package de.dhbw.humbuch.view; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; import de.dhbw.humbuch.model.entity.Student; import; /** * Popup window to select a student. Normally appears before a manual process * starts and no students has been selected. * * @author Henning Muszynski * */ public class SelectStudentPopupWindow extends Window { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4748807796813638121L; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory .getLogger(SelectStudentPopupWindow.class); private static final String CHOOSE_STUDENT = "Schüler auswählen"; private static final String CANCEL = "Abbrechen"; private static final String CONTINUE = "Fortfahren"; private VerticalLayout verticalLayoutContent; private HorizontalLayout horizontalLayoutButtonBar; private ComboBox comboBoxStudents; private Button buttonContinue; private Button buttonCancel; private ArrayList<Student> allStudents; private LendingView lendingView; private ReturnView returnView; /** * Constructor taking a LendingView as parameter. When creating the * SelectStudentPopupWindow with this constructor a press on the continue * button is going to trigger the manual lending process. * * @param title * the title of the window * @param lendingView * the lendingView used for the manual lending process * @param allStudents * Collection of students which can be selected and qualify for * the process * */ public SelectStudentPopupWindow(String title, LendingView lendingView, Collection<Student> allStudents) { super(title); this.lendingView = lendingView; this.allStudents = new ArrayList<Student>(allStudents); init(); buildLayout(); } /** * Constructor taking a ReturnView as parameter. When creating the * SelectStudentPopupWindow with this constructor a press on the continue * button is going to trigger the manual return process. * * @param title * the title of the window * @param lendingView * the lendingView used for the manual lending process * @param allStudents * Collection of students which can be selected and qualify for * the process * */ public SelectStudentPopupWindow(String title, ReturnView returnView, Collection<Student> allStudents) { super(title); this.returnView = returnView; this.allStudents = new ArrayList<Student>(allStudents); init(); buildLayout(); } /* * Initializes and configures all member variables. */ private void init() { verticalLayoutContent = new VerticalLayout(); horizontalLayoutButtonBar = new HorizontalLayout(); comboBoxStudents = new ComboBox(CHOOSE_STUDENT); buttonContinue = new Button(CONTINUE); buttonCancel = new Button(CANCEL); buttonContinue.setEnabled(false); buttonContinue.addStyleName("default"); buttonContinue.setClickShortcut(KeyCode.ENTER, null); comboBoxStudents.setWidth("100%"); comboBoxStudents.setImmediate(true); comboBoxStudents.focus(); center(); setImmediate(true); setModal(true); setCloseShortcut(KeyCode.ESC, null); setResizable(false); fillComboBox(); addListeners(); } private void buildLayout() { horizontalLayoutButtonBar.setSpacing(true); horizontalLayoutButtonBar.addComponent(buttonCancel); horizontalLayoutButtonBar.addComponent(buttonContinue); verticalLayoutContent.setSpacing(true); verticalLayoutContent.setMargin(true); verticalLayoutContent.addComponent(comboBoxStudents); verticalLayoutContent.addComponent(horizontalLayoutButtonBar); setContent(verticalLayoutContent); } /* * Add listeners to combo box and buttons. */ private void addListeners() { /* * When a student gets selected in the ComboBox enable the continue * button. If no student is selected the button gets disabled. */ comboBoxStudents.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5865059270341130362L; @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { if (comboBoxStudents.getValue() == null || comboBoxStudents.getValue() == "") { buttonContinue.setEnabled(false); } else { buttonContinue.setEnabled(true); } } }); /* * When clicking the cancel button the window closes. Nothing else * happens. */ buttonCancel.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 481430670731285908L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { closeMe(); } }); /* * When clicking the continue button a process, determined by the * constructor, is triggered. * * @see SelectStudentPopupWindow.continueWithProcess */ buttonContinue.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6743301861593920408L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { continueWithProcess(); } }); } /* * Fills the ComboBox with all students. It is using CustomStudents to * display the firstname and lastname of a student and additionally be able * to access the Student object later. */ private void fillComboBox() { comboBoxStudents.removeAllItems(); for (Student student : allStudents) { StudentWrapper customStudentObject = new StudentWrapper(student); comboBoxStudents.addItem(customStudentObject); } } /* * This methods decides with which process to continue. When the * SelectStudentPopupWindow was constructed with a LendingView the * ManualLendingPopupWindow is opened. When it was created with a ReturnView * a ManualReturnPopupWindow is opened. After opening the corresponding * window. This window is closed. */ private void continueWithProcess() { StudentWrapper studentWrapper = (StudentWrapper) comboBoxStudents .getValue(); if (studentWrapper != null) { ManualProcessPopupWindow mppw = null; if (lendingView != null) { mppw = new ManualProcessPopupWindow(lendingView, studentWrapper.getStudent()); } else if (returnView != null) { mppw = new ManualProcessPopupWindow(returnView, studentWrapper.getStudent()); } if (mppw != null) { getUI().addWindow(mppw); closeMe(); } else { LOG.error("Error occured while trying to start a new process. ManualProcessPopupWindow could not be created."); } } else { LOG.error("No valid student has been selected."); } } /* * Closes this window. Removing it from the UI and calling the Window.close * method */ private void closeMe() { getUI().removeWindow(this); close(); } /* * Wrapper class for a Student object. Holding a Student object and * redefining the toString method. */ private class StudentWrapper { private Student student; /** * Constructor. Simply sets the Student object hold by Wrapper class * */ public StudentWrapper(Student student) { this.student = student; } /** * Returns a concatenation of firstname, a space and the lastname of the * wrapped student object * */ public String toString() { return "" + student.getFirstname() + " " + student.getLastname() + " (" + student.getGrade() + ")"; } /** * @return returns the wrapped student object * */ public Student getStudent() { return student; } } }