package com.hphoto.web; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public enum HphotoParam implements CharSequence{ USER("user"), ALBUM("album"), IMAGE_ID("id"), IMAGE_CORP("corp","c"), IMAGE_QUALITY("high","h"), IMAGE_MAX("max"), SORT("sort"), AUTH_KEY("authKey") ; private static Map<String, HphotoParam> _lookupTable = new HashMap<String, HphotoParam>(HphotoParam.values().length); static { for (HphotoParam param: HphotoParam.values()) { _lookupTable.put(param.toString(), param); } } /** * Retrieves the FacebookParam corresponding to the supplied String key. * @param key a possible FacebookParam * @return the matching FacebookParam or null if there's no match */ public static HphotoParam get(String key) { return _lookupTable.get(key); } private String paramName; private String seemVale; HphotoParam(String name) { this(name,null); } HphotoParam(String name,String seemValue) { this.paramName = name; this.seemVale = seemValue; } /* Implementing CharSequence */ public char charAt(int index) { return this.paramName.charAt(index); } public int length() { return this.paramName.length(); } public CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end) { return this.paramName.subSequence(start, end); } public boolean equals(String value){ return this.seemVale != null && this.seemVale.equals(value); } public String toString() { return this.paramName; } }