package com.limegroup.gnutella.messages; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message.Network; public interface PingRequestFactory { public PingRequest createPingRequest(byte[] guid, byte ttl, byte hops); public PingRequest createFromNetwork(byte[] guid, byte ttl, byte hops, byte[] payload, Network network); public PingRequest createPingRequest(byte ttl); public PingRequest createPingRequest(byte[] guid, byte ttl); /** * Creates a Query Key ping. */ public PingRequest createQueryKeyRequest(); /** * Creates a TTL 1 Ping for faster bootstrapping, intended * for sending to UDP hosts. */ public PingRequest createUDPPing(); /** * Creates a TTL 1 Ping to request DHT nodes, intended * for sending to UDP hosts. */ public PingRequest createUDPingWithDHTIPPRequest(); /** * Creates a TTL 1 Ping for faster bootstrapping, intended * for sending to UHCs. */ public PingRequest createUHCPing(); /** * Creates a TTL 1 Ping for faster bootstrapping, intended * for sending to the multicast network. */ public PingRequest createMulticastPing(); }