package nl.ipo.cds.dao; import java.util.List; import nl.idgis.commons.jobexecutor.AbstractJob; import nl.idgis.commons.jobexecutor.Job; import nl.idgis.commons.jobexecutor.JobLogger.LogLevel; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.AttributeMapping; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.Bronhouder; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.BronhouderThema; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.CodeListMapping; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.Dataset; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.DatasetFilter; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.DatasetType; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.EtlJob; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.FilterExpression; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.Gebruiker; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.GebruikerThemaAutorisatie; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.Identity; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.JobLog; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.JobType; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.MappingOperation; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.MetadataDocument; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.RefreshPolicy; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.Thema; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.TypeGebruik; import org.deegree.geometry.Geometry; public interface ManagerDao { // ------------- // Werk tabellen // ------------- // JOB public void create(AbstractJob job); // C public AbstractJob getJob(Long i); // R public AbstractJob getJob (Job job); public List<AbstractJob> getAllJobs(); /** * Get the last job that has status CREATED. * @return Job or null if no job available. */ public AbstractJob getLastJob(); /** * @param bronhouder * @param datasetType * @param uuid * @return list of jobs conformimg to the arguments, order by (descending) */ public List<EtlJob> getJobsByDataset(Bronhouder bronhouder, DatasetType datasetType, String uuid); public List<EtlJob> getJobsByStatus(Job.Status status); /** * Returns the current 'pending' job for the given argument. These jobs have the status CREATED or STARTED. * * @param bronhouder * @param datasetType * @param uuid * @return The current pending job for the given arguments, or null. */ public EtlJob getPendingJob (Bronhouder bronhouder, DatasetType datasetType, String uuid); /** * Returns the current 'pending' job that matches the job argument. These jobs have the status CREATED or STARTED. * * @param job to match . * @return */ public EtlJob getPendingJob (EtlJob job); /** * Returns the last completed (FINISHED or ABORTED) job for the given argument, or * null if no such job exists. * * @param bronhouder * @param datasetType * @param uuid * @return The last completed job for the given arguments, or null. */ public EtlJob getLastCompletedJob (Bronhouder bronhouder, DatasetType datasetType, String uuid); /** * Returns the last completed (FINISHED or ABORTED) job for the given argument, or * null if no such job exists. * * @param job to match * @return */ public EtlJob getLastCompletedJob (EtlJob job); /** * Returns the last completed validation (FINISHED or ABORTED) job for the given argument, * null if no such job exists. * @param bronhouder * @param datasetType * @param uuid * * @return The last completed job for the given arguments, or null. */ public EtlJob getLastValidationJob (Bronhouder bronhouder, DatasetType datasetType, String uuid); /** * Returns the last completed validation (FINISHED or ABORTED) job for the given argument, * null if no such job exists. * @param job to match * @return */ public EtlJob getLastValidationJob(EtlJob job); /** * Returns the last successful (FINISHED) import job for the given dataset, or * null if no such job exists. * * @param bronhouder * @param datasetType * @param uuid * @return The last import job for this given arguments with status FINISHED. */ public EtlJob getLastImportJob (Bronhouder bronhouder, DatasetType datasetType, String uuid); /** * Returns the last successful (FINISHED) import job for the given dataset, or * null if no such job exists. * @param job to match * @return */ public EtlJob getLastImportJob (EtlJob job); /** * Returns the last successful (FINISHED) transform job for the given argument, or * null if no such job exists. * * @param jobStatus * @return The last transform job for this given argument with status FINISHED. */ public EtlJob getLastTransformJob (Job.Status jobStatus); /** * Returns all themas for which data has been successfully imported, but not transformed yet. * * @return list of themas, for which data needs to be transformed */ List<Thema> getImportedThemasWithoutSubsequentTransform(); /** * Returns all themas for which data has been successfully removed, but not transformed yet. * * @return list of themas, for which data needs to be removed */ List<Thema> getRemovedThemasWithoutSubsequentTransform(); /** * Returns the last completed jobs. Results are ordered by 'bronhouder' * and 'dataset'. * * @return A list of last completed jobs. */ public List<JobInfo> getLastCompletedJobs (); public long getJobLogCount (AbstractJob job); public long getJobLogCount (AbstractJob job, LogLevel logLevel); public void update(AbstractJob job); // U public void update (EtlJob job); public void delete(AbstractJob job); // D public void delete (EtlJob job); // DATASET public void create(Dataset dataSet); // C public Dataset getDataSet(Long i); // R public List<Dataset> getAllDatasets(); public List<Dataset> getDatasetsByDatasetType(DatasetType dataSetType); public List<Dataset> getDatasetsByBronhouder(Bronhouder bronhouder); public List<Dataset> getDatasetsByUUID(String uuid); public Dataset getDataset(Bronhouder bronhouder, DatasetType datasetType, String uuid); public void update(Dataset dataSet); // U public void delete(Dataset dataSet); // D // BronhouderThema: /** * Persists a new {@link BronhouderThema} instance to the database. * * @param bronhouderThema The BronhouderThema instance to persist. */ void create (BronhouderThema bronhouderThema); /** * Deletes an existing {@link BronhouderThema} from the datase. Any * related instances of {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie} are also removed. * * @param bronhouderThema The {@link BronhouderThema} instance to remove from the database. */ void delete (BronhouderThema bronhouderThema); /** * Returns a specific {@link BronhouderThema} instance, or null if it doesn't exist. * * @param bronhouder The bronhouder of the {@link BronhouderThema} * @param thema The thema of the {@link BronhouderThema} * @return The {@link BronhouderThema} instance containing the given bronhouder and theme, or null if it doesn't exist. */ BronhouderThema getBronhouderThema (Bronhouder bronhouder, Thema thema); /** * Returns all bronhouder themas. The list is ordered primarily by bronhouder name, then * by thema name. * * @return A list of all BronhouderThema instances, ordered by bronhouder then by thema. */ List<BronhouderThema> getBronhouderThemas (); /** * Returns all bronhouder themas associated with the given bronhouder. * * @param bronhouder The bronhouder to which the BronhouderThema instances must belong. * @return All BronhouderThema instances for the given bronhouder, ordered by theme name. */ List<BronhouderThema> getBronhouderThemas (Bronhouder bronhouder); /** * Returns all bronhouder themas associated with the given theme. * * @param thema The theme to which the BronhouderThema instances must belong. * @return All BronhouderThema instances for the given bronhouder, ordered by bronhouder name. */ List<BronhouderThema> getBronhouderThemas (Thema thema); /** * Creates a new {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie} and stores it to the database. * * @param gebruiker The user for which the authorization is stored. Cannot be null. * @param bronhouderThema The {@link BronhouderThema} instance which describes the link between a bronhouder and a theme. Cannot be null. * @param typeGebruik The role to assign to the user. Cannot be null. * @return The newly created {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie} object. */ GebruikerThemaAutorisatie createGebruikerThemaAutorisatie (Gebruiker gebruiker, BronhouderThema bronhouderThema, TypeGebruik typeGebruik); /** * Removes an existing {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie} from the database. * * @param gebruikerThemaAutorisatie The authorization object to remove. Cannot be null. */ void delete (GebruikerThemaAutorisatie gebruikerThemaAutorisatie); /** * Lists all {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie}, ordered by user, then by * theme and then by bronhouder. * * @return A list of {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie}, ordered by user, then by theme and then by bronhouder. */ List<GebruikerThemaAutorisatie> getGebruikerThemaAutorisatie (); /** * Lists all {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie} for the given user. Ordered by theme, then by bronhouder. * * @param gebruiker The use whose {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie}'s are listed. Cannot be null. * @return A list of {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie}, ordered by theme and then by bronhouder. */ List<GebruikerThemaAutorisatie> getGebruikerThemaAutorisatie (Gebruiker gebruiker); /** * Lists all {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie} for the given bronhouder. Ordered by user, then by theme. * * @param bronhouder The bronhouder whose {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie}'s are listed. Cannnot be null. * @return A list of {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie}, ordered by user, then by theme. */ List<GebruikerThemaAutorisatie> getGebruikerThemaAutorisatie (Bronhouder bronhouder); /** * Lists all {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie} for the given theme. Ordered by user, then by bronhouder. * * @param thema The theme whose {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie}'s are listed. Cannot be null. * @return A list of {@link GebruikerThemaAutorisatie}, ordered by user, then by bronhouder. */ List<GebruikerThemaAutorisatie> getGebruikerThemaAutorisatie (Thema thema); // ------------- // Stam tabellen // ------------- // JOB_TYPE public void create(JobType jobType); // C public JobType getJobType(Long i); // R public List<JobType> getAllJobTypes(); public JobType getJobTypeByName(String naam); // R public void delete(JobType jobType); // D // BRONHOUDER public void create(Bronhouder bronhouder); // C public void update(Bronhouder bronhouder); // U public Bronhouder getBronhouder(Long i); // R public List<Bronhouder> getAllBronhouders(); public Bronhouder getBronhouderByContactNaam(String naam); // R public Bronhouder getBronhouderByNaam(String naam); // R public Bronhouder getBronhouderByCommonName(String code); // R /** * Looks up a bronhouder by (unique) code. Returns the bronhouder with the given code, or * null if no such bronhouder exists. * * @param code The bronhouder code. Cannot be null. * @return The bronhouder with the given code, or null if no such bronhouder exists. */ Bronhouder getBronhouderByCode (String code); public void delete(Bronhouder bronhouder); // D public Geometry getBronhouderGeometry (Bronhouder bronhouder); // GEBRUIKER /** * Persists a new user. The user must have a value for all required fields and must be unique. * * @param gebruiker */ public void create(Gebruiker gebruiker); /** * Updates an existing user. The user must have been previously persisted. * * @param gebruiker */ public void update(Gebruiker gebruiker); /** * Returns a user by username, the username also corresponds with the 'uid' field in LDAP. Returns null * if the user doesn't exist. * * @param gebruikersnaam * @return The user, or null. */ public Gebruiker getGebruiker(String gebruikersnaam); /** * Returns a list containing all available users, ordered by username. An empty list is returned * if no users could be found. * * @return A list containing all users. */ public List<Gebruiker> getAllGebruikers(); /** * Deletes the given user. The user must have been previously persisted. * * @param gebruiker The user to delete. */ public void delete(Gebruiker gebruiker); /** * Performs authentication for the given user by testing the given plaintext password. * * @param gebruikersNaam * @param wachtwoord * @return True if the password is correct, false otherwise. */ public boolean authenticate (String gebruikersNaam, String wachtwoord); // DATASET_TYPE public void create(DatasetType datasetType); // C public DatasetType getDatasetType(Long i); // R public List<DatasetType> getAllDatasetTypes(); public DatasetType getDatasetTypeByName(String naam); // R //public DatasetType getDatasetType(RefreshPolicy refreshPolicy); public List<DatasetType> getDatasetTypesByThema(Thema thema); //R //public void update(DatasetType datasetType); public void delete(DatasetType datasetType); // D // THEMA public void create(Thema thema); // C public Thema getThema(Long i); // R public List<Thema> getAllThemas(); public List<Thema> getAllThemas (Bronhouder bronhouder); public Thema getThemaByName(String naam); // R public void delete(Thema thema); // D void create(JobLog log); /** * Returns the most recently completed job logs for each dataset (if any), ordered by "bronhouder" * and "dataset". * * @return A (possibly empty) list of jobs. */ public List<JobLog> getLastCompletedJobsLog (); public List<JobLog> findJobLog (AbstractJob job); public List<JobLog> findJobLog (JobLogCriteria criteria); public List<EtlJob> findJob (JobCriteria criteria); public List<Dataset> findDataset (DatasetCriteria criteria); public long getJobFaseLogCount (AbstractJob job); /** * Returns true if the given user is authorized to modify the given bronhouder. * * @param bronhouder The bronhouder * @param userName The username (uid) of the user to look for. * @return True if the user has the requested authorization. */ boolean isUserAuthorizedForBronhouder(Bronhouder bronhouder, String userName); /** * Tests whether the user with the given username (uid) has permissions on the given theme. * * @param bronhouder The bronhouder to test. * @param theme The theme to test. * @param username The username to look for. * @param typeGebruik The authorization type to test. * @return True if the user has the requested authorization. */ boolean isUserAuthorizedForThema (Bronhouder bronhouder, Thema theme, String username, TypeGebruik typeGebruik); /** * Returns the last validated job for the given arguments, or * null if no such job exists. * * @param bronhouder * @param datasetType * @param uuid * @return The last validated job for the given arguments, or null. */ public EtlJob getLastJobThatValidated(Bronhouder bronhouder, DatasetType datasetType, String uuid); /** * Returns the last succesfull import job for the given arguments, or * null if no such job exists. * * @param bronhouder * @param datasetType * @param uuid * @return The last succesfull import job for the given arguments, or null. */ public EtlJob getLastSuccessfullImportJob(Bronhouder bronhouder, DatasetType datasetType, String uuid); /** * Returns the last succesfull import job for the given argument, or * null if no such job exists. * @param job to match * @return */ public EtlJob getLastSuccessfullImportJob(EtlJob job); public void delete(JobLog jobLog); // D /** * @param identity * @param i * @return */ public Identity getIdentity(Class<Identity> identity, Long i); void update(Thema thema); // ----------------- // Attributemapping: // ----------------- AttributeMapping getAttributeMapping (Dataset dataset, String attributeName); List<AttributeMapping> getAttributeMappings (Dataset dataset); List<AttributeMapping> getValidAttributeMappings (Dataset dataset); void create (AttributeMapping attributeMapping); void update (AttributeMapping attributeMapping); void delete (AttributeMapping attributeMapping); void create (MappingOperation mappingOperation); void update (MappingOperation mappingOperation); void delete (MappingOperation mappingOperation); // ------------------ // Filtering: // ------------------ DatasetFilter getDatasetFilter (final Dataset dataset); void create (DatasetFilter datasetFilter); void update (DatasetFilter datasetFilter); void delete (DatasetFilter datasetFilter); void create (FilterExpression expression); void update (FilterExpression expression); void delete (FilterExpression expression); // ------------------ // Code list mapping: // ------------------ List<CodeListMapping> getCodeListMappings (); void create (CodeListMapping mapping); void update (CodeListMapping mapping); void delete (CodeListMapping mapping); List<Object[]> getChangedMetadataDocuments(); List<MetadataDocument> getAllMetadataDocuments(); MetadataDocument getMetadataDocument(Long id); void create(MetadataDocument metatataDocument); void update(MetadataDocument metatataDocument); void delete(MetadataDocument metatataDocument); //w1502 019 public Dataset getDatasetBy(Bronhouder bronhouder, DatasetType datasetType, String uuid); }