package org.onehippo.forge.konakart.cms.replication.utils; import; import com.konakart.appif.ManufacturerIf; import; import org.hippoecm.repository.api.*; import org.hippoecm.repository.standardworkflow.DefaultWorkflow; import org.hippoecm.repository.standardworkflow.FolderWorkflow; import org.onehippo.forge.konakart.common.KKCndConstants; import org.onehippo.forge.konakart.common.util.SecurityUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.jcr.*; import javax.jcr.version.VersionManager; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; public class NodeHelper { public static final String PUBLISHED_STATE = "published"; public static final String UNPUBLISHED_STATE = "unpublished"; public static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NodeHelper.class); /** * Hippo Repository specific predefined folder node type name */ protected String folderNodeTypeName = "hippostd:folder"; /** * The workflow category name to get a folder workflow. We use threepane as this is the same as the CMS uses */ protected String folderNodeWorkflowCategory = "threepane"; /** * The workflow category name to add a new document. */ protected String documentAdditionWorkflowCategory = "new-document"; /** * The workflow category name to add a new folder. */ protected String folderAdditionWorkflowCategory = "new-folder"; /** * The workflow category name to localize the new document */ protected String defaultWorkflowCategory = "core"; protected Session session; private VersionManager versionManager; public NodeHelper(Session session) throws RepositoryException { this.session = session; versionManager = session.getWorkspace().getVersionManager(); } public void setFolderNodeTypeName(String folderNodeTypeName) { this.folderNodeTypeName = folderNodeTypeName; } public void setDocumentAdditionWorkflowCategory(String documentAdditionWorkflowCategory) { this.documentAdditionWorkflowCategory = documentAdditionWorkflowCategory; } public void setFolderAdditionWorkflowCategory(String folderAdditionWorkflowCategory) { this.folderAdditionWorkflowCategory = folderAdditionWorkflowCategory; } public Node createMissingFolders(String absPath) throws Exception { String[] folderNames = absPath.split("/"); Node rootNode = session.getRootNode(); Node curNode = rootNode; String folderNodePath; for (String folderName : folderNames) { String folderNodeName = Codecs.encodeNode(folderName); if (!"".equals(folderNodeName)) { if (curNode.equals(rootNode)) { folderNodePath = "/" + folderNodeName; } else { folderNodePath = curNode.getPath() + "/" + folderNodeName; } if (!session.itemExists(folderNodePath)) { curNode = session.getNode(createNodeByWorkflow(curNode, folderNodeTypeName, folderName)); } else { curNode = curNode.getNode(folderNodeName); } if (curNode.isNodeType(HippoNodeType.NT_FACETSELECT) || curNode.isNodeType(HippoNodeType.NT_MIRROR)) { String docbaseUuid = curNode.getProperty("hippo:docbase").getString(); // check whether docbaseUuid is a valid uuid, otherwise a runtime IllegalArgumentException is thrown try { UUID.fromString(docbaseUuid); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new Exception("hippo:docbase in mirror does not contain a valid uuid", e); } // this is always the canonical curNode = session.getNodeByIdentifier(docbaseUuid); } else { curNode = getCanonicalNode(curNode); } } } return curNode; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected String createNodeByWorkflow(Node folderNode, String nodeTypeName, String name) throws Exception { try { folderNode = getCanonicalNode(folderNode); Workflow wf = getWorkflow(folderNodeWorkflowCategory, folderNode); if (wf instanceof FolderWorkflow) { FolderWorkflow fwf = (FolderWorkflow) wf; String category = documentAdditionWorkflowCategory; if (nodeTypeName.equals(folderNodeTypeName)) { category = folderAdditionWorkflowCategory; // now check if there is some more specific workflow for hippostd:folder if (fwf.hints() != null && fwf.hints().get("prototypes") != null) { Object protypesMap = fwf.hints().get("prototypes"); if (protypesMap instanceof Map) { for (Object o : ((Map) protypesMap).entrySet()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o; if (entry.getKey() instanceof String && entry.getValue() instanceof Set) { if (((Set) entry.getValue()).contains(folderNodeTypeName)) { // we found possibly a more specific workflow for folderNodeTypeName. Use the key as category category = (String) entry.getKey(); break; } } } } } } String nodeName = Codecs.encodeNode(name); String added = fwf.add(category, nodeTypeName, nodeName); if (added == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to add document/folder for type '" + nodeTypeName + "'. Make sure there is a prototype."); } Item addedDocumentVariant = folderNode.getSession().getItem(added); if (addedDocumentVariant instanceof Node && !nodeName.equals(name)) { DefaultWorkflow defaultWorkflow = (DefaultWorkflow) getWorkflow(defaultWorkflowCategory, (Node) addedDocumentVariant); defaultWorkflow.localizeName(name); } return added; } else { throw new Exception("Can't add folder " + name + " [" + nodeTypeName + "] in the folder " + folderNode.getPath() + ", because there is no FolderWorkflow possible on the folder node: " + wf); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new Exception(e); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new Exception(e); } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new Exception(e); } } public Node createOrRetrieveDocument(Node parentNode, Product product, String docType, String ownerId, String locale) throws RepositoryException { // Encode the name to be able to add name with special characters String encodingName = Codecs.encodeNode(product.getName()); if (parentNode.hasNode(encodingName)) { Node handleNode = parentNode.getNode(encodingName); if (handleNode.hasNode(encodingName)) { Node currentNode = handleNode.getNode(encodingName); // we need to check if two different products have been created using the same name int productId = (int) currentNode.getProperty(KKCndConstants.PRODUCT_ID).getLong(); if (product.getId() == productId) { return currentNode; } // Not the same id - so a new product will be created // continue the process used to create a new product's node. } else { return null; } } // Create the handle Node handle = parentNode.addNode(encodingName, "hippo:handle"); handle.addMixin("hippo:hardhandle"); handle.addMixin("hippo:translated"); // Add translation node. This node is used to manager special name Node translation = handle.addNode("hippo:translation", "hippo:translation"); translation.setProperty("hippo:language", ""); translation.setProperty("hippo:message", product.getName()); // Create the user Node childNode = handle.addNode(encodingName, docType); // Add mixin childNode.addMixin("hippo:harddocument"); childNode.addMixin("hippotranslation:translated"); // Add extra definitions childNode.setProperty("hippo:availability", new String[]{"live", "preview"}); childNode.setProperty("hippotranslation:id", UUID.randomUUID().toString()); childNode.setProperty("hippotranslation:locale", locale); childNode.setProperty("hippostdpubwf:lastModifiedBy", "admin"); childNode.setProperty("hippostd:holder", "admin"); childNode.setProperty("hippostdpubwf:lastModificationDate", new GregorianCalendar()); childNode.setProperty("hippostdpubwf:creationDate", new GregorianCalendar()); childNode.setProperty("hippostdpubwf:publicationDate", new GregorianCalendar()); childNode.setProperty("hippostdpubwf:createdBy", ownerId); return childNode; } public Node createOrRetrieveDocument(Node parentNode, ManufacturerIf manufacturer, String docType, String ownerId, String locale) throws RepositoryException { // Encode the name to be able to add name with special characters String encodingName = Codecs.encodeNode(manufacturer.getName()); if (parentNode.hasNode(encodingName)) { Node handleNode = parentNode.getNode(encodingName); if (handleNode.hasNode(encodingName)) { return handleNode.getNode(encodingName); } return null; } // Create the handle Node handle = parentNode.addNode(encodingName, "hippo:handle"); handle.addMixin("hippo:hardhandle"); handle.addMixin("hippo:translated"); // Add translation node. This node is used to manager special name Node translation = handle.addNode("hippo:translation", "hippo:translation"); translation.setProperty("hippo:language", ""); translation.setProperty("hippo:message", manufacturer.getName()); // Create the user Node childNode = handle.addNode(encodingName, docType); // Add mixin childNode.addMixin("hippo:harddocument"); childNode.addMixin("hippotranslation:translated"); // Add extra definitions childNode.setProperty("hippo:availability", new String[]{"live", "preview"}); childNode.setProperty("hippotranslation:id", UUID.randomUUID().toString()); childNode.setProperty("hippotranslation:locale", locale); childNode.setProperty("hippostdpubwf:lastModifiedBy", "admin"); childNode.setProperty("hippostd:holder", "admin"); childNode.setProperty("hippostdpubwf:lastModificationDate", new GregorianCalendar()); childNode.setProperty("hippostdpubwf:creationDate", new GregorianCalendar()); childNode.setProperty("hippostdpubwf:publicationDate", new GregorianCalendar()); childNode.setProperty("hippostdpubwf:createdBy", ownerId); return childNode; } public Node createOrRetrieveCustomer(AdminCustomer adminCustomer, int dirLevels) throws RepositoryException { String usersPath = "hippo:configuration/hippo:users"; Node usersNode = session.getRootNode().getNode(usersPath); String userId = adminCustomer.getEmailAddr(); int length = userId.length(); int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dirLevels; i++) { if (i < length) { pos = i; } String c = NodeNameCodec.encode(Character.toLowerCase(userId.charAt(pos))); if (!usersNode.hasNode(c)) { usersNode = usersNode.addNode(c, HippoNodeType.NT_USERFOLDER); } else { usersNode = usersNode.getNode(c); } } Node user; if (usersNode.hasNode(userId)) { user = usersNode.getNode(userId); } else { user = usersNode.addNode(userId, "hipposys:user"); } // Add extra definitions user.setProperty("hipposys:securityprovider", KKCndConstants.KONAKART_SECURITY_PROVIDER); user.setProperty("hipposys:active", adminCustomer.isEnabled()); user.setProperty("hipposys:firstname", adminCustomer.getFirstName()); user.setProperty("hipposys:lastname", adminCustomer.getLastName()); user.setProperty("hipposys:email", adminCustomer.getEmailAddr()); user.setProperty("hipposys:password", SecurityUtils.createSyncKonakartPassword()); return usersNode; } /** * Update the hippostd state * * @param state the state of the document */ public void updateState(Node node, String state) throws RepositoryException { boolean hasCheckout = false; // Check if the node is check-in if (!node.isCheckedOut()) { checkout(node.getPath()); hasCheckout = true; } node.setProperty("hippostd:state", state); if (state.equals(UNPUBLISHED_STATE)) { node.setProperty("hippo:availability", new String[]{"preview"}); } else { node.setProperty("hippo:availability", new String[]{"live", "preview"}); } if (hasCheckout) { checkin(node.getPath()); } } public String getNodeState(Node node) throws RepositoryException { if (node.hasProperty("hippostd:state")) { return node.getProperty("hippostd:state").getString(); } return null; } public Workflow getWorkflow(String category, Node node) throws RepositoryException { Workspace workspace = session.getWorkspace(); ClassLoader workspaceClassloader = workspace.getClass().getClassLoader(); ClassLoader currentClassloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { if (!workspaceClassloader.equals(currentClassloader)) { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(workspaceClassloader); } WorkflowManager wfm = ((HippoWorkspace) workspace).getWorkflowManager(); return wfm.getWorkflow(category, node); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { // other exception which are not handled properly in the repository (we cannot do better here then just log them) if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.warn("Exception in workflow", e); } else { log.warn("Exception in workflow: {}", e.toString()); } } finally { if (workspaceClassloader.equals(currentClassloader)) { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(currentClassloader); } } return null; } private Node getCanonicalNode(Node folderNode) { if (folderNode instanceof HippoNode) { HippoNode hnode = (HippoNode) folderNode; try { Node canonical = hnode.getCanonicalNode(); if (canonical == null) { log.debug("Cannot get canonical node for '{}'. This means there is no phyiscal equivalence of the " + "virtual node. Return null", folderNode.getPath()); } return canonical; } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return folderNode; } public void checkout(String path) throws RepositoryException { versionManager.checkout(path); } public void checkin(String path) throws RepositoryException { versionManager.checkin(path); } }