package de.dhbw.humbuch.view; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.annotations.Theme; import com.vaadin.annotations.Title; import com.vaadin.annotations.Widgetset; import com.vaadin.navigator.Navigator; import com.vaadin.navigator.Navigator.ComponentContainerViewDisplay; import com.vaadin.navigator.View; import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener; import com.vaadin.server.StreamResource; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification.Type; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import de.davherrmann.guice.vaadin.ScopedUI; import de.davherrmann.mvvm.BasicState; import de.davherrmann.mvvm.StateChangeListener; import de.davherrmann.mvvm.ViewModelComposer; import de.davherrmann.mvvm.annotations.BindState; import de.dhbw.humbuch.event.ConfirmEvent; import de.dhbw.humbuch.event.MessageEvent; import de.dhbw.humbuch.util.ResourceLoader; import de.dhbw.humbuch.view.components.ConfirmDialog; import de.dhbw.humbuch.view.components.Header; import de.dhbw.humbuch.view.components.PrintingComponent; import de.dhbw.humbuch.view.components.PrintingComponent.MIMEType; import de.dhbw.humbuch.view.components.Sidebar; import de.dhbw.humbuch.viewmodel.LoginViewModel; import de.dhbw.humbuch.viewmodel.LoginViewModel.IsLoggedIn; /** * The main UI class responsible for building the main layout and providing a * {@link Navigator} for navigating through {@link View}s. Additionally * {@link ConfirmEvent}s and {@link MessageEvent}s are handled. * * @author Johannes Idelhauser * @author Henning Muszynski * @author David Herrmann * @author David Vitt * @author Martin Junker */ @Theme("humbuch") @SuppressWarnings("serial") @Widgetset("com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet") @Title("HumBuch Schulbuchverwaltung") public class MainUI extends ScopedUI { private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MainUI.class); public static final String LOGIN_VIEW = "login_view"; public static final String BOOK_MANAGEMENT_VIEW = "book_management_view"; public static final String DUNNING_VIEW = "dunning_view"; public static final String LENDING_VIEW = "lending_view"; public static final String RETURN_VIEW = "return_view"; public static final String STUDENT_INFORMATION_VIEW = "student_information_view"; public static final String SETTINGS_VIEW = "settings_view"; public static final String ERROR_VIEW = "error_view"; @Inject private LoginView loginView; @Inject private DunningView dunningView; @Inject private LendingView lendingView; @Inject private ReturnView returnView; @Inject private TeachingMaterialView bookManagementView; @Inject private StudentInformationView studentInformationView; @Inject private SettingsView settingsView; @Inject private ErrorView errorView; private Header header = new Header(); private VerticalLayout viewContainer = new VerticalLayout();; private GridLayout root; private ComponentContainerViewDisplay ccViewDisplay; private Sidebar sidebar; private Panel panelContent = new Panel(); private View currentView; private LoginViewModel loginViewModel; public Navigator navigator; @BindState(IsLoggedIn.class) private BasicState<Boolean> isLoggedIn = new BasicState<Boolean>(Boolean.class); @Inject public MainUI(ViewModelComposer viewModelComposer, LoginViewModel loginViewModel, EventBus eventBus, MVVMConfig mvvmConfig) { this.loginViewModel = loginViewModel; eventBus.register(this); bindViewModel(viewModelComposer, loginViewModel); } @Override protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { getUI().getSession().setLocale(new Locale("de", "DE")); ccViewDisplay = new ComponentContainerViewDisplay(viewContainer); navigator = new Navigator(UI.getCurrent(), ccViewDisplay); navigator.setErrorView(errorView); navigator.addView("", lendingView); navigator.addView(LOGIN_VIEW, loginView); navigator.addView(BOOK_MANAGEMENT_VIEW, bookManagementView); navigator.addView(DUNNING_VIEW, dunningView); navigator.addView(LENDING_VIEW, lendingView); navigator.addView(RETURN_VIEW, returnView); navigator.addView(STUDENT_INFORMATION_VIEW, studentInformationView); navigator.addView(SETTINGS_VIEW, settingsView); // Make the displayed view as big as possible viewContainer.setSizeFull(); if (!isLoggedIn.get()) { buildMainView(true); } else { buildMainView(false); } attachListener(); } /** * Build the MainView with header, navigation bar and footer * * @param cancel * Whether the MainView should be build or not */ private void buildMainView(boolean cancel) { if (cancel) { setContent(viewContainer); return; } root = new GridLayout(2, 2); header.setWidth("100%"); sidebar = new Sidebar(); sidebar.setWidth("150px"); sidebar.getLogoutButton().addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { loginViewModel.doLogout(new Object()); } }); panelContent.setContent(viewContainer); panelContent.setSizeFull(); root.setSizeFull(); root.setRowExpandRatio(1, 1); root.setColumnExpandRatio(0, 0); root.setColumnExpandRatio(1, 1); root.addStyleName("main-view"); root.addComponent(panelContent, 1, 1); root.addComponent(header, 1, 0); root.addComponent(sidebar, 0, 0, 0, 1); setContent(root); } /** * Attaches all listeners to the components. */ private void attachListener() { /** * Checks if the user is logged in before the view changes */ navigator.addViewChangeListener(new ViewChangeListener() { @Override public boolean beforeViewChange(ViewChangeEvent event) { currentView = event.getNewView(); boolean isLoginView = currentView instanceof LoginView; if (!isLoggedIn.get() && !isLoginView) { // Redirect to login view always if a user has not yet // logged in getNavigator().navigateTo(MainUI.LOGIN_VIEW); return false; } else if (isLoggedIn.get() && isLoginView) { // If someone tries to access to login view while logged in, // then cancel return false; } return true; } @Override public void afterViewChange(ViewChangeEvent event) { if (isLoggedIn.get()) { View newView = event.getNewView(); if (newView instanceof ViewInformation) { ViewInformation view = (ViewInformation) newView; panelContent.setCaption(((ViewInformation) view) .getTitle()); sidebar.changeMenuBarSelection(event.getViewName()); } else { LOG.warn("New View does not implement ViewInformation interface." + " Could not set caption of panel correctly."); } } } }); /** * Listens for a login or logout of a user an constructs the UI * accordingly */ isLoggedIn.addStateChangeListener(new StateChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChange(Object arg0) { if (isLoggedIn.get()) { buildMainView(false); } else { buildMainView(true); getNavigator().navigateTo(MainUI.LOGIN_VIEW); } } }); /** * Adds the help HTML to the help button. */ header.getHelpButton().addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { String name = "help/" + currentView.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".html"; ResourceLoader res = new ResourceLoader(name); StreamResource sr = new StreamResource(res, "Hilfe"); new PrintingComponent(sr, "Hilfe", MIMEType.HTML); } }); } /** * Handles {@link MessageEvent}s showing the message in a Vaadin * {@link Notification} * * @param messageEvent * {@link MessageEvent} containing the message to show */ @Subscribe public void handleMessageEvent(MessageEvent messageEvent) { Type notificationType; switch (messageEvent.type) { case ERROR: notificationType = Type.ERROR_MESSAGE; break; case WARNING: notificationType = Type.WARNING_MESSAGE; break; case TRAYINFO: notificationType = Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION; break; case INFO: default: notificationType = Type.HUMANIZED_MESSAGE; }, messageEvent.message, notificationType); } /** * Handles {@link ConfirmEvent}s showing a window with a cancel and a * confirm button. * * @param confirmEvent * {@link ConfirmEvent}s containing the confirmable information */ @Subscribe public void handleConfirmEvent(final ConfirmEvent confirmEvent) {, confirmEvent.message, confirmEvent.confirmCaption, confirmEvent.cancelCaption, new ConfirmDialog.Listener() { @Override public void onClose(ConfirmDialog dialog) { if (dialog.isConfirmed()) { confirmEvent.confirm(); } else { confirmEvent.cancel(); } } }); } private void bindViewModel(ViewModelComposer viewModelComposer, Object... viewModels) { try { viewModelComposer.bind(this, viewModels); } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchElementException | UnsupportedOperationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }