package com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core; import; import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.assist.ImageScaleType; import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.display.BitmapDisplayer; import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.display.SimpleBitmapDisplayer; /** * Contains options for image display. Defines: * <ul> * <li>whether stub image will be displayed in {@link android.widget.ImageView ImageView} during image loading</li> * <li>whether stub image will be displayed in {@link android.widget.ImageView ImageView} if empty URI is passed</li> * <li>whether {@link android.widget.ImageView ImageView} should be reset before image loading start</li> * <li>whether loaded image will be cached in memory</li> * <li>whether loaded image will be cached on disc</li> * <li>image scale type</li> * <li>bitmap decoding configuration</li> * <li>delay before loading of image</li> * <li>how decoded {@link Bitmap} will be displayed</li> * </ul> * * You can create instance: * <ul> * <li>with {@link Builder}:<br /> * <b>i.e.</b> : * <code>new {@link DisplayImageOptions}.{@link Builder#Builder() Builder()}.{@link Builder#cacheInMemory() cacheInMemory()}. * {@link Builder#showStubImage(int) showStubImage()}.{@link Builder#build() build()}</code><br /> * </li> * <li>or by static method: {@link #createSimple()}</li> <br /> * * @author Sergey Tarasevich (nostra13[at]gmail[dot]com) */ public final class DisplayImageOptions { private final int stubImage; private final int imageForEmptyUri; private final boolean resetViewBeforeLoading; private final boolean cacheInMemory; private final boolean cacheOnDisc; private final ImageScaleType imageScaleType; private final Bitmap.Config bitmapConfig; private final int delayBeforeLoading; private final BitmapDisplayer displayer; private DisplayImageOptions(Builder builder) { stubImage = builder.stubImage; imageForEmptyUri = builder.imageForEmptyUri; resetViewBeforeLoading = builder.resetViewBeforeLoading; cacheInMemory = builder.cacheInMemory; cacheOnDisc = builder.cacheOnDisc; imageScaleType = builder.imageScaleType; bitmapConfig = builder.bitmapConfig; delayBeforeLoading = builder.delayBeforeLoading; displayer = builder.displayer; } boolean isShowStubImage() { return stubImage != 0; } boolean isShowImageForEmptyUri() { return imageForEmptyUri != 0; } Integer getStubImage() { return stubImage; } Integer getImageForEmptyUri() { return imageForEmptyUri; } boolean isResetViewBeforeLoading() { return resetViewBeforeLoading; } boolean isCacheInMemory() { return cacheInMemory; } boolean isCacheOnDisc() { return cacheOnDisc; } ImageScaleType getImageScaleType() { return imageScaleType; } Bitmap.Config getBitmapConfig() { return bitmapConfig; } boolean isDelayBeforeLoading() { return delayBeforeLoading > 0; } int getDelayBeforeLoading() { return delayBeforeLoading; } BitmapDisplayer getDisplayer() { return displayer; } /** * Builder for {@link DisplayImageOptions} * * @author Sergey Tarasevich (nostra13[at]gmail[dot]com) */ public static class Builder { private int stubImage = 0; private int imageForEmptyUri = 0; private boolean resetViewBeforeLoading = false; private boolean cacheInMemory = false; private boolean cacheOnDisc = false; private ImageScaleType imageScaleType = ImageScaleType.IN_SAMPLE_POWER_OF_2; private Bitmap.Config bitmapConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; private int delayBeforeLoading = 0; private BitmapDisplayer displayer = DefaultConfigurationFactory.createBitmapDisplayer(); /** * Stub image will be displayed in {@link android.widget.ImageView ImageView} during image loading * * @param stubImageRes * Stub image resource */ public Builder showStubImage(int stubImageRes) { stubImage = stubImageRes; return this; } /** * Image will be displayed in {@link android.widget.ImageView ImageView} if empty URI (null or empty string) * will be passed to <b>ImageLoader.displayImage(...)</b> method. * * @param imageRes * Image resource */ public Builder showImageForEmptyUri(int imageRes) { imageForEmptyUri = imageRes; return this; } /** {@link android.widget.ImageView ImageView} will be reset (set <b>null</b>) before image loading start */ public Builder resetViewBeforeLoading() { resetViewBeforeLoading = true; return this; } /** Loaded image will be cached in memory */ public Builder cacheInMemory() { cacheInMemory = true; return this; } /** Loaded image will be cached on disc */ public Builder cacheOnDisc() { cacheOnDisc = true; return this; } /** * Sets {@link ImageScaleType decoding type} for image loading task. Default value - * {@link ImageScaleType#POWER_OF_2} */ public Builder imageScaleType(ImageScaleType imageScaleType) { this.imageScaleType = imageScaleType; return this; } /** Sets {@link Bitmap.Config bitmap config} for image decoding. Default value - {@link Bitmap.Config#ARGB_8888} */ public Builder bitmapConfig(Bitmap.Config bitmapConfig) { this.bitmapConfig = bitmapConfig; return this; } /** Sets delay time before starting loading task. Default - no delay. */ public Builder delayBeforeLoading(int delayInMillis) { this.delayBeforeLoading = delayInMillis; return this; } /** * Sets custom {@link BitmapDisplayer displayer} for image loading task. Default value - * {@link DefaultConfigurationFactory#createBitmapDisplayer()} */ public Builder displayer(BitmapDisplayer displayer) { this.displayer = displayer; return this; } /** Sets all options equal to incoming options */ public Builder cloneFrom(DisplayImageOptions options) { stubImage = options.stubImage; imageForEmptyUri = options.imageForEmptyUri; resetViewBeforeLoading = options.resetViewBeforeLoading; cacheInMemory = options.cacheInMemory; cacheOnDisc = options.cacheOnDisc; imageScaleType = options.imageScaleType; bitmapConfig = options.bitmapConfig; delayBeforeLoading = options.delayBeforeLoading; displayer = options.displayer; return this; } /** Builds configured {@link DisplayImageOptions} object */ public DisplayImageOptions build() { return new DisplayImageOptions(this); } } /** * Creates options appropriate for single displaying: * <ul> * <li>View will <b>not</b> be reset before loading</li> * <li>Loaded image will <b>not</b> be cached in memory</li> * <li>Loaded image will <b>not</b> be cached on disc</li> * <li>{@link ImageScaleType#IN_SAMPLE_POWER_OF_2} decoding type will be used</li> * <li>{@link Bitmap.Config#ARGB_8888} bitmap config will be used for image decoding</li> * <li>{@link SimpleBitmapDisplayer} will be used for image displaying</li> * </ul> * * These option are appropriate for simple single-use image (from drawables or from Internet) displaying. */ public static DisplayImageOptions createSimple() { return new Builder().build(); } }