package de.dhbw.humbuch.util; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import de.dhbw.humbuch.model.entity.BorrowedMaterial; import de.dhbw.humbuch.model.entity.Student; /** * Create dunnings. First dunning addresses the student, second dunning the parent of the student. * @author Benjamin Räthlein * */ public class PDFDunning extends PDFHandler { Student student; Set<Student> students; boolean secondDunning; List<BorrowedMaterial> borrowedMaterials; Set<List<BorrowedMaterial>> borrowedMaterialsSet; private PDFDunning() { }; /** * * For each BorrowedMaterial list a Dunning PDF is created. It addresses the * student the list belongs to. * * @param borrowedMaterials * Set of borrowedMaterial lists * @return an instance of PDFDunning */ public static PDFDunning createFirstDunning(Set<List<BorrowedMaterial>> borrowedMaterials) { PDFDunning pdfDunning = new PDFDunning(); pdfDunning.borrowedMaterialsSet = borrowedMaterials; pdfDunning.secondDunning = false; return pdfDunning; } /** * * For each BorrowedMaterial list a Dunning PDF is created. It addresses the * parent of the student the list belongs to. * * @param borrowedMaterials * Set of borrowedMaterial lists * @return an instance of PDFDunning */ public static PDFDunning createSecondDunning(Set<List<BorrowedMaterial>> borrowedMaterials) { PDFDunning pdfDunning = new PDFDunning(); pdfDunning.borrowedMaterialsSet = borrowedMaterials; pdfDunning.secondDunning = true; return pdfDunning; } protected void insertDocumentParts(Document document) { for (List<BorrowedMaterial> borrowedMaterials : this.borrowedMaterialsSet) { this.addHeading(document); if (borrowedMaterials.size() != 0) { this.borrowedMaterials = borrowedMaterials; this.student = borrowedMaterials.get(0).getStudent(); if (this.secondDunning) { this.addParentInformation(document); } this.addStudentInformation(document); this.addInformationAboutDocument(document, "Mahnungs-Liste"); this.addContent(document); document.newPage(); this.resetPageNumber(); } } } protected void addContent(Document document) { PdfPTable table = PDFHandler.createMyStandardTable(1); String dunningText = ""; if (!this.secondDunning) { dunningText = "Wir bitten darum, folgende Lehrmittel innerhalb von 2 Wochen zurückzugeben oder Ersatz zu beschaffen:"; } else { dunningText = "Sehr geehrte/r " + student.getParent().getTitle() + " " + student.getParent().getLastname() + ",\n\n" + "leider müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass " + student.getFirstname() + " trotz bereits erfolgter Mahnung die unten aufgelisteten" + " Lehrmittel nicht zurückgegeben hat. Wir bitten darum, folgende Lehrmittel innerhalb von 2 Wochen zurückzugeben oder Ersatz zu beschaffen. \n\n" + "Mit freundlichen Grüßen \n" + "Ihre Schulverwaltung"; } new PDFHandler.TableBuilder(table, new String[] { dunningText }).leading(1.25f).fillTable(); try { document.add(table); addEmptyLineToDocument(document, 1); } catch (DocumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } table = this.createTableWithRentalInformationHeaderWithoutSignColumn(); Iterator<BorrowedMaterial> iterator = this.borrowedMaterials.iterator(); BorrowedMaterial borrowedMaterial; while (iterator.hasNext()) { borrowedMaterial = (BorrowedMaterial); String[] contentArray = { borrowedMaterial.getTeachingMaterial().getName(), "" + borrowedMaterial.getTeachingMaterial().getToGrade()}; new PDFHandler.TableBuilder(table, contentArray).withBorder(true). isCenterAligned(true).padding(PDFHandler.CELL_PADDING).fillTable(); } try { document.add(table); } catch (DocumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Inserts information about the student like grade, language, name etc. * * @param document * represents the PDF before it is saved */ private void addStudentInformation(Document document) { PdfPTable table = PDFHandler.createMyStandardTable(2, new float[] { 1f, 6f }); table.setSpacingBefore(20f); String[] contentArray = { "Schüler: ", this.student.getFirstname() + " " + this.student.getLastname(), "Klasse: ", "" + this.student.getGrade().toString() }; new PDFHandler.TableBuilder(table, contentArray).fillTable(); try { document.add(table); PDFHandler.addEmptyLineToDocument(document, 1); } catch (DocumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void addParentInformation(Document document) { PdfPTable table = PDFHandler.createMyStandardTable(1); table.setSpacingBefore(23f); String[] contentArray = { this.student.getParent().getTitle(), this.student.getParent().getFirstname() + " " + this.student.getParent().getLastname(), this.student.getParent().getStreet(), this.student.getParent().getCity() + " " + this.student.getParent().getPostcode() + "\n" }; new PDFHandler.TableBuilder(table, contentArray).fillTable(); try { document.add(table); PDFHandler.addEmptyLineToDocument(document, 1); } catch (DocumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }