package; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.squareup.spoon.Spoon; import junit.framework.Assert; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date; import static; import static; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.instanceOf; /** * An abstract test that launch the app and provide useful test methods. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class UiAutomatorLib { /** * A simple thread sleep. * * @param timeMillis The time in millis. */ public static void sleep(final int timeMillis) { try { Thread.sleep(timeMillis); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } } public static String getCurrentDateString() { return DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date()) .replaceAll("\\s", "").replaceAll(":", "").replaceAll(",", "").trim(); } public static Activity getActivity() { final Activity[] activity = new Activity[1]; getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { activity[0] = Iterables.getOnlyElement(ActivityLifecycleMonitorRegistry.getInstance() .getActivitiesInStage(Stage.RESUMED)); } }); return activity[0]; } public static Context getContext() { return InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext(); } public static Resources getResources() { return InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext().getResources(); } //region UI AUTOMATOR base public static UiDevice getDevice() { return UiDevice.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation()); } public static void pressBack() { getDevice().pressBack(); } //endregion UI AUTOMATOR base //region - find object and determine object stats /** * Find an {@link UiObject} with the resource id. * * @param id The resource id (e.g. * @return The UiObject. */ @NonNull public static UiObject findObjectById(@IdRes final int id) { return findObjectById(getResources().getResourceName(id)); } /** * Find an {@link UiObject} with the resource id. * * @param id The resource id (e.g. the_package_name:id/the_id). * @return The UiObject. */ @NonNull public static UiObject findObjectById(final String id) { return getDevice().findObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(id)); } /** * Find an {@link UiObject} with a specific {@link String} displayed. * * @param text A text displayed. * @return The UiObject. */ @NonNull public static UiObject findObjectContainsText(final String text) { return getDevice().findObject(new UiSelector().textContains(text)); } /** * Find an {@link UiObject} with a specific {@link String} displayed. * * @param containsTextId The string resource id (e.g. R.string.the_id). * @return The UiObject. */ @NonNull public static UiObject findObjectContainsText(@StringRes final int containsTextId) { return getDevice().findObject(new UiSelector().textContains(getResources().getString(containsTextId))); } /** * Is this {@link UiObject} clickable. * * @param uiObject A {@link UiObject}. * @return True if clickable. * @throws UiObjectNotFoundException Throw an exception if not found. */ public static boolean isObjectClickable(final UiObject uiObject) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { return uiObject != null && uiObject.exists() && uiObject.isClickable(); } //endregion - find object and determine object stats //region - click & swipe /** * Call clickAndWaitForNewWindow. * * @param id The view id. * @throws UiObjectNotFoundException */ public static boolean click( @IdRes final int id) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { return findObjectById(id).click(); } /** * Call clickAndWaitForNewWindow. * * @param id The view id. * @throws UiObjectNotFoundException */ public static boolean clickWaitNewWindow( @IdRes final int id) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { return clickWaitNewWindow(id, 5_500); } /** * Call clickAndWaitForNewWindow. * * @param id The view id. * @param timeout timeout before giving up on waiting for a new window * @throws UiObjectNotFoundException Throw an exception if not found. */ public static boolean clickWaitNewWindow( @IdRes final int id, final long timeout) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { return findObjectById(id).clickAndWaitForNewWindow(timeout); } /** * Call clickAndWaitForNewWindow. You can use this method to click on external app view * like a system popup or the launcher screen... * * @param id The full string id given by sdk/tools/uiautomatorviewer.bat. * (e.g. the_package_name:id/the_id). * @return The clickAndWaitForNewWindow result. * @throws UiObjectNotFoundException Throw an exception if not found. */ public static boolean clickWaitNewWindow( final String id) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { return findObjectById(id).clickAndWaitForNewWindow(5_500); } /** * Check if the object exists and click on it (wait new windows). * * @param containsText The text displayed. * @return The clickAndWaitForNewWindow result. * @throws UiObjectNotFoundException Throw an exception if not found. */ public static boolean clickWaitNewWindowContainsText( final String containsText) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { final UiObject uiObject = findObjectContainsText(containsText); Assert.assertTrue(uiObject.exists()); return uiObject.clickAndWaitForNewWindow(5_500); } /** * Check if the object exists and click on it (wait new windows). * * @param containsTextId The text displayed. * @return The clickAndWaitForNewWindow result. * @throws UiObjectNotFoundException Throw an exception if not found. */ public static boolean clickWaitNewWindowContainsText( @StringRes final int containsTextId) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { final UiObject uiObject = findObjectContainsText(containsTextId); Assert.assertTrue(uiObject.exists()); return uiObject.clickAndWaitForNewWindow(5_500); } public static boolean swipeUpById( @IdRes final int id, final int speedSteps) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { return findObjectById(id).swipeUp(speedSteps); } public static boolean swipeDownById( @IdRes final int id, final int speedSteps) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { return findObjectById(id).swipeDown(speedSteps); } public static boolean swipeLeftById( @IdRes final int id, final int speedSteps) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { return findObjectById(id).swipeLeft(speedSteps); } public static boolean swipeRightById( @IdRes final int id, final int speedSteps) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { return findObjectById(id).swipeRight(speedSteps); } //endregion - click & swipe //region - setText public static void setText( final String id, final String text) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { final UiObject objectById = findObjectById(id); objectById.clickAndWaitForNewWindow(100); objectById.setText(text); } public static void setText( @IdRes final int id, final String text) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { setText(getResources().getResourceName(id), text); } //endregion - setText //region - assert public static void assertExists(@IdRes final int id) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { Assert.assertTrue(isObjectClickable(id)); } public static void assertExistsContains(final String textContains) { Assert.assertTrue(isObjectExistsContains(textContains)); } public static boolean isObjectClickable(@IdRes final int id) throws UiObjectNotFoundException { return findObjectById(id).exists(); } public static boolean isObjectExistsContains(final String textContains) { return getDevice().findObject(new UiSelector() .textContains(textContains)) .exists(); } //endregion - assert //region - device actions public static void orientationLeft() { try { getDevice().setOrientationRight(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sleep(100); } public static void orientationRight() { try { getDevice().setOrientationLeft(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sleep(100); } public static void orientationPortrait() { try { getDevice().setOrientationNatural(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sleep(100); } //endregion - device actions public static void takeScreenShot(final String title) { takeScreenShot(getActivity(), title); } public static void takeScreenShot(final Activity activity, final String title) { Spoon.screenshot(activity, title); } /** * Assert that the current activity is an instance of a given class and finish it. * * @param activityClass the {@link Class} * @throws Throwable */ public static void finish(Class<? extends Activity> activityClass) { sleep(800); final Activity currentActivity = getActivity(); assertThat(currentActivity, instanceOf(activityClass)); currentActivity.finish(); sleep(800); } }