import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.logging.Level; /** * - Accessing users, groups and such from flat files. * * @author James */ public class FlatFileSource extends DataSource { public void initialize() { loadGroups(); loadKits(); loadHomes(); loadWarps(); loadItems(); // loadBanList(); String location = etc.getInstance().getUsersLocation(); if (!new File(location).exists()) { FileWriter writer = null; try { writer = new FileWriter(location); writer.write("#Add your users here (When adding your entry DO NOT include #!)\r\n"); writer.write("#The format is:\r\n"); writer.write("#NAME:GROUPS:ADMIN/UNRESTRICTED:COLOR:COMMANDS:IPs\r\n"); writer.write("#For administrative powers set admin/unrestricted to 2.\r\n"); writer.write("#For no restrictions and ability to give out items set it to 1.\r\n"); writer.write("#If you don't want the person to be able to build set it to -1.\r\n"); writer.write("#Admin/unrestricted, color and commands are optional.\r\n"); writer.write("#Examples:\r\n"); writer.write("#Adminfoo:admins\r\n"); writer.write("#Moderator39:mods:1:0:/unban\r\n"); writer.write("#BobTheBuilder:vip:0:d\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while creating " + location, e); } finally { try { if (writer != null) writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while closing writer for " + location, e); } } } location = etc.getInstance().getWhitelistLocation(); if (!new File(location).exists()) { FileWriter writer = null; try { writer = new FileWriter(location); writer.write("#Whitelist. Add your users here\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while creating " + location, e); } finally { try { if (writer != null) writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while closing writer for " + location, e); } } } } public void loadGroups() { String location = etc.getInstance().getGroupLocation(); if (!new File(location).exists()) { FileWriter writer = null; try { writer = new FileWriter(location); writer.write("#Add your groups here (When adding your entry DO NOT include #!)\r\n"); writer.write("#The format is:\r\n"); writer.write("#NAME:COLOR:COMMANDS:INHERITEDGROUPS:ADMIN/UNRESTRICTED\r\n"); writer.write("#For administrative powers set admin/unrestricted to 2.\r\n"); writer.write("#For no restrictions and ability to give out items set it to 1.\r\n"); writer.write("#If you don't want the group to be able to build set it to -1.\r\n"); writer.write("#Inherited groups and admin/unrestricted are optional.\r\n"); writer.write("#Examples:\r\n"); writer.write("admins:c:*:mods:2\r\n"); writer.write("mods:b:/ban,/kick,/item,/tp,/tphere,/s,/i,/give:vip:1\r\n"); writer.write("vip:a::default\r\n"); writer.write("default:f:/help,/sethome,/home,/spawn,/me,/msg,/kit,/playerlist,/warp,/motd,/compass,/tell,/m,/who:default\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while creating " + location, e); } finally { try { if (writer != null) writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while closing writer for " + location, e); } } } synchronized (groupLock) { groups = new ArrayList<Group>(); try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(location)); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("") || line.startsWith("")) continue; String[] split = line.split(":"); Group group = new Group(); group.Name = split[0]; group.Prefix = split[1]; group.Commands = split[2].split(","); if (split.length >= 4) group.InheritedGroups = split[3].split(","); if (split.length >= 5) if (split[4].equals("1")) group.IgnoreRestrictions = true; else if (split[4].equals("2")) group.Administrator = true; else if (split[4].equals("-1")) group.CanModifyWorld = false; // kind of a shitty way, but whatever. if (group.InheritedGroups != null) if (group.InheritedGroups[0].equalsIgnoreCase(group.Name)) { group.InheritedGroups = new String[] { "" }; group.DefaultGroup = true; } groups.add(group); } scanner.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading " + location + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)", e); } } } public void loadKits() { String location = etc.getInstance().getKitsLocation(); if (!new File(location).exists()) { FileWriter writer = null; try { writer = new FileWriter(location); writer.write("#Add your kits here. Example entry below (When adding your entry DO NOT include #!)\r\n"); writer.write("#miningbasics:1,2,3,4:6000\r\n"); writer.write("#The formats are (Find out more about groups in " + etc.getInstance().getUsersLocation() + ":\r\n"); writer.write("#NAME:IDs:DELAY\r\n"); writer.write("#NAME:IDs:DELAY:GROUP\r\n"); writer.write("#6000 for delay is roughly 5 minutes.\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while creating " + location, e); } finally { try { if (writer != null) writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } synchronized (kitLock) { kits = new ArrayList<Kit>(); try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(location)); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("")) continue; String[] split = line.split(":"); String name = split[0]; String[] ids = split[1].split(","); int delay = Integer.parseInt(split[2]); String group = ""; if (split.length == 4) group = split[3]; Kit kit = new Kit(); kit.Name = name; kit.IDs = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (String str : ids) { String id = ""; int amount = 1; if (str.contains(" ")) { id = str.split(" ")[0]; amount = Integer.parseInt(str.split(" ")[1]); } else id = str; kit.IDs.put(id, amount); } kit.Delay = delay; kit.Group = group; kits.add(kit); } scanner.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading " + location, e); } } } public void loadHomes() { synchronized (homeLock) { homes = new ArrayList<Warp>(); if (!etc.getInstance().canSaveHomes()) return; String location = etc.getInstance().getHomeLocation(); if (new File(location).exists()) try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(location)); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("")) continue; String[] split = line.split(":"); if (split.length < 4) continue; Location loc = new Location(); loc.x = Double.parseDouble(split[1]); loc.y = Double.parseDouble(split[2]); loc.z = Double.parseDouble(split[3]); if (split.length >= 6) { loc.rotX = Float.parseFloat(split[4]); loc.rotY = Float.parseFloat(split[5]); } Warp home = new Warp(); home.Name = split[0]; home.Location = loc; if (split.length >= 7) home.Group = split[6]; else home.Group = ""; homes.add(home); } scanner.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading " + location, e); } } } public void loadWarps() { synchronized (warpLock) { warps = new ArrayList<Warp>(); String location = etc.getInstance().getWarpLocation(); if (new File(location).exists()) try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(location)); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("")) continue; String[] split = line.split(":"); if (split.length < 4) continue; Location loc = new Location(); loc.x = Double.parseDouble(split[1]); loc.y = Double.parseDouble(split[2]); loc.z = Double.parseDouble(split[3]); if (split.length == 6) { loc.rotX = Float.parseFloat(split[4]); loc.rotY = Float.parseFloat(split[5]); } Warp warp = new Warp(); warp.Name = split[0]; warp.Location = loc; if (split.length >= 7) warp.Group = split[6]; else warp.Group = ""; warps.add(warp); } scanner.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading " + location, e); } } } public void loadItems() { String location = etc.getInstance().getItemLocation(); if (!(new File(location).exists())) { FileWriter writer = null; try { writer = new FileWriter(location); writer.write("#Add your items in here (When adding your entry DO NOT include #!)\r\n"); writer.write("#The format is:\r\n"); writer.write("#NAME:ID\r\n"); writer.write("#Default Items:\r\n"); writer.write("air:0\r\n"); writer.write("rock:1\r\n"); writer.write("stone:1\r\n"); writer.write("grass:2\r\n"); writer.write("dirt:3\r\n"); writer.write("cobblestone:4\r\n"); writer.write("cobble:4\r\n"); writer.write("wood:5\r\n"); writer.write("sapling:6\r\n"); writer.write("adminium:7\r\n"); writer.write("bedrock:7\r\n"); writer.write("water:8\r\n"); writer.write("stillwater:9\r\n"); writer.write("swater:9\r\n"); writer.write("lava:10\r\n"); writer.write("stilllava:11\r\n"); writer.write("slava:11\r\n"); writer.write("sand:12\r\n"); writer.write("gravel:13\r\n"); writer.write("goldore:14\r\n"); writer.write("ironore:15\r\n"); writer.write("coalore:16\r\n"); writer.write("tree:17\r\n"); writer.write("log:17\r\n"); writer.write("leaves:18\r\n"); writer.write("sponge:19\r\n"); writer.write("glass:20\r\n"); writer.write("cloth:35\r\n"); writer.write("flower:37\r\n"); writer.write("rose:38\r\n"); writer.write("brownmushroom:39\r\n"); writer.write("redmushroom:40\r\n"); writer.write("gold:41\r\n"); writer.write("goldblock:41\r\n"); writer.write("iron:42\r\n"); writer.write("ironblock:42\r\n"); writer.write("doublestair:43\r\n"); writer.write("stair:44\r\n"); writer.write("step:44\r\n"); writer.write("brickblock:45\r\n"); writer.write("brickwall:45\r\n"); writer.write("tnt:46\r\n"); writer.write("bookshelf:47\r\n"); writer.write("bookcase:47\r\n"); writer.write("mossycobblestone:48\r\n"); writer.write("mossy:48\r\n"); writer.write("obsidian:49\r\n"); writer.write("torch:50\r\n"); writer.write("fire:51\r\n"); writer.write("mobspawner:52\r\n"); writer.write("woodstairs:53\r\n"); writer.write("chest:54\r\n"); writer.write("redstonedust:55\r\n"); writer.write("redstonewire:55\r\n"); writer.write("diamondore:56\r\n"); writer.write("diamondblock:57\r\n"); writer.write("workbench:58\r\n"); writer.write("crop:59\r\n"); writer.write("crops:59\r\n"); writer.write("soil:60\r\n"); writer.write("furnace:61\r\n"); writer.write("litfurnace:62\r\n"); writer.write("signblock:63\r\n"); writer.write("wooddoorblock:64\r\n"); writer.write("ladder:65\r\n"); writer.write("rails:66\r\n"); writer.write("rail:66\r\n"); writer.write("track:66\r\n"); writer.write("tracks:66\r\n"); writer.write("cobblestonestairs:67\r\n"); writer.write("stairs:67\r\n"); writer.write("signblocktop:68\r\n"); writer.write("wallsign:68\r\n"); writer.write("lever:69\r\n"); writer.write("rockplate:70\r\n"); writer.write("stoneplate:70\r\n"); writer.write("irondoorblock:71\r\n"); writer.write("woodplate:72\r\n"); writer.write("redstoneore:73\r\n"); writer.write("redstoneorealt:74\r\n"); writer.write("redstonetorchoff:75\r\n"); writer.write("redstonetorchon:76\r\n"); writer.write("button:77\r\n"); writer.write("snow:78\r\n"); writer.write("ice:79\r\n"); writer.write("snowblock:80\r\n"); writer.write("cactus:81\r\n"); writer.write("clayblock:82\r\n"); writer.write("reedblock:83\r\n"); writer.write("jukebox:84\r\n"); writer.write("fence:85\r\n"); writer.write("pumpkin:86\r\n"); writer.write("netherstone:87\r\n"); writer.write("slowsand:88\r\n"); writer.write("lightstone:89\r\n"); writer.write("portal:90\r\n"); writer.write("jackolantern:91\r\n"); writer.write("jacko:91\r\n"); writer.write("ironshovel:256\r\n"); writer.write("ironspade:256\r\n"); writer.write("ironpickaxe:257\r\n"); writer.write("ironpick:257\r\n"); writer.write("ironaxe:258\r\n"); writer.write("flintandsteel:259\r\n"); writer.write("lighter:259\r\n"); writer.write("apple:260\r\n"); writer.write("bow:261\r\n"); writer.write("arrow:262\r\n"); writer.write("coal:263\r\n"); writer.write("diamond:264\r\n"); writer.write("ironbar:265\r\n"); writer.write("goldbar:266\r\n"); writer.write("ironsword:267\r\n"); writer.write("woodsword:268\r\n"); writer.write("woodshovel:269\r\n"); writer.write("woodspade:269\r\n"); writer.write("woodpickaxe:270\r\n"); writer.write("woodpick:270\r\n"); writer.write("woodaxe:271\r\n"); writer.write("stonesword:272\r\n"); writer.write("stoneshovel:273\r\n"); writer.write("stonespade:273\r\n"); writer.write("stonepickaxe:274\r\n"); writer.write("stonepick:274\r\n"); writer.write("stoneaxe:275\r\n"); writer.write("diamondsword:276\r\n"); writer.write("diamondshovel:277\r\n"); writer.write("diamondspade:277\r\n"); writer.write("diamondpickaxe:278\r\n"); writer.write("diamondpick:278\r\n"); writer.write("diamondaxe:279\r\n"); writer.write("stick:280\r\n"); writer.write("bowl:281\r\n"); writer.write("bowlwithsoup:282\r\n"); writer.write("soupbowl:282\r\n"); writer.write("soup:282\r\n"); writer.write("goldsword:283\r\n"); writer.write("goldshovel:284\r\n"); writer.write("goldspade:284\r\n"); writer.write("goldpickaxe:285\r\n"); writer.write("goldpick:285\r\n"); writer.write("goldaxe:286\r\n"); writer.write("string:287\r\n"); writer.write("feather:288\r\n"); writer.write("gunpowder:289\r\n"); writer.write("woodhoe:290\r\n"); writer.write("stonehoe:291\r\n"); writer.write("ironhoe:292\r\n"); writer.write("diamondhoe:293\r\n"); writer.write("goldhoe:294\r\n"); writer.write("seeds:295\r\n"); writer.write("wheat:296\r\n"); writer.write("bread:297\r\n"); writer.write("leatherhelmet:298\r\n"); writer.write("leatherchestplate:299\r\n"); writer.write("leatherpants:300\r\n"); writer.write("leatherboots:301\r\n"); writer.write("chainmailhelmet:302\r\n"); writer.write("chainmailchestplate:303\r\n"); writer.write("chainmailpants:304\r\n"); writer.write("chainmailboots:305\r\n"); writer.write("ironhelmet:306\r\n"); writer.write("ironchestplate:307\r\n"); writer.write("ironpants:308\r\n"); writer.write("ironboots:309\r\n"); writer.write("diamondhelmet:310\r\n"); writer.write("diamondchestplate:311\r\n"); writer.write("diamondpants:312\r\n"); writer.write("diamondboots:313\r\n"); writer.write("goldhelmet:314\r\n"); writer.write("goldchestplate:315\r\n"); writer.write("goldpants:316\r\n"); writer.write("goldboots:317\r\n"); writer.write("flint:318\r\n"); writer.write("meat:319\r\n"); writer.write("pork:319\r\n"); writer.write("cookedmeat:320\r\n"); writer.write("cookedpork:320\r\n"); writer.write("painting:321\r\n"); writer.write("paintings:321\r\n"); writer.write("goldenapple:322\r\n"); writer.write("sign:323\r\n"); writer.write("wooddoor:324\r\n"); writer.write("bucket:325\r\n"); writer.write("waterbucket:326\r\n"); writer.write("lavabucket:327\r\n"); writer.write("minecart:328\r\n"); writer.write("saddle:329\r\n"); writer.write("irondoor:330\r\n"); writer.write("redstonedust:331\r\n"); writer.write("snowball:332\r\n"); writer.write("boat:333\r\n"); writer.write("leather:334\r\n"); writer.write("milkbucket:335\r\n"); writer.write("brick:336\r\n"); writer.write("clay:337\r\n"); writer.write("reed:338\r\n"); writer.write("paper:339\r\n"); writer.write("book:340\r\n"); writer.write("slimeorb:341\r\n"); writer.write("storageminecart:342\r\n"); writer.write("poweredminecart:343\r\n"); writer.write("egg:344\r\n"); writer.write("compass:345\r\n"); writer.write("fishingrod:346\r\n"); writer.write("watch:347\r\n"); writer.write("lightstonedust:348\r\n"); writer.write("lightdust:348\r\n"); writer.write("rawfish:349\r\n"); writer.write("fish:349\r\n"); writer.write("cookedfish:350\r\n"); writer.write("goldrecord:2256\r\n"); writer.write("greenrecord:2257\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while creating " + location, e); } finally { if (writer != null) try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while closing writer for " + location, e); } } } // This, for sure, now exists. synchronized (itemLock) { items = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(location)); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.startsWith("#")) continue; if (line.equals("")) continue; String[] split = line.split(":"); String name = split[0]; items.put(name, Integer.parseInt(split[1])); } scanner.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading " + location + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)", e); } } } public void loadBanList() { synchronized (banLock) { bans = new ArrayList<Ban>(); try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File("banned-players.txt")); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("")) continue; String[] split = line.split(":"); Ban ban = new Ban(); if (split.length >= 1) ban.setName(split[0]); if (split.length == 4) { ban.setIp(split[1]); ban.setReason(split[2]); ban.setTimestamp(Integer.parseInt(split[3])); } bans.add(ban); } scanner.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading banned-players.txt", e); } try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File("banned-ips.txt")); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("")) continue; String[] split = line.split(":"); Ban ban = new Ban(); if (split.length >= 1) ban.setIp(split[0]); if (split.length == 4) { ban.setName(split[1]); ban.setReason(split[2]); ban.setTimestamp(Integer.parseInt(split[3])); } bans.add(ban); } scanner.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading banned-ips.txt", e); } } } // Users public void addPlayer(Player player) { String loc = etc.getInstance().getUsersLocation(); try { BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(loc, true)); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); // #NAME:GROUPS:ADMIN/UNRESTRICTED:COLOR:COMMANDS builder.append(player.getName()); builder.append(":"); builder.append(etc.combineSplit(0, player.getGroups(), ",")); builder.append(":"); if (player.getAdmin()) builder.append("2"); else if (player.ignoreRestrictions()) builder.append("1"); else if (!player.canModifyWorld()) builder.append("-1"); else builder.append("0"); builder.append(":"); builder.append(player.getPrefix()); builder.append(":"); builder.append(etc.combineSplit(0, player.getCommands(), ",")); bw.append(builder.toString()); bw.newLine(); bw.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while writing new user to " + loc, ex); } } public void modifyPlayer(Player player) { String loc = etc.getInstance().getUsersLocation(); try { // Now to save... BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(loc))); StringBuilder toWrite = new StringBuilder(); String line = ""; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) if (!line.split(":")[0].equalsIgnoreCase(player.getName())) toWrite.append(line).append("\r\n"); else { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(player.getName()); builder.append(":"); builder.append(etc.combineSplit(0, player.getGroups(), ",")); builder.append(":"); if (player.getAdmin()) builder.append("2"); else if (player.ignoreRestrictions()) builder.append("1"); else if (!player.canModifyWorld()) builder.append("-1"); else builder.append("0"); builder.append(":"); builder.append(player.getPrefix()); builder.append(":"); builder.append(etc.combineSplit(0, player.getCommands(), ",")); toWrite.append(builder.toString()).append("\r\n"); } reader.close(); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(loc); writer.write(toWrite.toString()); writer.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while editing user in " + loc, ex); } } public boolean doesPlayerExist(String player) { String location = etc.getInstance().getUsersLocation(); try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(location)); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("") || line.startsWith("")) continue; String[] split = line.split(":"); if (!split[0].equalsIgnoreCase(player)) continue; return true; } scanner.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading " + location + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)", e); } return false; } public Player getPlayer(String name) { Player player = new Player(); String location = etc.getInstance().getUsersLocation(); try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(location)); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("") || line.startsWith("")) continue; String[] split = line.split(":"); if (!split[0].equalsIgnoreCase(name)) continue; player.setGroups(split[1].split(",")); if (split.length >= 3) if (split[2].equals("1")) player.setIgnoreRestrictions(true); else if (split[2].equals("2")) player.setAdmin(true); else if (split[2].equals("-1")) player.setCanModifyWorld(false); if (split.length >= 4) player.setPrefix(split[3]); if (split.length >= 5) player.setCommands(split[4].split(",")); if (split.length >= 6) player.setIps(split[5].split(",")); } scanner.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading " + location + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)", e); } return player; } // Groups public void addGroup(Group group) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } public void modifyGroup(Group group) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } // Kits public void addKit(Kit kit) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } public void modifyKit(Kit kit) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } // Homes public void addHome(Warp home) { String homeLoc = etc.getInstance().getHomeLocation(); try { if (etc.getInstance().canSaveHomes()) { BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(homeLoc, true)); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(home.Name); builder.append(":"); builder.append(home.Location.x); builder.append(":"); builder.append(home.Location.y); builder.append(":"); builder.append(home.Location.z); builder.append(":"); builder.append(home.Location.rotX); builder.append(":"); builder.append(home.Location.rotY); builder.append(":"); builder.append(home.Group); bw.append(builder.toString()); bw.newLine(); bw.close(); } synchronized (homeLock) { homes.add(home); } } catch (Exception e2) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while writing new user home to " + homeLoc, e2); } } public void changeHome(Warp home) { synchronized (homeLock) { Warp toRem = null; for (Warp h : homes) if (h.Name.equalsIgnoreCase(home.Name)) toRem = h; if (toRem != null) homes.remove(toRem); homes.add(home); } FileWriter writer = null; String homeLoc = etc.getInstance().getHomeLocation(); try { // Now to save... if (etc.getInstance().canSaveHomes()) { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(homeLoc))); StringBuilder toWrite = new StringBuilder(); String line = ""; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) if (!line.split(":")[0].equalsIgnoreCase(home.Name)) toWrite.append(line).append("\r\n"); else { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(home.Name); builder.append(":"); builder.append(home.Location.x); builder.append(":"); builder.append(home.Location.y); builder.append(":"); builder.append(home.Location.z); builder.append(":"); builder.append(home.Location.rotX); builder.append(":"); builder.append(home.Location.rotY); builder.append(":"); builder.append(home.Group); toWrite.append(builder.toString()).append("\r\n"); } reader.close(); writer = new FileWriter(homeLoc); writer.write(toWrite.toString()); writer.close(); } } catch (Exception e1) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while editing user home in " + homeLoc, e1); } finally { try { if (writer != null) writer.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } } // Warps public void addWarp(Warp warp) { String warpLoc = etc.getInstance().getWarpLocation(); try { BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(warpLoc, true)); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(warp.Name); builder.append(":"); builder.append(warp.Location.x); builder.append(":"); builder.append(warp.Location.y); builder.append(":"); builder.append(warp.Location.z); builder.append(":"); builder.append(warp.Location.rotX); builder.append(":"); builder.append(warp.Location.rotY); builder.append(":"); builder.append(warp.Group); bw.append(builder.toString()); bw.newLine(); bw.close(); synchronized (warpLock) { warps.add(warp); } } catch (Exception e2) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while writing new warp to " + warpLoc, e2); } } public void changeWarp(Warp warp) { synchronized (warpLock) { Warp toRem = null; for (Warp h : warps) if (h.Name.equalsIgnoreCase(warp.Name)) toRem = h; if (toRem != null) warps.remove(toRem); warps.add(warp); } FileWriter writer = null; String warpLoc = etc.getInstance().getWarpLocation(); try { // Now to save... BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(warpLoc))); StringBuilder toWrite = new StringBuilder(); String line = ""; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) if (!line.split(":")[0].equalsIgnoreCase(warp.Name)) toWrite.append(line).append("\r\n"); else { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(warp.Name); builder.append(":"); builder.append(warp.Location.x); builder.append(":"); builder.append(warp.Location.y); builder.append(":"); builder.append(warp.Location.z); builder.append(":"); builder.append(warp.Location.rotX); builder.append(":"); builder.append(warp.Location.rotY); builder.append(":"); builder.append(warp.Group); toWrite.append(builder.toString()).append("\r\n"); } reader.close(); writer = new FileWriter(warpLoc); writer.write(toWrite.toString()); writer.close(); } catch (Exception e1) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while editing warp in " + warpLoc, e1); } finally { try { if (writer != null) writer.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } } public void removeWarp(Warp warp) { FileWriter writer = null; String warpLoc = etc.getInstance().getWarpLocation(); try { // Now to save... BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(warpLoc))); StringBuilder toWrite = new StringBuilder(); String line = ""; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) if (!line.split(":")[0].equalsIgnoreCase(warp.Name)) toWrite.append(line).append("\r\n"); reader.close(); writer = new FileWriter(warpLoc); writer.write(toWrite.toString()); writer.close(); } catch (Exception e1) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while delete warp from " + warpLoc, e1); } finally { try { if (writer != null) writer.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } synchronized (warpLock) { warps.remove(warp); } } // Whitelist public void addToWhitelist(String name) { if (isUserOnWhitelist(name)) return; BufferedWriter bw = null; String location = etc.getInstance().getWhitelistLocation(); try { bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(location, true)); bw.newLine(); bw.append(name); } catch (Exception e2) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while writing new user to " + location, e2); } finally { try { if (bw != null) bw.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } } public void removeFromWhitelist(String name) { if (!isUserOnWhitelist(name)) return; FileWriter writer = null; String location = etc.getInstance().getWhitelistLocation(); try { // Now to save... BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(location))); String line = ""; StringBuilder toSave = new StringBuilder(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) if (!line.equalsIgnoreCase(name.toLowerCase())) toSave.append(line).append("\r\n"); reader.close(); writer = new FileWriter(location); writer.write(toSave.toString()); } catch (Exception e1) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while removing player '" + name + "' from " + location, e1); } finally { try { if (writer != null) writer.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } } public boolean isUserOnWhitelist(String user) { String location = etc.getInstance().getWhitelistLocation(); Player player = getPlayer(user); try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(location)); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("") || line.startsWith("")) continue; if (line.startsWith("@") && player.isInGroup(line.substring(1))) return true; if (line.equalsIgnoreCase(user)) return true; } scanner.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading " + location, e); } return false; } public void modifyBan(Ban ban) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } // Reservelist public boolean isUserOnReserveList(String user) { String location = etc.getInstance().getReservelistLocation(); Player player = getPlayer(user); try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(location)); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("") || line.startsWith("")) continue; if (line.startsWith("@") && player.isInGroup(line.substring(1))) return true; if (line.equalsIgnoreCase(user)) return true; } scanner.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading " + location, e); } return false; } public void addToReserveList(String name) { if (isUserOnReserveList(name)) return; BufferedWriter bw = null; String location = etc.getInstance().getReservelistLocation(); try { bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(location, true)); bw.newLine(); bw.append(name); } catch (Exception e2) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while writing new user to " + location, e2); } finally { try { if (bw != null) bw.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } } public void removeFromReserveList(String name) { if (!isUserOnReserveList(name)) return; FileWriter writer = null; String location = etc.getInstance().getReservelistLocation(); try { // Now to save... BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(location))); String line = ""; StringBuilder toSave = new StringBuilder(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) if (!line.equalsIgnoreCase(name.toLowerCase())) toSave.append(line).append("\r\n"); reader.close(); writer = new FileWriter(location); writer.write(toSave.toString()); } catch (Exception e1) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while removing player '" + name + "' from " + location, e1); } finally { try { if (writer != null) writer.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } } }