/********************************************************************************** * $URL: https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/osp/branches/sakai-2.8.1/matrix/api-impl/src/java/org/theospi/portfolio/matrix/HibernateMatrixManagerImpl.java $ * $Id: HibernateMatrixManagerImpl.java 90536 2011-03-24 19:46:06Z botimer@umich.edu $ *********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 The Sakai Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.osedu.org/licenses/ECL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ package org.theospi.portfolio.matrix; import java.beans.XMLDecoder; import java.beans.XMLEncoder; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.zip.Adler32; import java.util.zip.CheckedOutputStream; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream; import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream; import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.FetchMode; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.Expression; import org.jdom.Element; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.AuthzGroup; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.AuthzPermissionException; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.GroupAlreadyDefinedException; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.GroupIdInvalidException; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.GroupNotDefinedException; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.Member; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.Role; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.SecurityAdvisor; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.SecurityService; import org.sakaiproject.authz.cover.AuthzGroupService; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentCollection; import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentCollectionEdit; import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService; import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentResource; import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentResourceEdit; import org.sakaiproject.content.api.LockManager; import org.sakaiproject.email.cover.DigestService; import org.sakaiproject.email.cover.EmailService; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.EntityManager; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.EntityPropertyNotDefinedException; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.Reference; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourceProperties; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourcePropertiesEdit; import org.sakaiproject.event.api.Event; import org.sakaiproject.event.api.NotificationService; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdInvalidException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUsedException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.ImportException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.InconsistentException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.OverQuotaException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.PermissionException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.ServerOverloadException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.TypeException; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.security.AllowMapSecurityAdvisor; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.security.AuthenticationManager; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.ArtifactFinder; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.DownloadableManager; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.EntityContextFinder; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.mgt.AgentManager; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.mgt.ContentEntityUtil; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.mgt.ContentEntityWrapper; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.mgt.FormConsumer; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.mgt.IdManager; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.mgt.MetaobjEntityManager; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.mgt.PresentableObjectHome; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.mgt.ReadableObjectHome; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.mgt.StructuredArtifactDefinitionManager; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.Agent; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.Artifact; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FinderException; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.Id; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.InvalidUploadException; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.MimeType; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.StructuredArtifactDefinitionBean; import org.sakaiproject.metaobj.worksite.mgt.WorksiteManager; import org.sakaiproject.service.legacy.resource.DuplicatableToolService; import org.sakaiproject.site.api.Group; import org.sakaiproject.site.api.Site; import org.sakaiproject.site.api.SitePage; import org.sakaiproject.site.api.ToolConfiguration; import org.sakaiproject.site.util.SiteConstants; import org.sakaiproject.site.cover.SiteService; import org.sakaiproject.taggable.api.Link; import org.sakaiproject.taggable.api.LinkManager; import org.sakaiproject.taggable.api.TaggableActivity; import org.sakaiproject.taggable.api.TaggableActivityProducer; import org.sakaiproject.taggable.api.TaggableItem; import org.sakaiproject.taggable.api.TaggingManager; import org.sakaiproject.taggable.api.TaggingProvider; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolSession; import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.SessionManager; import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.ToolManager; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.Preferences; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.PreferencesService; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.User; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotDefinedException; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration; import org.sakaiproject.user.cover.UserDirectoryService; import org.sakaiproject.util.ResourceLoader; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateCallback; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support.HibernateDaoSupport; import org.theospi.event.EventConstants; import org.theospi.event.EventService; import org.theospi.portfolio.guidance.mgt.GuidanceManager; import org.theospi.portfolio.guidance.model.Guidance; import org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.Attachment; import org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.Cell; import org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.Criterion; import org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.Level; import org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.Matrix; import org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.Scaffolding; import org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.ScaffoldingCell; import org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.WizardPage; import org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.WizardPageDefinition; import org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.WizardPageForm; import org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.impl.MatrixContentEntityProducer; import org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.impl.WizardPageDefinitionEntityImpl; import org.theospi.portfolio.review.mgt.ReviewManager; import org.theospi.portfolio.review.model.Review; import org.theospi.portfolio.security.Authorization; import org.theospi.portfolio.security.AuthorizationFacade; import org.theospi.portfolio.shared.model.EvaluationContentWrapper; import org.theospi.portfolio.shared.model.Node; import org.theospi.portfolio.shared.model.ObjectWithWorkflow; import org.theospi.portfolio.shared.model.OspException; import org.theospi.portfolio.shared.model.WizardMatrixConstants; import org.theospi.portfolio.style.StyleConsumer; import org.theospi.portfolio.style.mgt.StyleManager; import org.theospi.portfolio.style.model.Style; import org.theospi.portfolio.tagging.api.DecoratedTaggableItem; import org.theospi.portfolio.tagging.api.DecoratedTaggingProvider; import org.theospi.portfolio.tagging.impl.DecoratedTaggableItemImpl; import org.theospi.portfolio.tagging.impl.DecoratedTaggingProviderImpl; import org.theospi.portfolio.wizard.WizardFunctionConstants; import org.theospi.portfolio.wizard.taggable.cover.WizardActivityProducer; import org.theospi.portfolio.workflow.mgt.WorkflowManager; import org.theospi.portfolio.workflow.model.Workflow; import org.theospi.portfolio.workflow.model.WorkflowItem; import org.theospi.utils.zip.UncloseableZipInputStream; /** * @author rpembry */ public class HibernateMatrixManagerImpl extends HibernateDaoSupport implements MatrixManager, ReadableObjectHome, ArtifactFinder, DownloadableManager, PresentableObjectHome, DuplicatableToolService, StyleConsumer, FormConsumer { static final private String IMPORT_BASE_FOLDER_ID = "importedMatrices"; public static final String PROVIDERS_PARAM = "providers"; private IdManager idManager; private AuthenticationManager authnManager = null; private AuthorizationFacade authzManager = null; private AgentManager agentManager = null; private PresentableObjectHome xmlRenderer; private WorksiteManager worksiteManager; private LockManager lockManager; private boolean loadArtifacts = true; private ContentHostingService contentHosting = null; private SecurityService securityService; private EventService eventService; private DefaultScaffoldingBean defaultScaffoldingBean; private WorkflowManager workflowManager; private StructuredArtifactDefinitionManager structuredArtifactDefinitionManager; private GuidanceManager guidanceManager; private ReviewManager reviewManager; private StyleManager styleManager; private LinkManager linkManager = null; private TaggingManager taggingManager; private PreferencesService preferencesService = null; private EntityManager entityManager = null; private UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration matrixPreferencesConfig = null; private UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration wizardPreferencesConfig = null; private static final String SCAFFOLDING_ID_TAG = "scaffoldingId"; private EntityContextFinder contentFinder = null; private String importFolderName; private boolean useExperimentalMatrix = false; private boolean enableDafaultMatrixOptions = true; private static boolean allowAllGroups = ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean(WizardMatrixConstants.PROP_GROUPS_ALLOW_ALL_GLOBAL, false); private static ResourceLoader messages = new ResourceLoader( "org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.bundle.Messages"); /** This accepts email addresses */ private static final Pattern emailPattern = Pattern.compile( "^" + "(?>" + "\\.?[a-zA-Z\\d!#$%&'*+\\-/=?^_`{|}~]+" + ")+" + "@" + "(" + "(" + "(?!-)[a-zA-Z\\d\\-]+(?<!-)\\." + ")+" + "[a-zA-Z]{2,}" + "|" + "(?!\\.)" + "(" + "\\.?" + "(" + "25[0-5]" + "|" + "2[0-4]\\d" + "|" + "[01]?\\d?\\d" + ")" + "){4}" + ")" + "$" ); public Scaffolding createDefaultScaffolding() { return getDefaultScaffoldingBean().createDefaultScaffolding(); } public List getScaffolding() { return getHibernateTemplate().find("from Scaffolding"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List findAvailableScaffolding(String siteIdStr, Agent user, boolean showUnpublished) { Object[] params = new Object[]{getIdManager().getId(siteIdStr), user, Boolean.valueOf(true), Boolean.valueOf(true)}; Object[] params2 = new Object[]{getIdManager().getId(siteIdStr), user, Boolean.valueOf(true)}; //if showUnpublished, then you can see unpublisehd matrix's, otherwise you can //only see you own matrix's or published ones if(showUnpublished) return getHibernateTemplate().find("from Scaffolding s where s.worksiteId=? " + "and (s.owner=? or s.published=? or s.preview=?) ", params); else return getHibernateTemplate().find("from Scaffolding s where s.worksiteId=? " + "and (s.owner=? or s.published=?)", params2); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List findAvailableScaffolding(List sites, Agent user, boolean showUnpublished) { if ( sites == null || sites.size() == 0 ) return new ArrayList(); String[] paramNames = new String[] {"siteIds", "owner", "true"}; Object[] params = new Object[]{sites, user, Boolean.valueOf(true)}; //if showUnpublished, then you can see unpublisehd matrix's, otherwise you can //only see you own matrix's or published ones if(showUnpublished) return getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam("from Scaffolding s where s.worksiteId in ( :siteIds ) and ( s.owner = :owner or s.published=:true or s.preview=:true)", paramNames, params); else return getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam("from Scaffolding s where s.worksiteId in ( :siteIds ) and ( s.owner = :owner or s.published=:true)", paramNames, params); } /** * gathers all the published scaffolding from the given site (id) * @param siteId String * @return List of Scaffolding */ public List<Scaffolding> findPublishedScaffolding(String siteId) { Object[] params = new Object[]{getIdManager().getId(siteId), Boolean.valueOf(true)}; return getHibernateTemplate().find("from Scaffolding s where s.worksiteId=? " + "and s.published=?", params); } /** * * @param sites A list of site Ids (Ids) * @return list of all published scaffolding within specified sites */ public List findPublishedScaffolding(List sites) { String[] paramNames = new String[] {"siteIds", "published"}; Object[] params = new Object[]{sites, Boolean.valueOf(true)}; return getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam("from Scaffolding s where s.worksiteId in ( :siteIds ) " + "and s.published=:published", paramNames, params); } /** * Gets all the scaffolding for the data warehouse. It preloads all the cells, levels, criterion. * It sets the back trace from the level and criterion back to the scaffolding and sets the sequence * index number for ordering. * @return List of Scaffolding */ public List getScaffoldingForWarehousing() { List scaffolding = getHibernateTemplate().find("from Scaffolding"); for(Iterator i = scaffolding.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Scaffolding scaff = (Scaffolding)i.next(); Set cells = scaff.getScaffoldingCells(); //Load the evaluators for the cells as well. for(Iterator ii = cells.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); ) { ScaffoldingCell cell = (ScaffoldingCell)ii.next(); cell.setEvaluators(this.getWizardPageFunctionUserList(cell.getWizardPageDefinition().getId(), true, MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX)); } List levels = scaff.getLevels(); int n = 0; for(Iterator ii = levels.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); ) { Level level = (Level)ii.next(); level.setSequenceNumber(n++); level.setScaffolding(scaff); } List criteria = scaff.getCriteria(); criteria.size(); n = 0; for(Iterator ii = criteria.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); ) { Criterion criterion = (Criterion)ii.next(); criterion.setSequenceNumber(n++); criterion.setScaffolding(scaff); } } return scaffolding; } public List getMatrices(Id scaffoldingId) { List matrices = getHibernateTemplate().find( "from Matrix matrix where matrix.scaffolding.id = ?", new Object[]{scaffoldingId}); return matrices; } public List getCellsByScaffoldingCell(Id scaffoldingCellId) { List list = getHibernateTemplate().find("from Cell cell where cell.scaffoldingCell.id=?", scaffoldingCellId); return list; } public List getPagesByPageDef(Id pageDefId) { List list = getHibernateTemplate().find("from WizardPage page where page.pageDefinition.id=?", pageDefId); return list; } public List getMatrices(Id scaffoldingId, Id agentId) { String query = "from Matrix matrix"; Object[] params = new Object[]{}; if (scaffoldingId == null && agentId == null) { } else if(scaffoldingId == null) { query += " where matrix.owner like ?"; params = new Object[]{getAgentManager().getAgent(agentId)}; } else if (agentId == null) { query += " where matrix.scaffolding.id like ?"; params = new Object[]{scaffoldingId}; } else { query += " where matrix.scaffolding.id like ? and matrix.owner like ?"; params = new Object[]{scaffoldingId, getAgentManager().getAgent(agentId)}; } //TODO move this into a callback getHibernateTemplate().setCacheQueries(true); List list = getHibernateTemplate().find(query, params); return list; } public Matrix getMatrix(Id scaffoldingId, Id agentId) { List list = getMatrices(scaffoldingId, agentId); if (list.size() > 0) return (Matrix) list.get(0); else return null; } public List getCells(Matrix matrix) { getHibernateTemplate().setCacheQueries(true); return getHibernateTemplate().find("from Cell cell where cell.matrix.id=?", matrix.getId()); } public Cell getCell(Matrix matrix, Criterion rootCriterion, Level level) { //TODO should be something easier for this HQL Object[] params = new Object[]{matrix.getId(), rootCriterion.getId(), level.getId()}; getHibernateTemplate().setCacheQueries(true); List list = getHibernateTemplate() .find("from Cell cell where cell.matrix.id=? and cell.scaffoldingCell.rootCriterion.id=? and cell.scaffoldingCell.level.id=?", params); return (Cell) list.get(0); } public void unlockNextCell(Cell cell) { Matrix matrix = cell.getMatrix(); List levels = matrix.getScaffolding().getLevels(); int i = levels.indexOf(cell.getScaffoldingCell().getLevel()); if (i < levels.size() - 1) { Level nextLevel = (Level) levels.get(i + 1); Cell nextCell = getCell(cell.getMatrix(), cell.getScaffoldingCell().getRootCriterion(), nextLevel); if (nextCell.getStatus().equals(MatrixFunctionConstants.LOCKED_STATUS)) { nextCell.setStatus(MatrixFunctionConstants.READY_STATUS); storeCell(nextCell); } } } public ScaffoldingCell getNextScaffoldingCell(ScaffoldingCell scaffoldingCell, int progressionOption) { Scaffolding scaffolding = scaffoldingCell.getScaffolding(); ScaffoldingCell nextCell = null; if (progressionOption == Scaffolding.HORIZONTAL_PROGRESSION) { List columns = scaffolding.getLevels(); int i = columns.indexOf(scaffoldingCell.getLevel()); if (i < columns.size() - 1) { Level column = (Level)columns.get(i+1); nextCell = getScaffoldingCell(scaffoldingCell.getRootCriterion(), column); } } else if (progressionOption == Scaffolding.VERTICAL_PROGRESSION) { List rows = scaffolding.getCriteria(); int i = rows.indexOf(scaffoldingCell.getRootCriterion()); if (i < rows.size() - 1) { Criterion row = (Criterion)rows.get(i+1); nextCell = getScaffoldingCell(row, scaffoldingCell.getLevel()); } } return nextCell; } public Cell getNextCell(Cell cell, int progressionOption) { ScaffoldingCell scaffoldingCell = cell.getScaffoldingCell(); Scaffolding scaffolding = scaffoldingCell.getScaffolding(); Cell nextCell = null; if (progressionOption == Scaffolding.HORIZONTAL_PROGRESSION) { List columns = scaffolding.getLevels(); int i = columns.indexOf(scaffoldingCell.getLevel()); if (i < columns.size() - 1) { Level column = (Level)columns.get(i+1); nextCell = getCell(cell.getMatrix(), scaffoldingCell.getRootCriterion(), column); } } else if (progressionOption == Scaffolding.VERTICAL_PROGRESSION) { List rows = scaffolding.getCriteria(); int i = rows.indexOf(scaffoldingCell.getRootCriterion()); if (i < rows.size() - 1) { Criterion row = (Criterion)rows.get(i+1); nextCell = getCell(cell.getMatrix(), row, scaffoldingCell.getLevel()); } } return nextCell; } protected Cell getMatrixCellByWizardPageDef(Matrix matrix, Id wizardPageDefId) { for (Iterator cells = matrix.getCells().iterator(); cells.hasNext();) { Cell cell = (Cell)cells.next(); if (cell.getScaffoldingCell().getWizardPageDefinition() .getId().getValue().equals(wizardPageDefId.getValue())) { return cell; } } return null; } public Criterion getCriterion(Id criterionId) { return (Criterion) this.getHibernateTemplate().load(Criterion.class, criterionId); } public Level getLevel(Id levelId) { return (Level) this.getHibernateTemplate().load(Level.class, levelId); } public Cell getCell(Id cellId) { Cell cell = (Cell) this.getHibernateTemplate().get(Cell.class, cellId); return cell; } public Cell getCellFromPage(Id pageId) { List cells = getHibernateTemplate().find( "from Cell where wizard_page_id=?", new Object[]{pageId.getValue()}); if (cells.size() > 0) { return (Cell)cells.get(0); } return null; } public Id storeCell(Cell cell) { this.getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(cell); return cell.getId(); } public Id storePage(WizardPage page) { this.getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(page); eventService.postEvent(EventConstants.EVENT_FORM_ADD,page.getId().getValue()); return page.getId(); } public void publishScaffolding(Id scaffoldingId) { Scaffolding scaffolding = this.getScaffolding(scaffoldingId); scaffolding.setPreview(false); scaffolding.setPublished(true); scaffolding.setPublishedBy(authnManager.getAgent()); scaffolding.setPublishedDate(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); scaffolding.setModifiedDate(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); this.storeScaffolding(scaffolding); eventService.postEvent(EventConstants.EVENT_SCAFFOLD_PUBLISH,scaffolding.getId().getValue()); } public void previewScaffolding(Id scaffoldingId) { Scaffolding scaffolding = this.getScaffolding(scaffoldingId); //this variable is used for version control: if this is null when importing a matrix, //then the matrix is an older version and set all defaults to false scaffolding.setDefaultFormsMatrixVersion(true); scaffolding.setPreview(true); scaffolding.setModifiedDate(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); this.storeScaffolding(scaffolding); } public Scaffolding storeScaffolding(Scaffolding scaffolding) { scaffolding.setModifiedDate(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); scaffolding = (Scaffolding)this.store(scaffolding); getHibernateTemplate().flush(); eventService.postEvent(EventConstants.EVENT_SCAFFOLD_ADD_REVISE,scaffolding.getId().getValue()); generateScaffoldingRealm(scaffolding); return scaffolding; } public Scaffolding saveNewScaffolding(Scaffolding scaffolding) { scaffolding.setModifiedDate(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); Id id = (Id)this.save(scaffolding); getHibernateTemplate().flush(); scaffolding = getScaffolding(id); generateScaffoldingRealm(scaffolding); return scaffolding; } /** * Make sure that a realm with default perms is created when the scaffolding is * saved. Otherwise, you have to enter the perms screen first. * @param scaffolding */ private void generateScaffoldingRealm(Scaffolding scaffolding) { AuthzGroup templateAzg = null; AuthzGroup azg = null; Site site = null; try { String realmTemplate = "!matrix.template."; site = SiteService.getSite(scaffolding.getWorksiteId().getValue()); templateAzg = AuthzGroupService.getInstance().getAuthzGroup(realmTemplate + site.getType()); } catch (GroupNotDefinedException gnde) { logger.warn("group with id: " + gnde.getId() + " not defined", gnde); } catch (IdUnusedException iue) { logger.warn("id: " + iue.getId() + " not found", iue); } try { if (templateAzg != null) { azg = AuthzGroupService.getInstance().addAuthzGroup( scaffolding.getReference(), templateAzg, null); if (site != null && azg != null) { purgeBadRoles(azg, site); try { AuthzGroupService.save(azg); } catch (GroupNotDefinedException e1) { logger.warn("azg no defined", e1); //shouldn't need to do anything since it was just created } } } } catch (GroupIdInvalidException giie) { logger.warn("group id invalid", giie); } catch (GroupAlreadyDefinedException gade) { logger.warn("group already defined"); //this should be pretty common, so don't really need the full stack trace here } catch (AuthzPermissionException ape) { logger.warn("Permission exception", ape); } } private void purgeBadRoles(AuthzGroup azg, Site site) { Set<Role> activeRoles = site.getRoles(); Set<Role> azgRoles = azg.getRoles(); for (Role role: azgRoles) { if (!activeRoles.contains(role)) azg.removeRole(role.getId()); } } public Id storeScaffoldingCell(ScaffoldingCell scaffoldingCell) { scaffoldingCell.getScaffolding().setModifiedDate(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); scaffoldingCell = (ScaffoldingCell)store(scaffoldingCell); return scaffoldingCell.getId(); } public Object store(Object obj) { obj = this.getHibernateTemplate().merge(obj); return obj; } public Object save(Object obj) { obj = this.getHibernateTemplate().save(obj); return obj; } public Matrix createMatrix(Agent owner, Scaffolding scaffolding) { Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.setOwner(owner); matrix.setScaffolding(scaffolding); List levels = scaffolding.getLevels(); List criteria = scaffolding.getCriteria(); Criterion criterion = null; Level level = null; for (Iterator criteriaIterator = criteria.iterator(); criteriaIterator.hasNext();) { criterion = (Criterion) criteriaIterator.next(); for (Iterator levelsIterator = levels.iterator(); levelsIterator.hasNext();) { level = (Level) levelsIterator.next(); Cell cell = new Cell(); cell.getWizardPage().setOwner(owner); ScaffoldingCell sCell = getScaffoldingCell(criterion, level); cell.setScaffoldingCell(sCell); if (sCell != null) { String status = sCell.getInitialStatus(); cell.setStatus(status); } else cell.setStatus(MatrixFunctionConstants.LOCKED_STATUS); matrix.add(cell); } } this.getHibernateTemplate().save(matrix); return matrix; } public Attachment attachArtifact(Id pageId, Reference artifactRef) { Id artifactId = convertRef(artifactRef); detachArtifact(pageId, artifactId); WizardPage page = getWizardPage(pageId); Attachment attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.setArtifactId(artifactId); attachment.setWizardPage(page); attachment.setNewId(getIdManager().createId()); page.getAttachments().add(attachment); this.getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(page); return attachment; } public WizardPage getWizardPage(Id pageId) { WizardPage page = (WizardPage) this.getHibernateTemplate().get(WizardPage.class, pageId); // check for invalid page (in case wizard/matrix is deleted) // might also be looking up a scaffolding, so removing the logging of the warning if ( page == null ) { //logger.warn("Invalid wizard or matrix page: " + pageId.toString() ); return null; } page.getAttachments().size(); page.getPageForms().size(); removeFromSession(page); return page; } public WizardPage getWizardPageByPageDefAndOwner(Id pageId, Agent owner) { Object[] params = new Object[]{pageId, owner}; List pageList = getHibernateTemplate().find("from WizardPage w where w.pageDefinition.id=? and w.owner=?", params); // check for invalid page (in case wizard/matrix is deleted) if ( pageList == null || pageList.size() < 1 ) { logger.warn("Invalid wizard or matrix page: " + pageId.toString() ); return null; } WizardPage page = (WizardPage)pageList.get(0); page.getAttachments().size(); page.getPageForms().size(); removeFromSession(page); return page; } protected List getWizardPages() { return this.getHibernateTemplate().find("from WizardPage"); } protected Id convertRef(Reference artifactRef) { String uuid = getContentHosting().getUuid(artifactRef.getId()); return getIdManager().getId(uuid); } public void detachArtifact(final Id pageId, final Id artifactId) { HibernateCallback callback = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { WizardPage page = (WizardPage) session.load(WizardPage.class, pageId); Set attachments = page.getAttachments(); Iterator iter = attachments.iterator(); List toRemove = new ArrayList(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Attachment a = (Attachment) iter.next(); if (a.getArtifactId()==null || artifactId.equals(a.getArtifactId())) { toRemove.add(a); } } attachments.removeAll(toRemove); page.setAttachments(attachments); session.saveOrUpdate(page); return null; } }; getHibernateTemplate().execute(callback); } public void detachForm(final Id pageId, final Id artifactId) { HibernateCallback callback = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { WizardPage page = (WizardPage) session.load(WizardPage.class, pageId); Set forms = page.getPageForms(); Iterator iter = forms.iterator(); List toRemove = new ArrayList(); while (iter.hasNext()) { WizardPageForm wpf = (WizardPageForm) iter.next(); if (wpf.getArtifactId()==null || artifactId.equals(wpf.getArtifactId())) { toRemove.add(wpf); } } forms.removeAll(toRemove); page.setPageForms(forms); session.saveOrUpdate(page); eventService.postEvent(EventConstants.EVENT_FORM_DELETE, pageId.getValue()); return null; } }; getHibernateTemplate().execute(callback); } public Matrix getMatrixByPage(Id pageId) { Matrix matrix = null; Object[] params = new Object[]{pageId}; List list = this.getHibernateTemplate().find("select cell.matrix from " + "Cell cell where cell.wizardPage.id=? ", params); if (list.size() == 1) { matrix = (Matrix) list.get(0); } return matrix; } public Matrix getMatrix(Id matrixId) { return (Matrix) this.getHibernateTemplate().get(Matrix.class, matrixId); } public List getMatricesForWarehousing() { List matrices = getMatrices(null, null); for(Iterator ii = matrices.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); ) { Matrix mat = (Matrix)ii.next(); mat.getId(); //mat.setMatrixTool(tool); mat.getCells().size(); for(Iterator iii= mat.getCells().iterator(); iii.hasNext(); ) { Cell cell = (Cell)iii.next(); cell.getWizardPage().getPageForms().size(); cell.getWizardPage().getAttachments().size(); } getHibernateTemplate().evict(mat); } return matrices; } public List getWizardPagesForWarehousing() { List wizardPages = this.getWizardPages(); for(Iterator ii = wizardPages.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); ) { WizardPage wizardPage = (WizardPage)ii.next(); wizardPage.getId(); wizardPage.getPageForms().size(); wizardPage.getAttachments().size(); getHibernateTemplate().evict(wizardPage); } return wizardPages; } public Scaffolding getScaffolding(Id scaffoldingId) { return (Scaffolding) this.getHibernateTemplate().get(Scaffolding.class, scaffoldingId); //return getScaffolding(scaffoldingId, false); } public Scaffolding loadScaffolding(Id scaffoldingId) { Scaffolding scaffolding = (Scaffolding) this.getHibernateTemplate().load(Scaffolding.class, scaffoldingId); scaffolding.getLevels().size(); scaffolding.getCriteria().size(); return scaffolding; } protected Scaffolding getScaffoldingForExport(Id scaffoldingId) { Scaffolding scaffolding = (Scaffolding) this.getHibernateTemplate().get(Scaffolding.class, scaffoldingId); //scaffolding evaluators: Collection reviewers = this.getWizardPageFunctionUserList(scaffolding.getId(), false, MatrixFunctionConstants.REVIEW_MATRIX); scaffolding.setReviewers(new HashSet(reviewers)); //scaffolding cells evaluators: for (Iterator iter = scaffolding.getScaffoldingCells().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ScaffoldingCell sCell = (ScaffoldingCell) iter.next(); reviewers = this.getWizardPageFunctionUserList(sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().getId(), false, MatrixFunctionConstants.REVIEW_MATRIX); sCell.setReviewers(new HashSet(reviewers)); } //scaffolding evaluators: Collection evaluators = this.getWizardPageFunctionUserList(scaffolding.getId(), false, MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX); scaffolding.setEvaluators(new HashSet(evaluators)); //scaffolding cells evaluators: for (Iterator iter = scaffolding.getScaffoldingCells().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ScaffoldingCell sCell = (ScaffoldingCell) iter.next(); evaluators = this.getWizardPageFunctionUserList(sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().getId(), false, MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX); sCell.setEvaluators(new HashSet(evaluators)); } return scaffolding; } protected List getScaffoldingByStyle(Id styleId) { Object[] params = new Object[]{styleId}; return getHibernateTemplate().find("from Scaffolding s where s.style.id=? " , params); } protected List getWizardPageDefByStyle(Id styleId) { Object[] params = new Object[]{styleId}; return getHibernateTemplate().find("from WizardPageDefinition wpd where wpd.style.id=? " , params); } public ScaffoldingCell getScaffoldingCell(Criterion criterion, Level level) { ScaffoldingCell scaffoldingCell = null; Object[] params = new Object[]{criterion.getId(), level.getId()}; List list = this.getHibernateTemplate().find("from " + "ScaffoldingCell scaffoldingCell where scaffoldingCell.rootCriterion.id=? " + "and scaffoldingCell.level.id=?", params); if (list.size() == 1) { scaffoldingCell = (ScaffoldingCell) list.get(0); } return scaffoldingCell; } public String getScaffoldingCellsStatus(Id scaffoldingCellId) { ScaffoldingCell scaffoldingCell = null; String result = ""; Criteria c = this.getSession().createCriteria(ScaffoldingCell.class); try { c.add(Expression.eq("id", scaffoldingCellId)); scaffoldingCell = (ScaffoldingCell)c.uniqueResult(); result = scaffoldingCell.getInitialStatus(); this.removeFromSession(scaffoldingCell); } catch (HibernateException e) { logger.error("Error returning scaffoldingCell with id: " + scaffoldingCellId); return null; } return result; } public ScaffoldingCell getScaffoldingCell(Id id) { ScaffoldingCell scaffoldingCell = (ScaffoldingCell)this.getHibernateTemplate().load(ScaffoldingCell.class, id); scaffoldingCell.setEvaluators(getWizardPageFunctionUserList(scaffoldingCell.getWizardPageDefinition().getId(), true, MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX)); return scaffoldingCell; } //FIXME: These queries should be externalized and possibly promoted to the API public int getFormCountByPageDef(Id pageDefId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { pageDefId }; return (Integer) getHibernateTemplate().find( "select count(*) from WizardPage wp join wp.pageForms where wp.pageDefinition.id=?", params).get(0); } //FIXME: This should be in the ReviewManager, but is special-cased here for now //NOTE: This is a theta-join because Review.parent and WizardPage.id are not mapped public int getReviewCountByPageDef(Id pageDefId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { pageDefId }; return (Integer) getHibernateTemplate().find( "select count(*) from Review r, WizardPage wp where wp.id = r.parent and wp.pageDefinition.id=?", params).get(0); } public int getAttachmentCountByPageDef(Id pageDefId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { pageDefId }; return (Integer) getHibernateTemplate().find( "select count(*) from WizardPage wp join wp.attachments where wp.pageDefinition.id=?", params).get(0); } public boolean isScaffoldingCellUsed(ScaffoldingCell cell) { Id pageDefId = cell.getWizardPageDefinition().getId(); return getFormCountByPageDef(pageDefId) > 0 || getAttachmentCountByPageDef(pageDefId) > 0 || getReviewCountByPageDef(pageDefId) > 0; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Set<ScaffoldingCell> getScaffoldingCells(Id scaffoldingId) { Object[] params = new Object[]{scaffoldingId}; List list = this.getHibernateTemplate().find("from " + "ScaffoldingCell scaffoldingCell where scaffoldingCell.scaffolding.id=?", params); return new HashSet<ScaffoldingCell>(list); } public ScaffoldingCell getScaffoldingCellByWizardPageDef(Id id) { ScaffoldingCell scaffoldingCell = null; Object[] params = new Object[]{id}; List list = this.getHibernateTemplate().find("from " + "ScaffoldingCell scaffoldingCell where scaffoldingCell.wizardPageDefinition.id=?", params); if (list.size() == 1) { scaffoldingCell = (ScaffoldingCell) list.get(0); } return scaffoldingCell; } protected Collection getWizardPageFunctionUserList(Id wizardPageDefId, boolean useAgentId, String function) { Collection evaluators = new HashSet(); Collection viewerAuthzs = getAuthzManager().getAuthorizations(null, function, wizardPageDefId); for (Iterator i = viewerAuthzs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Authorization evaluator = (Authorization) i.next(); if (useAgentId) evaluators.add(evaluator.getAgent()); else evaluators.add(evaluator.getAgent().getId()); } return evaluators; } public void removeFromSession(Object obj) { this.getHibernateTemplate().evict(obj); } public void clearSession() { this.getHibernateTemplate().clear(); } private Scaffolding getScaffoldingByArtifact(Id artifactId) { List list = this.getHibernateTemplate().find("from " + "Scaffolding scaffolding where scaffolding.artifactId=?", artifactId.getValue()); if (list == null) return null; if (list.size() == 1) return (Scaffolding)list.get(0); return null; } List getCellAttachments(Id cellId) { return this.getHibernateTemplate().find("from Attachment attachment where attachment.cell=?", cellId.getValue()); } public Attachment getAttachment(Id attachmentId) { return (Attachment) this.getHibernateTemplate().load(Attachment.class, attachmentId); } public Set getPageForms(WizardPage page) { Set result = new HashSet(); Set removes = new HashSet(); if (page.getPageForms() != null) { for (Iterator iter = page.getPageForms().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { WizardPageForm wpf = (WizardPageForm) iter.next(); Node node = getNode(wpf.getArtifactId(), page, true); if (node != null) { result.add(node); } else if ( !isNodeHidden(wpf.getArtifactId()) ) { removes.add(wpf.getArtifactId()); } } for (Iterator iter2 = removes.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) { Id id = (Id) iter2.next(); logger.warn("Cell contains stale form references (null node encountered) for Cell: " + page.getId().getValue() + ". Detaching"); detachForm(page.getId(), id); } } return result; } public Set getPageContents(WizardPage page) { Set result = new HashSet(); Set removes = new HashSet(); if (page.getAttachments() != null) { for (Iterator iter = page.getAttachments().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Attachment attachment = (Attachment) iter.next(); Node node = getNode(attachment.getArtifactId(), page, false); if (node != null) { result.add(node); } else if ( !isNodeHidden(attachment.getArtifactId()) ) { removes.add(attachment.getArtifactId()); } } for (Iterator iter2 = removes.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) { Id id = (Id) iter2.next(); logger.warn("Cell contains stale artifact references (null node encountered) for Cell: " + page.getId().getValue() + ". Detaching"); detachArtifact(page.getId(), id); } } return result; } /** * * @param artifactId * @param page * @param isForm Flag indication that the artifact in question is a form or not * @return */ protected Node getNode(Id artifactId, WizardPage page, boolean isForm) { Node node = getNode(artifactId); if (node == null) { return null; } String siteId = page.getPageDefinition().getSiteId(); ContentResource wrapped = new ContentEntityWrapper(node.getResource(), buildRef(siteId, page.getId().getValue(), node.getResource())); if (!isForm) return new Node(artifactId, wrapped, node.getTechnicalMetadata().getOwner(), node.getIsLocked()); else return new Node(artifactId, wrapped, node.getTechnicalMetadata().getOwner(), node.getIsLocked(), buildRefDecorator(siteId, page.getId().getValue(), MatrixContentEntityProducer.MATRIX_PRODUCER) + buildRefDecorator(siteId, artifactId.getValue(), MetaobjEntityManager.METAOBJ_CONTENT_ENTITY_PREFIX)); } private boolean isNodeHidden( Id artifactId ) { try { String id = getContentHosting().resolveUuid(artifactId.getValue()); if ( id == null ) return false; // non-existant node is not "hidden" getContentHosting().checkResource(id); } catch (PermissionException e) { return true; // not permitted to view indicates "hidden" } catch (Exception e) { return false; // any other error does not constitute "hidden" } return false; } public Node getNode(Id artifactId) { return getNode(artifactId, true); } public Node getNode(Id artifactId, boolean checkLocks) { String id = getContentHosting().resolveUuid(artifactId.getValue()); if (id == null) { return null; } getSecurityService().pushAdvisor( new AllowMapSecurityAdvisor(ContentHostingService.EVENT_RESOURCE_READ, getContentHosting().getReference(id))); try { ContentResource resource = getContentHosting().getResource(id); String ownerId = resource.getProperties().getProperty(resource.getProperties().getNamePropCreator()); Agent owner = getAgentFromId(getIdManager().getId(ownerId)); boolean locked = checkLocks && getLockManager().isLocked(artifactId.getValue()); return new Node(artifactId, resource, owner, locked); } catch (PermissionException e) { logger.warn(this+".getNode "+e.toString()); return null; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(this+".getNode "+e.toString()); return null; } } public Node getNode(Reference ref) { return getNode(ref, true); } public Node getNode(Reference ref, boolean checkLocks) { String nodeId = getContentHosting().getUuid(ref.getId()); return getNode(getIdManager().getId(nodeId), checkLocks); } public List getCellsByArtifact(Id artifactId) { Criteria c = null; try { c = this.getSession().createCriteria(Cell.class); c.setFetchMode("scaffoldingCell", FetchMode.JOIN); c.setFetchMode("scaffoldingCell.scaffolding", FetchMode.JOIN); Criteria att = c.createCriteria("attachments"); att.add(Expression.eq("artifactId", artifactId)); return new ArrayList(c.list()); } catch (DataAccessResourceFailureException e) { logger.error("", e); } catch (HibernateException e) { logger.error("", e); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { logger.error("", e); } return new ArrayList(); } public List getCellsByForm(Id formId) { Criteria c = null; try { c = this.getSession().createCriteria(Cell.class); c.setFetchMode("scaffoldingCell", FetchMode.JOIN); c.setFetchMode("scaffoldingCell.scaffolding", FetchMode.JOIN); Criteria att = c.createCriteria("pageForms"); att.add(Expression.eq("artifactId", formId)); return new ArrayList(c.list()); } catch (DataAccessResourceFailureException e) { logger.error("", e); } catch (HibernateException e) { logger.error("", e); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { logger.error("", e); } return new ArrayList(); } protected Agent getAgentFromId(Id agentId) { return agentManager.getAgent(agentId); } /** * @return Returns the idManager. */ public IdManager getIdManager() { return idManager; } /** * @param idManager The idManager to set. */ public void setIdManager(IdManager idManager) { this.idManager = idManager; } /** * @return Returns the authManager. */ public AuthenticationManager getAuthnManager() { return authnManager; } /** * @param authnManager The authnManager to set. */ public void setAuthnManager(AuthenticationManager authnManager) { this.authnManager = authnManager; } /** * @return Returns the authzManager. */ public AuthorizationFacade getAuthzManager() { return authzManager; } /** * @param authzManager The authzManager to set. */ public void setAuthzManager(AuthorizationFacade authzManager) { this.authzManager = authzManager; } /** * @return Returns the agentManager. */ public AgentManager getAgentManager() { return agentManager; } /** * @param agentManager The agentManager to set. */ public void setAgentManager(AgentManager agentManager) { this.agentManager = agentManager; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.hibernate.impl.MatrixManager#deleteMatrix(org.theospi.portfolio.shared.model.Id) */ public void deleteMatrix(Id matrixId) { Matrix matrix = getMatrix( matrixId ); Set cells = matrix.getCells(); // first unlock all resources associated with this matrix for (Iterator cellIt=cells.iterator(); cellIt.hasNext();) { Cell cell = (Cell)cellIt.next(); WizardPage page = cell.getWizardPage(); for (Iterator iter = page.getAttachments().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Attachment att = (Attachment)iter.next(); getLockManager().removeLock(att.getArtifactId().getValue(), page.getId().getValue()); } for (Iterator iter = page.getPageForms().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { WizardPageForm pageForm = (WizardPageForm)iter.next(); getLockManager().removeLock(pageForm.getArtifactId().getValue(), page.getId().getValue()); } List reviews = getReviewManager().getReviewsByParent( page.getId().getValue(), page.getPageDefinition().getSiteId(), MatrixContentEntityProducer.MATRIX_PRODUCER); for (Iterator iter = reviews.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Review review = (Review)iter.next(); getLockManager().removeLock(review.getReviewContent().getValue(), page.getId().getValue()); } } // Now delete matrix this.getHibernateTemplate().delete(getMatrix(matrixId)); } public void deleteScaffolding(Id scaffoldingId) { Scaffolding scaffolding = getScaffolding(scaffoldingId); String scaffoldingRef = scaffolding.getReference(); this.getHibernateTemplate().delete(scaffolding); eventService.postEvent(EventConstants.EVENT_SCAFFOLD_DELETE,scaffoldingId.getValue()); //remove azg try { AuthzGroupService.removeAuthzGroup(scaffoldingRef); } catch (AuthzPermissionException e) { logger.warn("could not remove azg for scaffolding", e); } } public Cell submitCellForEvaluation(Cell cell) { Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); getHibernateTemplate().refresh(cell); //TODO not sure if this is necessary ScaffoldingCell sCell = cell.getScaffoldingCell(); WizardPage page = cell.getWizardPage(); // Actions for current cell processContentLockingWorkflow(true, page); processStatusChangeWorkflow(MatrixFunctionConstants.PENDING_STATUS, page); cell.getWizardPage().setModified(now); if (sCell.getScaffolding().getWorkflowOption() > 0) processWorkflow(sCell.getScaffolding().getWorkflowOption(), cell.getId()); return cell; } public WizardPage submitPageForEvaluation(WizardPage page) { Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); WizardPage thePage = getWizardPage(page.getId()); getHibernateTemplate().refresh(thePage); //TODO not sure if this is necessary processContentLockingWorkflow(true, thePage); thePage.setStatus(MatrixFunctionConstants.PENDING_STATUS); thePage.setModified(now); getHibernateTemplate().merge(thePage); return page; } public List getEvaluatableCells(Agent agent, List<Agent> roles, List<String> worksiteIds, Map siteHash) { String[] paramNames; boolean rolesNotEmpty = (roles != null && roles.size() > 0); boolean sitesNotEmpty = (worksiteIds != null && worksiteIds.size() > 0); Object[] params; if(rolesNotEmpty && sitesNotEmpty){ paramNames = new String[] {"false", "true", "evaluate", "pendingStatus", "user", "roles", "siteIds"}; params = new Object[]{Boolean.valueOf(false), Boolean.valueOf(true), MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX, MatrixFunctionConstants.PENDING_STATUS, agent, roles, worksiteIds}; }else{ if(!rolesNotEmpty){ if(!sitesNotEmpty){ paramNames = new String[] {"false", "true", "evaluate", "pendingStatus", "user"}; params = new Object[]{Boolean.valueOf(false), Boolean.valueOf(true), MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX, MatrixFunctionConstants.PENDING_STATUS, agent}; }else{ paramNames = new String[] {"false", "true", "evaluate", "pendingStatus", "user", "siteIds"}; params = new Object[]{Boolean.valueOf(false), Boolean.valueOf(true), MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX, MatrixFunctionConstants.PENDING_STATUS, agent, worksiteIds}; } }else{ paramNames = new String[] {"false", "true", "evaluate", "pendingStatus", "user", "roles"}; params = new Object[]{Boolean.valueOf(false), Boolean.valueOf(true), MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX, MatrixFunctionConstants.PENDING_STATUS, agent, roles}; } } String evaluatableQuery = "select distinct new " + "org.theospi.portfolio.matrix.model.EvaluationContentWrapperForMatrixCell(" + "wp.id, " + "wp.pageDefinition.title, c.matrix.owner, " + "c.wizardPage.modified, wp.pageDefinition.siteId) " + "from WizardPage wp, Authorization auth, Cell c " + "where ((wp.pageDefinition.id = auth.qualifier and wp.pageDefinition.defaultEvaluators=:false) or " + "(c.scaffoldingCell.scaffolding.id = auth.qualifier and wp.pageDefinition.defaultEvaluators=:true))" + "and wp.id = c.wizardPage.id " + "and auth.function = :evaluate and wp.status = :pendingStatus and " + "(auth.agent=:user"; if(rolesNotEmpty) evaluatableQuery += " or auth.agent in ( :roles )"; evaluatableQuery += ") "; if(sitesNotEmpty) evaluatableQuery += "and wp.pageDefinition.siteId in ( :siteIds )"; List matrixCells = this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(evaluatableQuery, paramNames, params ); // filter out group-restricted users List filteredMatrixCells = new ArrayList(); for ( Iterator it=matrixCells.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { EvaluationContentWrapper evalItem = (EvaluationContentWrapper)it.next(); WizardPage wizPage = getWizardPage( evalItem.getId() ); Scaffolding scaffolding = getScaffoldingCellByWizardPageDef( wizPage.getPageDefinition().getId() ).getScaffolding(); boolean scaffoldCanViewAllGroups = getAuthzManager().isAuthorized(MatrixFunctionConstants.VIEW_ALL_GROUPS, getIdManager().getId(scaffolding.getReference())); //if the current user doesn't have Access User List permission for the specific matrix, then //this means they must not be able to see the owner for blind evaluation if(!getAuthzManager().isAuthorized(MatrixFunctionConstants.ACCESS_USERLIST, getIdManager().getId(scaffolding.getReference()))) { evalItem.setHideOwnerDisplay(true); } if ( !allowAllGroups && !scaffoldCanViewAllGroups ) { HashSet siteGroupUsers = (HashSet)siteHash.get( scaffolding.getWorksiteId().getValue() ); if ( siteGroupUsers != null && siteGroupUsers.contains(wizPage.getOwner().getId().getValue()) ) filteredMatrixCells.add( evalItem ); } else { filteredMatrixCells.add( evalItem ); } } return filteredMatrixCells; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ /* public List getEvaluatableItems(Agent agent, Id worksiteId) { List roles = agent.getWorksiteRoles(worksiteId.getValue()); Agent role = null; if (roles.size() > 0) role= (Agent)roles.get(0); List returned = getEvaluatableCells(agent, roles, worksiteId); List wizardPages = getEvaluatableWizardPages(agent, role, worksiteId); List wizards = getEvaluatableWizards(agent, role, worksiteId); returned.addAll(wizardPages); returned.addAll(wizards); return returned; } */ public void packageScffoldingForExport(Id scaffoldingId, OutputStream os) throws IOException { Scaffolding oldScaffolding = this.getScaffoldingForExport(scaffoldingId); CheckedOutputStream checksum = new CheckedOutputStream(os, new Adler32()); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(checksum)); List levels = oldScaffolding.getLevels(); List criteria = oldScaffolding.getCriteria(); Set scaffoldingCells = oldScaffolding.getScaffoldingCells(); List guidanceIds = new ArrayList(); Set styleIds = new HashSet(); List formIds = new ArrayList(); Collection scaffEvaluators = oldScaffolding.getEvaluators(); Collection scaffReviewers = oldScaffolding.getReviewers(); List scaffAttachments = oldScaffolding.getAttachments(); levels.size(); criteria.size(); scaffoldingCells.size(); for (Iterator iter = scaffoldingCells.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ScaffoldingCell sCell = (ScaffoldingCell)iter.next(); Collection evalWorkflows = sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().getEvalWorkflows(); for (Iterator iter2 = evalWorkflows.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) { Workflow wf = (Workflow)iter2.next(); wf.getItems().size(); } } //initialize scaffolding workflow into session Collection scaffoldingEvalWorkflows = oldScaffolding.getEvalWorkflows(); for (Iterator iter2 = scaffoldingEvalWorkflows.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) { Workflow wf = (Workflow)iter2.next(); wf.getItems().size(); } removeFromSession(oldScaffolding); if (oldScaffolding.getStyle() != null) { styleIds.add(oldScaffolding.getStyle().getId().getValue()); } Collection formsScaffolding = oldScaffolding.getAdditionalForms(); oldScaffolding.setAdditionalForms(new ArrayList(formsScaffolding)); for (Iterator iter = scaffoldingCells.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ScaffoldingCell sCell = (ScaffoldingCell)iter.next(); sCell.setCells(new HashSet()); Collection evaluators = sCell.getEvaluators(); sCell.setEvaluators(new HashSet(evaluators)); Collection reviewers = sCell.getReviewers(); sCell.setReviewers(new HashSet(reviewers)); List attachments = sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().getAttachments(); sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().setAttachments( new ArrayList(attachments) ); sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().setPages(new HashSet()); Collection forms = sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().getAdditionalForms(); sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().setAdditionalForms(new ArrayList(forms)); Collection evalWorkflows = sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().getEvalWorkflows(); for (Iterator iter2 = evalWorkflows.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) { Workflow wf = (Workflow)iter2.next(); Collection items = wf.getItems(); wf.setItems(new HashSet(items)); } sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().setEvalWorkflows(new HashSet(evalWorkflows)); exportWorkflowForms(zos, sCell.getWizardPageDefinition(), sCell.getAdditionalForms(), formIds); if (sCell.getGuidance() != null) { guidanceIds.add(sCell.getGuidance().getId().getValue()); } if (sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().getStyle() != null) { styleIds.add(sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().getStyle().getId().getValue()); } } if (guidanceIds.size() > 0) { exportGuidance(zos, guidanceIds); } if (styleIds.size() > 0) { exportStyle(zos, styleIds); } //workflow Collection scaffEvalWorkflows = oldScaffolding.getEvalWorkflows(); for (Iterator iter2 = scaffEvalWorkflows.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) { Workflow wf = (Workflow)iter2.next(); Collection items = wf.getItems(); wf.setItems(new HashSet(items)); } //scaffolding variables: exportWorkflowForms(zos, oldScaffolding, oldScaffolding.getAdditionalForms(), formIds); oldScaffolding.setLevels(new ArrayList(levels)); oldScaffolding.setCriteria(new ArrayList(criteria)); oldScaffolding.setScaffoldingCells(new HashSet(scaffoldingCells)); oldScaffolding.setMatrix(new HashSet()); oldScaffolding.setEvalWorkflows(new HashSet(scaffEvalWorkflows)); oldScaffolding.setEvaluators(new HashSet(scaffEvaluators)); oldScaffolding.setReviewers(new HashSet(scaffReviewers)); oldScaffolding.setAttachments(new ArrayList(scaffAttachments)); removeFromSession(oldScaffolding); //Saving the agent is not necessary and causes a StackOverflowError when XMLEncoder tries // to serialize. So, we clear out the agents. oldScaffolding.setOwner(null); oldScaffolding.setPublishedBy(null); // We also strip the Agent from the attached Style if there is one. if (oldScaffolding.getStyle() != null) { oldScaffolding.getStyle().setOwner(null); } ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); XMLEncoder xenc=new XMLEncoder(bos); try { xenc.writeObject(oldScaffolding); } catch (StackOverflowError e) { logger.error("Stack Overflow when serializing Scaffolding with ID: " + oldScaffolding.getId().getValue() + ". This is likely due to an unexpected Agent being referenced."); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Caught Stack Overflow serializing Scaffolding. It likely contains a nested Agent reference.", e); } xenc.close(); removeFromSession(oldScaffolding); storeFileInZip(zos, new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()), "scaffolding"); this.getHibernateTemplate().clear(); try { this.getHibernateTemplate().flush(); } catch (AssertionFailure af) { //TODO There's got to be a better way to catch/prevent this error logger.warn("Catching AssertionFailure from Hibernate during a flush"); this.getSession().clear(); } bos.close(); zos.finish(); zos.flush(); } protected void exportGuidance(ZipOutputStream zos, List guidanceIds) throws IOException { ZipEntry newfileEntry = new ZipEntry("guidance/guidanceList"); zos.putNextEntry(newfileEntry); getGuidanceManager().packageGuidanceForExport(guidanceIds, zos); zos.closeEntry(); } protected void exportStyle(ZipOutputStream zos, Set styleIds) throws IOException { ZipEntry newfileEntry = new ZipEntry("style/styleList"); zos.putNextEntry(newfileEntry); getStyleManager().packageStyleForExport(styleIds, zos); zos.closeEntry(); } protected void exportWorkflowForms(ZipOutputStream zos, ObjectWithWorkflow obj, List additionalForms, List formIds) throws IOException { for (Iterator i=additionalForms.iterator();i.hasNext();) { String formId = (String) i.next(); if (!formIds.contains(formId)) { storeFormInZip(zos, formId); formIds.add(formId); } } if (obj.getEvaluationDevice() != null) { String evalDevId = obj.getEvaluationDevice().getValue(); if (!formIds.contains(evalDevId)) { storeFormInZip(zos, evalDevId); formIds.add(evalDevId); } } if (obj.getReflectionDevice() != null) { String reflDevId = obj.getReflectionDevice().getValue(); if (!formIds.contains(reflDevId)) { storeFormInZip(zos, reflDevId); formIds.add(reflDevId); } } if (obj.getReviewDevice() != null) { String revDevId = obj.getReviewDevice().getValue(); if (!formIds.contains(revDevId)) { storeFormInZip(zos, revDevId); formIds.add(revDevId); } } } protected void fixPageForms(WizardPageDefinition wizardPage, Map formsMap) { List forms = wizardPage.getAdditionalForms(); List newForms = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator i=forms.iterator();i.hasNext();) { String formId = (String) i.next(); newForms.add(formsMap.get(formId)); } wizardPage.setAdditionalForms(newForms); if (wizardPage.getEvaluationDevice() != null) { wizardPage.setEvaluationDevice(getIdManager().getId((String) formsMap.get( wizardPage.getEvaluationDevice().getValue()))); } if (wizardPage.getReflectionDevice() != null) { wizardPage.setReflectionDevice(getIdManager().getId((String) formsMap.get( wizardPage.getReflectionDevice().getValue()))); } if (wizardPage.getReviewDevice() != null) { wizardPage.setReviewDevice(getIdManager().getId((String) formsMap.get( wizardPage.getReviewDevice().getValue()))); } } protected void fixPageForms(Scaffolding scaffolding, Map formsMap) { List forms = scaffolding.getAdditionalForms(); List newForms = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator i=forms.iterator();i.hasNext();) { String formId = (String) i.next(); newForms.add(formsMap.get(formId)); } scaffolding.setAdditionalForms(newForms); if (scaffolding.getEvaluationDevice() != null) { scaffolding.setEvaluationDevice(getIdManager().getId((String) formsMap.get( scaffolding.getEvaluationDevice().getValue()))); } if (scaffolding.getReflectionDevice() != null) { scaffolding.setReflectionDevice(getIdManager().getId((String) formsMap.get( scaffolding.getReflectionDevice().getValue()))); } if (scaffolding.getReviewDevice() != null) { scaffolding.setReviewDevice(getIdManager().getId((String) formsMap.get( scaffolding.getReviewDevice().getValue()))); } } protected void storeFormInZip(ZipOutputStream zos, String formId) throws IOException { ZipEntry newfileEntry = new ZipEntry("forms/" + formId + ".form"); zos.putNextEntry(newfileEntry); getStructuredArtifactDefinitionManager().packageFormForExport(formId, zos, false); zos.closeEntry(); } protected void storeScaffoldingFile(ZipOutputStream zos, Id fileId) throws IOException { if (fileId == null) { return; } Node oldNode = getNode(fileId); String newName = oldNode.getName(); storeFileInZip(zos, oldNode.getInputStream(), oldNode.getMimeType().getValue() + File.separator + fileId.getValue() + File.separator + newName); } protected void storeFileInZip(ZipOutputStream zos, InputStream in, String entryName) throws IOException { byte data[] = new byte[1024 * 10]; if (File.separatorChar == '\\') { entryName = entryName.replace('\\', '/'); } ZipEntry newfileEntry = new ZipEntry(entryName); zos.putNextEntry(newfileEntry); BufferedInputStream origin = new BufferedInputStream(in, data.length); int count; while ((count = origin.read(data, 0, data.length)) != -1) { zos.write(data, 0, count); } zos.closeEntry(); in.close(); } /** * This unpacks a zipped scaffolding and places it into the siteId. It saves the guidance, styles, * and forms, resets the ids, and saves the scaffolding. It returns the new unpacked scaffolding. * * The owner becomes the current agent. * * @param siteId String of the site id * @param zis ZipInputStream of the packed scaffolding * @throws IOException */ protected Scaffolding uploadScaffolding(String siteId, ZipInputStream zis) throws IOException { ZipEntry currentEntry = zis.getNextEntry(); Scaffolding scaffolding = null; String tempDirName = getIdManager().createId().getValue(); boolean itWorked = false; Map formsMap = new Hashtable(); Map guidanceMap = null; Map styleMap = null; try { ContentCollectionEdit fileParent = getFileDir(tempDirName); boolean gotFile = false; while (currentEntry != null) { logger.debug("current entry name: " + currentEntry.getName()); if (currentEntry.getName().equals("scaffolding")) { try { scaffolding = processScaffolding(zis); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Class not found loading scaffolding", e); throw new OspException(e); } } else if (!currentEntry.isDirectory()) { if (currentEntry.getName().startsWith("forms/")) { processMatrixForm(currentEntry, zis, formsMap, getIdManager().getId(siteId)); } else if (currentEntry.getName().equals("guidance/guidanceList")) { gotFile = true; guidanceMap = processMatrixGuidance(fileParent, siteId, zis); } else if (currentEntry.getName().equals("style/styleList")) { gotFile = true; styleMap = processMatrixStyle(fileParent, siteId, zis); } } zis.closeEntry(); currentEntry = zis.getNextEntry(); } if(scaffolding == null) throw new InvalidUploadException("The scaffolding file was not found in the import file"); scaffolding.setId(null); scaffolding.setPublished(false); scaffolding.setPublishedBy(null); scaffolding.setPublishedDate(null); scaffolding.setModifiedDate(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); scaffolding.setOwner(getAuthnManager().getAgent()); scaffolding.setWorksiteId(getIdManager().getId(siteId)); resetIds(scaffolding, guidanceMap, formsMap, styleMap, siteId); //this variable is used for version control: if this is null when importing a matrix, //then the matrix is an older version and set all defaults to false if(!scaffolding.isDefaultFormsMatrixVersion()){ //This means the matrix being imported is from an earlier version that didn't have defaultForm values //therefore, we must set all defaultForm values to false (their default value is true) setAllDefaultFormValuesToFalse(scaffolding); //now that this matrix is in the current version, we must set defualtMatrix flag to true scaffolding.setDefaultFormsMatrixVersion(true); } scaffolding = saveNewScaffolding(scaffolding); if (gotFile) { fileParent.getPropertiesEdit().addProperty( ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, scaffolding.getTitle()); getContentHosting().commitCollection(fileParent); } else { getContentHosting().cancelCollection(fileParent); } scaffolding = storeScaffolding(scaffolding); createEvaluatorAuthzForImport(scaffolding); createReviewersAuthzForImport(scaffolding); itWorked = true; return scaffolding; } catch (Exception exp) { throw new RuntimeException(exp); } finally { try { zis.closeEntry(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("", e); } } } public void setAllDefaultFormValuesToFalse(Scaffolding scaffolding){ for(int i=0; i < scaffolding.getScaffoldingCells().size(); i++){ ((ScaffoldingCell) ((Set) scaffolding.getScaffoldingCells()).toArray()[i]).setAllowRequestFeedback(false); ((ScaffoldingCell) ((Set) scaffolding.getScaffoldingCells()).toArray()[i]).setDefaultCustomForm(false); ((ScaffoldingCell) ((Set) scaffolding.getScaffoldingCells()).toArray()[i]).setDefaultEvaluationForm(false); ((ScaffoldingCell) ((Set) scaffolding.getScaffoldingCells()).toArray()[i]).setDefaultEvaluators(false); ((ScaffoldingCell) ((Set) scaffolding.getScaffoldingCells()).toArray()[i]).setDefaultFeedbackForm(false); ((ScaffoldingCell) ((Set) scaffolding.getScaffoldingCells()).toArray()[i]).setDefaultReflectionForm(false); ((ScaffoldingCell) ((Set) scaffolding.getScaffoldingCells()).toArray()[i]).setDefaultReviewers(false); } } public Scaffolding uploadScaffolding(Reference uploadedScaffoldingFile, String siteId) throws IOException { Node file = getNode(uploadedScaffoldingFile); ZipInputStream zis = new UncloseableZipInputStream(file.getInputStream()); return uploadScaffolding(siteId, zis); } protected Map processMatrixGuidance(ContentCollection parent, String siteId, ZipInputStream zis) throws IOException { return getGuidanceManager().importGuidanceList(parent, siteId, zis); } protected Map processMatrixStyle(ContentCollection parent, String siteId, ZipInputStream zis) throws IOException { return getStyleManager().importStyleList(parent, siteId, zis); } protected void processMatrixForm(ZipEntry currentEntry, ZipInputStream zis, Map formMap, Id worksite) throws IOException { File file = new File(currentEntry.getName()); String fileName = file.getName(); String oldId = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf(".form")); StructuredArtifactDefinitionBean bean; try { //we want the bean even if it exists already bean = getStructuredArtifactDefinitionManager().importSad( worksite, zis, true, false, false); } catch(ImportException ie) { throw new RuntimeException("the structured artifact failed to import", ie); } formMap.put(oldId, bean.getId().getValue()); } public void checkPageAccess(String id) { Id pageId = getIdManager().getId(id); WizardPage page = getWizardPage(pageId); // todo need to figure out matrix or wizard authz stuff here // this should set the security advisor for the attached artifacts. //getPageArtifacts(page); boolean isMatrix = page.getPageDefinition().getType().equals(page.getPageDefinition().WPD_MATRIX_TYPE); boolean canEval = false, canReview = false, hideEvaluations = false; if(page.getPageDefinition().isDefaultEvaluators()){ if(isMatrix){ Scaffolding scaffolding = this.getMatrixByPage(pageId).getScaffolding(); canEval = hasPermission(scaffolding.getId(), scaffolding.getWorksiteId(), MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX); } }else{ canEval = getAuthzManager().isAuthorized(MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX, page.getPageDefinition().getId()); } //this is user specified reviewer access: canReview = hasPermission(pageId, this.getIdManager().getId(page.getPageDefinition().getSiteId()), MatrixFunctionConstants.FEEDBACK_MATRIX); if(!canReview){ if(page.getPageDefinition().isDefaultReviewers()){ if(isMatrix){ //currently, this can only be true if its a matrix Scaffolding scaffolding = this.getMatrixByPage(pageId).getScaffolding(); canReview = hasPermission(scaffolding.getId(), scaffolding.getWorksiteId(), MatrixFunctionConstants.REVIEW_MATRIX); } }else{ canReview = getAuthzManager().isAuthorized(MatrixFunctionConstants.REVIEW_MATRIX, page.getPageDefinition().getId()); } } if (!canReview) { canReview = getAuthzManager().isAuthorized(WizardFunctionConstants.REVIEW_WIZARD, getIdManager().getId(page.getPageDefinition().getSiteId())); } if(isMatrix){ if(page.getPageDefinition().isDefaultEvaluationForm()){ Scaffolding scaffolding = this.getMatrixByPage(pageId).getScaffolding(); hideEvaluations = scaffolding.isHideEvaluations(); }else{ hideEvaluations = page.getPageDefinition().isHideEvaluations(); } } boolean owns = page.getOwner().getId().equals(getAuthnManager().getAgent().getId()); boolean canAccessAllCells = false; boolean canViewOtherReviews = false; boolean canViewOtherEvals = false; if(isMatrix){ Scaffolding scaffolding = this.getMatrixByPage(pageId).getScaffolding(); canAccessAllCells = getAuthzManager().isAuthorized(MatrixFunctionConstants.ACCESS_ALL_CELLS, getIdManager().getId(scaffolding.getReference())); canViewOtherReviews = getAuthzManager().isAuthorized(MatrixFunctionConstants.VIEW_FEEDBACK_OTHER, getIdManager().getId(scaffolding.getReference())); canViewOtherEvals = getAuthzManager().isAuthorized(MatrixFunctionConstants.VIEW_EVAL_OTHER, getIdManager().getId(scaffolding.getReference())); } org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Session session = SessionManager.getCurrentSession(); boolean hasAccessThroughLink = false; String decPageId = (String) session.getAttribute("decPageId"); if(decPageId != null && !decPageId.equals("")){ hasAccessThroughLink = canUserAccessWizardPageAndLinkedArtifcact(page.getPageDefinition().getSiteId(), decPageId, "/wizard/page/" + pageId.getValue()); } if (hasAccessThroughLink || canEval || canReview || owns || canAccessAllCells || canViewOtherReviews || canViewOtherEvals) { //can I look at files? - own, review or eval getPageContents(page); //can I look at forms? - own, review or eval getPageForms(page); //can I look at reviews/evals/reflections? - own, review or eval getReviewManager().getReviewsByParentAndType( id, Review.REFLECTION_TYPE, page.getPageDefinition().getSiteId(), MatrixContentEntityProducer.MATRIX_PRODUCER); SecurityAdvisor contentAdvisor = (SecurityAdvisor)session.getAttribute("assignment.content.security.advisor"); if (contentAdvisor != null) securityService.pushAdvisor(contentAdvisor); } if (hasAccessThroughLink || (owns && !hideEvaluations) || (isMatrix && canViewOtherEvals) || (!isMatrix && canEval)) { //can I look at reviews/evals/reflections? - own or eval getReviewManager().getReviewsByParentAndType( id, Review.EVALUATION_TYPE, page.getPageDefinition().getSiteId(), MatrixContentEntityProducer.MATRIX_PRODUCER); } if (hasAccessThroughLink || owns || (isMatrix && canViewOtherReviews) || (!isMatrix && (canEval || canReview))){ //can I look at reviews/evals/reflections? - own or review getReviewManager().getReviewsByParentAndType( id, Review.FEEDBACK_TYPE, page.getPageDefinition().getSiteId(), MatrixContentEntityProducer.MATRIX_PRODUCER); } } /** * this creates authorizations for each cell from the reviewers contained in the cell * @param scaffolding */ private void createReviewersAuthzForImport(Scaffolding scaffolding) { //scaffolding reviewers: for (Iterator i = scaffolding.getReviewers().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Id id = (Id)i.next(); if (id.getValue().startsWith("/site/")) { // it's a role String[] agentValues = id.getValue().split("/"); String newStrId = id.getValue().replaceAll(agentValues[2], scaffolding.getWorksiteId().getValue()); id = idManager.getId(newStrId); } Agent agent = this.getAgentFromId(id); if (agent != null && agent.getId() != null) { this.getAuthzManager().createAuthorization(agent, MatrixFunctionConstants.REVIEW_MATRIX, scaffolding.getId()); } } //all cell's Reviewers: for (Iterator iter = scaffolding.getScaffoldingCells().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ScaffoldingCell sCell = (ScaffoldingCell) iter.next(); Collection evals = sCell.getReviewers(); for (Iterator i = evals.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Id id = (Id)i.next(); if (id.getValue().startsWith("/site/")) { // it's a role String[] agentValues = id.getValue().split("/"); String newStrId = id.getValue().replaceAll(agentValues[2], scaffolding.getWorksiteId().getValue()); id = idManager.getId(newStrId); } Agent agent = this.getAgentFromId(id); if (agent != null && agent.getId() != null) { this.getAuthzManager().createAuthorization(agent, MatrixFunctionConstants.REVIEW_MATRIX, sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().getId()); } } } } /** * this creates authorizations for each cell from the evaluators contained in the cell * @param scaffolding */ private void createEvaluatorAuthzForImport(Scaffolding scaffolding) { //scaffolding evaluators: for (Iterator i = scaffolding.getEvaluators().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Id id = (Id)i.next(); if (id.getValue().startsWith("/site/")) { // it's a role String[] agentValues = id.getValue().split("/"); String newStrId = id.getValue().replaceAll(agentValues[2], scaffolding.getWorksiteId().getValue()); id = idManager.getId(newStrId); } Agent agent = this.getAgentFromId(id); if (agent != null && agent.getId() != null) { this.getAuthzManager().createAuthorization(agent, MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX, scaffolding.getId()); } } //all cell's evaluators: for (Iterator iter = scaffolding.getScaffoldingCells().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ScaffoldingCell sCell = (ScaffoldingCell) iter.next(); Collection evals = sCell.getEvaluators(); for (Iterator i = evals.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Id id = (Id)i.next(); if (id.getValue().startsWith("/site/")) { // it's a role String[] agentValues = id.getValue().split("/"); String newStrId = id.getValue().replaceAll(agentValues[2], scaffolding.getWorksiteId().getValue()); id = idManager.getId(newStrId); } Agent agent = this.getAgentFromId(id); if (agent != null && agent.getId() != null) { this.getAuthzManager().createAuthorization(agent, MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX, sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().getId()); } } } } /** * gets the current user's resource collection * * @return ContentCollection * @throws TypeException * @throws IdUnusedException * @throws PermissionException */ protected ContentCollection getUserCollection() throws TypeException, IdUnusedException, PermissionException { User user = UserDirectoryService.getCurrentUser(); String userId = user.getId(); String wsId = SiteService.getUserSiteId(userId); String wsCollectionId = getContentHosting().getSiteCollection(wsId); ContentCollection collection = getContentHosting().getCollection(wsCollectionId); return collection; } /** * This gets the directory in which the import places files into. * * This method gets the current users base collection, creates an imported directory, * then uses the param to create a new directory. * * this uses the bean property importFolderName to name the * * @param origName String * @return ContentCollectionEdit * @throws InconsistentException * @throws PermissionException * @throws IdUsedException * @throws IdInvalidException * @throws IdUnusedException * @throws TypeException */ protected ContentCollectionEdit getFileDir(String origName) throws InconsistentException, PermissionException, IdUsedException, IdInvalidException, IdUnusedException, TypeException { ContentCollection userCollection = getUserCollection(); try { //TODO use the bean org.theospi.portfolio.admin.model.IntegrationOption.siteOption // in common/components to get the name and id for this site. ContentCollectionEdit groupCollection = getContentHosting().addCollection(userCollection.getId() + IMPORT_BASE_FOLDER_ID); groupCollection.getPropertiesEdit().addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, getImportFolderName()); getContentHosting().commitCollection(groupCollection); } catch (IdUsedException e) { // ignore... it is already there. if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(e); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } ContentCollection collection = getContentHosting().getCollection(userCollection.getId() + IMPORT_BASE_FOLDER_ID + "/"); String childId = collection.getId() + origName; return getContentHosting().addCollection(childId); } /** * This unpacks the scaffolding in a zip stream and returns it * @param zis * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ protected Scaffolding processScaffolding(ZipInputStream zis) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { XMLDecoder dec = new XMLDecoder(zis); return (Scaffolding)dec.readObject(); } protected void processFile(ZipEntry currentEntry, ZipInputStream zis, Hashtable fileMap, ContentCollection fileParent) throws IOException, InconsistentException, PermissionException, IdUsedException, IdInvalidException, OverQuotaException, ServerOverloadException { File file = new File(currentEntry.getName()); MimeType mimeType = new MimeType(file.getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile().getName(), file.getParentFile().getParentFile().getName()); String contentType = mimeType.getValue(); Id oldId = getIdManager().getId(file.getParentFile().getName()); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int c = zis.read(); while (c != -1) { bos.write(c); c = zis.read(); } String fileId = fileParent.getId() + file.getName(); ContentResourceEdit resource = getContentHosting().addResource(fileId); ResourcePropertiesEdit resourceProperties = resource.getPropertiesEdit(); resourceProperties.addProperty (ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, file.getName()); resource.setContent(bos.toByteArray()); resource.setContentType(contentType); getContentHosting().commitResource(resource); Id newId = getIdManager().getId(getContentHosting().getUuid(resource.getId())); fileMap.put(oldId, newId); } /** * resets the style, criteria, levels, and scaffolding cells * @param scaffolding * @param guidanceMap * @param formsMap * @param styleMap * @param siteId */ protected void resetIds(Scaffolding scaffolding, Map guidanceMap, Map formsMap, Map styleMap, String siteId) { if (scaffolding.getStyle() != null) { if (styleMap != null) { scaffolding.setStyle((Style) styleMap.get(scaffolding.getStyle().getId().getValue())); } else { scaffolding.getStyle().setId(null); } } substituteScaffoldingForms(scaffolding, guidanceMap, formsMap); substituteCriteria(scaffolding); substituteLevels(scaffolding); substituteScaffoldingCells(scaffolding, guidanceMap, formsMap, styleMap, siteId); } protected void substituteCriteria(Scaffolding scaffolding) { List newCriteria = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator i=scaffolding.getCriteria().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Criterion criterion = (Criterion)i.next(); criterion.setId(null); newCriteria.add(criterion); } scaffolding.setCriteria(newCriteria); } protected void substituteLevels(Scaffolding scaffolding) { List newLevels = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator i=scaffolding.getLevels().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Level level = (Level)i.next(); level.setId(null); newLevels.add(level); } scaffolding.setLevels(newLevels); } protected void substituteScaffoldingForms(Scaffolding scaffolding, Map guidanceMap, Map formsMap){ fixPageForms(scaffolding, formsMap); Set newWorkflows = new HashSet(); for (Iterator jiter=scaffolding.getEvalWorkflows().iterator(); jiter.hasNext();) { Workflow w = (Workflow)jiter.next(); w.setId(null); Set newItems = new HashSet(); for (Iterator kiter=w.getItems().iterator(); kiter.hasNext();) { WorkflowItem wfi = (WorkflowItem)kiter.next(); wfi.setId(null); newItems.add(wfi); } newWorkflows.add(w); } } protected void substituteScaffoldingCells(Scaffolding scaffolding, Map guidanceMap, Map formsMap, Map styleMap, String siteId) { Set sCells = new HashSet(); for (Iterator iter=scaffolding.getScaffoldingCells().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ScaffoldingCell scaffoldingCell = (ScaffoldingCell) iter.next(); scaffoldingCell.setId(null); WizardPageDefinition wpd = scaffoldingCell.getWizardPageDefinition(); wpd.setId(null); wpd.setSiteId(siteId); if (wpd.getGuidance() != null) { if (guidanceMap != null) { Guidance guidance = (Guidance) guidanceMap.get(wpd.getGuidance().getId().getValue()); wpd.setNewId(getIdManager().createId()); guidance.setSecurityQualifier(wpd.getNewId()); wpd.setGuidance(guidance); } else { wpd.getGuidance().setId(null); } } if (wpd.getStyle() != null) { if (styleMap != null) { wpd.setStyle((Style) styleMap.get(wpd.getStyle().getId().getValue())); } else { wpd.getStyle().setId(null); } } fixPageForms(wpd, formsMap); Set newWorkflows = new HashSet(); for (Iterator jiter=wpd.getEvalWorkflows().iterator(); jiter.hasNext();) { Workflow w = (Workflow)jiter.next(); w.setId(null); Set newItems = new HashSet(); for (Iterator kiter=w.getItems().iterator(); kiter.hasNext();) { WorkflowItem wfi = (WorkflowItem)kiter.next(); wfi.setId(null); newItems.add(wfi); } newWorkflows.add(w); } scaffoldingCell.setCells(new HashSet()); sCells.add(scaffoldingCell); } scaffolding.setScaffoldingCells(sCells); } public void removeExposedMatrixTool(Scaffolding scaffolding) { String siteId = scaffolding.getWorksiteId().getValue(); try { Site siteEdit = SiteService.getSite(siteId); SitePage page = siteEdit.getPage(scaffolding.getExposedPageId()); siteEdit.removePage(page); SiteService.save(siteEdit); scaffolding.setExposedPageId(null); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (PermissionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public void exposeMatrixTool(Scaffolding scaffolding) { //TODO add logging errors back String siteId = scaffolding.getWorksiteId().getValue(); try { Site siteEdit = SiteService.getSite(siteId); SitePage page = siteEdit.addPage(); page.setTitle(scaffolding.getTitle()); page.setLayout(SitePage.LAYOUT_SINGLE_COL); ToolConfiguration tool = page.addTool(); tool.setTool("osp.exposedmatrix", ToolManager.getTool("osp.exposedmatrix")); tool.setTitle(scaffolding.getTitle()); tool.setLayoutHints("0,0"); tool.getPlacementConfig().setProperty(MatrixManager.EXPOSED_MATRIX_KEY, scaffolding.getId().getValue()); //LOG.info(this+": SiteService.commitEdit():" +siteId); SiteService.save(siteEdit); scaffolding.setExposedPageId(page.getId()); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (PermissionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private boolean findInAuthz(Id qualifier, Agent agent, List authzs) { for (Iterator iter = authzs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Authorization authz = (Authorization) iter.next(); // Same item, different agent if (!authz.getAgent().equals(agent) && authz.getQualifier().equals(qualifier)) return true; } return false; } public boolean checkStyleConsumption(Id styleId) { //Check Scaffolding and WizardPageDef List scaffolding = getScaffoldingByStyle(styleId); if (scaffolding != null && !scaffolding.isEmpty() && scaffolding.size() > 0) return true; //Also check for WizardPageDef List wizPageDefs = this.getWizardPageDefByStyle(styleId); if (wizPageDefs != null && !wizPageDefs.isEmpty() && wizPageDefs.size() > 0) return true; return false; } public List getStyles(Id objectId) { WizardPage wp = getWizardPage(objectId); if (wp != null) { ScaffoldingCell sCell = getScaffoldingCellByWizardPageDef( wp.getPageDefinition().getId()); if (sCell != null) { List styles = new ArrayList(); if (sCell.getScaffolding().getStyle() != null) { styles.add(sCell.getScaffolding().getStyle()); } if (wp.getPageDefinition().getStyle() != null) { styles.add(wp.getPageDefinition().getStyle()); } return styles; } } Scaffolding scaffolding = (Scaffolding) getHibernateTemplate().get(Scaffolding.class, objectId); if (scaffolding != null) { List styles = new ArrayList(); if (scaffolding.getStyle() != null) { styles.add(scaffolding.getStyle()); } return styles; } return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.theospi.portfolio.shared.mgt.ReadableObjectHome#getType() */ public org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.Type getType() { return new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.Type(idManager.getId("matrix"), "Matrix"); } public String getExternalType() { return getType().getId().getValue(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.theospi.portfolio.shared.mgt.ReadableObjectHome#load(org.theospi.portfolio.shared.model.Id) */ public Artifact load(Id id) { Matrix matrix = getMatrix(id); if (matrix != null) { loadMatrixCellReviews(matrix); matrix.setHome(this); return matrix; } return null; } private void loadMatrixCellReviews(Matrix matrix) { for (Iterator cells = matrix.getCells().iterator(); cells.hasNext();) { Cell cell = (Cell) cells.next(); WizardPage page = cell.getWizardPage(); List reflections = new ArrayList(); List evaluations = new ArrayList(); List feedback = new ArrayList(); List reviews = getReviewManager().getReviewsByParentAndTypes(page.getId().getValue(), new int[]{Review.REFLECTION_TYPE, Review.EVALUATION_TYPE, Review.FEEDBACK_TYPE}, page.getPageDefinition().getSiteId(), MatrixContentEntityProducer.MATRIX_PRODUCER); for (Iterator reviewsIter = reviews.iterator(); reviewsIter.hasNext();) { Review review = (Review) reviewsIter.next(); if (review.getType() == Review.EVALUATION_TYPE) { evaluations.add(review); } else if (review.getType() == Review.REFLECTION_TYPE) { reflections.add(review); } else if (review.getType() == Review.FEEDBACK_TYPE) { feedback.add(review); } } page.setReflections(reflections); page.setEvaluations(evaluations); page.setFeedback(feedback); page.getAttachments().size(); page.getPageForms().size(); //Make sure that the attachments and forms have been added to the security advisor getPageContents(page); getPageForms(page); } } public Collection findByType(String type) { return getHibernateTemplate().find("from Matrix"); } public boolean getLoadArtifacts() { return loadArtifacts; } public void setLoadArtifacts(boolean loadArtifacts) { this.loadArtifacts = loadArtifacts; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.theospi.portfolio.shared.mgt.ReadableObjectHome#createInstance() */ public Artifact createInstance() { Artifact instance = new Matrix(); prepareInstance(instance); return instance; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.theospi.portfolio.shared.mgt.ReadableObjectHome#prepareInstance(org.theospi.portfolio.shared.model.Artifact) */ public void prepareInstance(Artifact object) { object.setHome(this); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.theospi.portfolio.shared.mgt.ReadableObjectHome#createSample() */ public Artifact createSample() { return createInstance(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.theospi.portfolio.shared.mgt.ReadableObjectHome#findByOwner(org.theospi.portfolio.shared.model.Agent) */ public Collection findByOwner(Agent owner) throws FinderException { return getMatrices(null, owner.getId()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.theospi.portfolio.shared.mgt.ReadableObjectHome#isInstance(org.theospi.portfolio.shared.model.Artifact) */ public boolean isInstance(Artifact testObject) { return (testObject instanceof Matrix); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.theospi.portfolio.shared.mgt.ReadableObjectHome#refresh() */ public void refresh() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public String getExternalUri(Id artifactId, String name) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public InputStream getStream(Id artifactId) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public boolean isSystemOnly() { return false; } public Class getInterface() { return this.getClass(); } public Collection findBySharedOwnerAndType(List ownerList, String type) { return null; // not implemented for matrices (only relevant to portfolios) } public Collection findBySharedOwnerAndType(List ownerList, String type, MimeType mimeType) { return null; // not implemented for matrices (only relevant to portfolios) } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.theospi.portfolio.repository.ArtifactFinder#findByOwnerAndType(org.theospi.portfolio.shared.model.Id, java.lang.String) */ public Collection findByOwnerAndType(Id owner, String type) { return findByOwner(owner); } public Collection findByOwnerAndType(Id owner, String type, MimeType mimeType) { // not gonna find mime types return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.theospi.portfolio.repository.ArtifactFinder#findByOwner(org.theospi.portfolio.shared.model.Id) */ public Collection findByOwner(Id owner) { try { return this.findByOwner(agentManager.getAgent(owner)); } catch (FinderException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public Collection findByWorksiteAndType(Id worksiteId, String type) { //TODO implement this return new ArrayList(); } public Collection findByWorksite(Id worksiteId) { //TODO implement this return new ArrayList(); } public Element getArtifactAsXml(Artifact artifact) { return getXmlRenderer().getArtifactAsXml(artifact); } public Element getArtifactAsXml(Artifact artifact, String container, String site, String context) { return getXmlRenderer().getArtifactAsXml(artifact, container, site, context); } /** * @return Returns the worksiteManager. */ public WorksiteManager getWorksiteManager() { return worksiteManager; } /** * @param worksiteManager The worksiteManager to set. */ public void setWorksiteManager(WorksiteManager worksiteManager) { this.worksiteManager = worksiteManager; } public LockManager getLockManager() { return lockManager; } public void setLockManager(LockManager lockManager) { this.lockManager = lockManager; } /** * This is called by the download manager to package a scaffolding for download as zip * @param params Map of url parameters * @param out OutputStream to push the file */ public String packageForDownload(Map params, OutputStream out) throws IOException { packageScffoldingForExport( getIdManager().getId(((String[])params.get(SCAFFOLDING_ID_TAG))[0]), out); //Blank filename for now -- no more dangerous, since the request is in the form of a filename return ""; } /** * This is the method called when duplicating a site. It copies all published scaffolding * from the fromContext site id to the toContext site id * @param fromContext String from site id * @param toContext String to site id * @param resourceIds List */ public void importResources(String fromContext, String toContext, List resourceIds) { ClassLoader currentLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()); List scaffolding = this.findPublishedScaffolding(fromContext); if (scaffolding == null) { return; } for (Iterator iter = scaffolding.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Scaffolding scaffold = (Scaffolding)iter.next(); Id id = scaffold.getId(); getHibernateTemplate().evict(scaffold); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); packageScffoldingForExport(id, bos); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()); ZipInputStream zis = new UncloseableZipInputStream(is); bos = null; uploadScaffolding(toContext, zis); is = null; zis = null; } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("", e); throw new OspException(e); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(currentLoader); } } public ContentHostingService getContentHosting() { return contentHosting; } public void setContentHosting(ContentHostingService contentHosting) { this.contentHosting = contentHosting; } public PresentableObjectHome getXmlRenderer() { return xmlRenderer; } public void setXmlRenderer(PresentableObjectHome xmlRenderer) { this.xmlRenderer = xmlRenderer; } public SecurityService getSecurityService() { return securityService; } public void setSecurityService(SecurityService securityService) { this.securityService = securityService; } public EntityContextFinder getContentFinder() { return contentFinder; } public void setContentFinder(EntityContextFinder contentFinder) { this.contentFinder = contentFinder; } protected String buildRef(String siteId, String contextId, ContentResource resource) { return ContentEntityUtil.getInstance().buildRef( MatrixContentEntityProducer.MATRIX_PRODUCER, siteId, contextId, resource.getReference()); } /** * Build a new reference with the given params * @param siteId * @param contextId * @param producer * @return A String reference like so: "/<producer>/<siteId>/<contextId>" */ protected String buildRefDecorator(String siteId, String contextId, String producer) { return ContentEntityUtil.getInstance().buildRef( producer, siteId, contextId, ""); } public DefaultScaffoldingBean getDefaultScaffoldingBean() { return defaultScaffoldingBean; } public void setDefaultScaffoldingBean( DefaultScaffoldingBean defaultScaffoldingBean) { this.defaultScaffoldingBean = defaultScaffoldingBean; } public void processWorkflow(Id workflowId, Id pageId) { Workflow workflow = getWorkflowManager().getWorkflow(workflowId); WizardPage page = getWizardPage(pageId); Collection items = workflow.getItems(); for (Iterator i = items.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { WorkflowItem wi = (WorkflowItem)i.next(); switch (wi.getActionType()) { // complete / return part 2 case(WorkflowItem.STATUS_CHANGE_WORKFLOW): processStatusChangeWorkflow(wi, page); break; case(WorkflowItem.NOTIFICATION_WORKFLOW): processNotificationWorkflow(wi); break; // Return part 1 case(WorkflowItem.CONTENT_LOCKING_WORKFLOW): processContentLockingWorkflow(wi, page); break; } // end processWorkflow } // end items.iterator storePage(page); } // end processWorkflow public void processWorkflow(int workflowOption, Id cellId) { Cell cell = getCell(cellId); WizardPage page = cell.getWizardPage(); Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); //Actions for "next" cell if (workflowOption == Scaffolding.HORIZONTAL_PROGRESSION || workflowOption == Scaffolding.VERTICAL_PROGRESSION) { Cell actionCell = getNextCell(cell, workflowOption); //If action cell is null, that means we are at the end of the row/column and have no next cell. if (actionCell != null) { WizardPage actionPage = actionCell.getWizardPage(); if (actionPage != null) { processContentLockingWorkflow(false, actionPage); processStatusChangeWorkflow(MatrixFunctionConstants.READY_STATUS, actionPage); page.setModified(now); } } } } /** * This method locks/unlocks the page file attachments and the additional filled in forms. * @param lock boolean true locks the resources, false unlocks * @param page WizardPage of the content to lock */ private void processContentLockingWorkflow(boolean lock, WizardPage page) { for (Iterator iter = page.getAttachments().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Attachment att = (Attachment)iter.next(); if (lock) { getLockManager().lockObject(att.getArtifactId().getValue(), page.getId().getValue(), "Submitting cell, 4 eval", true); } else { getLockManager().removeLock(att.getArtifactId().getValue(), page.getId().getValue()); } } //the expectations, additional forms for (Iterator iter = page.getPageForms().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { WizardPageForm pageForm = (WizardPageForm)iter.next(); if (lock) { getLockManager().lockObject(pageForm.getArtifactId().getValue(), page.getId().getValue(), "Submitting cell, 4 eval", true); } else { getLockManager().removeLock(pageForm.getArtifactId().getValue(), page.getId().getValue()); } } } private void processContentLockingWorkflow(WorkflowItem wi, WizardPage page) { processContentLockingWorkflow(wi.getActionValue().equals(WorkflowItem.CONTENT_LOCKING_LOCK), page); } private void processNotificationWorkflow(WorkflowItem wi) { // TODO implement } private void processStatusChangeWorkflow(String status, WizardPage page) { Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); page.setStatus(status); page.setModified(now); } private void processStatusChangeWorkflow(WorkflowItem wi, WizardPage page) { processStatusChangeWorkflow(wi.getActionValue(), page); } /** * @return Returns the workflowManager. */ public WorkflowManager getWorkflowManager() { return workflowManager; } /** * @param workflowManager The workflowManager to set. */ public void setWorkflowManager(WorkflowManager workflowManager) { this.workflowManager = workflowManager; } public StructuredArtifactDefinitionManager getStructuredArtifactDefinitionManager() { return structuredArtifactDefinitionManager; } public void setStructuredArtifactDefinitionManager(StructuredArtifactDefinitionManager structuredArtifactDefinitionManager) { this.structuredArtifactDefinitionManager = structuredArtifactDefinitionManager; } public GuidanceManager getGuidanceManager() { return guidanceManager; } public void setGuidanceManager(GuidanceManager guidanceManager) { this.guidanceManager = guidanceManager; } public ReviewManager getReviewManager() { return reviewManager; } public void setReviewManager(ReviewManager reviewManager) { this.reviewManager = reviewManager; } public StyleManager getStyleManager() { return styleManager; } public void setStyleManager(StyleManager styleManager) { this.styleManager = styleManager; } public String getImportFolderName() { return importFolderName; } public void setImportFolderName(String importFolderName) { this.importFolderName = importFolderName; } /** * @return the useExperimentalMatrix */ public boolean isUseExperimentalMatrix() { return useExperimentalMatrix; } /** * @param useExperimentalMatrix the useExperimentalMatrix to set */ public void setUseExperimentalMatrix(boolean useExperimentalMatrix) { this.useExperimentalMatrix = useExperimentalMatrix; } public boolean checkFormConsumption(Id formId) { Collection objectsWithForms = getHibernateTemplate().find("from ObjectWithWorkflow where " + "reflection_device_id = ? or evaluation_device_id = ? or review_device_id = ?", new Object[] {formId.getValue(), formId.getValue(), formId.getValue()}); if (objectsWithForms.size() > 0) { return true; } String queryString = "from WizardPageDefinition as wpd " + "left join wpd.additionalForms as af where af = ?"; Collection additionalForms = getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString, new Object[] {formId.getValue()}); if (additionalForms.size() > 0) return true; String queryString2 = "from Scaffolding as s " + "left join s.additionalForms as af where af = ?"; Collection defaultAdditionalForms = getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString2, new Object[] {formId.getValue()}); if (defaultAdditionalForms.size() > 0) return true; return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Collection<FormConsumptionDetail> getFormConsumptionDetails(Id formId) { Collection results = new ArrayList(); String refl_type = messages.getString("reflection_device"); String eval_type = messages.getString("evaluation_device"); String review_type = messages.getString("review_device"); String page_form = messages.getString("page_form"); String defaultTxt = messages.getString("default") + " "; String cellNameText = messages.getString("cell_name_text"); String matrixNameText = messages.getString("matrix_name_text"); String wizPageNameText = messages.getString("wiz_page_name_text"); String wizardNameText = messages.getString("wiz_name_text"); String matrixReflection = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "sc.wizardPageDefinition.reflectionDevice, " + "sc.scaffolding.worksiteId, " + "'" + refl_type + "', " + "concat('" + cellNameText + "', sc.wizardPageDefinition.title), " + "concat('" + matrixNameText + "', sc.scaffolding.title)) " + "from ScaffoldingCell sc " + "where sc.wizardPageDefinition.reflectionDevice = :formId "; String matrixEval = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "sc.wizardPageDefinition.evaluationDevice, " + "sc.scaffolding.worksiteId, " + "'" + eval_type + "', " + "concat('" + cellNameText + "', sc.wizardPageDefinition.title), " + "concat('" + matrixNameText + "', sc.scaffolding.title)) " + "From ScaffoldingCell sc " + "where sc.wizardPageDefinition.evaluationDevice = :formId "; String matrixReview = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "sc.wizardPageDefinition.reviewDevice, " + "sc.scaffolding.worksiteId, " + "'" + review_type + "', " + "concat('" + cellNameText + "', sc.wizardPageDefinition.title), " + "concat('" + matrixNameText + "', sc.scaffolding.title)) " + "From ScaffoldingCell sc " + "where sc.wizardPageDefinition.reviewDevice = :formId "; String scaffoldingReflection = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "s.reflectionDevice, " + "s.worksiteId, " + "'" + defaultTxt + refl_type + "', " + "concat('" + matrixNameText + "', s.title)) " + "from Scaffolding s " + "where s.reflectionDevice = :formId "; String scaffoldingEval = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "s.evaluationDevice, " + "s.worksiteId, " + "'" + defaultTxt + eval_type + "', " + "concat('" + matrixNameText + "', s.title)) " + "From Scaffolding s " + "where s.evaluationDevice = :formId "; String scaffoldingReview = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "s.reviewDevice, " + "s.worksiteId, " + "'" + defaultTxt + review_type + "', " + "concat('" + matrixNameText + "', s.title)) " + "From Scaffolding s " + "where s.reviewDevice = :formId "; String wizardPageReflection = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "wpd.reflectionDevice, " + "w.siteId, " + "'" + refl_type + "', " + "concat('" + wizPageNameText + "', wpd.title), " + "concat('" + wizardNameText + "', w.name)) " + "From WizardPageSequence wps " + "join wps.wizardPageDefinition wpd " + "join wps.category c " + "join c.wizard w " + "where wpd.reflectionDevice = :formId "; String wizardPageEval = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "wpd.evaluationDevice, " + "w.siteId, " + "'" + eval_type + "', " + "concat('" + wizPageNameText + "', wpd.title), " + "concat('" + wizardNameText + "', w.name)) " + "From WizardPageSequence wps " + "join wps.wizardPageDefinition wpd " + "join wps.category c " + "join c.wizard w " + "where wpd.evaluationDevice = :formId "; String wizardPageReview ="select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "wpd.reviewDevice, " + "w.siteId, " + "'" + review_type + "', " + "concat('" + wizPageNameText + "', wpd.title), " + "concat('" + wizardNameText + "', w.name)) " + "From WizardPageSequence wps " + "join wps.wizardPageDefinition wpd " + "join wps.category c " + "join c.wizard w " + "where wpd.reviewDevice = :formId "; String wizardReflection = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "w.reflectionDevice, " + "w.siteId, " + "'" + refl_type + "', " + "concat('" + wizardNameText + "', w.name)) " + "from Wizard w " + "where w.reflectionDevice = :formId "; String wizardEvalation = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "w.evaluationDevice, " + "w.siteId, " + "'" + eval_type + "', " + "concat('" + wizardNameText + "', w.name)) " + "from Wizard w " + "where w.evaluationDevice = :formId "; String wizardReview = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "w.reviewDevice, " + "w.siteId, " + "'" + review_type + "', " + "concat('" + wizardNameText + "', w.name)) " + "from Wizard w " + "where w.reviewDevice = :formId"; Collection objectsWithForms = getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(matrixReflection, "formId", formId); objectsWithForms.addAll(getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(matrixEval, "formId", formId)); objectsWithForms.addAll(getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(matrixReview, "formId", formId)); objectsWithForms.addAll(getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(scaffoldingReflection, "formId", formId)); objectsWithForms.addAll(getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(scaffoldingEval, "formId", formId)); objectsWithForms.addAll(getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(scaffoldingReview, "formId", formId)); objectsWithForms.addAll(getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(wizardPageReflection, "formId", formId)); objectsWithForms.addAll(getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(wizardPageEval, "formId", formId)); objectsWithForms.addAll(getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(wizardPageReview, "formId", formId)); objectsWithForms.addAll(getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(wizardReflection, "formId", formId)); objectsWithForms.addAll(getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(wizardEvalation, "formId", formId)); objectsWithForms.addAll(getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(wizardReview, "formId", formId)); results.addAll(objectsWithForms); String cellQueryString = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "af, " + "sc.scaffolding.worksiteId, " + "'" + page_form + "', " + "concat('" + cellNameText + "', sc.wizardPageDefinition.title), " + "concat('" + matrixNameText + "', sc.scaffolding.title)) " + "from ScaffoldingCell sc " + "left join sc.wizardPageDefinition.additionalForms as af " + "where af = :formId"; Collection cellAdditionalForms = getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam( cellQueryString, "formId", formId.getValue()); results.addAll(cellAdditionalForms); String wizPageQueryString = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "af, " + "w.siteId, " + "'" + page_form + "', " + "concat('" + wizPageNameText + "', wpd.title), " + "concat('" + wizardNameText + "', w.name)) " + "From WizardPageSequence wps " + "join wps.wizardPageDefinition wpd " + "join wps.category c " + "join c.wizard w " + "join wpd.additionalForms af " + "where af = :formId"; Collection wizPageAdditionalForms = getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam( wizPageQueryString, "formId", formId.getValue()); results.addAll(wizPageAdditionalForms); String scaffoldingQueryString = "select new org.sakaiproject.metaobj.shared.model.FormConsumptionDetail(" + "af, " + "s.worksiteId, " + "'" + defaultTxt + page_form + "', " + "concat('" + matrixNameText + "', s.title), " + "'') " + "from Scaffolding s " + "left join s.additionalForms as af " + "where af = :formId"; Collection scaffoldingAdditionalForms = getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam( scaffoldingQueryString, "formId", formId.getValue()); results.addAll(scaffoldingAdditionalForms); return results; } public List<WizardPageDefinition> getWizardPageDefs(List<Id> ids) { if (ids.size() > 0) { String[] paramNames = new String[] {"ids"}; Object[] params = new Object[]{ids}; List<WizardPageDefinition> pageDefs = getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam("from WizardPageDefinition wpd where wpd.id in ( :ids )", paramNames, params); return pageDefs; } return new ArrayList<WizardPageDefinition>(); } public List<ScaffoldingCell> getScaffoldingCells(List<Id> ids) { if (ids.size() > 0) { String[] paramNames = new String[] {"ids"}; Object[] params = new Object[]{ids}; List<ScaffoldingCell> sCells = getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam("from ScaffoldingCell sCell where sCell.wizardPageDefinition.id in ( :ids )", paramNames, params); return sCells; } return new ArrayList<ScaffoldingCell>(); } public WizardPageDefinition getWizardPageDefinition(Id pageDefId) { WizardPageDefinition wizPageDef = (WizardPageDefinition)this.getHibernateTemplate().load(WizardPageDefinition.class, pageDefId); return wizPageDef; } public EventService getEventService() { return eventService; } public void setEventService(EventService eventService) { this.eventService = eventService; } /** * finds the list of evaluators/roles of the site id passed and checks against the current user. * returns true if user or role matches, otherwise false * * @param id * @param worksiteId * @param function * @return */ public boolean hasPermission(Id id, Id worksiteId, String function){ if(getSecurityService().isSuperUser(getAuthnManager().getAgent().getId().getValue())) return true; if(id == null) return false; Site site = null; try { site = SiteService.getSite(worksiteId.getValue()); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(site == null) return false; Role userRole = site.getUserRole(getAuthnManager().getAgent().getId().getValue()); List evaluators = getAuthzManager().getAuthorizations(null, function, id); for (Iterator iter = evaluators.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Authorization az = (Authorization) iter.next(); Agent agent = az.getAgent(); if (agent.isRole()) { if(userRole != null){ // see if the user's role matches with the evaluation role: //(fyi, display name returns the role if the agent is a role) if (userRole.getId().compareTo( agent.getDisplayName()) == 0) return true; } } else if (agent.getId() != null) { // see if the user matches with the evaluator user if (getAuthnManager().getAgent().getId().getValue().compareTo( agent.getId().toString()) == 0) return true; } } return false; } public WizardPageDefinitionEntity createWizardPageDefinitionEntity( WizardPageDefinition wpd, String parentTitle) { return new WizardPageDefinitionEntityImpl(wpd, parentTitle); } public Map<Integer, Integer> getReviewCountListByType(Id pageDefId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { pageDefId }; List results = getHibernateTemplate() .find( "select r.type, count(*) from Review r, WizardPage wp where wp.id = r.parent and wp.pageDefinition.id=? GROUP BY r.type", params); Map resultMap = new HashMap(results.size()); for (Iterator i = results.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object[] rs = (Object[]) i.next(); Integer type = (Integer)rs[0]; Integer count = (Integer)rs[1]; resultMap.put(type, count); } return resultMap; } public boolean isScaffoldingUsed(Scaffolding scaffolding) { return getFormCountByScaffolding(scaffolding.getId()) > 0 || getAttachmentCountByScaffolding(scaffolding.getId()) > 0 || getReviewCountByScaffolding(scaffolding.getId()) > 0; } public int getFormCountByScaffolding(Id scaffoldingId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { scaffoldingId }; return (Integer) getHibernateTemplate() .find( "select count(*) from WizardPage wp, ScaffoldingCell sc join wp.pageForms where wp.pageDefinition.id=sc.wizardPageDefinition.id and sc.scaffolding.id=?", params).get(0); // // SELECT count(*) FROM osp_scaffolding s inner join // osp_scaffolding_cell sc on sc.scaffolding_id = s.id // join osp_wizard_page wp on wp.wiz_page_def_id=sc.wiz_page_def_id // join osp_wiz_page_form wpf on wpf.page_id=wp.id // where s.id ='AED66AB3B9AE98218C808C207A08EB63' // GO } public int getAttachmentCountByScaffolding(Id scaffoldingId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { scaffoldingId }; return (Integer) getHibernateTemplate() .find( "select count(*) from WizardPage wp, ScaffoldingCell sc join wp.attachments where wp.pageDefinition.id=sc.wizardPageDefinition.id and sc.scaffolding.id=?", params).get(0); // SELECT * FROM osp_scaffolding s inner join osp_scaffolding_cell sc on // sc.scaffolding_id = s.id // join osp_wizard_page wp on wp.wiz_page_def_id=sc.wiz_page_def_id // join osp_wiz_page_attachment wpa on wpa.page_id=wp.id // where s.id ='AED66AB3B9AE98218C808C207A08EB63' // GO } public int getReviewCountByScaffolding(Id scaffoldingId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { scaffoldingId }; return (Integer) getHibernateTemplate() .find( "select count(*) from WizardPage wp, Review r, ScaffoldingCell sc where wp.id = r.parent and wp.pageDefinition.id=sc.wizardPageDefinition.id and sc.scaffolding.id=?", params).get(0); // SELECT count(*) FROM osp_scaffolding s inner join // osp_scaffolding_cell sc on sc.scaffolding_id = s.id // join osp_wizard_page wp on wp.wiz_page_def_id=sc.wiz_page_def_id // join osp_review r on r.parent_id=wp.id // where s.id ='AED66AB3B9AE98218C808C207A08EB63' // GO } public Map<Id, Integer> getSubmissionCountByScaffolding(List<Scaffolding> scaffolding) { /* * SELECT sc.id, count(sc.id) FROM osp_matrix_cell mc join osp_wizard_page wp on mc.wizard_page_id = wp.id join osp_scaffolding_cell sc on mc.scaffolding_cell_id = sc.id join osp_scaffolding s on sc.scaffolding_id = s.id where wp.status in ('PENDING', 'COMPLETE') and s.id in () group by sc.id */ List results = new ArrayList(); if (scaffolding.size() > 0) { String[] paramNames = new String[] { "scaffolding" }; Object[] params = new Object[] { scaffolding }; results = getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam( "select sc.id, count(sc.id) from Cell mc join mc.wizardPage wp join mc.scaffoldingCell sc where sc.scaffolding in (:scaffolding) AND wp.status in ('PENDING', 'COMPLETE') GROUP BY sc.id", paramNames, params); } Map resultMap = new HashMap(results.size()); for (Iterator i = results.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object[] rs = (Object[]) i.next(); Id sc_id = (Id)rs[0]; Integer count = (Integer)rs[1]; resultMap.put(sc_id, count); } return resultMap; } public boolean hasGroups(String worksiteId) { try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(worksiteId); return site.hasGroups(); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { logger.error("", e); } return false; } public Set getGroupList(String worksiteId, boolean allowAllGroups) { try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(worksiteId); return getGroupList(site, allowAllGroups); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { logger.error("", e); } return new HashSet(); } public Set getGroupList(Site site, boolean allowAllGroups) { Set groupSet = new HashSet(); Collection siteGroups = null; boolean includeSections = ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean(WizardMatrixConstants.PROP_GROUPS_INCLUDE_SECTIONS, false); if (site.hasGroups()) { String currentUser = SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(); if (allowAllGroups) { siteGroups = site.getGroups(); } else { siteGroups = site.getGroupsWithMember(currentUser); } // Only add worksite groups (e.g. not section groups) for (Iterator it = siteGroups.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Group group = (Group)it.next(); if ( includeSections || group.getProperties().getProperty(SiteConstants.GROUP_PROP_WSETUP_CREATED) != null ) groupSet.add(group); } } return groupSet; } public Set getUserList(String worksiteId, String filterGroupId, boolean allowAllGroups, List<Group> groups) { Set members = new HashSet(); Set users = new HashSet(); try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(worksiteId); if (site.hasGroups()) { String currentUser = SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(); if (allowAllGroups && (filterGroupId == null || filterGroupId.equals(""))) { members.addAll(site.getMembers()); } else { for (Iterator iter = groups.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Group group = (Group) iter.next(); // TODO: Determine if Java loop invariants are optimized out if (filterGroupId == null || "".equals(filterGroupId) || filterGroupId.equals(group.getId())) { members.addAll(group.getMembers()); } } } } else { members.addAll(site.getMembers()); } for (Iterator memb = members.iterator(); memb.hasNext();) { try { Member member = (Member) memb.next(); users.add(UserDirectoryService.getUser(member.getUserId())); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { logger.warn("Unable to find user: " + e.getId() + " " + e.toString()); } } } catch (IdUnusedException e) { logger.error("", e); } return users; } public List getSelectedUsers(ObjectWithWorkflow oWW, String function) { List returnList = new ArrayList(); Id id = oWW.getId() == null ? oWW.getNewId() : oWW.getId(); if (id != null) { List evaluators = getAuthzManager().getAuthorizations(null, function, id); for (Iterator iter = evaluators.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Authorization az = (Authorization) iter.next(); Agent agent = az.getAgent(); if (agent == null || agent.getEid() == null) continue; String userId = agent.getEid().getValue(); if (agent.isRole()) { returnList.add(MessageFormat.format(messages .getString("decorated_role_format"), new Object[] { agent.getDisplayName() })); } else { returnList.add(MessageFormat.format(messages .getString("decorated_user_format"), new Object[] { agent.getDisplayName(), userId })); } } } return returnList; } public void notifyAudience(WizardPage wizPage, Id reviewObjectId, boolean groupAware, HashMap<String, String> sendExtraEmails, String emailMessage, String parentTitle, String function){ String url; String emailBody = ""; String subject = ""; String emailBodyAnon = ""; String subjectAnon = ""; User user = UserDirectoryService.getCurrentUser(); boolean isOwner = wizPage.getOwner().getId().equals(user.getEid()); Boolean isMatrix = wizPage.getPageDefinition().getType().equals(wizPage.getPageDefinition().WPD_MATRIX_TYPE); String uCasePageType = isMatrix ? messages.getString("email_uppercase_matrixCell") : messages.getString("email_uppercase_wizardPage"); String pageType = isMatrix ? messages.getString("email_matrixCell") : messages.getString("email_wizardPage"); String pageTool = isMatrix ? messages.getString("email_matrix") : messages.getString("email_wizard"); String toolTitle = isMatrix ? messages.getString("email_matrices") : messages.getString("email_wizards"); boolean evaluation = MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX.equals(function); String notificationId = ""; //String id = wizPage.getId()!=null ? wizPage.getId().getValue() : wizPage.getNewId().getValue(); String userNameHeader = user.getDisplayName(); String userNameHeaderAnon = messages.getString("anon_user_header"); String userName = user.getDisplayName(); String userNameAnon = messages.getString("anon_user"); if(evaluation){ subject = messages.getFormattedMessage("matrixEvaluationSubject", new Object[]{uCasePageType, userNameHeader}); subjectAnon = messages.getFormattedMessage("matrixEvaluationSubject", new Object[]{uCasePageType, userNameHeaderAnon}); }else{ subject = messages.getFormattedMessage("matrixFeedbackSubject", new Object[]{userNameHeader}); subjectAnon = messages.getFormattedMessage("matrixFeedbackSubject", new Object[]{userNameHeaderAnon}); } ToolConfiguration toolConfig; try { Site wpSite = SiteService.getSite(wizPage.getPageDefinition().getSiteId()); String placement; if(isMatrix){ toolConfig = wpSite.getToolForCommonId("osp.matrix"); placement = toolConfig.getId(); notificationId = getMatrixPreferencesConfig().getType(); }else{ toolConfig = wpSite.getToolForCommonId("osp.wizard"); placement = toolConfig.getId(); notificationId = getWizardPreferencesConfig().getType(); } url = ServerConfigurationService.getServerUrl() + "/direct/matrixcell/" + wizPage.getId().getValue() + "/" + placement + "/viewCell.osp"; if(evaluation){ emailBody = messages.getFormattedMessage( "matrixEvaluationBody", new Object[] {userName, pageType, wizPage.getPageDefinition().getTitle(), pageType, pageTool, parentTitle, wpSite.getTitle(), pageType, wpSite.getTitle(), toolTitle, url, pageType, pageType, pageType}); emailBodyAnon = messages.getFormattedMessage( "matrixEvaluationBody", new Object[] {userNameAnon, pageType, wizPage.getPageDefinition().getTitle(), pageType, pageTool, parentTitle, wpSite.getTitle(), pageType, wpSite.getTitle(), toolTitle, url, pageType, pageType, pageType}); }else{ emailBody = messages.getFormattedMessage( "matrixFeedbackBody", new Object[] {userName, wizPage.getPageDefinition().getTitle(), parentTitle, wpSite.getTitle(), url}); emailBodyAnon = messages.getFormattedMessage( "matrixFeedbackBody", new Object[] {userNameAnon, wizPage.getPageDefinition().getTitle(), parentTitle, wpSite.getTitle(), url}); } if(emailMessage != null && !"".equals(emailMessage)){ emailBody += messages.getFormattedMessage("matrixFeedbackBodyPersonalMessage", new Object[]{userName, emailMessage}); emailBodyAnon += messages.getFormattedMessage("matrixFeedbackBodyPersonalMessage", new Object[]{userNameAnon, emailMessage}); } try { String from = ServerConfigurationService.getString("setup.request", "postmaster@".concat(ServerConfigurationService.getServerName())); //Username, Email HashMap<String, String> emails = new HashMap<String, String>(); if(function != null && reviewObjectId != null){ // add email addresses to the list based on function and reviewObjectId //get a list of users who have view all groups permission List<User> usersAllowedToViewAllGroupsForObject = null; if(isMatrix){ String reference = getScaffoldingCellByWizardPageDef(wizPage.getPageDefinition().getId()).getScaffolding().getReference(); usersAllowedToViewAllGroupsForObject = getSecurityService().unlockUsers(MatrixFunctionConstants.VIEW_ALL_GROUPS, reference); } emails = getAuthzEmails(reviewObjectId, wpSite, groupAware, function, usersAllowedToViewAllGroupsForObject); } //add any extra email addresses: if(sendExtraEmails != null && sendExtraEmails.keySet() != null){ if(emails != null && emails.entrySet() != null){ for (Iterator iterator = sendExtraEmails.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Entry entry = (Entry) iterator.next(); if(!emails.containsValue(entry.getValue())) emails.put(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue().toString()); } } } String scaffoldRef = ""; if(isMatrix){ scaffoldRef = getScaffoldingCellByWizardPageDef(wizPage.getPageDefinition().getId()).getScaffolding().getReference(); } //send the emails sendEmailNotifications(emails, isMatrix, from, subject, emailBody, subjectAnon, emailBodyAnon, scaffoldRef, isOwner, evaluation, wpSite.getId(), notificationId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (IdUnusedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } public void sendEmailNotifications(HashMap<String, String> emails, boolean isMatrix, String from, String subject, String emailBody, String subjectAnon, String emailBodyAnon, String scaffoldRef, boolean isOwner, boolean isEvaluation, String siteId, String notificationId){ Id scaffoldId = getIdManager().getId(scaffoldRef); //Send the emails if(emails != null && emails.keySet() != null){ for (String userId : emails.keySet()) { String email = emails.get(userId); if (validateEmail(email)) { boolean canViewUsername = true; if(isMatrix && !isOwner && isEvaluation){ //check if the reviewer/evaluator has privilage to view the uses name canViewUsername = getAuthzManager().isAuthorized(getAgentManager().getAgent(userId), MatrixFunctionConstants.ACCESS_USERLIST, scaffoldId); } int userPref = getNotificationOption(userId, notificationId, siteId); if (userPref == NotificationService.PREF_DIGEST) { logger.debug("sendEmailNotifications() - Sending digest to " + email); if(canViewUsername){ DigestService.digest(userId, subject, emailBody); }else{ DigestService.digest(userId, subjectAnon, emailBodyAnon); } } else if (userPref == NotificationService.PREF_IMMEDIATE) { logger.debug("sendEmailNotifications() - Sending message to " + email); if(canViewUsername){ EmailService.send(from, email, subject, emailBody, null, null, null); }else{ EmailService.send(from, email, subjectAnon, emailBodyAnon, null, null, null); } } else { logger.debug("sendEmailNotifications() - Sending nothing to " + email); } } } } } public int getNotificationOption(String userId, String notificationId, String siteId) { String priStr = Integer.toString(NotificationService.NOTI_OPTIONAL); Preferences prefs = getPreferencesService().getPreferences(userId); // get the user's site override preference for this notification ResourceProperties props = prefs.getProperties(NotificationService.PREFS_TYPE + notificationId + NotificationService.NOTI_OVERRIDE_EXTENSION); try { int option = (int) props.getLongProperty(siteId); if (option != NotificationService.PREF_NONE) return option; } catch (Throwable ignore) { } // get the user's preference for this notification props = prefs.getProperties(NotificationService.PREFS_TYPE + notificationId); try { int option = (int) props.getLongProperty(priStr); if (option != NotificationService.PREF_NONE) return option; } catch (Throwable ignore) { } // nothing defined... return NotificationService.PREF_IMMEDIATE; } /** * * Returns a list of email addresses to based off the parameters: * * * @param reviewObjectId This is the reference ID to which the authorization function you want to be checked against (ie. site, scaffolding, ect) Can't be null. * @param site The site you are concerned with. Can't be null. * @param groupAware This will determine if you want to filter the emails based off group access. * @param function This is the function (review, evaluate, ect) that you are concerned with Can't be null. * @param usersAllowedToViewAllGroupsForObject A list of users who have the ability to view all groups. These users will be added in the list if they have the function permission * but aren't in the current users group. Null value is ok. * @return */ protected HashMap<String, String> getAuthzEmails(Id reviewObjectId, Site site, boolean groupAware, String function, List<User> usersAllowedToViewAllGroupsForObject){ HashMap<String, String> returnMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); if(reviewObjectId == null || site == null || function == null){ logger.warn("Invalid null argument passed to HibernateMatrixManager.getAuthzEmails"); return returnMap; } //no need to look for groups if the site doesn't have groups groupAware = groupAware && site.hasGroups(); List evaluators = getAuthzManager().getAuthorizations(null, function, reviewObjectId); Set<User> usersInGroup = new HashSet<User>(); if(groupAware){ // allow all groups needs to be set to false for getUserList (even if user has the permission) b/c this is creating a list of users who can // evaluate/review/ect for this user, not who the current user can evaluate/review/ect. boolean allowAllGroups = false; //filterGroupId is null so it will return all users for all groups String filterGroupId = null; usersInGroup = getUserList(site.getId(), filterGroupId, allowAllGroups, new ArrayList<Group>(getGroupList(site, allowAllGroups))); if(usersAllowedToViewAllGroupsForObject != null){ //add all users who have the View All Groups permission to the group user list for (Iterator iterator = usersAllowedToViewAllGroupsForObject.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { User user = (User) iterator.next(); if(!usersInGroup.contains(user)){ usersInGroup.add(user); } } } } User user = null; for (Iterator iterator = evaluators.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Authorization az = (Authorization) iterator.next(); Agent agent = az.getAgent(); if (agent.isRole()) { for (String userId : (Set<String>)site.getUsersHasRole(agent.getDisplayName())) { try { user = UserDirectoryService.getUser(userId); if(!groupAware || (groupAware && usersInGroup.contains(user))) { String email; email = user.getEmail(); if (validateEmail(email) && !returnMap.containsValue(email)) { returnMap.put(user.getId(), email); } } } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { try { user = UserDirectoryService.getUserByEid( agent.getEid().toString()); if(!groupAware || (groupAware && usersInGroup.contains(user))){ String email = user.getEmail(); if (validateEmail(email) && !returnMap.containsValue(email)) { returnMap.put(user.getId(), email); } } } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return returnMap; } protected boolean validateEmail(String displayName) { if (!emailPattern.matcher(displayName).matches()) { return false; } return true; } public Cell createCellWrapper(WizardPage page) { Cell cell = new Cell(); cell.setWizardPage(page); if (page.getId() == null) { cell.setId(page.getNewId()); } else { cell.setId(page.getId()); } WizardPageDefinition pageDef = page.getPageDefinition(); boolean defaults = isEnableDafaultMatrixOptions(); ScaffoldingCell cellDef = new ScaffoldingCell(defaults, defaults, defaults, defaults, defaults, defaults, defaults); cellDef.setWizardPageDefinition(pageDef); if (pageDef.getId() == null) { cellDef.setId(pageDef.getNewId()); } else { cellDef.setId(pageDef.getId()); } cell.setScaffoldingCell(cellDef); return cell; } public Set<TaggableItem> getTaggableItems(TaggableItem item, String criteriaRef, String cellOwner) { Set<DecoratedTaggableItem> taggableItems = getTaggableItems(item, criteriaRef, cellOwner, false); Set<TaggableItem> tmpSet = new HashSet<TaggableItem>(); for (DecoratedTaggableItem decoItem : taggableItems) { tmpSet.addAll(decoItem.getTaggableItems()); } return tmpSet; } public Set<DecoratedTaggableItem> getDecoratedTaggableItems(TaggableItem item, String criteriaRef, String cellOwner) { return getTaggableItems(item, criteriaRef, cellOwner, true); } private Set<DecoratedTaggableItem> getTaggableItems(TaggableItem item, String criteriaRef, String cellOwner, boolean decorate) { Set<TaggableActivity> activities = new HashSet<TaggableActivity>(); Map<String, DecoratedTaggableItem> decoTaggableItems = new HashMap<String, DecoratedTaggableItem>(); Set<DecoratedTaggableItem> allDecoratedTaggableItems = new HashSet<DecoratedTaggableItem>(); List<Link> links; try { ToolSession toolSession = SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession(); List<DecoratedTaggingProvider> providers; if(toolSession == null){ providers = getDecoratedProviders(item.getActivity()); }else{ providers = (List) toolSession.getAttribute(HibernateMatrixManagerImpl.PROVIDERS_PARAM); if (providers == null) { providers = getDecoratedProviders(item.getActivity()); toolSession.setAttribute(HibernateMatrixManagerImpl.PROVIDERS_PARAM, providers); } } links = getLinkManager().getLinks(criteriaRef, true); //TODO: Make sure it's always okay to ignore the provider for (DecoratedTaggingProvider provider : providers) { for (Link link : links) { TaggableActivity activity = getTaggingManager().getActivity(link.getActivityRef(), provider.getProvider()); if (activity != null) { TaggableActivityProducer producer = getTaggingManager().findProducerByRef(activity.getReference()); if (producer.getItemPermissionOverride() != null) { getSecurityService().pushAdvisor(new SimpleSecurityAdvisor( SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), producer.getItemPermissionOverride())); } List<TaggableItem> items = producer.getItems(activity, cellOwner, provider.getProvider(), true, criteriaRef); for (TaggableItem tagItem : items) { DecoratedTaggableItem curItem = decoTaggableItems.get(tagItem.getTypeName()); if (curItem == null) { curItem = new DecoratedTaggableItemImpl(tagItem.getTypeName()); allDecoratedTaggableItems.add(curItem); } curItem.addTaggableItem(tagItem); decoTaggableItems.put(tagItem.getTypeName(), curItem); } activities.add(activity); if (producer.getItemPermissionOverride() != null) { getSecurityService().popAdvisor(); } } else { logger.warn("Link with ref " + link.getActivityRef() + " no longer exists. Removing link."); getLinkManager().removeLink(link); links.remove(link); } } } } catch (PermissionException pe) { logger.warn("unable to get links for criteriaRef " + criteriaRef, pe); } return allDecoratedTaggableItems; } public List<DecoratedTaggingProvider> getDecoratedProviders( TaggableActivity activity) { List<DecoratedTaggingProvider> providers = new ArrayList<DecoratedTaggingProvider>(); for (TaggingProvider provider : getTaggingManager().getProviders()) { providers.add(new DecoratedTaggingProviderImpl(activity, provider)); } return providers; } /** * A simple SecurityAdviser that can be used to override permissions for one user for one function. */ protected class SimpleSecurityAdvisor implements SecurityAdvisor { protected String m_userId; protected String m_function; public SimpleSecurityAdvisor(String userId, String function) { m_userId = userId; m_function = function; } public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function, String reference) { SecurityAdvice rv = SecurityAdvice.PASS; if (m_userId.equals(userId) && m_function.equals(function)) { rv = SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED; } return rv; } } public boolean isEnableDafaultMatrixOptions() { return enableDafaultMatrixOptions; } public void setEnableDafaultMatrixOptions(boolean enableDafaultMatrixOptions) { this.enableDafaultMatrixOptions = enableDafaultMatrixOptions; } public TaggingManager getTaggingManager() { return taggingManager; } public void setTaggingManager(TaggingManager taggingManager) { this.taggingManager = taggingManager; } public LinkManager getLinkManager() { return linkManager; } public void setLinkManager(LinkManager linkManager) { this.linkManager = linkManager; } public boolean canAccessAllMatrixCells(Id scaffoldingId){ Scaffolding scaffold = getScaffolding(scaffoldingId); if(scaffold == null) throw new NullPointerException("The scaffolding was not found: " + scaffoldingId.getValue()); return canAccessAllMatrixCellsHelper(scaffold); } public boolean canAccessAllMatrixCellsHelper(Scaffolding scaffold){ if(scaffold.getOwner().getId().getValue().equals(UserDirectoryService.getCurrentUser().getId())) return true; if (getAuthzManager().isAuthorized(MatrixFunctionConstants.ACCESS_ALL_CELLS, getIdManager().getId(scaffold.getReference()))) { return true; } return false; } public boolean canAccessScaffoldCellByScaffoldingCellId(Id scaffoldingCellId){ ScaffoldingCell sCell = getScaffoldingCell(scaffoldingCellId); if(sCell == null) throw new NullPointerException("The cell was not found. ScaffoldingCell id for cell: " + scaffoldingCellId.getValue()); return canAccessMatrixScaffoldCellHelper(sCell); } public boolean canAccessScaffoldCellByWizPageDefId(Id wizPageDefId){ ScaffoldingCell sCell = getScaffoldingCellByWizardPageDef(wizPageDefId); if(sCell == null) throw new NullPointerException("The cell was not found. Wizard Page Def for cell: " + wizPageDefId.getValue()); return canAccessMatrixScaffoldCellHelper(sCell); } public boolean canAccessMatrixScaffoldCellHelper(ScaffoldingCell sCell){ if(canAccessAllMatrixCellsHelper(sCell.getScaffolding())){ return true; } if(hasPermission(sCell.isDefaultEvaluators() ? sCell.getScaffolding().getId() : sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().getId(), sCell.getScaffolding().getWorksiteId(), MatrixFunctionConstants.EVALUATE_MATRIX)){ return true; } if(hasPermission(sCell.isDefaultReviewers() ? sCell.getScaffolding().getId() : sCell.getWizardPageDefinition().getId(), sCell.getScaffolding().getWorksiteId(), MatrixFunctionConstants.REVIEW_MATRIX)){ return true; } return false; } public boolean canAccessMatrixCell(Cell cell){ if(cell == null) throw new NullPointerException("The cell passed was null"); //is owner of cell? if(cell.getWizardPage().getOwner().getId() .getValue().equals(SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId())){ return true; } //canAccessMatrixScaffoldCellHelper will also check canAccessAnyMatrixCell if(canAccessMatrixScaffoldCellHelper(cell.getScaffoldingCell())){ return true; } boolean allowParticipantFeedback = cell.getScaffoldingCell() .isDefaultReviewers() ? cell.getScaffoldingCell() .getScaffolding().isAllowRequestFeedback() : cell .getScaffoldingCell().getWizardPageDefinition() .isAllowRequestFeedback(); if(allowParticipantFeedback){ if(hasPermission(cell.getWizardPage().getId(), cell .getScaffoldingCell().getScaffolding() .getWorksiteId(), MatrixFunctionConstants.FEEDBACK_MATRIX)){ return true; } } return false; } public boolean canUserAccessWizardPageAndLinkedArtifcact(String siteId, String pageId, String linkedArtifactId){ boolean canAccessCell = false; boolean isPageLinked = false; if(canAccessMatrixCell(getCellFromPage(idManager.getId(pageId)))){ canAccessCell = true; } if(canAccessCell){ WizardPage wizPage = getWizardPage(idManager.getId(pageId)); String wizPageOwnerId = wizPage.getOwner().getId().getValue(); String linkedArtifactReference = linkedArtifactId + "@" + wizPageOwnerId; TaggableItem item = WizardActivityProducer.getItem(wizPage); Set<DecoratedTaggableItem> taggableItems = getDecoratedTaggableItems(item, wizPage.getPageDefinition().getReference(), wizPage.getOwner().getId().getValue()); for (DecoratedTaggableItem decoratedTaggableItem : taggableItems) { for (TaggableItem taggableItem : decoratedTaggableItem.getTaggableItems()) { if(linkedArtifactReference.equals(taggableItem.getReference()) || linkedArtifactId.equals(taggableItem.getReference())){ isPageLinked = true; break; } } if(isPageLinked) break; } } return canAccessCell && isPageLinked; } public PreferencesService getPreferencesService() { return preferencesService; } public void setPreferencesService(PreferencesService preferencesService) { this.preferencesService = preferencesService; } public EntityManager getEntityManager() { return entityManager; } public void setEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) { this.entityManager = entityManager; } public void setMatrixPreferencesConfig(UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration matrixPreferencesConfig) { this.matrixPreferencesConfig = matrixPreferencesConfig; } public UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration getMatrixPreferencesConfig() { return matrixPreferencesConfig; } public void setWizardPreferencesConfig(UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration wizardPreferencesConfig) { this.wizardPreferencesConfig = wizardPreferencesConfig; } public UserNotificationPreferencesRegistration getWizardPreferencesConfig() { return wizardPreferencesConfig; } }