package; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; public class ImageWriteable implements WritableComparable{ private String name; private byte[] bytes; private String type; public ImageWriteable(){ super(); } public ImageWriteable(String name,String type,byte[] bytes){ = name; this.type = type; this.bytes = bytes; } public byte[] getBytes() { if (this.bytes == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Uninitialiized. Null constructor " + "called w/o accompaying readFields invocation"); } return this.bytes; } public String getName(){ if ( == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Uninitialiized. Null constructor " + "called w/o accompaying readFields invocation"); } return; } public String getType(){ if (this.type == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Uninitialiized. Null constructor " + "called w/o accompaying readFields invocation"); } return this.type; } /** * Get the current size of the buffer. */ public int getSize() { if (this.bytes == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Uninitialiized. Null constructor " + "called w/o accompaying readFields invocation"); } return this.bytes.length; } public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { = in.readUTF(); this.type = in.readUTF(); this.bytes = new byte[in.readInt()]; in.readFully(this.bytes, 0, this.bytes.length); } public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeUTF(name); out.writeUTF(type); out.writeInt(this.bytes.length); out.write(this.bytes, 0, this.bytes.length); } // Below methods copied from BytesWritable public int hashCode() { return WritableComparator.hashBytes(bytes, this.bytes.length); } /** * Define the sort order of the BytesWritable. * @param right_obj The other bytes writable * @return Positive if left is bigger than right, 0 if they are equal, and * negative if left is smaller than right. */ public int compareTo(Object right_obj) { return compareTo(((ImageWriteable)right_obj).getBytes()); } public int compareTo(final byte [] that) { int diff = this.bytes.length - that.length; return (diff != 0)? diff: WritableComparator.compareBytes(this.bytes, 0, this.bytes.length, that, 0, that.length); } /** * Are the two byte sequences equal? */ public boolean equals(Object right_obj) { if (right_obj instanceof ImageWriteable) { return compareTo(right_obj) == 0; } return false; } /** * Generate the stream of bytes as hex pairs separated by ' '. */ public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(3*this.bytes.length); for (int idx = 0; idx < this.bytes.length; idx++) { // if not the first, put a blank separator in if (idx != 0) { sb.append(' '); } String num = Integer.toHexString(bytes[idx]); // if it is only one digit, add a leading 0. if (num.length() < 2) { sb.append('0'); } sb.append(num); } return sb.toString(); } /** A Comparator optimized for ImmutableBytesWritable. */ public static class Comparator extends WritableComparator { private BytesWritable.Comparator comparator = new BytesWritable.Comparator(); public Comparator() { super(ImageWriteable.class); } /** * Compare the buffers in serialized form. */ public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) { return, s1, l1, b2, s2, l2); } } static { // register this comparator WritableComparator.define(ImageWriteable.class, new Comparator()); } /** * @param array List of byte []. * @return Array of byte []. */ public static byte [][] toArray(final List<byte []> array) { // List#toArray doesn't work on lists of byte []. byte[][] results = new byte[array.size()][]; for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { results[i] = array.get(i); } return results; } }