import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Given a string you need to print longest possible substring that has at most M unique characters. * <p> * If there are more than one substring of longest possible length, then print any one of them. * <p> * Example: * input: abcsxfaaxfe, 5 * output: sxfaaxfe * <p> * Similar: * * <p> * Created by kiyan on 6/5/16. */ public class LongestContiguousSubstring { private LongestContiguousSubstring lcs; /** * O(n) Time, O(n) Space * Maintain a window and add elements to the window till it contains less or equal k * Update our result if required while doing so. * If unique elements exceeds than required in window, start removing the elements from left side. * We can reduce the space to O(1) if change the map to an array of all characters */ public String findLongestContiguous(String s, int M) { if (s == null || s.length() <= M) return s; Map<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); String res = ""; int start = 0; int end = 0; while (start <= end && end < s.length()) { char c = s.charAt(end); // Update map map.put(c, map.containsKey(c) ? map.get(c) + 1 : 1); // Move start pointer while (map.size() > M) { char toRemove = s.charAt(start); if (map.containsKey(toRemove)) map.put(toRemove, map.get(toRemove) - 1); if (!map.containsKey(toRemove) || map.get(toRemove) <= 0) map.remove(toRemove); start++; } // Update result String temp = s.substring(start, end + 1); if (res.length() < temp.length()) { res = temp; } end++; } return res; } @Before public void setUp() { lcs = new LongestContiguousSubstring(); } @Test public void testExample() { // "aabbcc", k = 1 String input = "aabbcc"; int M = 1; Assert.assertEquals("aa", lcs.findLongestContiguous(input, M)); // "aabbcc", k = 2 M = 2; Assert.assertEquals("aabb", lcs.findLongestContiguous(input, M)); // "aabbcc", k = 3 M = 3; Assert.assertEquals("aabbcc", lcs.findLongestContiguous(input, M)); // "aaabbb", k = 3 input = "aaabbb"; Assert.assertEquals("aaabbb", lcs.findLongestContiguous(input, M)); // input = "abcsxfaaxfe"; M = 5; Assert.assertEquals("csxfaaxf", lcs.findLongestContiguous(input, M)); } @After public void tearDown() { lcs = null; } }