package com.limegroup.gnutella.downloader; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.limewire.collection.IntervalSet; import org.limewire.collection.MultiIterable; import org.limewire.collection.Range; import; import org.limewire.util.FileUtils; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.tigertree.HashTree; /** * A control point for all access to the file being downloaded to, also does * on-the-fly verification. * <p> * Every region of the file can be in one of five states, and can move from one * state to another only in the following order: * <pre> * 1. available for download * 2. currently being downloaded * 3. waiting to be written. * 4. written (and immediately into, if possible..) * 5. verified, or if it doesn't verify back to * 1. available for download * </pre> * In order to maintain these constraints, the only possible operations are:<pre> * Lease a block - find an area which is available for download and claim it * Write a block - report that the specified block has been read from the network. * Release a block - report that the specified block will not be downloaded.</pre> */ public class VerifyingFile { static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(VerifyingFile.class); /** * If the number of corrupted data gets over this, assume the file will not be recovered */ static final float MAX_CORRUPTION = 0.9f; /** * If the number of corrupted data for a specific tree exceeds this ratio, * invalidate the tree and look for a new one */ static final float MAX_CORRUPTION_FOR_TREE = 0.1f; /** The default chunk size - if we don't have a tree we request chunks this big. * <p> * This is a power of two in order to minimize the number of small partial chunk * downloads that will be required after we learn the chunk size from the TigerTree, * since the chunk size will always be a power of two. */ static final int DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 131072; //128 KB = 128 * 1024 B = 131072 bytes /** How much to verify at a time. */ private static final int VERIFYABLE_CHUNK = 64 * 1024; // 64k /** * The file we're writing to / reading from. */ private volatile RandomAccessFile fos; /** * Whether this file is open for writing. */ private volatile boolean isOpen; /** * The eventual completed size of the file we're writing. */ private final long completedSize; /** * How much data did we lose due to corruption. */ private long lostSize; /** * How much data did we lose using the current tree. */ private long lostSizeForTree; /** * The VerifyingFile uses an IntervalSet to keep track of the blocks written * to disk and find out which blocks to check before writing to disk. */ private final IntervalSet verifiedBlocks; /** * Ranges that are currently being written by the ManagedDownloader. * <p> * Replaces the IntervalSet of needed ranges previously stored in the * ManagedDownloader but which could get out of sync with the verifiedBlocks * IntervalSet and is therefore replaced by a more failsafe implementation. */ private IntervalSet leasedBlocks; /** * Ranges that are currently written to disk, but do not form complete chunks * so cannot be verified by the HashTree. */ private IntervalSet partialBlocks; /** * Ranges that are discarded (but verification was attempted). */ private IntervalSet savedCorruptBlocks; /** * Ranges which are pending writing & verification. */ private IntervalSet pendingBlocks; /** * Decides which blocks to start downloading next. */ private SelectionStrategy blockChooser = null; /** * The hashtree we use to verify chunks, if any. */ private HashTree hashTree; /** * The expected TigerTree root (null if we'll accept any). */ private String expectedHashRoot; /** * Whether someone is currently requesting the hash tree. */ private boolean hashTreeRequested; /** * Whether we are actually verifying chunks. */ private boolean discardBad = true; /** * The IOException, if any, we got while writing. */ private IOException storedException; /** * The size of the file on disk if we're going to scan for completed * blocks. Otherwise -1. */ private long existingFileSize = -1; /** * Additional counter to keep track of scheduled chunks in each single file. * Needed to prevent premature closing of underlying RandomAccessFile. */ private int chunksScheduledPerFile = 0; /** * Holds the iterable for all blocks, is lazily instantiated when * needed for the first time. */ private MultiIterable<Range> allBlocksIterable = null; /** The controller for doing disk reads/writes. */ private final Provider<DiskController> diskController; /** * Constructs a new VerifyingFile for the specified size. * If checkOverlap is true, will scan for overlap corruption. */ VerifyingFile(long completedSize, Provider<DiskController> diskController) { this.completedSize = completedSize; verifiedBlocks = new IntervalSet(); leasedBlocks = new IntervalSet(); pendingBlocks = new IntervalSet(); partialBlocks = new IntervalSet(); savedCorruptBlocks = new IntervalSet(); this.diskController = diskController; } /** * Opens this VerifyingFile for writing. * MUST be called before anything else. * <p> * If there is no completion size, this fails. */ public void open(File file) throws IOException { if(completedSize == -1) throw new IllegalStateException("cannot open for unknown size."); // Ensure that the directory this file is in exists & is writeable. File parentFile = file.getParentFile(); if( parentFile != null ) { parentFile.mkdirs(); if(!parentFile.exists()) throw new IOException("permission denied"); FileUtils.setWriteable(parentFile); } FileUtils.setWriteable(file); this.fos = new RandomAccessFile(file,"rw"); SelectionStrategy myStrategy = SelectionStrategyFactory.getStrategyFor( FileUtils.getFileExtension(file), completedSize); synchronized(this) { storedException = null; // Figure out which SelectionStrategy to use blockChooser = myStrategy; isOpen = true; } } /** * Used to add blocks directly. Blocks added this way are marked * partial. */ public synchronized void addInterval(Range interval) { //delegates to underlying IntervalSet partialBlocks.add(interval); } public void registerWriteCallback(WriteRequest request, WriteCallback callback) { request.startScheduling(); if (writeBlockImpl(request)) { callback.writeScheduled(); } else { diskController.get().addDelayedWrite(new VerifyingFileDelayedWrite(request, callback, this)); } } /** * Writes bytes to the underlying file. */ public boolean writeBlock(WriteRequest request) { if(!validateState(request)) return true; request.startProcessing(); updateState(; boolean canWrite = diskController.get().canWriteNow(); if(canWrite) return writeBlockImpl(request); else // do not try to write if something else is waiting. return false; } /** * Writes bytes to the underlying file. * * @return true if this scheduled a write or wasn't open, false if it couldn't. */ private boolean writeBlockImpl(WriteRequest request) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("trying to write block at offset " + request.currPos + " with size " + request.length); if (!validateState(request)) return true; byte[] temp = diskController.get().getWriteChunk(); if(temp == null) return false; request.setDone(); assert temp.length >= request.length : "bad length: " + request.length + ", needed <= " + temp.length; System.arraycopy(request.buf, request.start, temp, 0, request.length); synchronized (this) { chunksScheduledPerFile++; } diskController.get().addDiskJob(new ChunkHandler(temp,; return true; } private synchronized void updateState(Range intvl) { // / some stuff to help debugging /// assert leasedBlocks.contains(intvl) : "trying to write an interval " + intvl + " that wasn't leased.\n" + dumpState(); assert !(partialBlocks.contains(intvl) || savedCorruptBlocks.contains(intvl) || pendingBlocks.contains(intvl)) : "trying to write an interval "+intvl+ " that was already written"+dumpState(); leasedBlocks.delete(intvl); // add only the ranges that aren't already verified into pending. // this is necessary because full-scanning may have added unforeseen // blocks into verified. if(verifiedBlocks.containsAny(intvl)) { // technically the code in this if block would work for all cases, // but it's kind of inefficient to do lots of work all the time, // when the if is only necessary after a full-scan. IntervalSet remaining = new IntervalSet(); remaining.add(intvl); remaining.delete(verifiedBlocks); pendingBlocks.add(remaining); } else { pendingBlocks.add(intvl); } } /** * @return false if this request should return immediately */ private boolean validateState(WriteRequest request) { if (request.length == 0) // nothing to write? return return false; if (fos == null) throw new IllegalStateException("no fos!"); if (!isOpen()) return false; return true; } /** * Set whether or not we're going to do a one-time full scan * on this file for verified blocks once we find a * hash tree. */ public void setScanForExistingBlocks(boolean scan, long length) throws IOException { if(scan && length != 0) { if (length > completedSize) throw new IOException("invalid completed size or length"); existingFileSize = length; } else { existingFileSize = -1; } } public synchronized String dumpState() { return "verified:"+verifiedBlocks+"\npartial:"+partialBlocks+ "\ndiscarded:"+savedCorruptBlocks+ "\npending:"+pendingBlocks+"\nleased:"+leasedBlocks; } /** * Returns a block of data that needs to be written. * <p> * This method will not break up contiguous chunks into smaller chunks. */ public Range leaseWhite() throws NoSuchElementException { return leaseWhiteHelper(null, completedSize); } /** * Returns a block of data that needs to be written. * The returned block will NEVER be larger than chunkSize. */ public Range leaseWhite(long chunkSize) throws NoSuchElementException { return leaseWhiteHelper(null, chunkSize); } /** * Returns a block of data that needs to be written * and is within the specified set of ranges. * The parameter IntervalSet is modified */ public Range leaseWhite(IntervalSet ranges) throws NoSuchElementException { return leaseWhiteHelper(ranges, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE); } /** * Returns a block of data that needs to be written * and is within the specified set of ranges. * The returned block will NEVER be larger than chunkSize. */ public Range leaseWhite(IntervalSet ranges, long chunkSize) throws NoSuchElementException { return leaseWhiteHelper(ranges, chunkSize); } /** * Removes the specified internal from the set of leased intervals. */ public synchronized void releaseBlock(Range in) { assert leasedBlocks.contains(in) : "trying to release an interval " + in + " that wasn't leased " + dumpState(); if(LOG.isInfoEnabled())"Releasing interval: " + in+" state "+dumpState()); leasedBlocks.delete(in); } /** * Returns all verified blocks with an Iterator. */ public synchronized Iterable<Range> getVerifiedBlocks() { return verifiedBlocks; } /** * @return the verified IntervalSet. */ public synchronized IntervalSet getVerifiedIntervalSet() { return verifiedBlocks; } /** * @return the partial IntervalSet. */ public synchronized IntervalSet getPartialIntervalSet() { return partialBlocks; } /** * @return byte-packed representation of the verified blocks. */ public synchronized IntervalSet.ByteIntervals toBytes() { return verifiedBlocks.toBytes(); } @Override public String toString() { return dumpState(); } /** * @return List of Intervals that should be serialized. Excludes pending intervals. */ public synchronized List<Range> getSerializableBlocks() { IntervalSet ret = new IntervalSet(); for(Range next : new MultiIterable<Range>(verifiedBlocks, partialBlocks, savedCorruptBlocks)) ret.add(next); return ret.getAllIntervalsAsList(); } /** * While iterating over the result a lock to the verifying file should * be held to ensure the interval lists are not modified elsewhere. * @return all downloaded blocks as list */ public synchronized Iterable<Range> getBlocks() { if (allBlocksIterable == null) { allBlocksIterable = new MultiIterable<Range>(verifiedBlocks, partialBlocks, savedCorruptBlocks, pendingBlocks); } return allBlocksIterable; } /** * @return the offset of the first contiguous downloaded * region of the file */ public synchronized long getOffsetForPreview() { // if we have any savedCorrupt intervals, we need to lump everything // together to get the longest continuous interval if (!savedCorruptBlocks.isEmpty()) { IntervalSet lump = new IntervalSet(); lump.add(savedCorruptBlocks); lump.add(verifiedBlocks); lump.add(partialBlocks); if (lump.getFirst().getLow() != 0) return 0; return lump.getFirst().getHigh(); } /* * we know that the intervals are contiguous, mutually exclusive * and sorted. Also, we know that a partial interval must be smaller * than a full chunk. So all we need to look at are the * first verified & first partial intervals. */ IntervalSet firsts = new IntervalSet(); if (!verifiedBlocks.isEmpty()) firsts.add(verifiedBlocks.getFirst()); if (!partialBlocks.isEmpty()) firsts.add(partialBlocks.getFirst()); if (firsts.isEmpty() || firsts.getFirst().getLow() != 0) return 0; return firsts.getFirst().getHigh(); } /** * Returns all verified blocks as a List. */ public synchronized List<Range> getVerifiedBlocksAsList() { return verifiedBlocks.getAllIntervalsAsList(); } /** * Returns the total number of bytes written to disk. */ public synchronized long getBlockSize() { return verifiedBlocks.getSize() + partialBlocks.getSize() + savedCorruptBlocks.getSize() + pendingBlocks.getSize(); } public synchronized long getPendingSize() { return pendingBlocks.getSize(); } /** * Returns the total number of verified bytes written to disk. */ public synchronized long getVerifiedBlockSize() { return verifiedBlocks.getSize(); } /** * @return how much data was lost due to corruption */ public synchronized long getAmountLost() { return lostSize; } /** * Determines if all blocks have been written to disk and verified. */ public synchronized boolean isComplete() { if (hashTree != null) return verifiedBlocks.getSize() + savedCorruptBlocks.getSize() == completedSize; else { return verifiedBlocks.getSize() + savedCorruptBlocks.getSize() + partialBlocks.getSize()== completedSize; } } /** Returns all missing pieces. */ public synchronized String listMissingPieces() { IntervalSet all = new IntervalSet(); all.add(Range.createRange(0, completedSize-1)); all.delete(verifiedBlocks); all.delete(savedCorruptBlocks); if(hashTree == null) all.delete(partialBlocks); return all.toString() + ", pending: " + pendingBlocks.toString() + ", has tree? " + (hashTree != null) + ", verified: " + verifiedBlocks + ", savedCorrupt: " + savedCorruptBlocks + ", partial: " + partialBlocks; } /** * If the last remaining chunks of the file are currently pending writing & verification, * wait until it finishes. */ public synchronized void waitForPendingIfNeeded() throws InterruptedException, DiskException { if(storedException != null) throw new DiskException(storedException); while (!isComplete() && getBlockSize() == completedSize) { if(storedException != null) throw new DiskException(storedException); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())"waiting for a pending chunk to verify or write.."); wait(); } } /** * Waits until all pending write requests have been completed. */ public synchronized void waitForPending(int timeout) throws InterruptedException, DiskException { if(storedException != null) throw new DiskException(storedException); synchronized (this) { while (chunksScheduledPerFile > 0) { this.wait(timeout); } } } /** * @return whether we think we will not be able to complete this file */ public synchronized boolean isHopeless() { return lostSize >= MAX_CORRUPTION * completedSize; } public boolean isOpen() { return isOpen; } /** * Determines if there are any blocks that are not assigned * or written. */ public synchronized long hasFreeBlocksToAssign() { return completedSize - (verifiedBlocks.getSize() + leasedBlocks.getSize() + partialBlocks.getSize() + savedCorruptBlocks.getSize() + pendingBlocks.getSize()); } /** * Closes the file output stream. */ public void close() { isOpen = false; if(fos==null) return; try { synchronized (this) { while (chunksScheduledPerFile > 0) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } } } fos.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) {} } /////////////////////////private helpers////////////////////////////// /** * Determines which interval should be assigned next, leases that interval, * and returns that interval. * * @param availableRanges if ranges is non-null, the return value will be a chosen * from within availableRanges * @param chunkSize if greater than zero, the return value will end one byte before * a chunkSize boundary and will be at most chunkSize bytes large. * @return the leased interval */ private synchronized Range leaseWhiteHelper(IntervalSet availableBytes, long chunkSize) throws NoSuchElementException { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("leasing white, state:\n"+dumpState()); // If ranges is null, make ranges represent the entire file if (availableBytes == null) availableBytes = IntervalSet.createSingletonSet(0, completedSize-1); // Figure out which blocks we still need to assign IntervalSet neededBytes = IntervalSet.createSingletonSet(0, completedSize-1); neededBytes.delete(verifiedBlocks); neededBytes.delete(leasedBlocks); neededBytes.delete(partialBlocks); neededBytes.delete(savedCorruptBlocks); neededBytes.delete(pendingBlocks); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("needed bytes: "+neededBytes); // Calculate the intersection of neededBytes and availableBytes availableBytes.delete(neededBytes.invert(completedSize)); Range ret = blockChooser.pickAssignment(availableBytes, neededBytes, chunkSize); leaseBlock(ret); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("leasing white interval "+ret+"\nof available intervals "+ neededBytes); return ret; } /** * Leases the specified interval. */ private synchronized void leaseBlock(Range in) { //if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) //LOG.debug("Obtaining interval: " + in); leasedBlocks.add(in); } /** * Sets the expected hash tree root. If non-null, we'll only accept * hash trees whose root hash matches this. */ public synchronized void setExpectedHashTreeRoot(String root) { expectedHashRoot = root; } public synchronized HashTree getHashTree() { return hashTree; } /** * sets the HashTree the current download will use. That affects whether * we do overlap checking. * @return true if the new tree was accepted. */ public synchronized boolean setHashTree(HashTree tree) { // doesn't match our expected tree, bail. if (expectedHashRoot != null && tree != null && !tree.getRootHash().equalsIgnoreCase(expectedHashRoot)) return false; // if the tree is of incorrect size, ignore it if (tree != null && tree.getFileSize() != completedSize) return false; HashTree previous = hashTree; // if the roots are different if (previous != null && tree != null && !previous.getRootHash().equals(tree.getRootHash())){ // and we have verified at least two default chunks, don't change if (verifiedBlocks.getSize() > 2 * DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) return false; // else trigger verification if (verifiedBlocks.getSize() > 0) { partialBlocks.add(verifiedBlocks); verifiedBlocks.clear(); diskController.get().addDiskJobWithoutChunk(new EmptyVerifier(existingFileSize)); } } hashTree = tree; // if we did not have a tree previously // and we do have a hash tree now // and either we want to scan the whole file once // or we don't have pending blocks but do have partial blocks, // trigger verification. if (previous == null && tree != null && (existingFileSize != -1 || (pendingBlocks.getSize() == 0 && partialBlocks.getSize() > 0)) ) { diskController.get().addDiskJobWithoutChunk(new EmptyVerifier(existingFileSize)); existingFileSize = -1; } return true; } /** * Flags that someone is currently requesting the tree. */ public synchronized void setHashTreeRequested(boolean yes) { hashTreeRequested = yes; } public synchronized boolean isHashTreeRequested() { return hashTreeRequested; } public synchronized void setDiscardUnverified(boolean yes) { discardBad = yes; } public synchronized int getChunkSize() { return hashTree == null ? DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE : hashTree.getNodeSize(); } /** * Stub for calling verifyChunks(-1). */ private void verifyChunks() { verifyChunks(-1); } /** * Schedules those chunks that can be verified against the hash tree for * verification. */ private void verifyChunks(long existingFileSize) { boolean fullScan = existingFileSize != -1; HashTree tree = getHashTree(); // capture the tree. // if we have a tree, see if there is a completed chunk in the partial list if(tree != null) { for(Range i : findVerifyableBlocks(existingFileSize, tree.getNodeSize())) { byte[] tmp = diskController.get().getPowerOf2Chunk(Math.min(VERIFYABLE_CHUNK,tree.getNodeSize())); boolean good = !tree.isCorrupt(i, fos, tmp); synchronized (this) { partialBlocks.delete(i); if (good) verifiedBlocks.add(i); else { if (!fullScan) { if (!discardBad) { savedCorruptBlocks.add(i); } long intervalSize = i.getLength(); lostSize += intervalSize; lostSizeForTree += intervalSize; } } } } checkTree(); } } synchronized IntervalSet getDownloadedBlocks() { IntervalSet full = new IntervalSet(); full.add(verifiedBlocks); full.add(partialBlocks); full.add(pendingBlocks); if(!discardBad) { full.add(savedCorruptBlocks); } return full; } synchronized IntervalSet getLeasedBlocks() { return leasedBlocks.clone(); } /** * iterates through the pending blocks and checks if the recent write has created * some (verifiable) full chunks. Its not possible to verify more than two chunks * per method call unless the downloader is being deserialized from disk. */ private synchronized List<Range> findVerifyableBlocks(long existingFileSize, int chunkSize) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("trying to find verifyable blocks out of "+partialBlocks); boolean fullScan = existingFileSize != -1; List<Range> verifyable = new ArrayList<Range>(2); List<Range> partial; if(fullScan) { IntervalSet temp = partialBlocks.clone(); temp.add(Range.createRange(0, existingFileSize)); partial = temp.getAllIntervalsAsList(); } else { partial = partialBlocks.getAllIntervalsAsList(); } for (Range current : partial) { // find the beginning of the first chunk offset long lowChunkOffset = current.getLow() - current.getLow() % chunkSize; if (current.getLow() % chunkSize != 0) lowChunkOffset += chunkSize; while (current.getHigh() >= lowChunkOffset + chunkSize - 1) { Range complete = Range.createRange(lowChunkOffset, lowChunkOffset + chunkSize - 1); verifyable.add(complete); lowChunkOffset += chunkSize; } } // special case for the last chunk if (!partial.isEmpty()) { long lastChunkOffset = completedSize - (completedSize % chunkSize); if (lastChunkOffset == completedSize) lastChunkOffset-=chunkSize; Range last = partial.get(partial.size() - 1); if (last.getHigh() == completedSize-1 && last.getLow() <= lastChunkOffset ) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("adding the last chunk for verification"); verifyable.add(Range.createRange(lastChunkOffset, last.getHigh())); } } return verifyable; } long getCompletedSize() { return completedSize; } private synchronized void checkTree() { if (lostSizeForTree > MAX_CORRUPTION_FOR_TREE * completedSize) { hashTree = null; lostSizeForTree = 0; } } /** * Runnable that writes chunks to disk & verifies partial blocks. */ private class ChunkHandler extends ChunkDiskJob { /** The interval that we are about to write */ private final Range intvl; /** Whether or not running the job freed a pending block. */ private boolean freedPending = false; public ChunkHandler(byte[] buf, Range intvl) { super(buf); this.intvl = intvl; long length = intvl.getHigh() - intvl.getLow() + 1; assert length <= buf.length : "invalid length "+length+ " vs buf "+buf.length; } @Override public void runChunkJob(byte[] buf) { try { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Writing intvl: " + intvl); synchronized (fos) {; fos.write(buf, 0, (int) (intvl.getHigh() - intvl.getLow() + 1)); } synchronized (VerifyingFile.this) { pendingBlocks.delete(intvl); partialBlocks.add(intvl); freedPending = true; } verifyChunks(); } catch (IOException diskIO) { synchronized(VerifyingFile.this) { pendingBlocks.delete(intvl); storedException = diskIO; } } } @Override public void finish() { synchronized(VerifyingFile.this) { try { if (!freedPending) pendingBlocks.delete(intvl); } finally { --chunksScheduledPerFile; VerifyingFile.this.notifyAll(); } } } } /** A simple Runnable that schedules a verification of the file. */ private class EmptyVerifier implements Runnable { private final long existingFileSize; EmptyVerifier(long existingFileSize) { this.existingFileSize = existingFileSize; } public void run() { verifyChunks(existingFileSize); synchronized (VerifyingFile.this) { VerifyingFile.this.notify(); } } } static interface WriteCallback { public void writeScheduled(); } private static class VerifyingFileDelayedWrite implements DelayedWrite { private final WriteRequest request; private final WriteCallback callback; private final VerifyingFile vf; VerifyingFileDelayedWrite(WriteRequest request, WriteCallback callback, VerifyingFile vf) { this.request = request; this.callback = callback; this.vf = vf; } public boolean write() { if(vf.writeBlockImpl(request)) { callback.writeScheduled(); return true; } else { return false; } } } public static class WriteRequest { public final long currPos; public final int start; public final int length; public final byte[] buf; public final Range in; private boolean processed, done, scheduled; WriteRequest(long currPos, int start, int length, byte[] buf) { this.currPos = currPos; this.start = start; this.length = length; this.buf = buf; in = Range.createRange(currPos, currPos + length - 1); } private synchronized void startProcessing() { if (isInvalidForWriting()) throw new IllegalStateException("invalid request state"); processed = true; } private synchronized void startScheduling() { if (isInvalidForCallback()) throw new IllegalStateException("invalid request state"); scheduled = true; } private synchronized void setDone() { if (done) throw new IllegalStateException("invalid request state"); done = true; } public synchronized boolean isInvalidForCallback() { return !processed || done || scheduled; } public synchronized boolean isInvalidForWriting() { return done || processed; } } }