package com.limegroup.bittorrent; import; import java.util.Date; import org.limewire.bittorrent.Torrent; import org.limewire.bittorrent.TorrentManager; import org.limewire.bittorrent.TorrentPeer; import org.limewire.logging.Log; import org.limewire.logging.LogFactory; import; /** * The dht scheduler will check the torrents every minute to see if they may * need the dht to continue downloading. * * If a torrent does need the dht and the dht is not started, it will be * started. Every five minutes there after the torrent will be checked to see if * it still needs the dht. If it does not, then that torrent will be marked as * not needing the dht. * * If there are no torrents needing the dht then it will be shutdown. */ public class TorrentDHTScheduler implements Runnable { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TorrentDHTScheduler.class); private static final String LAST_DHT_START_TIME = "lastDHTStartTime"; private static final String DHT_ENABLED = "dhtEnabled"; private static final long ONE_MINUTE = 60 * 1000; private static final long ONE_HOUR = ONE_MINUTE * 60; private final TorrentManager torrentManager; @Inject public TorrentDHTScheduler(TorrentManager torrentManager) { this.torrentManager = torrentManager; } @Override public void run() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debugf("Running DHT Checks: {0}", new Date()); } torrentManager.getLock().lock(); try { boolean dhtStarted = torrentManager.isDHTStarted(); boolean dhtEnabled = false; for (Torrent torrent : torrentManager.getTorrents()) { if (dhtEnabled(torrent) && shouldDisableDHT(torrent)) { torrent.setProperty(DHT_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE); dhtEnabled |= false; LOG.debugf("Disabling DHT for torrent: {0}", torrent.getName()); } else if (needsDHTConnections(torrent) && shouldTryDHT(torrent)) { torrent.setProperty(LAST_DHT_START_TIME, new Long(System.currentTimeMillis())); torrent.setProperty(DHT_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE); dhtEnabled |= true; LOG.debugf("Enabling DHT for torrent: {0}", torrent.getName()); } else if (dhtEnabled(torrent)) { dhtEnabled |= true; LOG.debugf("Keeping DHT Enabled for torrent: {0}", torrent.getName()); } else { LOG.debugf("Keeping DHT Disabled for torrent: {0}", torrent.getName()); } } File dhtStateFile = torrentManager.getTorrentManagerSettings().getDHTStateFile(); if (!dhtStarted && dhtEnabled) { torrentManager.startDHT(dhtStateFile); LOG.debugf("DHT Started"); // TODO this will currently not work, starting a dht after a // torrent has already been added // does not currently attach the dht to the torrent, in // 0.14.7 // this behavior will be updated // to attach the dht to already running torrents. we can remove // this comment then. // or we can add the fix into our own build once it becomes // available. } else if (dhtStarted && !dhtEnabled) { torrentManager.saveDHTState(dhtStateFile); torrentManager.stopDHT(); LOG.debugf("DHT Stopped"); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debugf("DHT Kept: {0}", (dhtStarted ? "on" : "off")); } } } finally { torrentManager.getLock().unlock(); } } private boolean dhtEnabled(Torrent torrent) { Boolean dhtEnabled = torrent.getProperty(DHT_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE); return dhtEnabled.booleanValue(); } private boolean shouldDisableDHT(Torrent torrent) { long runningTimeOfTorrent = getTorrentRunningTime(torrent); if (!torrent.isStarted() || torrent.isFinished() || torrent.isPrivate() || runningTimeOfTorrent < ONE_MINUTE) { return true; } Long lastDHTStartTime = torrent.getProperty(LAST_DHT_START_TIME, null); if (dhtEnabled(torrent) && lastDHTStartTime != null) { long runningTimeMillis = getTimeSinceLastDHTStartForTorrent(lastDHTStartTime); long runningTimeMinutes = runningTimeMillis / (60 * 1000); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debugf("DHT Running for torrent: {0} for {1} minutes.", torrent.getName(), runningTimeMinutes); } if (runningTimeMinutes > 30) { // only try the dht for 30 minutes at a time return true; } // check the number of peers every five minutes max. if (runningTimeMinutes % 5 == 0) { int numDHTNonTrackerPeers = 0; int numTotalPeers = 0; int numNonDHTPeers = 0; for (TorrentPeer peer : torrent.getTorrentPeers()) { numTotalPeers++; if (peer.isFromDHT() && !peer.isFromTracker()) { numDHTNonTrackerPeers++; } else { numNonDHTPeers++; } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debugf("Torrent: {0} has {1} total peers.", torrent.getName(), numTotalPeers); LOG.debugf("Torrent: {0} has {1} DHT non tracker peers.", torrent.getName(), numDHTNonTrackerPeers); LOG.debugf("Torrent: {0} has {1} non DHT peers.", torrent.getName(), numNonDHTPeers); } return numTotalPeers > 0 && (numNonDHTPeers / (float) numTotalPeers) > .50; } } return false; } private boolean shouldTryDHT(Torrent torrent) { Boolean dhtEnabled = torrent.getProperty(DHT_ENABLED, null); Long lastDHTStartTime = torrent.getProperty(LAST_DHT_START_TIME, null); if (dhtEnabled == null || lastDHTStartTime == null) { return true; } long timeSinceLastDHTStart = getTimeSinceLastDHTStartForTorrent(lastDHTStartTime); return timeSinceLastDHTStart > ONE_HOUR; } private boolean needsDHTConnections(Torrent torrent) { if (!torrent.isPaused()) { return torrent.getNumConnections() < 5; } return false; } /** * Returns the time in milliseconds that the dht was last enabled for this * torrent. */ private long getTimeSinceLastDHTStartForTorrent(Long lastDHTStartTime) { long timeSinceLastDHTStart = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastDHTStartTime.longValue(); return timeSinceLastDHTStart; } /** * Returns the torrents running time in milliseconds. */ private long getTorrentRunningTime(Torrent torrent) { long runningTimeOfTorrent = System.currentTimeMillis() - torrent.getStartTime(); return runningTimeOfTorrent; } }