/* * This file is part of "SnipSnap Radeox Rendering Engine". * * Copyright (c) 2002 Stephan J. Schmidt, Matthias L. Jugel * All Rights Reserved. * * Please visit http://radeox.org/ for updates and contact. * * --LICENSE NOTICE-- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * --LICENSE NOTICE-- */ package org.radeox.macro.table; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.radeox.macro.Repository; /** * A Table implementation primarly for the table macro * * @author stephan * @version $Id: Table.java 84671 2010-11-12 18:27:24Z arwhyte@umich.edu $ */ public class Table { // current number of rows private int indexRow = 0; // current number of cols private int indexCol = 0; private List rows; private List currentRow; private String currentCell; private List functionOccurences; private Repository functions; private HashMap tableAttributes = new HashMap(); public Table() { rows = new ArrayList(10); currentRow = new ArrayList(10); currentCell = ""; functions = FunctionRepository.getInstance(); tableAttributes.put("border", "0"); tableAttributes.put("cellspacing", "0"); tableAttributes.put("cellpadding", "0"); tableAttributes.put("class", "listHier lines"); } public void setAttribute(String attributeName, String attributeValue) { //FIXME do some checks here tableAttributes.put(attributeName, attributeValue); } private void addFunction(Function function) { functions.put(function.getName().toLowerCase(), function); } public Object getXY(int x, int y) { // perhaps move everything to a twodim array first return ((List) rows.get(y)).get(x); } public void setXY(int x, int y, Object content) { ((List) rows.get(y)).set(x, content); } /** * Add a cell to the current row of the table * * @param content * Content of the cell */ public void addCell(String content) { if (!"".equals(currentCell)) { newCell(); } addText(content); } public void newCell() { currentCell = currentCell.trim(); if (currentCell.startsWith("=")) { // Logger.debug("Table.addCell: function found."); if (null == functionOccurences) { functionOccurences = new ArrayList(); } functionOccurences.add(new int[] { indexCol, indexRow }); // function } currentRow.add(currentCell); indexCol++; currentCell = ""; } public void addText(String content) { currentCell += content; } /** * Finishes current row and starts a new one */ public void newRow() { newCell(); rows.add(currentRow); indexRow++; // create new row with number of cells of // the last row, this is a good guess currentRow = new ArrayList(indexCol); indexCol = 0; } /** * Recalculate all cells. Currently does nothing. */ public void calc() { if (null != functionOccurences) { Iterator iterator = functionOccurences.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { int[] position = (int[]) iterator.next(); String functionString = ((String) getXY(position[0], position[1])).trim(); // better use RegEx String name = functionString.substring(1, functionString.indexOf("(")).trim().toLowerCase(); String range = functionString.substring(functionString .indexOf("(") + 1, functionString.indexOf(")")); int colon = range.indexOf(":"); String start = range.substring(0, colon).trim(); String end = range.substring(colon + 1).trim(); int startX = start.charAt(0) - 'A'; int startY = Integer.parseInt(start.substring(1)) - 1; int endX = end.charAt(0) - 'A'; int endY = Integer.parseInt(end.substring(1)) - 1; // normalize range, start is left top, end is bottom right if (startX > endX) { int tmp = startX; startX = endX; endX = tmp; } if (startY > endY) { int tmp = startY; startY = endY; endY = tmp; } // Logger.debug("Calc: " + position[0] + " " + position[1] + " " // + function + " " + start + " " + end); // Logger.debug("Calc: " + startX+","+startY+" - // "+endX+","+endY); if (functions.containsKey(name)) { Function function = (Function) functions.get(name); function.execute(this, position[0], position[1], startX, startY, endX, endY); } } } return; } /** * Serialize table by appending it to a writer. The output format is HTML. * * @param writer * Writer to append the table object to * @return writer Writer the table object appended itself to */ public Writer appendTo(Writer writer) throws IOException { writer.write("<table");// class=\"wiki-table\" cellpadding=\"0\" // cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); Set keySet = tableAttributes.keySet(); String[] toSort = new String[keySet.size()]; { int i = 0; for (Iterator it = keySet.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { toSort[i] = (String) it.next(); } } Arrays.sort(toSort); for (int i = 0; i < toSort.length; i++) { String key = toSort[i]; writer.write(' '); writer.write(key); writer.write("=\""); writer.write((String) tableAttributes.get(key)); writer.write("\""); } writer.write(">"); List[] outputRows = (List[]) rows.toArray(new List[rows.size()]); int rowSize = outputRows.length; boolean odd = true; for (int i = 0; i < rowSize; i++) { writer.write("<tr"); if (i == 0) { writer.write(">"); } else if (odd) { writer.write(" class=\"table-odd\">"); odd = false; } else { writer.write(" class=\"table-even\">"); odd = true; } String[] outputCols = (String[]) outputRows[i] .toArray(new String[outputRows[i].size()]); int colSize = outputCols.length; for (int j = 0; j < colSize; j++) { writer.write(i == 0 ? "<th scope=\"col\">" : "<td>"); if (outputCols[j] == null || outputCols[j].trim().length() == 0) { writer.write(" "); } else { writer.write(outputCols[j]); } writer.write(i == 0 ? "</th>" : "</td>"); } writer.write("</tr>"); } writer.write("</table>"); return writer; } }