package; import; import com.konakart.appif.KKEngIf; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.onehippo.forge.konakart.common.engine.KKAdminEngine; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import java.util.List; public class KKMailerServiceImpl implements KKMailerService { public static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KKMailerServiceImpl.class); private EmailConfig emailConfig = new EmailConfig(); private String fromAddress; private String emailReplyTo; @Override public boolean sendEmail(final KKAppEng kkAppEng, final KKEmail kkEmail) { return send(kkAppEng, kkEmail, true); } @Override public void sendAsyncEmail(final KKAppEng kkAppEng, final KKEmail kkEmail) { send(kkAppEng, kkEmail, false); } /** * Send the email.... * * @param kkAppEng the konakart client engine * @param kkEmail the email object to fill out to define the email to send * @param sync set to true to send the mail asynchronously or false to send it synchronously */ private boolean send(KKAppEng kkAppEng, final KKEmail kkEmail, boolean sync) { try { // create the email config object loadEmailConfig(kkAppEng.getEng()); AdminEmailMgr emailMgr = new AdminEmailMgr(KKAdminEngine.getInstance().getEngine()) { @Override protected EmailConfig getConfigData() throws Exception { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(kkEmail.getSmtpServer())) { emailConfig.setSmtpServer(kkEmail.getSmtpServer()); } return emailConfig; } }; List<String> toAddresses = kkEmail.getToAddresses(); for (String toAddress : toAddresses) { emailMgr.sendHTML(toAddress, kkEmail.getSubject(), kkEmail.getMessage(), kkEmail.isDoBlindCopy(), sync); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to send the email.", e); } return false; } private void loadEmailConfig(KKEngIf eng) throws Exception { String smtpServer = eng.getConfigurationValue("SMTP_SERVER"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(smtpServer)) { throw new Exception("An email cannot be sent because the SMTP_SERVER configuration has not been set to a valid SMTP server"); } emailConfig.setSmtpServer(smtpServer); fromAddress = eng.getConfigurationValue("EMAIL_FROM"); if (fromAddress == null) { throw new Exception("An email cannot be sent because the EMAIL_FROM configuration has not been set."); } emailConfig.setFromAddress(new InternetAddress(fromAddress)); emailReplyTo = eng.getConfigurationValue("EMAIL_REPLY_TO"); if (emailReplyTo == null) { emailConfig.setReplyToAddress(emailConfig.getFromAddress()); } else { emailConfig.setReplyToAddress(new InternetAddress(emailReplyTo)); } emailConfig.setDebugEmail(eng.getConfigurationValueAsBool("DEBUG_EMAIL_SESSIONS", false)); emailConfig.setAuthenticateServer(eng.getConfigurationValueAsBool("SMTP_SECURE", false)); emailConfig.setSmtpUsername(eng.getConfigurationValue("SMTP_USER")); emailConfig.setSmtpPassword(eng.getConfigurationValue("SMTP_PASSWORD")); if (emailConfig.isAuthenticateServer()) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(emailConfig.getSmtpUsername())) { throw new Exception("The configuration SMTP_SECURE is set to true, so SMTP_USER must be set in order to authenticate the SMTP server."); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(emailConfig.getSmtpPassword())) { throw new Exception("The configuration SMTP_SECURE is set to true, so SMTP_PASSWORD must be set in order to authenticate the SMTP server."); } } emailConfig.setBccEmails(eng.getConfigurationValue("SEND_EXTRA_EMAILS_TO")); // When the website is not located on the same konakart'server, the mail properties file could not be found emailConfig.setMailPropertiesFileName(null); emailConfig.setEmailIntegrationClassName(eng.getConfigurationValue("EMAIL_INTEGRATION_CLASS")); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(emailConfig.getEmailIntegrationClassName())) { emailConfig.setEmailIntegrationClassName(""); } emailConfig.setSmtpServer(eng.getConfigurationValue("SMTP_SERVER")); } }