package; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import static; /** * The main file buildModel. */ public class FileModel implements Parcelable { //region Online & Local attrs protected int mId; protected int mIdUser; protected int mIdFileParent; @Nullable protected String mName; @Nullable protected String mUrl; protected long mSize; protected boolean mIsPublic; @Nullable protected FileTypeModel mType; protected boolean mIsDirectory; @Nullable protected Date mDateCreation; protected boolean mIsApkUpdate; @Nullable protected FileSpaceModel mContent; protected boolean mIsOnline; //region Local attrs @Nullable protected File mFile; protected long mLastModified; // Nb of files inside this folder protected int mCount; private int mCountAudio; private int mCountImage; @Override public String toString() { return "FileModel[" + mId + "] " + mName; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj == this || obj instanceof FileModel && mId == ((FileModel) obj).getId(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return mId; } public boolean isOnline() { return mIsOnline; } public String getFullName() { return mName + (mIsDirectory ? "" : ("." + mType)); } public String getCopyName() { return mName + " - Copy" + (mIsDirectory ? "" : ("." + mType)); } @NonNull public String getOnlineUrl() { return Constants.URL_DOMAIN + Config.ROUTE_FILE + "/" + getId(); } public boolean isAudio() { return !(mIsDirectory || mType == null) && FileTypeModelENUM.AUDIO.type.equals(mType); } /* * GETTER and SETTER */ public int getId() { return mId; } public int getIdUser() { return mIdUser; } public int getIdFileParent() { return mIdFileParent; } public void setIdFileParent(int mIdFileParent) { this.mIdFileParent = mIdFileParent; } @Nullable public String getName() { return mName; } @Nullable public String getUrl() { return mUrl; } public long getSize() { if (mSize == 0 && mIsDirectory && mUrl != null && mUrl.startsWith(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath())) { mSize = FileUtils.getLocalFolderSize(mFile); } return mSize; } public boolean isPublic() { return mIsPublic; } @Nullable public FileTypeModel getType() { return mType; } public boolean isDirectory() { return mIsDirectory; } @Nullable public Date getDateCreation() { return mDateCreation; } public boolean isApkUpdate() { return mIsApkUpdate; } @Nullable public FileSpaceModel getContent() { return mContent; } @Nullable public File getFile() { if (mFile != null) { return mFile; } else if (!isOnline() && mUrl != null) { mFile = new File(mUrl); return mFile; } return null; } public long getLastModified() { return mLastModified; } /** * @return If is a directory return then umber of children. */ public int getCount() { return mCount; } public int getCountAudio() { return mCountAudio; } public int getCountImage() { return mCountImage; } /* Parcelable */ @NonNull public static final Creator<FileModel> CREATOR = new Creator<FileModel>() { @Override public FileModel createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new FileModelBuilder().parcel(in).build(); } @Override public FileModel[] newArray(int size) { return new FileModel[size]; } }; @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(mId); dest.writeString(mUrl); dest.writeString(mName); dest.writeLong(mSize); dest.writeBooleanArray(new boolean[]{this.isDirectory()}); dest.writeString(mType.getFirstExtension()); } /* Builder */ /** * A Builder to instantiate immutable object. */ public static class FileModelBuilder { //region Online & Local attrs protected int mId; protected int mIdUser; protected int mIdFileParent; @Nullable protected String mName; @Nullable protected String mUrl; protected long mSize; protected boolean mIsPublic; @Nullable protected FileTypeModel mType; protected boolean mIsDirectory; @Nullable protected Date mDateCreation; protected boolean mIsApkUpdate; protected boolean mIsOnline; @Nullable protected FileSpaceModel mContent; //region Local attrs @Nullable protected File mFile; protected long mLastModified; protected int mCount; protected int mCountAudio; protected int mCountImage; public FileModelBuilder id(int id) { this.mId = id; return this; } public FileModelBuilder idUser(int idUser) { this.mIdUser = idUser; return this; } public FileModelBuilder idFileParent(int idFileParent) { this.mIdFileParent = idFileParent; return this; } public FileModelBuilder name(String name) { this.mName = name; return this; } public FileModelBuilder url(String url) { this.mUrl = url; return this; } public FileModelBuilder size(long size) { this.mSize = size; return this; } public FileModelBuilder isPublic(boolean isPublic) { this.mIsPublic = isPublic; return this; } public FileModelBuilder type(FileTypeModel type) { this.mType = type; return this; } public FileModelBuilder isDirectory(boolean isDirectory) { this.mIsDirectory = isDirectory; return this; } public FileModelBuilder dateCreation(Date dateCreation) { this.mDateCreation = dateCreation; return this; } public FileModelBuilder isApkUpdate(boolean isApkUpdate) { this.mIsApkUpdate = isApkUpdate; return this; } public FileModelBuilder content(final FileSpaceModel content) { this.mContent = content; return this; } public FileModelBuilder nameWithExt(final String nameWithExt) { if (mIsDirectory) { mName = nameWithExt; } else { mName = (nameWithExt.lastIndexOf('.') == -1) ? nameWithExt : nameWithExt.substring(0, nameWithExt.lastIndexOf('.')); } mType = new FileTypeModel(getExtensionFromPath(nameWithExt)); return this; } public FileModelBuilder file(final File file) { if (file == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("file is null in FileModelBuilder#file(File)."); } if (!file.exists()) { throw new IllegalStateException("file not exits in FileModelBuilder#file(File)."); } mIsOnline = false; mIsDirectory = file.isDirectory(); mUrl = file.getAbsolutePath(); if (!mIsDirectory) { mSize = file.length(); } mId = mUrl.hashCode(); final String tmpName = file.getName(); mName = (tmpName.lastIndexOf('.') == -1) ? tmpName : tmpName.substring(0, tmpName.lastIndexOf('.')); mType = new FileTypeModel(getExtensionFromPath(mUrl)); mLastModified = file.lastModified(); mDateCreation = new Date(mLastModified); if (mIsDirectory) { final File[] tmpListFiles = file.listFiles(); if (tmpListFiles != null) { mCount = tmpListFiles.length; mCountAudio = 0; for (File f : tmpListFiles) { if ((new FileTypeModel(getExtensionFromPath(f.getPath()))) .equals(FileTypeModelENUM.AUDIO.type)) { mCountAudio++; } } } } mFile = file; return this; } public FileModelBuilder lastModified(long lastModified) { this.mLastModified = lastModified; return this; } public FileModelBuilder count(int count) { this.mCount = count; return this; } public FileModelBuilder countAudio(int countAudio) { this.mCountAudio = countAudio; return this; } public FileModelBuilder countImage(int countImage) { this.mCountImage = countImage; return this; } public FileModelBuilder isOnline(boolean isOnline) { this.mIsOnline = isOnline; return this; } public FileModelBuilder parcel(Parcel in) { mId = in.readInt(); mUrl = in.readString(); mName = in.readString(); mSize = in.readLong(); boolean[] b = new boolean[1]; in.readBooleanArray(b); mIsDirectory = b[0]; mType = new FileTypeModel(in.readString()); return this; } public FileModel build() { final FileModel fileModel = new FileModel(); fileModel.mId = mId; fileModel.mIdUser = mIdUser; fileModel.mIdFileParent = mIdFileParent; fileModel.mName = mName; fileModel.mUrl = mUrl; fileModel.mSize = mSize; fileModel.mIsPublic = mIsPublic; fileModel.mType = mType; fileModel.mIsDirectory = mIsDirectory; fileModel.mDateCreation = mDateCreation; fileModel.mIsApkUpdate = mIsApkUpdate; fileModel.mContent = mContent; fileModel.mFile = mFile; fileModel.mLastModified = mLastModified; fileModel.mCount = mCount; fileModel.mCountAudio = mCountAudio; fileModel.mCountImage = mCountImage; fileModel.mIsOnline = mIsOnline; return fileModel; } } }