package de.nisble.droidsweeper.config; import de.nisble.droidsweeper.utilities.LogDog; import static de.nisble.droidsweeper.config.Constants.*; /** Available difficulty levels. * <ul> * <li>Immutable: Members are public final and capitalized.</li> * <li>Serializable: Do not change this class!</li> * </ul> * @author Moritz Nisblé */ public enum Level { /** Difficulty level easy. * Dimensions and bombs are defined by: * <ul> * <li>{@link Constants#EASY_X}</li> * <li>{@link Constants#EASY_Y}</li> * <li>{@link Constants#EASY_BOMBS}</li> * </ul> */ EASY(EASY_X, EASY_Y, EASY_BOMBS), /** Difficulty level easy. * Dimensions and bombs are defined by: * <ul> * <li>{@link Constants#NORMAL_X}</li> * <li>{@link Constants#NORMAL_Y}</li> * <li>{@link Constants#NORMAL_BOMBS}</li> * </ul> */ NORMAL(NORMAL_X, NORMAL_Y, NORMAL_BOMBS), /** Difficulty level easy. * Dimensions and bombs are defined by: * <ul> * <li>{@link Constants#HARD_X}</li> * <li>{@link Constants#HARD_Y}</li> * <li>{@link Constants#HARD_BOMBS}</li> * </ul> */ HARD(HARD_X, HARD_Y, HARD_BOMBS), /** Difficulty level easy. * Dimensions and bombs are set to 0. */ CUSTOM(0, 0, 0); private static final String CLASSNAME = Level.class.getSimpleName(); private Level(int x, int y, int b) { X = x; Y = y; BOMBS = b; } /** The horizontal size of the game grid. */ public final int X; /** The vertical size of the game grid. */ public final int Y; /** The count of bombs. */ public final int BOMBS; /** Get the difficulty level for the corresponding integer. * @note Defaults to CUSTOM (3) when index out of bounds. * @param i primitive integer (int) * @return The difficulty level */ public static Level fromInt(int i) { Level temp; try { temp = values()[i]; } catch (Exception e) { LogDog.e(CLASSNAME, "Unknown difficulty. Choosing CUSTOM: " + e.getMessage(), e); temp = values()[3]; } return temp; } }