package com.hphoto.server; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseAdmin; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseClusterTestCase; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Writables; import; import com.hphoto.bean.UserProfile; import com.hphoto.server.InitTable; public class UserServiceTest extends HBaseClusterTestCase{ private Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass().getName()); private static final Text USERS = new Text("user:"); private String[] value={"josh","flashget","flash"}; private String change = "change"; HTable table; HBaseAdmin admin; public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); HBaseConfiguration conf = new HBaseConfiguration(); InitTable.init(new HBaseAdmin(conf)); table = new HTable(conf,new Text("user--info")); } public void testSetBean() throws InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, Exception{ for(int i = 0 ; i < value.length; i++){ UserProfile up = new UserProfile(); up.setFirstname(value[i]); up.setMail(value[i]+""); up.setImgurl("/image/src/"+value[i]); up.setPassword(value[i]); up.setImageSetted(false); up.setMailpublic(true); up.setNicename(value[i]); up.setLastname(value[1] + " "); long id = table.startUpdate(new Text(value[i])); table.put(id, USERS, Writables.getBytes(up)); table.commit(id,System.currentTimeMillis()); } UserProfile user = getUser(value[0]); System.out.println("get user "+ value[0] +",user nicename is " + user.getNicename()); //set the nicename is change, user.setNicename(change); long id = table.startUpdate(new Text(value[0])); table.put(id, USERS, Writables.getBytes(user)); table.commit(id,System.currentTimeMillis()); user = getUser(value[0]); System.out.println("get user "+ change +",user nicename is " + user.getNicename()); //set the nicename is flashget and put timestamp to ahead of all //so that get user's nicename is change user.setNicename(value[1]); id = table.startUpdate(new Text(value[0])); table.put(id, USERS, Writables.getBytes(user)); table.commit(id,System.currentTimeMillis() - 9000000L); user = getUser(value[0]); System.out.println("set user "+ value[1] +",but get user is " + user.getNicename()); //get all version form table that user is josh UserProfile[] users = getUser(value[0],10); System.out.println("get users at 10 numVersions,this length is "+users.length); int i = 0; for(UserProfile u:users){ System.out.println("get user at users item " + i + ",the user nicename is " +u.getNicename()); i++; } //the default value is save 3 version in the table, //add a new version to table,what happened? //we get 4 version,because at this time HRegion doesn't call compactStores() method; user.setNicename("version 4"); id = table.startUpdate(new Text(value[0])); table.put(id, USERS, Writables.getBytes(user)); table.commit(id,System.currentTimeMillis()); users = getUser(value[0],10); System.out.println("after add new version, we get users at 10 numVersions,this length is "+users.length); i = 0; for(UserProfile u:users){ System.out.println("get user at users item " + i + ",the user nicename is " +u.getNicename()); i++; } //affter delete the user,what happened? id = table.startUpdate(new Text(value[0])); table.delete(id, USERS); table.commit(id); user = getUser(value[0]); if(user == null) System.out.println("after delete the column,we get user is null"); else System.out.println("after delete the column,we get user is " + user.getNicename()); users = getUser(value[0],10); System.out.println("after delete the column, get users at 10 numVersions,this length is "+users.length); i = 0; for(UserProfile u:users){ System.out.println("get user at users item " + i + ",the user nicename is " +u.getNicename()); i++; } //no user is name fls,so we get null; user = getUser("fls"); System.out.println("no row is fls :" + (user == null)); } public UserProfile getUser(String row){ byte[] bytes; try { bytes = table.get(new Text(row), USERS); } catch (IOException e1) { return null; } if(bytes == null){ return null; } try { return (UserProfile)Writables.getWritable(bytes,new UserProfile()); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } public UserProfile[] getUser(String row,int num){ byte[][] bytes; try { bytes = table.get(new Text(row), USERS , num); } catch (IOException e1) { return null; } UserProfile[] users = new UserProfile[bytes.length]; int i = 0; for(byte[] b : bytes){ UserProfile user; try { user = (UserProfile)Writables.getWritable(b,new UserProfile()); users[i] = user; } catch (IOException e) { users[i] = null; } i++; } return users; } }