package nl.ipo.cds.dao.attributemapping; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import nl.ipo.cds.attributemapping.operations.OperationInput; import nl.ipo.cds.attributemapping.operations.OperationType; import nl.ipo.cds.attributemapping.operations.OutputOperationType; import nl.ipo.cds.dao.ManagerDao; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.AttributeMapping; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.AttributeType; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.Dataset; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.FeatureTypeAttribute; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.MappingOperation; import nl.ipo.cds.domain.MappingOperation.MappingOperationType; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerationException; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException; import; import; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; public class AttributeMappingDao { private final ManagerDao managerDao; private final List<FeatureTypeAttribute> inputAttributes; private final List<OperationType> operationTypes; public AttributeMappingDao (final ManagerDao managerDao) { this (managerDao, new ArrayList<FeatureTypeAttribute> (), new ArrayList<OperationType> ()); } public AttributeMappingDao (final ManagerDao managerDao, final Collection<OperationType> operationTypes) { this (managerDao, new ArrayList<FeatureTypeAttribute> (), operationTypes); } public AttributeMappingDao (final ManagerDao managerDao, final Collection<FeatureTypeAttribute> inputAttributes, final Collection<OperationType> operationTypes) { this.managerDao = managerDao; this.inputAttributes = new ArrayList<FeatureTypeAttribute> (inputAttributes); this.operationTypes = new ArrayList<OperationType> (operationTypes); } @Transactional public OperationDTO getAttributeMapping (final Dataset dataset, final OutputOperationType attribute) { final AttributeMapping attributeMapping = managerDao.getAttributeMapping (dataset, attribute.getName ()); // Attribute mapping hasn't been persisted yet: if (attributeMapping == null || attributeMapping.getRootOperation () == null) { return null; } return unmarshalOperation (attributeMapping.getRootOperation ()); } private OperationDTO unmarshalOperation (final MappingOperation mappingOperation) { if (mappingOperation == null) { return null; } else if (mappingOperation.getOperationType () == MappingOperationType.INPUT_OPERATION) { return unmarshalInputOperation (mappingOperation); } else if (mappingOperation.getOperationType () == MappingOperationType.TRANSFORM_OPERATION) { return unmarshalTransformOperation (mappingOperation); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException (String.format ("Mapping operation has an invalid type: %s", mappingOperation.getOperationType ())); } } private InputOperationDTO unmarshalInputOperation (final MappingOperation mappingOperation) { if (mappingOperation == null) { throw new NullPointerException ("mappingOperation cannot be null"); } if (mappingOperation.getOperationName () == null) { throw new NullPointerException ("operation name is null"); } if (mappingOperation.getInputAttributeType () == null) { throw new NullPointerException ("attribute type is null"); } return new InputOperationDTO ( findFeatureTypeAttribute (mappingOperation.getOperationName (), mappingOperation.getInputAttributeType ()), mappingOperation.getOperationName (), mappingOperation.getInputAttributeType () ); } private FeatureTypeAttribute findFeatureTypeAttribute (final String name, final AttributeType type) { for (final FeatureTypeAttribute attr: inputAttributes) { if (attr.getName ().getLocalPart ().equals (name) && attr.getType ().equals (type)) { return attr; } } return null; } private TransformOperationDTO unmarshalTransformOperation (final MappingOperation mappingOperation) { if (mappingOperation == null || mappingOperation.getOperationName () == null) { throw new NullPointerException (); } // Unmarshal properties: final OperationType operationType = findOperationType (mappingOperation.getOperationName ()); return new TransformOperationDTO ( operationType, unmarshalInputs (mappingOperation.getInputs ()), unmarshalProperties (mappingOperation.getProperties(), operationType) ); } private List<OperationInputDTO> unmarshalInputs (final List<MappingOperation> inputs) { if (inputs == null) { throw new NullPointerException ("inputs cannot be null"); } final List<OperationInputDTO> result = new ArrayList<OperationInputDTO> (); for (final MappingOperation input: inputs) { result.add (new OperationInputDTO (unmarshalOperation (input))); } return result; } private Object unmarshalProperties (final String properties, final OperationType operationType) { if (properties == null || operationType.getPropertyBeanClass () == null) { return null; } try { return new ObjectMapper ().readValue (properties, operationType.getPropertyBeanClass ()); } catch (JsonParseException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException (String.format ("Invalid JSON string %s", properties), e); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException (String.format ("Invalid JSON string %s", properties), e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException (String.format ("Invalid JSON string %s", properties), e); } } private OperationType findOperationType (final String name) { for (final OperationType ot: operationTypes) { if (ot.getName ().equals (name)) { return ot; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException (String.format ("No operation named %s could be found", name)); } @Transactional public void putAttributeMapping (final Dataset dataset, final OutputOperationType attribute, final OperationDTO operation, final boolean isValid) { final AttributeMapping attributeMapping = getOrCreateAttributeMapping (dataset, attribute); attributeMapping.setValid (isValid); // Persist the root operation: attributeMapping.setRootOperation (persistOperation (operation, attributeMapping.getRootOperation ())); managerDao.update (attributeMapping); } private MappingOperation persistOperation (final OperationDTO operation, final MappingOperation existingMappingOperation) { if (operation == null) { // Delete an existing mapping operation: if (existingMappingOperation != null) { deleteChild (existingMappingOperation); } return null; } final MappingOperation mappingOperation = existingMappingOperation != null ? existingMappingOperation : new MappingOperation (); // Set properties of this mapping operation: mergeOperation (operation, mappingOperation); // Set children: // Persist: if (mappingOperation.getId () == null) { managerDao.create (mappingOperation); } else { managerDao.update (mappingOperation); } return mappingOperation; } private void mergeOperation (final OperationDTO operation, final MappingOperation mappingOperation) { if (operation instanceof InputOperationDTO) { mergeInputOperation ((InputOperationDTO)operation, mappingOperation); } else if (operation instanceof TransformOperationDTO) { mergeTransformOperation ((TransformOperationDTO)operation, mappingOperation); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException (String.format ("Invalid operation type %s", operation.getClass ().getCanonicalName ())); } } private void mergeInputOperation (final InputOperationDTO inputOperation, final MappingOperation operation) { // If the operation previously had children, delete them: for (final MappingOperation input: operation.getInputs ()) { deleteChild (input); } // Set properties: operation.setOperationType (MappingOperationType.INPUT_OPERATION); operation.setInputAttributeType (inputOperation.getAttributeType ()); operation.setOperationName (inputOperation.getAttributeName ()); operation.setInputs (new ArrayList<MappingOperation> ()); operation.setProperties (null); } private void mergeTransformOperation (final TransformOperationDTO transformOperation, final MappingOperation operation) { // Set properties: operation.setOperationType (MappingOperationType.TRANSFORM_OPERATION); operation.setOperationName (transformOperation.getOperationType ().getName ()); operation.setInputAttributeType (null); // Serialize configuration properties: operation.setProperties (serializeProperties (transformOperation.getOperationProperties ())); // Update children: final List<OperationInput> operationInputs = transformOperation.getInputs (); final List<MappingOperation> oldChildren = new ArrayList<MappingOperation> (operation.getInputs ()); final List<MappingOperation> newChildren = new ArrayList<MappingOperation> (); int i; for (i = 0; i < operationInputs.size (); ++ i) { final OperationInputDTO operationInput = (OperationInputDTO)operationInputs.get (i); final MappingOperation childOperation = i < oldChildren.size () ? oldChildren.get (i) : null; newChildren.add (persistOperation ((OperationDTO)operationInput.getOperation (), childOperation)); } // Remove unused children: for (; i < oldChildren.size (); ++ i) { deleteChild (oldChildren.get (i)); } operation.setInputs (newChildren); } private void deleteChild (final MappingOperation mappingOperation) { if (mappingOperation == null) { return; } // Delete children of this operation: final List<MappingOperation> children = mappingOperation.getInputs (); if (children != null) { for (final MappingOperation child: children) { deleteChild (child); } } // Delete this operation: managerDao.delete (mappingOperation); } private String serializeProperties (final Object properties) { if (properties == null) { return null; } try { return new ObjectMapper ().writeValueAsString (properties); } catch (JsonGenerationException e) { throw new RuntimeException (e); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { throw new RuntimeException (e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException (e); } } /** * Returns an existing mapping for the given attribute and dataset, or creates and persists a new one if * it hasn't been created yet. * * @param dataset * @param attribute * @return An attribute mapping for the given dataset and attribute. */ private AttributeMapping getOrCreateAttributeMapping (final Dataset dataset, final OutputOperationType attribute) { final AttributeMapping existingMapping = managerDao.getAttributeMapping (dataset, attribute.getName ()); if (existingMapping == null) { final AttributeMapping mapping = new AttributeMapping (dataset, attribute.getName ()); managerDao.create (mapping); return mapping; } return existingMapping; } }