean suppressOutput) throws ApplicationException { startServer(true, suppressOutput); } /** * This methods starts the server. * @param verify boolean indicating whether this method will attempt to * connect to the server after starting to verify that it is listening. * @param suppressOutput indicating that ouput to standard output streams * from the server should be suppressed. * @throws org.opends.quicksetup.ApplicationException if something goes wrong. */ private void startServer(boolean verify, boolean suppressOutput) throws ApplicationException { if (suppressOutput && !StandardOutputSuppressor.isSuppressed()) { StandardOutputSuppressor.suppress(); } if (suppressOutput && application != null) { application.setNotifyListeners(false); } try { if (application != null) { LocalizableMessageBuilder mb = new LocalizableMessageBuilder(); mb.append(application.getFormattedProgress( INFO_PROGRESS_STARTING.get())); mb.append(application.getLineBreak()); application.notifyListeners(mb.toMessage()); } logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw("starting server")); ArrayList<String> argList = new ArrayList<>(); argList.add(Utils.getScriptPath( Utils.getPath(installation.getServerStartCommandFile()))); argList.add("--timeout"); argList.add("0"); String[] args = new String[argList.size()]; argList.toArray(args); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args); pb.directory(installation.getBinariesDirectory()); Map<String, String> env = pb.environment(); env.put(SetupUtils.OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME, System.getProperty("java.home")); env.remove(SetupUtils.OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS); // Upgrader's classpath contains jars located in the temporary // directory that we don't want locked by the directory server // when it starts. Since we're just calling the start-ds script // it will figure out the correct classpath for the server. env.remove("CLASSPATH"); try { String startedId = getStartedId(); Process process = pb.start(); BufferedReader err = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream())); BufferedReader out = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); StartReader errReader = new StartReader(err, startedId, true); StartReader outputReader = new StartReader(out, startedId, false); int returnValue = process.waitFor(); logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw("start-ds return value: "+returnValue)); if (returnValue != 0) { throw new ApplicationException(ReturnCode.START_ERROR, INFO_ERROR_STARTING_SERVER_CODE.get(returnValue), null); } if (outputReader.isFinished()) { logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw("Output reader finished.")); } if (errReader.isFinished()) { logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw("Error reader finished.")); } if (!outputReader.startedIdFound() && !errReader.startedIdFound()) { logger.warn(LocalizableMessage.raw("Started ID could not be found")); } // Check if something wrong occurred reading the starting of the server ApplicationException ex = errReader.getException(); if (ex == null) { ex = outputReader.getException(); } if (ex != null) { // This is meaningless right now since we throw // the exception below, but in case we change out // minds later or add the ability to return exceptions // in the output only instead of throwing... throw ex; } else if (verify) { /* * There are no exceptions from the readers and they are marked as * finished. So it seems that everything went fine. * * However we can have issues with the firewalls or do not have rights * to connect or since the startup process is asynchronous we will * have to wait for the databases and the listeners to initialize. * Just check if we can connect to the server. * Try 30 times with an interval of 3 seconds between try. */ boolean connected = false; Configuration config = installation.getCurrentConfiguration(); int port = config.getAdminConnectorPort(); // See if the application has prompted for credentials. If // not we'll just try to connect anonymously. String userDn = null; String userPw = null; if (application != null) { userDn = application.getUserData().getDirectoryManagerDn(); userPw = application.getUserData().getDirectoryManagerPwd(); } if (userDn == null || userPw == null) { userDn = null; userPw = null; } InitialLdapContext ctx = null; for (int i=0; i<50 && !connected; i++) { String hostName = null; if (application != null) { hostName = application.getUserData().getHostName(); } if (hostName == null) { hostName = "localhost"; } int dig = i % 10; if ((dig == 3 || dig == 4) && !"localhost".equals(hostName)) { // Try with local host. This might be necessary in certain // network configurations. hostName = "localhost"; } if (dig == 5 || dig == 6) { // Try with This might be necessary in certain // network configurations. hostName = ""; } hostName = getHostNameForLdapUrl(hostName); String ldapUrl = "ldaps://"+hostName+":" + port; try { int timeout = CliConstants.DEFAULT_LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; if (application != null && application.getUserData() != null) { timeout = application.getUserData().getConnectTimeout(); } ctx = createLdapsContext(ldapUrl, userDn, userPw, timeout, null, null, null); connected = true; } catch (NamingException ne) { logger.warn(LocalizableMessage.raw("Could not connect to server: "+ne, ne)); } finally { StaticUtils.close(ctx); } if (!connected) { try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (Throwable t) { // do nothing } } } if (!connected) { final LocalizableMessage msg = isWindows() ? INFO_ERROR_STARTING_SERVER_IN_WINDOWS.get(port) : INFO_ERROR_STARTING_SERVER_IN_UNIX.get(port); throw new ApplicationException(ReturnCode.START_ERROR, msg, null); } } } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ioe) { throw new ApplicationException( ReturnCode.START_ERROR, getThrowableMsg(INFO_ERROR_STARTING_SERVER.get(), ioe), ioe); } } finally { if (suppressOutput) { if (StandardOutputSuppressor.isSuppressed()) { StandardOutputSuppressor.unsuppress(); } if (application != null) { application.setNotifyListeners(true); } } } } /** * This class is used to read the standard error and standard output of the * Stop process. * <p/> * When a new log message is found notifies the * UninstallProgressUpdateListeners of it. If an error occurs it also * notifies the listeners. */ private class StopReader { private boolean isFirstLine; /** * The protected constructor. * * @param reader the BufferedReader of the stop process. * @param isError a boolean indicating whether the BufferedReader * corresponds to the standard error or to the standard output. */ public StopReader(final BufferedReader reader, final boolean isError) { final LocalizableMessage errorTag = isError ? INFO_ERROR_READING_ERROROUTPUT.get() : INFO_ERROR_READING_OUTPUT.get(); isFirstLine = true; Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { if (application != null) { LocalizableMessageBuilder buf = new LocalizableMessageBuilder(); if (!isFirstLine) { buf.append(application.getProgressMessageFormatter(). getLineBreak()); } if (isError) { buf.append(application.getFormattedLogError( LocalizableMessage.raw(line))); } else { buf.append(application.getFormattedLog( LocalizableMessage.raw(line))); } application.notifyListeners(buf.toMessage()); isFirstLine = false; } logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw("server: " + line)); line = reader.readLine(); } } catch (Throwable t) { if (application != null) { LocalizableMessage errorMsg = getThrowableMsg(errorTag, t); application.notifyListeners(errorMsg); } logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw("error reading server messages",t)); } } }); t.start(); } } /** * Returns the LocalizableMessage ID indicating that the server has started. * @return the LocalizableMessage ID indicating that the server has started. */ private String getStartedId() { InstallerHelper helper = new InstallerHelper(); return helper.getStartedId(); } /** * This class is used to read the standard error and standard output of the * Start process. * * When a new log message is found notifies the ProgressUpdateListeners * of it. If an error occurs it also notifies the listeners. * */ private class StartReader { private ApplicationException ex; private boolean isFinished; private boolean startedIdFound; private boolean isFirstLine; /** * The protected constructor. * @param reader the BufferedReader of the start process. * @param startedId the message ID that this class can use to know whether * the start is over or not. * @param isError a boolean indicating whether the BufferedReader * corresponds to the standard error or to the standard output. */ public StartReader(final BufferedReader reader, final String startedId, final boolean isError) { final LocalizableMessage errorTag = isError ? INFO_ERROR_READING_ERROROUTPUT.get() : INFO_ERROR_READING_OUTPUT.get(); isFirstLine = true; Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { if (application != null) { LocalizableMessageBuilder buf = new LocalizableMessageBuilder(); if (!isFirstLine) { buf.append(application.getProgressMessageFormatter(). getLineBreak()); } if (isError) { buf.append(application.getFormattedLogError( LocalizableMessage.raw(line))); } else { buf.append(application.getFormattedLog( LocalizableMessage.raw(line))); } application.notifyListeners(buf.toMessage()); isFirstLine = false; } logger.info(LocalizableMessage.raw("server: " + line)); if (line.toLowerCase().contains("=" + startedId)) { isFinished = true; startedIdFound = true; } line = reader.readLine(); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn(LocalizableMessage.raw("Error reading output: "+t, t)); ex = new ApplicationException( ReturnCode.START_ERROR, getThrowableMsg(errorTag, t), t); } isFinished = true; } }); t.start(); } /** * Returns the ApplicationException that occurred reading the Start error * and output or <CODE>null</CODE> if no exception occurred. * @return the exception that occurred reading or <CODE>null</CODE> if * no exception occurred. */ public ApplicationException getException() { return ex; } /** * Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if the server starting process finished * (successfully or not) and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise. * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the server starting process finished * (successfully or not) and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise. */ public boolean isFinished() { return isFinished; } /** * Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if the server start Id was found and * <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise. * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the server start Id was found and * <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise. */ public boolean startedIdFound() { return startedIdFound; } } }