package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import de.nisble.droidsweeper.config.Level; import; /** Container class for holding database entries.<br> * This class is used to handle database entries. It deserializes the given * byte[] from the database to a list of {@link TimeStep}. * <ul> * <li>Immutable: Members are public final and capitalized.</li> * </ul> * @author Moritz Nisblé */ public final class DSDBGameEntry { // private static final String CLASSNAME = // DSDBGameEntry.class.getSimpleName(); /** The ID of the game in the database. */ public final long GAMEID; /** The level the game was played on. */ public final Level LEVEL; /** The name of the player. */ public final String NAME; /** The playtime. */ public final long PLAYTIME; /** The date as epoch time. */ public final long EPOCHTIME; /** The replay as list of changes of the game at a specific time. */ public final List<TimeStep> TIMESTEPS; /** Initialize a game entry with the data from the database. * @param id The ID of the game. * @param difficulty The difficulty level. * @param username The name of the player. * @param playTime The reached time in milliseconds. * @param epochTime The data as epoch time. * @param serializedTimeSteps The serialized replay from the database. * @throws ClassNotFoundException On error in deserialisation of the replay. * @throws IOException On error in deserialisation of the replay. */ public DSDBGameEntry(long id, Level difficulty, String username, long playTime, long epochTime, byte[] serializedTimeSteps) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { GAMEID = id; LEVEL = difficulty; NAME = username; PLAYTIME = playTime; EPOCHTIME = epochTime; if (serializedTimeSteps != null) TIMESTEPS = deserializeTimeSteps(serializedTimeSteps); else TIMESTEPS = new ArrayList<TimeStep>(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static List<TimeStep> deserializeTimeSteps(byte[] data) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); return (List<TimeStep>) ois.readObject(); } }