/** * $URL: https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/sitestats/tags/sitestats-2.2.2/sitestats-tool/src/java/org/sakaiproject/sitestats/tool/wicket/providers/ReportsDataProvider.java $ * $Id: ReportsDataProvider.java 78671 2010-06-21 15:20:56Z nuno@ufp.edu.pt $ * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Sakai Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.osedu.org/licenses/ECL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.sakaiproject.sitestats.tool.wicket.providers; import java.io.Serializable; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.wicket.injection.web.InjectorHolder; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.model.Model; import org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.EventStat; import org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.PrefsData; import org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.ResourceStat; import org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.SitePresence; import org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.SiteVisits; import org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.Stat; import org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.StatsManager; import org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.event.EventRegistryService; import org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.report.Report; import org.sakaiproject.sitestats.api.report.ReportDef; import org.sakaiproject.sitestats.tool.facade.Locator; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserDirectoryService; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotDefinedException; public class ReportsDataProvider extends SortableSearchableDataProvider { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ReportsDataProvider.class); public final static String COL_SITE = StatsManager.T_SITE; public final static String COL_USERID = StatsManager.T_USER; public final static String COL_USERNAME = "userName"; public final static String COL_EVENT = StatsManager.T_EVENT; public final static String COL_TOOL = StatsManager.T_TOOL; public final static String COL_RESOURCE = StatsManager.T_RESOURCE; public final static String COL_ACTION = StatsManager.T_RESOURCE_ACTION; public final static String COL_DATE = StatsManager.T_DATE; public final static String COL_TOTAL = StatsManager.T_TOTAL; public final static String COL_VISITS = StatsManager.T_VISITS; public final static String COL_UNIQUEVISITS = StatsManager.T_UNIQUEVISITS; public final static String COL_DURATION = StatsManager.T_DURATION; private boolean log = true; private PrefsData prefsData; private ReportDef reportDef; private Report report; private int reportRowCount = -1; public ReportsDataProvider(PrefsData prefsData, ReportDef reportDef) { this(prefsData, reportDef, true); } public ReportsDataProvider(PrefsData prefsData, ReportDef reportDef, boolean log) { InjectorHolder.getInjector().inject(this); this.prefsData = prefsData; this.setReportDef(reportDef); this.log = log; // set default sort if(!reportDef.getReportParams().isHowSort() || reportDef.getReportParams().getHowSortBy() == null) { setSort(COL_USERNAME, true); }else{ setSort(reportDef.getReportParams().getHowSortBy(), reportDef.getReportParams().getHowSortAscending()); } } public void setReportDef(ReportDef reportDef) { this.report = null; this.reportRowCount = -1; this.reportDef = reportDef; } public ReportDef getReportDef() { return reportDef; } public Iterator iterator(int first, int count) { int end = first + count; end = end < size()? size() : end; end = end < 0? getReport().getReportData().size() : end; return getReport().getReportData().subList(first, end).iterator(); } public Report getReport() { if(report == null) { report = Locator.getFacade().getReportManager().getReport(getReportDef(), prefsData.isListToolEventsOnlyAvailableInSite(), null, log); if(log && report != null) { LOG.info("Site statistics report generated: "+report.getReportDefinition().toString(false)); } } if(report != null) { sortReport(); } return report; } public IModel model(Object object) { return new Model((Serializable) object); } public int size() { if(reportRowCount == -1) { reportRowCount = getReport().getReportData().size(); } return reportRowCount; } public void sortReport() { Collections.sort(report.getReportData(), getReportDataComparator(getSort().getProperty(), getSort().isAscending(), Locator.getFacade().getStatsManager(), Locator.getFacade().getEventRegistryService(), Locator.getFacade().getUserDirectoryService())); } public final Comparator<Stat> getReportDataComparator(final String fieldName, final boolean sortAscending, final StatsManager SST_sm, final EventRegistryService SST_ers, final UserDirectoryService M_uds) { return new Comparator<Stat>() { private final transient Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(); public int compare(Stat r1, Stat r2) { if(fieldName.equals(COL_SITE)){ String s1 = Locator.getFacade().getSiteService().getSiteDisplay(r1.getSiteId()).toLowerCase(); String s2 = Locator.getFacade().getSiteService().getSiteDisplay(r2.getSiteId()).toLowerCase(); int res = collator.compare(s1, s2); if(sortAscending) return res; else return -res; }else if(fieldName.equals(COL_USERID)){ String s1; try{ s1 = M_uds.getUser(r1.getUserId()).getDisplayId(); }catch(UserNotDefinedException e){ s1 = "-"; } String s2; try{ s2 = M_uds.getUser(r2.getUserId()).getDisplayId(); }catch(UserNotDefinedException e){ s2 = "-"; } int res = collator.compare(s1, s2); if(sortAscending) return res; else return -res; }else if(fieldName.equals(COL_USERNAME)){ String s1 = Locator.getFacade().getStatsManager().getUserNameForDisplay(r1.getUserId()).toLowerCase(); String s2 = Locator.getFacade().getStatsManager().getUserNameForDisplay(r2.getUserId()).toLowerCase(); int res = collator.compare(s1, s2); if(sortAscending) return res; else return -res; }else if(fieldName.equals(COL_EVENT)){ EventStat es1 = (EventStat) r1; EventStat es2 = (EventStat) r2; String s1 = SST_ers.getEventName(es1.getEventId()).toLowerCase(); String s2 = SST_ers.getEventName(es2.getEventId()).toLowerCase(); int res = collator.compare(s1, s2); if(sortAscending) return res; else return -res; }else if(fieldName.equals(COL_EVENT)){ EventStat es1 = (EventStat) r1; EventStat es2 = (EventStat) r2; String s1 = SST_ers.getToolName(es1.getToolId()).toLowerCase(); String s2 = SST_ers.getToolName(es2.getToolId()).toLowerCase(); int res = collator.compare(s1, s2); if(sortAscending) return res; else return -res; }else if(fieldName.equals(COL_RESOURCE)){ ResourceStat rs1 = (ResourceStat) r1; ResourceStat rs2 = (ResourceStat) r2; String s1 = SST_sm.getResourceName(rs1.getResourceRef()).toLowerCase(); String s2 = SST_sm.getResourceName(rs2.getResourceRef()).toLowerCase(); int res = collator.compare(s1, s2); if(sortAscending) return res; else return -res; }else if(fieldName.equals(COL_ACTION)){ ResourceStat rs1 = (ResourceStat) r1; ResourceStat rs2 = (ResourceStat) r2; String s1 = ((String) rs1.getResourceAction()).toLowerCase(); String s2 = ((String) rs2.getResourceAction()).toLowerCase(); int res = collator.compare(s1, s2); if(sortAscending) return res; else return -res; }else if(fieldName.equals(COL_DATE)){ int res = r1.getDate() != null ? r1.getDate().compareTo(r2.getDate()) : -1; if(sortAscending) return res; else return -res; }else if(fieldName.equals(COL_TOTAL)){ int res = Long.valueOf(r1.getCount()).compareTo(Long.valueOf(r2.getCount())); if(sortAscending) return res; else return -res; }else if(fieldName.equals(COL_VISITS)){ SiteVisits sv1 = (SiteVisits) r1; SiteVisits sv2 = (SiteVisits) r2; int res = Long.valueOf(sv1.getTotalVisits()).compareTo(Long.valueOf(sv2.getTotalVisits())); if(sortAscending) return res; else return -res; }else if(fieldName.equals(COL_UNIQUEVISITS)){ SiteVisits sv1 = (SiteVisits) r1; SiteVisits sv2 = (SiteVisits) r2; int res = Long.valueOf(sv1.getTotalUnique()).compareTo(Long.valueOf(sv2.getTotalUnique())); if(sortAscending) return res; else return -res; }else if(fieldName.equals(COL_DURATION)){ SitePresence sv1 = (SitePresence) r1; SitePresence sv2 = (SitePresence) r2; int res = Long.valueOf(sv1.getDuration()).compareTo(Long.valueOf(sv2.getDuration())); if(sortAscending) return res; else return -res; } return 0; } }; } }