package org.onehippo.forge.konakart.cms.replication.factory; import; import com.konakart.appif.LanguageIf; import org.onehippo.forge.konakart.common.engine.KKStoreConfig; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import java.util.Collection; public interface ProductFactory { /** * @param jcrSession set the jcr session * @throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException . */ void setSession(final Session jcrSession) throws RepositoryException; /** * Set the Konakart config class. Contains the related information used to add a new product */ void setKKStoreConfig(final KKStoreConfig kkStoreConfig); /** * Check if this product will be added to Hippo or not. For some reason, some products will not be added * to hippo. * * @param product the product to add * @param language the language associated to this product * @return true if the product will be add, false otherwise. */ boolean shouldAddProduct(final Product product, final LanguageIf language); /** * Add a product to hippo * * @param storeId the store id associated with this product * @param product the product to add * @param language the language associated to this product * @param baseImagePath the path where the konakart images are located * @throws Exception if any exceptions occurs */ void add(final String storeId, final Product product, final LanguageIf language, final String baseImagePath) throws Exception; }