import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Queue; /** * R-way implementation of Trie * <p> * API list * 1. void put(String key, T val) * 2. T get(String key) * 3. delete(String key) * 4. boolean contains(String key) * 5. boolean isEmpty() * 6. String longestPrefixOf(String s) * 7. Iterable<String> keysWithPrefix(String s) * 8. Iterable<String> keysThatMatch(String s) * 9. int size() * 10. Iterable<String> keys() * <p> * no duplicate or null keys * no null values */ public class TrieST<T> { /** * radix */ private static int R = 256; /** * root of trie */ private Node root = new Node(); /** * get the value from trie with the key * * @return the value of the key. otherwise, return null */ public T get(String key) { Node n = get(root, key, 0); if (n == null) { return null; } return (T) n.val; } private Node get(Node n, String key, int d) { // Return node associated with key in the subtrie rooted at n. if (n == null) { return null; } if (d == key.length()) { return n; } char c = key.charAt(d); // Use dth key char to identify subtrie. return get([c], key, d + 1); } /** * insert an entry to the trie */ public void put(String key, T val) { root = put(root, key, val, 0); } private Node put(Node n, String key, T val, int d) { // Change value associated with key if in subtrie rooted at n. if (n == null) { n = new Node(); } if (d == key.length()) { n.val = val; return n; } char c = key.charAt(d); // Use dth key char to identify subtrie.[c] = put([c], key, val, d + 1); return n; } /** * 1. maintain the number of keys in an instance variable N * 2. maintain the number of keys in a subtrie as a node instance variable, updated after the recursive calls in * put() and delete() * 3. calculate recursively * * @return number of keys in the trie */ public int size() { return size(root); } private int size(Node n) { // lazy recursively implementation // traverse all of the nodes in the trie // counting the number having a non-null value // bad performance if (n == null) { return 0; } int cnt = 0; if (n.val != null) { cnt++; // add its own size } for (char c = 0; c < R; c++) { cnt += size([c]); // add children's size } return cnt; } public Iterable<String> keys() { return keysWithPrefix(""); } public Iterable<String> keysWithPrefix(String pre) { Queue<String> q = new LinkedList<>(); collect(get(root, pre, 0), pre, q); return q; } private void collect(Node n, String pre, Queue<String> q) { if (n == null) { return; } if (n.val != null) { q.offer(pre); // pre is a valid key } for (char c = 0; c < R; c++) { collect([c], pre + c, q); // collect keys in children } } /** * support '.' only * * @param pat string pattern with or without '.' * @return all keys that match the given pattern */ public Iterable<String> keysThatMatch(String pat) { Queue<String> q = new LinkedList<>(); collect(root, "", pat, q); return q; } private void collect(Node n, String pre, String pat, Queue<String> q) { int d = pre.length(); if (n == null) { return; } if (d == pat.length() && n.val != null) { q.offer(pre); } if (d == pat.length()) { return; } char next = pat.charAt(d); for (char c = 0; c < R; c++) { if (next == '.' || next == c) { collect([c], pre + c, pat, q); } } } /** * @return the longest prefix exists in the trie */ public String longestPrefix(String s) { int length = search(root, s, 0, 0); return s.substring(0, length); } private int search(Node n, String s, int d, int length) { if (n == null) { return length; } if (n.val != null) { length = d; // find a key, update length } if (d == s.length()) { return length; // reach the deepest level } char c = s.charAt(d); return search([c], s, d + 1, length); // search next level } /** * delete a key and its corresponding value from the trie */ public void delete(String key) { root = delete(root, key, 0); } private Node delete(Node n, String key, int d) { if (n == null) { return null; } if (d == key.length()) { // find the correct level n.val = null; } else { char c = key.charAt(d); // recurse further to next level[c] = delete([c], key, d + 1); } // check if there is no more keys in the subtrie if (n.val != null) { return n; // check current node } for (char c = 0; c < R; c++) { if ([c] != null) { return n; // check children } } return null; // the client value and all of the links in this node are all } private static class Node { private Object val; private Node[] next = new Node[R]; } }