package net.loyin.controller; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.loyin.ftl.OrgSelectTarget; import net.loyin.ftl.PartmentSelectTarget; import net.loyin.interceptor.ManagerPowerInterceptor; import net.loyin.jFinal.anatation.PowerBind; import net.loyin.jFinal.anatation.RouteBind; import net.loyin.model.Employee; import net.loyin.model.Organization; import net.loyin.model.Partment; import net.loyin.model.Role; import; import com.jfinal.aop.Before; import com.jfinal.log.Logger; import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.Db; import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.Record; /** * 网站管理用户 * * @author 刘声凤 2012-9-6 下午9:06:42 */ @RouteBind(path = "/employee") @Before({ ManagerPowerInterceptor.class }) public class EmployeeController extends BaseController { public static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(EmployeeController.class); private static String navTabId = "employee"; private boolean f; public void index() { f = true; list(); setAttr("org",Organization.dao.find("select id, name,num from Organization order by id")); setAttr("part",Partment.dao.find("select id, name,num from Partment order by id")); render("index.html"); } public void list() { Long pid = getParaToLong(1, 0L); Long orgid = getParaToLong(0, 0L); StringBuffer whee = new StringBuffer(); List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); String fullname = getPara("fullname"); if (fullname != null && !"".equals(fullname.trim())) { whee.append(" and fullname like ?"); param.add("%" + fullname + "%"); } String userno = getPara("userno"); if (userno != null && !"".equals(userno.trim())) { whee.append(" and userno like ?"); param.add("%" + userno + "%"); } if (pid != 0) { whee.append(" and = ?"); param.add(pid); } setAttr("fullname", fullname); setAttr("userno", userno); setAttr("partid", pid); if (orgid != 0) { whee.append(" and p.orgid = ?"); param.add(orgid); } setAttr("orgid", orgid); setAttr("pid", pid); setAttr("page", Db.paginate( getParaToInt("pageNum", 1), getParaToInt("numPerPage", 20), "select,userno 编号,fullname 姓名,e.gender 性别,phone 手机电话,stat 状态 ", " from Employee e join partment p on " + whee.toString() + " order by ", param.toArray())); setAttr("collist", new String[] { "编号", "姓名", "性别", "手机电话", "状态" }); if (f == false) render("list.html"); } private static final String chars = "23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz"; /** * 产生随机数 * @return */ private char[] getCode(int length) { char[] rands = new char[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int rand = (int) (Math.random() * chars.length()); rands[i] = chars.charAt(rand); } return rands; } public void add() { Employee pojo = new Employee(); Long id = getParaToLong(2, 0L); Long pid = getParaToLong(1, 0L); Long orgid = getParaToLong(0, 0L); pojo.set("partmentid", pid); pojo.set("orgid", orgid); if (id != 0) { pojo = Employee.dao.findById(id); } setAttr(OrgSelectTarget.targetName, new OrgSelectTarget()); setAttr(PartmentSelectTarget.targetName, new PartmentSelectTarget()); setAttr("pojo", pojo); render("add.html"); } public void show() { Employee pojo = new Employee(); Long id = getParaToLong(0, 0L); pojo = Employee.dao.findById(id); setAttr("part",Partment.dao.findById(pojo.get("partmentid"))); setAttr("org",Organization.dao.findById(pojo.get("orgid"))); setAttr("pojo", pojo); render("show.html"); } public void save() { try { Employee m = getModel(Employee.class); if (m.getLong("id") != null) { m.update(); } else {; } Db.update("update employee e set e.orgid=(select p.orgid from partment p where"); toDwzJson(200, "保存成功!", navTabId); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("保存员工异常", e); toDwzJson(300, "保存异常!"); } } public void del() { Long id = getParaToLong(0, 0L); Record po = getCurrentUser(); if (id != po.getLong("id")) { Employee.dao.deleteById(id); toDwzJson(200, "删除成功!", navTabId); } else { toDwzJson(300, "不能删除自己的账号!"); } } public void resetPwd() { String pwd = new String(getCode(6));// 随机密码 Long id = getParaToLong(0, 0L); if (id != 0L) { Employee.dao.set("id", id).set("pwd", MD5.getMD5ofStr(pwd)) .update(); } toDwzJson(200, "重置密码成功!密码为<br><h3><b style='color:red;'>" + pwd + "</b></h3><br>请牢记!", navTabId); } @PowerBind public void pwd() { render("pwd.html"); } @PowerBind public void savepwd() { String oldpwd = getPara("oldpwd"); String pwd = getPara("pwd"); Record po = getCurrentUser(); Employee e = Employee.dao.findById(po.get("id")); String pwd1 = e.getStr("pwd"); if (MD5.getMD5ofStr(oldpwd).equals(pwd1)) { e.set("pwd", MD5.getMD5ofStr(pwd)); e.update(); toDwzJson(200, "重置密码成功!密码为<br><h3><b style='color:red;'>" + pwd + "</b></h3><br>请牢记!"); } else { toDwzJson(300, "旧密码输入错误!"); } } public void role() { Long id = getParaToLong(0, 0L); setAttr("id", id); setAttr("pojo", Employee.dao.findById(id)); setAttr("urolelist", Db.find("select roleid from userrole where userid=?", id)); setAttr("rolelist", Role.dao.find("select * from role")); render("role.html"); } public void saveRole() { try { Long id = getParaToLong(0, 0L); Integer[] roles=this.getParaValuesToInt("roles"); if(roles!=null&&roles.length>0){ Db.update("delete from userrole where userid=?",id); Integer[][] objs=new Integer[roles.length][1]; int i=0; for(Integer m:roles){ objs[i++][0]=m; } Db.batch("insert into userrole (userid,roleid) values("+id+",?)", objs,20); } toDwzJson(200, "保存成功!"); } catch (Exception e) { toDwzJson(300, "保存异常!"); } } }