package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import com.example.ipcplayer.http.HttpApi; import com.example.ipcplayer.utils.FileUtil; import com.example.ipcplayer.utils.LogUtil; import com.example.ipcplayer.utils.NetworkUtil; import com.example.ipcplayer.utils.StorageUtil; import com.example.ipcplayer.utils.ToastUtil; import android.content.Context; public class DownloadRunnable implements Runnable{ private static String TAG = DownloadRunnable.class.getSimpleName(); private String mUrl ; private Context mContext; private String mDownloadPath; private long mTotalSize = 0; private long mDownloadSize = 0; private static final int KB = 1024; private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 10* KB; private DownloadInfo mDownloadInfo ; private static final String DOWNLOADIDLE = "downloadidle"; private static final String DOWNLOADING = "downloading"; private static final String DOWNLOADERROR = "downloaderror"; private static final String DOWNLOADFINISH = "downloadfinish"; private static final String DOWNLOADPAUSE = "downloadpasue"; private static final String DOWNLOADCANCEL = "downloadcancel"; private String mDownloadState = DOWNLOADIDLE; private DownloadListener mDownloadListener; private static final int STATUS_HTTP_FORBIDDEN = 12; private static final int STATUS_HTTP_EXCEPTION = 13; private static final int STATUS_HTTP_UNAVLIABLE = 14; private File mDownloadFile ; private File mTempFile; private String mFileName; private long mPreviousFileSize; private String mFilePath ; public DownloadRunnable(Context context, String url ,String filePath){ LogUtil.d(TAG + " init object "); mContext = context; mUrl = url; LogUtil.d(TAG + " download url= " + url); // mDownloadPath = FileUtil.getIPCDownloadDir().getAbsolutePath(); mDownloadPath = filePath; LogUtil.d(TAG + " download mDirPath= " + mDownloadPath); mFileName = setFileName(); LogUtil.d(TAG + " mFileName= " + mFileName); mFilePath = mDownloadPath + File.separator + mFileName; LogUtil.d(TAG + " mFilePath= " + mFilePath); mDownloadFile = new File(mDownloadPath,mFileName); mTempFile = new File(mDownloadPath,mFileName + DownloadConfig.TEMP_TYPE); mDownloadInfo = new DownloadInfo(); mDownloadInfo.setmUrl(mUrl); mDownloadInfo.setmFilePath(mFilePath); } public String setFileName() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return "try.lrc"; } @Override public void run() { LogUtil.d(TAG + " run "); // TODO Auto-generated method stub if(!StorageUtil.isExternalStorageAvailable()){ //do not show toast inside thread ,it'll crash because the looper is null // ToastUtil.showShortToast(mContext, " SD Card is disable! "); mDownloadInfo.setmDownloadState(DOWNLOADERROR); LogUtil.d(TAG + " sdcard is disabled"); return ; } try { createDownloadFile(mDownloadPath); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); LogUtil.d(TAG + " create file fail "); return ; } if(NetworkUtil.isNetworkAvailable()){ if(NetworkUtil.isMobileAvailble()){ //pop the notification LogUtil.d(TAG + " mobile network is connected "); } LogUtil.d(TAG + " wifi is connected "); initFileAndSize(); startDownload(mUrl,mDownloadPath); }else{ //handle this error mDownloadInfo.setmDownloadState(DOWNLOADERROR); mDownloadInfo.setmErrorCode(STATUS_HTTP_UNAVLIABLE); handleError(); LogUtil.d(TAG + " network is disconnected "); return ; } } private void createDownloadFile(String path) { LogUtil.d(TAG + " createDownloadFile "); // String path = FileUtil.getIPCDownloadDir().getAbsolutePath(); LogUtil.d(TAG + " create dir path = " + path); File dir = new File(path.trim()); if (!dir.exists()) { if (dir.mkdirs()) { LogUtil.d(TAG + " create dir successfully "); } else { LogUtil.d(TAG + " create dir failed "); } } if (!mTempFile.exists()) { try { if (mTempFile.createNewFile()) { LogUtil.d(TAG + " create file successfully "); } else { LogUtil.d(TAG + " create file failed "); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LogUtil.d(TAG + " create file failed exception = "); e.printStackTrace(); } } } public DownloadInfo getDownloadInfo(){ LogUtil.d(TAG + " getDownloadInfo "); return mDownloadInfo; } private void initFileAndSize() { LogUtil.d(TAG + " initFileAndSize "); mDownloadSize = mTempFile.length(); } private void startDownload(String url,String downloadPath){ LogUtil.d(TAG + " startDownload "); HttpResponse response ; FileOutputStream out = null ; InputStream in = null; DefaultHttpClient client ; HttpGet request ; HttpEntity reEntity; try{ request = new HttpGet(url); client = HttpApi.getDefaultHttpClientSimple(); response = client.execute(request); int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if(HttpStatus.SC_OK != statusCode && HttpStatus.SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT != statusCode){ mDownloadInfo.setmErrorCode(statusCode); handleHttpError(statusCode); return ; } reEntity = response.getEntity(); long len = reEntity.getContentLength(); mTotalSize = len ; // mTotalSize = mDownloadSize + len ; in = reEntity.getContent(); out = new FileOutputStream(downloadPath+File.separator + mFileName + DownloadConfig.TEMP_TYPE ,true); if (mDownloadFile.exists()) { if (getDownloadFileSize() >= mTotalSize) { mDownloadInfo.setmDownloadState(DOWNLOADFINISH); handleFinish(); LogUtil.d(TAG + " file already exists then return ; "); return; } }else if(mTempFile.exists()) { request.setHeader("Range" , "bytes="+mTempFile.length()+"-"); mPreviousFileSize = mTempFile.length(); client = HttpApi.getDefaultHttpClientSimple(); response = client.execute(request); reEntity = response.getEntity(); in = reEntity.getContent(); } byte[] buf = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; int size ; while(!isCanceled()){ mDownloadInfo.setmDownloadState(DOWNLOADING); size =; if(size > 0){ out.write(buf, 0, size); mDownloadSize += size; mDownloadInfo.setmTotalSize(mTotalSize); mDownloadInfo.setmDownloadSize(mDownloadSize); updateProgress(); updateFlowManagerment(size); }else { in.close(); out.close(); if (mDownloadSize == mTotalSize) { // update state to successful status LogUtil.d(TAG + " mTempFile size = " + FileUtil.getFileSize(mTempFile)); deleteFile(mDownloadFile); mTempFile.renameTo(mDownloadFile); mDownloadInfo.setmDownloadState(DOWNLOADFINISH); deleteFile(mTempFile); handleFinish(); }else { //handle cancel and error } break ; } } if(isCanceled()){ //update status mDownloadInfo.setmDownloadState(DOWNLOADCANCEL); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); //handle error mDownloadInfo.setmDownloadState(DOWNLOADERROR); }finally{ try{ if(in != null){ in.close(); } if(out != null){ out.close(); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void deleteFile(File file){ // if(file == null){ // return ; // } if (file.exists()) { if (file.delete()) { LogUtil.d(TAG + " delete file successfully " + file.toString()); }else{ LogUtil.d(TAG + " delete file failed " + file.toString()); } }else{ LogUtil.d(TAG + " delete file doesn't exist" ); } } private long getDownloadFileSize(){ long size = 0; try{ size = FileUtil.getFileSize(mDownloadFile); }catch(Exception e){ LogUtil.d(TAG + " getDownloadFileSize error "); e.printStackTrace(); } return size; } private void handleError() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub mDownloadListener.errorDownload(mDownloadInfo); } private void handleFinish() { mDownloadListener.finishDownload(mDownloadInfo); } private void updateFlowManagerment(int size) { LogUtil.d(TAG + " updateFlowManagerment "); } public void setDownloadListener(DownloadListener listener){ mDownloadListener = listener ; } private void updateProgress() { LogUtil.d(TAG + " updateProgress "); mDownloadListener.updateProgress(mDownloadInfo); } private boolean isCanceled() { LogUtil.d(TAG + " isCanceled "); return DOWNLOADCANCEL.equals(mDownloadInfo.getmDownloadState()); } public void cancelDownload(){ mDownloadInfo.setmDownloadState(DOWNLOADCANCEL); } public void resumeDownload(){ mDownloadInfo.setmDownloadState(DOWNLOADING); } public boolean isDownloading(){ return DOWNLOADING.equals(mDownloadInfo.getmDownloadState()); } private void handleHttpError(int statusCode) { LogUtil.d(TAG + " handleHttpError "); if(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN == statusCode){ mDownloadInfo.setmErrorCode(STATUS_HTTP_FORBIDDEN); mDownloadListener.errorDownload(mDownloadInfo); }else { mDownloadInfo.setmErrorCode(STATUS_HTTP_EXCEPTION); mDownloadListener.errorDownload(mDownloadInfo); } } private HttpGet getRequest(String url) { LogUtil.d(TAG + " getRequest "); HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(); return httpGet; } }