package net.loyin.controller; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.loyin.interceptor.ManagerPowerInterceptor; import net.loyin.jFinal.anatation.RouteBind; import net.loyin.model.Employee; import net.loyin.model.Organization; import net.loyin.model.Partment; import net.loyin.model.Role; import com.jfinal.aop.Before; import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.Db; import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.Record; /** * 权限设置 * @author loyin */ @RouteBind(path = "/power") @Before({ ManagerPowerInterceptor.class }) public class PowerContraller extends BaseController { private boolean f; @Override public void index() { f=true; list(); setAttr("org",Db.find("select id, name,num from Organization order by id")); setAttr("part",Db.find("select id, name,num from Partment order by id")); setAttr("rolelist",Db.find("select id, name from role order by id")); render("index.html"); }public void list(){ Long pid = getParaToLong(1, 0L); Long orgid = getParaToLong(0, 0L); StringBuffer whee=new StringBuffer(); List<Object> param=new ArrayList<Object>(); String fullname=getPara("fullname"); if(fullname!=null&&!"".equals(fullname.trim())){ whee.append(" and fullname like ?"); param.add("%"+fullname+"%"); } String userno=getPara("userno"); if(userno!=null&&!"".equals(userno.trim())){ whee.append(" and userno like ?"); param.add("%"+userno+"%"); } if(pid!=0){ whee.append(" and = ?"); param.add(pid); setAttr("partname",Partment.dao.findById(pid).get("name")); } setAttr("fullname", fullname); setAttr("userno", userno); setAttr("partid",pid); if(orgid!=0){ whee.append(" and p.orgid = ?"); param.add(orgid); setAttr("orgname",Organization.dao.findById(orgid).get("name")); } setAttr("orgid", orgid); setAttr("pid", pid); setAttr("page", Db.paginate(getParaToInt("pageNum", 1), getParaToInt("numPerPage", 20), "select,userno 编号,fullname 姓名,e.gender 性别,phone 手机电话,stat 状态 ", " from Employee e join partment p on "+whee.toString()+" order by ",param.toArray())); setAttr("collist", new String[]{"编号","姓名","性别","手机电话","状态"}); if(f==false) render("list.html"); } public void add() { Long objid=this.getParaToLong(0); int c=this.getParaToInt(1,0); List<Record> powerlist=Db.find("select menuid from powermenu where objid=? and type=?", objid,c); switch(c){ case 0: setAttr("objname",Employee.dao.findById(objid).get("fullname")); break; case 1: setAttr("objname",Role.dao.findById(objid).get("name")); break; case 2: setAttr("objname",Partment.dao.findById(objid).get("name")); break; case 3: setAttr("objname",Organization.dao.findById(objid).get("name")); break; } this.setAttr("list", Db.find("select id,pid,name 名称,type 类别,menulevel 级别,ordernum 排序,icon 图标,remark 备注 from menu order by menulevel asc,ordernum asc")); this.setAttr("collist", new String[]{"名称","类别","图标","备注"}); setAttr("powerlist",powerlist); setAttr("objid",objid); setAttr("type",c); render("add.html"); } public void save() { try { Long objid=this.getParaToLong(0); int c=this.getParaToInt(1,0); String[] menus=this.getParaValues("menus"); if(menus!=null&&menus.length>0){ String[][] objs=new String[menus.length][1]; int i=0; for(String m:menus){ objs[i++][0]=m; } Db.update("delete from powermenu where objid=? and type=?",objid,c); Db.batch("insert into powermenu (objid,type,menuid) values("+objid+","+c+",?)",objs, 20); Db.update("insert into powermenu (objid,type,menuid)" + "select distinct " + objid + "," + c + ", from menu m, menu m1 where and in(select menuid from powermenu where objid=" + objid + " and type=" + c + ") and not in(select menuid from powermenu where objid=" + objid + " and type=" + c + ")"); } toDwzJson(200, "保存成功!"); } catch (Exception e) { toDwzJson(300, "保存异常!"); } } }