import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; /** * - Interface for eo so mods don't have to update often. * * @author James */ public class Player extends HumanEntity implements MessageReceiver { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); private int id = -1; private String prefix = ""; private String[] commands = new String[] { "" }; private ArrayList<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>(); private String[] ips = new String[] { "" }; private boolean ignoreRestrictions = false; private boolean admin = false; private boolean canModifyWorld = false; private boolean muted = false; private PlayerInventory inventory; private List<String> onlyOneUseKits = new ArrayList<String>(); private Pattern badChatPattern = Pattern.compile("[^ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\\[\\\\\\]^_'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\u2302\u00C7\u00FC\u00E9\u00E2\u00E4\u00E0\u00E5\u00E7\u00EA\u00EB\u00E8\u00EF\u00EE\u00EC\u00C4\u00C5\u00C9\u00E6\u00C6\u00F4\u00F6\u00F2\u00FB\u00F9\u00FF\u00D6\u00DC\u00F8\u00A3\u00D8\u00D7\u0192\u00E1\u00ED\u00F3\u00FA\u00F1\u00D1\u00AA\u00BA\u00BF\u00AE\u00AC\u00BD\u00BC\u00A1\u00AB\u00BB]"); /** * Creates an empty player. Add the player by calling {@link #setUser(es)} */ public Player() { } public Player(OEntityPlayerMP player) { setUser(player); } /** * Returns the entity we're wrapping. * * @return */ public OEntityPlayerMP getEntity() { return (OEntityPlayerMP) entity; } /** * Returns if the player is still connected * * @return */ public boolean isConnected() { return !getEntity().a.c; } /** * Kicks player with the specified reason * * @param reason */ public void kick(String reason) { getEntity().a.a(reason); } /** * Sends player a notification * * @param message */ public void notify(String message) { if (message.length() > 0) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + message); } /** * Sends a message to the player * * @param message */ public void sendMessage(String message) { getEntity().a.msg(message); } /** * Gives an item to the player * * @param item */ public void giveItem(Item item) { inventory.addItem(item); inventory.update(); } /** * Makes player send message. * * @param message */ public void chat(String message) { if (message.length() > 100) { kick("Chat message too long"); return; } message = message.trim(); Matcher m = badChatPattern.matcher(message); if (m.find()) { kick("Illegal characters '" + + "' hex: " + Integer.toHexString(message.charAt(m.start())) + " in chat"); return; } if (message.startsWith("/")) command(message); else { if (isMuted()) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You are currently muted."); return; } if ((Boolean) etc.getLoader().callHook(PluginLoader.Hook.CHAT, new Object[] { this, message })) return; String chat = "<" + getColor() + getName() + Colors.White + "> " + message; log.log(Level.INFO, "<" + getName() + "> " + message); etc.getServer().messageAll(chat); } } /** * Makes player use command. * * @param command * */ public void command(String command) { try { if (etc.getInstance().isLogging())"Command used by " + getName() + " " + command); String[] split = command.split(" "); String cmd = split[0]; if ((Boolean) etc.getLoader().callHook(PluginLoader.Hook.COMMAND, new Object[] { this, split })) return; // No need to go on, commands were parsed. if (!canUseCommand(cmd) && !cmd.startsWith("/#")) { if (etc.getInstance().showUnknownCommand()) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Unknown command."); return; } // Remove '/' before checking. if (ServerConsoleCommands.parseServerConsoleCommand(this, cmd.substring(1), split)) { // Command parsed successfully... } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/help")) { // Meh, not the greatest way, but not the worst either. List<String> availableCommands = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entry<String, String> entry : etc.getInstance().getCommands().entrySet()) if (canUseCommand(entry.getKey())) { if (entry.getKey().equals("/kit") && !etc.getDataSource().hasKits()) continue; if (entry.getKey().equals("/listwarps") && !etc.getDataSource().hasWarps()) continue; availableCommands.add(entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue()); } sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "Available commands (Page " + (split.length == 2 ? split[1] : "1") + " of " + (int) Math.ceil((double) availableCommands.size() / (double) 7) + ") [] = required <> = optional:"); if (split.length == 2) try { int amount = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); if (amount > 0) amount = (amount - 1) * 7; else amount = 0; for (int i = amount; i < amount + 7; i++) if (availableCommands.size() > i) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + availableCommands.get(i)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Not a valid page number."); } else for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) if (availableCommands.size() > i) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + availableCommands.get(i)); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/mute")) { if (split.length != 2) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /mute [player]"); return; } Player player = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[1]); if (player != null) { if (player.toggleMute()) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "player was muted"); else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "player was unmuted"); } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Can't find player " + split[1]); } else if ((cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/msg") || cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/tell")) || cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/m")) { if (split.length < 3) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /msg [player] [message]"); return; } if (isMuted()) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You are currently muted."); return; } Player player = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[1]); if (player != null) { if (player.getName().equals(getName())) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You can't message yourself!"); return; } player.sendMessage("(MSG) " + getColor() + "<" + getName() + "> " + Colors.White + etc.combineSplit(2, split, " ")); sendMessage("(MSG) " + getColor() + "<" + getName() + "> " + Colors.White + etc.combineSplit(2, split, " ")); } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Couldn't find player " + split[1]); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/kit") && etc.getDataSource().hasKits()) { if (split.length != 2 && split.length != 3) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Available kits" + Colors.White + ": " + etc.getDataSource().getKitNames(this)); return; } Player toGive = this; if (split.length > 2 && canIgnoreRestrictions()) toGive = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[2]); Kit kit = etc.getDataSource().getKit(split[1]); if (toGive != null) { if (kit != null) { if (!isInGroup(kit.Group) && !kit.Group.equals("")) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "That kit does not exist."); else if (onlyOneUseKits.contains(kit.Name)) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You can only get this kit once per login."); else if (MinecraftServer.b.containsKey(getName() + " " + kit.Name)) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You can't get this kit again for a while."); else { if (!canIgnoreRestrictions()) if (kit.Delay >= 0) MinecraftServer.b.put(getName() + " " + kit.Name, kit.Delay); else onlyOneUseKits.add(kit.Name); + " got a kit!"); toGive.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Enjoy this kit!"); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : kit.IDs.entrySet()) try { int itemId = 0; try { itemId = Integer.parseInt(entry.getKey()); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { itemId = etc.getDataSource().getItem(entry.getKey()); } toGive.giveItem(itemId, kit.IDs.get(entry.getKey())); } catch (Exception e1) {"Got an exception while giving out a kit (Kit name \"" + kit.Name + "\"). Are you sure all the Ids are numbers?"); sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "The server encountered a problem while giving the kit :("); } } } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "That kit does not exist."); } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "That user does not exist."); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/tp")) { if (split.length < 2) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /tp [player]"); return; } Player player = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[1]); if (player != null) { if (getName().equalsIgnoreCase(player.getName())) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You're already here!"); return; } + " teleported to " + player.getName()); teleportTo(player); } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Can't find user " + split[1] + "."); } else if ((cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/tphere") || cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/s"))) { if (split.length < 2) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /tphere [player]"); return; } Player player = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[1]); if (player != null) { if (getName().equalsIgnoreCase(player.getName())) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Wow look at that! You teleported yourself to yourself!"); return; } + " teleported " + player.getName() + " to their self."); player.teleportTo(this); } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Can't find user " + split[1] + "."); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/playerlist") || cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/who")) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Player list (" + etc.getMCServer().f.b.size() + "/" + etc.getInstance().getPlayerLimit() + "): " + Colors.White + etc.getMCServer().f.c()); else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/item") || cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/i") || cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/give")) { if (split.length < 2) { if (canIgnoreRestrictions()) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /item [itemid] <amount> <damage> <player> (optional)"); else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /item [itemid] <amount> <damage>"); return; } Player toGive = this; int itemId = 0, amount = 1, damage = 0; try { if (split.length > 1) try { itemId = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { itemId = etc.getDataSource().getItem(split[1]); } if (split.length > 2) { amount = Integer.parseInt(split[2]); if (amount <= 0 && !isAdmin()) amount = 1; if (amount > 64 && !canIgnoreRestrictions()) amount = 64; if (amount > 1024) amount = 1024; // 16 stacks worth. More than enough. } if (split.length == 4) { int temp = -1; try { temp = Integer.parseInt(split[3]); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { if (canIgnoreRestrictions()) toGive = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[3]); } if (temp > -1 && temp < 50) damage = temp; } else if (split.length == 5) { damage = Integer.parseInt(split[3]); if (damage < 0 && damage > 49) damage = 0; if (canIgnoreRestrictions()) toGive = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[4]); } } catch (NumberFormatException localNumberFormatException) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Improper ID and/or amount."); return; } if (toGive != null) { boolean allowedItem = etc.getInstance().getAllowedItems().isEmpty() || etc.getInstance().getAllowedItems().contains(itemId); if (!etc.getInstance().getDisallowedItems().isEmpty() && etc.getInstance().getDisallowedItems().contains(itemId)) allowedItem = false; if (Item.isValidItem(itemId)) { if (allowedItem || canIgnoreRestrictions()) { Item i = new Item(itemId, amount, -1, damage); log.log(Level.INFO, "Giving " + toGive.getName() + " some " + i.toString()); // toGive.giveItem(itemId, amount); Inventory inv = toGive.getInventory(); ArrayList<Item> list = new ArrayList<Item>(); for (Item it : inv.getContents()) if (it != null && it.getItemId() == i.getItemId() && it.getDamage() == i.getDamage()) list.add(it); for (Item it : list) { if (it.getAmount() < 64) { if (amount >= 64 - it.getAmount()) { amount -= 64 - it.getAmount(); it.setAmount(64); toGive.giveItem(it); } else { it.setAmount(it.getAmount() + amount); amount = 0; toGive.giveItem(it); } } } if (amount != 0) { i.setAmount(64); while (amount > 64) { amount -= 64; toGive.giveItem(i); i.setSlot(-1); } i.setAmount(amount); toGive.giveItem(i); } if (toGive.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(getName())) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "There you go " + getName() + "."); else { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Gift given! :D"); toGive.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Enjoy your gift! :D"); } } else if (!allowedItem && !canIgnoreRestrictions()) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You are not allowed to spawn that item."); } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "No item with ID " + split[1]); } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Can't find user " + split[3]); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/cloth") || cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/dye")) { if (split.length < 3) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: " + cmd + " [amount] [color]"); return; } try { int amount = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); if (amount <= 0 && !isAdmin()) amount = 1; if (amount > 64 && !canIgnoreRestrictions()) amount = 64; if (amount > 1024) amount = 1024; // 16 stacks worth. More than enough. String color = split[2]; if (split.length > 3) color += " " + split[3]; Cloth.Color c = Cloth.Color.getColor(color.toLowerCase()); if (c == null) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Invalid color name!"); return; } Item i = c.getItem(); if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/dye")) { i.setType(Item.Type.InkSack); // some1 had fun inverting this i guess ..... i.setDamage(15 - i.getDamage()); } i.setAmount(amount); log.log(Level.INFO, "Giving " + getName() + " some " + i.toString()); Inventory inv = getInventory(); ArrayList<Item> list = new ArrayList<Item>(); for (Item it : inv.getContents()) if (it != null && it.getItemId() == i.getItemId() && it.getDamage() == i.getDamage()) list.add(it); for (Item it : list) { if (it.getAmount() < 64) { if (amount >= 64 - it.getAmount()) { amount -= 64 - it.getAmount(); it.setAmount(64); giveItem(it); } else { it.setAmount(it.getAmount() + amount); amount = 0; giveItem(it); } } } if (amount != 0) { i.setAmount(64); while (amount > 64) { amount -= 64; giveItem(i); i.setSlot(-1); } i.setAmount(amount); giveItem(i); } sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "There you go " + getName() + "."); } catch (NumberFormatException localNumberFormatException) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Improper ID and/or amount."); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/tempban")) { // /tempban MINUTES HOURS DAYS if (split.length == 1) return; int minutes = 0, hours = 0, days = 0; if (split.length >= 2) minutes = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); if (split.length >= 3) hours = Integer.parseInt(split[2]); if (split.length >= 4) days = Integer.parseInt(split[3]); Date date = new Date(); // date. } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/banlist")) { byte type = 0; if (split.length == 2) if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("ips")) type = 1; if (type == 0) sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "Ban list:" + Colors.White + " " + etc.getMCServer().f.getBans()); else sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "IP Ban list:" + Colors.White + " " + etc.getMCServer().f.getIpBans()); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/banip")) { if (split.length < 2) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /banip [player] <reason> (optional) NOTE: this permabans IPs."); return; } Player player = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[1]); if (player != null) { if (!hasControlOver(player)) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You can't ban that user."); return; } // adds player to ban list etc.getMCServer().f.c(player.getIP()); etc.getLoader().callHook(PluginLoader.Hook.IPBAN, new Object[] { this, player, split.length >= 3 ? etc.combineSplit(2, split, " ") : "" }); log.log(Level.INFO, "IP Banning " + player.getName() + " (IP: " + player.getIP() + ")"); sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "IP Banning " + player.getName() + " (IP: " + player.getIP() + ")"); if (split.length > 2) player.kick("IP Banned by " + getName() + ": " + etc.combineSplit(2, split, " ")); else player.kick("IP Banned by " + getName() + "."); } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Can't find user " + split[1] + "."); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/ban")) { if (split.length < 2) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /ban [player] <reason> (optional)"); return; } Player player = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[1]); if (player != null) { if (!hasControlOver(player)) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You can't ban that user."); return; } // adds player to ban list etc.getServer().ban(player.getName()); etc.getLoader().callHook(PluginLoader.Hook.BAN, new Object[] { this, player, split.length >= 3 ? etc.combineSplit(2, split, " ") : "" }); if (split.length > 2) player.kick("Banned by " + getName() + ": " + etc.combineSplit(2, split, " ")); else player.kick("Banned by " + getName() + "."); log.log(Level.INFO, "Banning " + player.getName()); sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Banning " + player.getName()); } else { // sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Can't find user " + split[1] + // "."); etc.getServer().ban(split[1]); log.log(Level.INFO, "Banning " + split[1]); sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Banning " + split[1]); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/unban")) { if (split.length != 2) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /unban [player]"); return; } etc.getServer().unban(split[1]); sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Unbanned " + split[1]); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/unbanip")) { if (split.length != 2) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /unbanip [ip]"); return; } etc.getMCServer().f.d(split[1]); sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Unbanned " + split[1]); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/kick")) { if (split.length < 2) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /kick [player] <reason> (optional)"); return; } Player player = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[1]); if (player != null) { if (!hasControlOver(player)) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You can't kick that user."); return; } etc.getLoader().callHook(PluginLoader.Hook.KICK, new Object[] { this, player, split.length >= 3 ? etc.combineSplit(2, split, " ") : "" }); if (split.length > 2) player.kick("Kicked by " + getName() + ": " + etc.combineSplit(2, split, " ")); else player.kick("Kicked by " + getName() + "."); log.log(Level.INFO, "Kicking " + player.getName()); sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Kicking " + player.getName()); } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Can't find user " + split[1] + "."); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/me")) { if (isMuted()) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You are currently muted."); return; } if (split.length == 1) return; String paramString2 = "* " + getColor() + getName() + Colors.White + " " + command.substring(command.indexOf(" ")).trim();"* " + getName() + " " + command.substring(command.indexOf(" ")).trim()); etc.getServer().messageAll(paramString2); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/sethome")) { // player.k, player.l, player.m // x, y, z Warp home = new Warp(); home.Location = getLocation(); home.Group = ""; // no group neccessary, lol. home.Name = getName(); etc.getInstance().changeHome(home); sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Your home has been set."); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/spawn")) teleportTo(etc.getServer().getSpawnLocation()); else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/setspawn")) { // New system in beta 1.3: WorldInfo. OWorldInfo info = etc.getMCServer().e.q; info.a((int) getX(), info.d(), (int) getZ());"Spawn position changed."); sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You have set the spawn to your current position."); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/home")) { Warp home = null; if (split.length > 1 && isAdmin()) home = etc.getDataSource().getHome(split[1]); else home = etc.getDataSource().getHome(getName()); if (home != null) teleportTo(home.Location); else if (split.length > 1 && isAdmin()) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "That player home does not exist"); else teleportTo(etc.getServer().getSpawnLocation()); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/warp")) { if (split.length < 2) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /warp [warpname]"); return; } Player toWarp = this; Warp warp = null; if (split.length == 3 && canIgnoreRestrictions()) { warp = etc.getDataSource().getWarp(split[1]); toWarp = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[2]); } else warp = etc.getDataSource().getWarp(split[1]); if (toWarp != null) { if (warp != null) { if (!isInGroup(warp.Group) && !warp.Group.equals("")) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Warp not found."); else { toWarp.teleportTo(warp.Location); toWarp.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Woosh!"); } } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Warp not found"); } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Player not found."); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/listwarps") && etc.getDataSource().hasWarps()) { if (split.length != 2 && split.length != 3) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Available warps: " + Colors.White + etc.getDataSource().getWarpNames(this)); return; } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/setwarp")) { if (split.length < 2) { if (canIgnoreRestrictions()) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /setwarp [warpname] [group]"); else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /setwarp [warpname]"); return; } if (split[1].contains(":")) { sendMessage("You can't set a warp with \":\" in its name"); return; } Warp warp = new Warp(); warp.Name = split[1]; warp.Location = getLocation(); if (split.length == 3) warp.Group = split[2]; else warp.Group = ""; etc.getInstance().setWarp(warp); sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Created warp point " + split[1] + "."); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/removewarp")) { if (split.length < 2) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /removewarp [warpname]"); return; } Warp warp = etc.getDataSource().getWarp(split[1]); if (warp != null) { etc.getDataSource().removeWarp(warp); sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "Warp removed."); } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "That warp does not exist"); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/lighter")) { if (MinecraftServer.b.containsKey(getName() + " lighter")) { + " failed to iron!"); sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You can't create another lighter again so soon"); } else { if (!canIgnoreRestrictions()) MinecraftServer.b.put(getName() + " lighter", Integer.valueOf(6000)); + " created a lighter!"); giveItem(259, 1); } } else if ((command.startsWith("/#")) && (etc.getMCServer().f.h(getName()))) { String str = command.substring(2); + " issued server command: " + str); etc.getMCServer().a(str, getEntity().a); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/time")) { if (split.length == 2) { if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("day")) etc.getServer().setRelativeTime(0); else if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("night")) etc.getServer().setRelativeTime(13000); else if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("check")) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "The time is " + etc.getServer().getRelativeTime() + "! (RAW: " + etc.getServer().getTime() + ")"); else try { etc.getServer().setRelativeTime(Long.parseLong(split[1])); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Please enter numbers, not letters."); } } else if (split.length == 3) { if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("raw")) try { etc.getServer().setTime(Long.parseLong(split[2])); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Please enter numbers, not letters."); } } else { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /time [time|'day|night|check|raw'] (rawtime)"); return; } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/getpos")) { sendMessage("Pos X: " + getX() + " Y: " + getY() + " Z: " + getZ()); sendMessage("Rotation: " + getRotation() + " Pitch: " + getPitch()); double degreeRotation = ((getRotation() - 90) % 360); if (degreeRotation < 0) degreeRotation += 360.0; sendMessage("Compass: " + etc.getCompassPointForDirection(degreeRotation) + " (" + (Math.round(degreeRotation * 10) / 10.0) + ")"); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/compass")) { double degreeRotation = ((getRotation() - 90) % 360); if (degreeRotation < 0) degreeRotation += 360.0; sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Compass: " + etc.getCompassPointForDirection(degreeRotation)); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/motd")) for (String str : etc.getInstance().getMotd()) sendMessage(str); else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/spawnmob")) { if (split.length == 1) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /spawnmob [name] <amount>"); return; } if (!Mob.isValid(split[1])) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Invalid mob. Name has to start with a capital like so: Pig"); return; } if (split.length == 2) { Mob mob = new Mob(split[1], getLocation()); mob.spawn(); } else if (split.length == 3) try { int mobnumber = Integer.parseInt(split[2]); for (int i = 0; i < mobnumber; i++) { Mob mob = new Mob(split[1], getLocation()); mob.spawn(); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { if (!Mob.isValid(split[2])) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Invalid mob name or number of mobs."); sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Mob names have to start with a capital like so: Pig"); } else { Mob mob = new Mob(split[1], getLocation()); mob.spawn(new Mob(split[2])); } } else if (split.length == 4) try { int mobnumber = Integer.parseInt(split[3]); if (!Mob.isValid(split[2])) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Invalid rider. Name has to start with a capital like so: Pig"); else for (int i = 0; i < mobnumber; i++) { Mob mob = new Mob(split[1], getLocation()); mob.spawn(new Mob(split[2])); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Invalid number of mobs."); } } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("/clearinventory")) { Player target = this; if (split.length >= 2 && isAdmin()) target = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[1]); if (target != null) { Inventory inv = target.getInventory(); inv.clearContents(); inv.update(); if (!target.getName().equals(getName())) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Cleared " + target.getName() + "'s inventory."); } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Target not found"); } else if (cmd.equals("/mspawn")) { if (split.length != 2) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You must specify what to change the mob spawner to."); return; } if (!Mob.isValid(split[1])) { sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Invalid mob specified."); return; } HitBlox hb = new HitBlox(this); Block block = hb.getTargetBlock(); if (block.getType() == 52) { // mob spawner MobSpawner ms = (MobSpawner) etc.getServer().getComplexBlock(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ()); if (ms != null) ms.setSpawn(split[1]); } else sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You are not targeting a mob spawner."); } else { + " tried command " + command); if (etc.getInstance().showUnknownCommand()) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Unknown command"); } } catch (Throwable ex) { // Might as well try and catch big exceptions // before the server crashes from a stack // overflow or something log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception in command handler (Report this to hey0 unless you did something dumb like enter letters as numbers):", ex); if (isAdmin()) sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Exception occured. Check the server for more info."); } } /** * Gives an item to the player * * @param itemId * @param amount */ public void giveItem(int itemId, int amount) { inventory.giveItem(itemId, amount); inventory.update(); } /** * Gives the player this item by dropping it in front of them * * @param item */ public void giveItemDrop(Item item) { giveItemDrop(item.getItemId(), item.getAmount()); } /** * Gives the player this item by dropping it in front of them * * @param itemId * @param amount */ public void giveItemDrop(int itemId, int amount) { OEntityPlayerMP player = getEntity(); if (amount == -1) player.a(new OItemStack(itemId, 255, 0)); else { int temp = amount; do { if (temp - 64 >= 64) player.a(new OItemStack(itemId, 64, 0)); else player.a(new OItemStack(itemId, temp, 0)); temp -= 64; } while (temp > 0); } } /** * Returns true if this player can use the specified command * * @param command * @return */ public boolean canUseCommand(String command) { for (String str : commands) if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) return true; for (String str : groups) { Group g = etc.getDataSource().getGroup(str); if (g != null) if (recursiveUseCommand(g, command)) return true; } if (hasNoGroups()) { Group def = etc.getInstance().getDefaultGroup(); if (def != null) if (recursiveUseCommand(def, command)) return true; } return false; } private boolean recursiveUseCommand(Group g, String command) { for (String str : g.Commands) if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(command) || str.equals("*")) return true; if (g.InheritedGroups != null) for (String str : g.InheritedGroups) { Group g2 = etc.getDataSource().getGroup(str); if (g2 != null) if (recursiveUseCommand(g2, command)) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks to see if this player is in the specified group * * @param group * @return */ public boolean isInGroup(String group) { if (group != null) if (etc.getInstance().getDefaultGroup() != null) if (group.equalsIgnoreCase(etc.getInstance().getDefaultGroup().Name)) return true; for (String str : groups) if (recursiveUserInGroup(etc.getDataSource().getGroup(str), group)) return true; return false; } private boolean recursiveUserInGroup(Group g, String group) { if (g == null || group == null) return false; if (g.Name.equalsIgnoreCase(group)) return true; if (g.InheritedGroups != null) for (String str : g.InheritedGroups) { if (g.Name.equalsIgnoreCase(str)) return true; Group g2 = etc.getDataSource().getGroup(str); if (g2 != null) if (recursiveUserInGroup(g2, group)) return true; } return false; } /** * Returns true if this player has control over the other player * * @param player * @return true if player has control */ public boolean hasControlOver(Player player) { boolean isInGroup = false; if (player.hasNoGroups()) return true; for (String str : player.getGroups()) { if (isInGroup(str)) isInGroup = true; else continue; break; } return isInGroup; } /** * Returns the player's current location * * @return */ public Location getLocation() { Location loc = new Location(); loc.x = getX(); loc.y = getY(); loc.z = getZ(); loc.rotX = getRotation(); loc.rotY = getPitch(); return loc; } /** * Returns the IP of this player * * @return */ public String getIP() { return getEntity().a.b.b().toString().split(":")[0].substring(1); } /** * Returns true if this player is an admin. * * @return */ public boolean isAdmin() { if (admin) return true; for (String str : groups) { Group group = etc.getDataSource().getGroup(str); if (group != null) if (group.Administrator) return true; } return false; } /** * Don't use this! Use isAdmin * * @return */ public boolean getAdmin() { return admin; } /** * Sets whether or not this player is an administrator * * @param admin */ public void setAdmin(boolean admin) { this.admin = admin; } /** * Returns false if this player can not modify terrain, edit chests, etc. * * @return */ public boolean canBuild() { if (canModifyWorld) return true; for (String str : groups) { Group group = etc.getDataSource().getGroup(str); if (group != null) if (group.CanModifyWorld) return true; } if (hasNoGroups()) if (etc.getInstance().getDefaultGroup().CanModifyWorld) return true; return false; } /** * Don't use this, use canBuild() * * @return */ public boolean canModifyWorld() { return canModifyWorld; } /** * Sets whether or not this player can modify the world terrain * * @param canModifyWorld */ public void setCanModifyWorld(boolean canModifyWorld) { this.canModifyWorld = canModifyWorld; } /** * Set allowed commands * * @return */ public String[] getCommands() { return commands; } /** * Sets this player's allowed commands * * @param commands */ public void setCommands(String[] commands) { this.commands = commands; } /** * Returns this player's groups * * @return */ public String[] getGroups() { String[] strGroups = new String[groups.size()]; groups.toArray(strGroups); return strGroups; } /** * Sets this player's groups * * @param groups */ public void setGroups(String[] groups) { this.groups.clear(); for (String s : groups) if (s.length() > 0) this.groups.add(s); } /** * Adds the player to the specified group * * @param group * group to add player to */ public void addGroup(String group) { groups.add(group); } /** * Removes specified group from list of groups * * @param group * group to remove */ public void removeGroup(String group) { groups.remove(group); } /** * Returns the sql ID. * * @return */ public int getSqlId() { return id; } /** * Sets the sql ID. Don't touch this. * * @param id */ public void setSqlId(int id) { = id; } /** * If the user can ignore restrictions this will return true. Things like * item amounts and such are unlimited, etc. * * @return */ public boolean canIgnoreRestrictions() { if (admin || ignoreRestrictions) return true; for (String str : groups) { Group group = etc.getDataSource().getGroup(str); if (group != null) if (group.Administrator || group.IgnoreRestrictions) return true; } return false; } /** * Don't use. Use canIgnoreRestrictions() * * @return */ public boolean ignoreRestrictions() { return ignoreRestrictions; } /** * Sets ignore restrictions * * @param ignoreRestrictions */ public void setIgnoreRestrictions(boolean ignoreRestrictions) { this.ignoreRestrictions = ignoreRestrictions; } /** * Returns allowed IPs * * @return */ public String[] getIps() { return ips; } /** * Sets allowed IPs * * @param ips */ public void setIps(String[] ips) { this.ips = ips; } /** * Returns the correct color/prefix for this player * * @return */ public String getColor() { if (prefix != null) if (!prefix.equals("")) return "§" + prefix; if (groups.size() > 0) { Group group = etc.getDataSource().getGroup(groups.get(0)); if (group != null) return "§" + group.Prefix; } Group def = etc.getInstance().getDefaultGroup(); return def != null ? "§" + def.Prefix : ""; } /** * Returns the prefix. NOTE: Don't use this, use getColor() instead. * * @return */ public String getPrefix() { return prefix; } /** * Sets the prefix * * @param prefix */ public void setPrefix(String prefix) { this.prefix = prefix; } /** * Gets the actual user class. * * @return */ public OEntityPlayerMP getUser() { return getEntity(); } /** * Sets the user. Don't use this. * * @param er */ public void setUser(OEntityPlayerMP player) { entity = player; inventory = new PlayerInventory(this); } public void teleportTo(double x, double y, double z, float rotation, float pitch) { OEntityPlayerMP player = getEntity(); // If player is in vehicle - eject them before they are teleported. if (player.aE != null) player.b(player.aE); player.a.a(x, y, z, rotation, pitch); } /** * Returns true if the player is muted * * @return */ public boolean isMuted() { return muted; } /** * Toggles mute * * @return */ public boolean toggleMute() { muted = !muted; return muted; } /** * Checks to see if this player is in any groups * * @return true if this player is in any group */ public boolean hasNoGroups() { if (groups.isEmpty()) return true; if (groups.size() == 1) return groups.get(0).equals(""); return false; } /** * Returns item id in player's hand * * @return */ public int getItemInHand() { return getEntity().a.getItemInHand(); } /** * Returns this player's inventory * * @return inventory */ public Inventory getInventory() { return inventory; } /** * Returns whether or not this Player is currently sneaking (crouching) * * @return true if sneaking */ public boolean getSneaking() { return getEntity().h; } /** * Force this Player to be sneaking or not * * @param sneaking * true if sneaking */ public void setSneaking(boolean sneaking) { getEntity().h = sneaking; } /** * Returns a String representation of this Player * * @return String representation of this Player */ @Override public String toString() { return String.format("Player[id=%d, name=%s]", id, getName()); } /** * Tests the given object to see if it equals this object * * @param obj * the object to test * @return true if the two objects match */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; final Player other = (Player) obj; return getName().equals(other.getName()); } /** * Returns a unique hashcode for this Player * * @return hashcode */ @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 7; hash = 71 * hash + id; return hash; } }