package nl.ipo.cds.dao; import static; import nl.ipo.cds.categories.IntegrationTests; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.BronhouderThema; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.Gebruiker; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.TypeGebruik; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; import; import; import; import; /** * Test cases for the {@link ManagerDaoAuthenticationProvider}. Tests whether authentication succeeds * for various types of users and whether the correct roles are assigned. */ @Category(IntegrationTests.class) public class ManagerDaoAuthenticationProviderTest extends BaseLdapManagerDaoTest { private ManagerDaoAuthenticationProvider provider; /** * Overriden to create a {@link ManagerDaoAuthenticationProvider} instance. */ @Override public void buildDB() throws Exception { super.buildDB (); provider = new ManagerDaoAuthenticationProvider (managerDao); } /** * Test whether a superuser can authenticate and has the correct roles. */ @Test public void testAuthenticateSuperuser () { createUser ("test-admin", "test", true); final Authentication authentication = authenticate ("test-admin", "test"); assertAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_USER"); assertAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_SUPERUSER"); assertAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_RAADPLEGER"); assertAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_DATABEHEERDER"); assertAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_VASTSTELLER"); } /** * Test whether providing a bad password for a superuser causes authentication to fail. */ @Test (expected = BadCredentialsException.class) public void testAuthenticateSuperuserFail () { createUser ("test-admin", "test", true); authenticate ("test-admin", "tset"); } /** * Test whether a normal can authenticate and has the correct roles. */ @Test public void testAuthenticateUser () { createUser ("test-user", "test", false); final Authentication authentication = authenticate ("test-user", "test"); assertAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_USER"); assertNotAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_SUPERUSER"); assertNotAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_RAADPLEGER"); assertNotAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_DATABEHEERDER"); assertNotAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_VASTSTELLER"); } /** * Test whether providing a bad password for a normal user causes authentication to fail. */ @Test (expected = BadCredentialsException.class) public void testAuthenticateUserFail () { createUser ("test-user", "test", false); authenticate ("test-user", "tset"); } /** * Test whether a normal user with additiona authorization can authenticate and has the correct roles. */ @Test public void testAuthenticateDatabeheerder () { createUser ("test-user", "test", false); createGebruikerThemaAutorisatie ("Protected sites", "Limburg", "test-user", TypeGebruik.DATABEHEERDER); final Authentication authentication = authenticate ("test-user", "test"); assertAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_USER"); assertNotAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_SUPERUSER"); assertAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_RAADPLEGER"); assertAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_DATABEHEERDER"); assertNotAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_VASTSTELLER"); } /** * Asserts that when a superuser is authenticated and there are no bronhouder-thema relations * stored the superuser shouldn't be assigned the RAADPLEGER, DATABEHEERDER or VASTSTELLER roles. */ @Test public void testAuthenticateSuperuserWithoutBronhouderThema () { // Delete all BronhouderThema instances: for (final BronhouderThema bt: managerDao.getBronhouderThemas ()) { managerDao.delete (bt); } entityManager.flush (); createUser ("test-admin", "test", true); final Authentication authentication = authenticate ("test-admin", "test"); assertAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_USER"); assertAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_SUPERUSER"); assertNotAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_RAADPLEGER"); assertNotAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_DATABEHEERDER"); assertNotAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_VASTSTELLER"); } /** * Asserts that the user can login using the same credentials after saving the user. */ @Test public void testPasswordAfterSave () { createUser ("test-admin", "test", true); final Authentication authentication = authenticate ("test-admin", "test"); assertAuthority (authentication, "ROLE_VASTSTELLER"); final Gebruiker user = managerDao.getGebruiker ("test-admin"); managerDao.update (user); entityManager.flush (); final Authentication authentication2 = authenticate ("test-admin", "test"); assertAuthority (authentication2, "ROLE_VASTSTELLER"); } /** * Asserts whether the given authentication token doesn't have the provided authority. * * @param authentication The authentication token to test. * @param authority The authority to look for. */ private static void assertNotAuthority (final Authentication authentication, final String authority) { for (final GrantedAuthority ga: authentication.getAuthorities ()) { if (ga.getAuthority ().equals (authority)) { fail ("Unexpected authority: " + authority); } } } /** * Asserts whether the given authentication token has the provided authority. * * @param authentication The authentication token to test. * @param authority The authority to look for. */ private static void assertAuthority (final Authentication authentication, final String authority) { for (final GrantedAuthority ga: authentication.getAuthorities ()) { if (ga.getAuthority ().equals (authority)) { return; } } fail ("Missing authority: " + authority); } /** * Convenience method to perform authentication on the authentication provider. * * @param username The username * @param password The password * @return The resulting authentication token. */ private Authentication authenticate (final String username, final String password) { return provider.authenticate (new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken (username, password)); } /** * Convenience helper for creating users. * * @param username The username of the user to create. * @param superuser Set to true if this user must have the superuser flag. */ private Gebruiker createUser (final String username, final String password, final boolean superuser) { final Gebruiker gebruiker = new Gebruiker (); gebruiker.setGebruikersnaam (username); gebruiker.setEmail ("mail@mail.local"); gebruiker.setSuperuser (superuser); gebruiker.setWachtwoord (password); managerDao.create (gebruiker); entityManager.flush (); return gebruiker; } }