package; import java.util.ArrayList; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.SQLException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import de.nisble.droidsweeper.config.Constants; import de.nisble.droidsweeper.config.Level; import; import; import de.nisble.droidsweeper.utilities.LogDog; import static*; /** Adapter to ease the access to the database. * @author Moritz Nisblé */ public final class DSDBAdapter { private static final String CLASSNAME = DSDBAdapter.class.getSimpleName(); public static final DSDBAdapter INSTANCE = new DSDBAdapter(); private DSDBHelper mHelper = null; private DSDBAdapter() { } /** Initialization. * @note Method isn't thread-safe. * @param context Androids application context. */ public DSDBAdapter open(Context context) { if (mHelper == null) { mHelper = new DSDBHelper(context); } return this; } public void close() { if (mHelper != null) mHelper.close(); } /** Get all stored games for a specific difficulty without the replay data. * @param difficulty The difficulty. * @return A with all entries for the given difficulty. * @throws Exception On unknown difficulty. */ public ArrayList<DSDBGameEntry> getGames(Level level) throws Exception { if (Level.CUSTOM == level) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No database entries for custom difficulty levels"); } ArrayList<DSDBGameEntry> result = new ArrayList<DSDBGameEntry>(); SQLiteDatabase db = mHelper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + GamesView.VIEW_NAME + " WHERE " + GamesView.CN_LEVEL + "=? " + " ORDER BY " + GamesView.CN_TIME + ", " + GamesView.CN_DATE, new String[] { String.valueOf(level.ordinal()) }); try { if (c.moveToFirst()) { while (!c.isAfterLast()) { DSDBGameEntry entry = new DSDBGameEntry(c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(GamesView._ID)), level, c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(GamesView.CN_NAME)), c.getLong(c .getColumnIndexOrThrow(GamesView.CN_TIME)), c.getLong(c .getColumnIndexOrThrow(GamesView.CN_DATE)), null); result.add(entry); c.moveToNext(); } } else { LogDog.d(CLASSNAME, "No entries available for level: " + level.toString()); } } finally { c.close(); } return result; } public DSDBGameEntry getReplay(long gameID) throws Exception { DSDBGameEntry entry = null; SQLiteDatabase db = mHelper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + GamesView.VIEW_NAME + " WHERE " + GamesView._ID + "=? ", new String[] { String.valueOf(gameID) }); try { if (c.moveToFirst()) { // Create an entry object with the information from GameView entry = new DSDBGameEntry(c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(GamesView._ID)), Level.fromInt(c.getInt(c .getColumnIndexOrThrow(GamesView.CN_LEVEL))), c.getString(c .getColumnIndexOrThrow(GamesView.CN_NAME)), c.getLong(c .getColumnIndexOrThrow(GamesView.CN_TIME)), c.getLong(c .getColumnIndexOrThrow(GamesView.CN_DATE)), null); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to query replay for ID " + gameID); } } finally { c.close(); } // Use getReplay(DSDBGameEntry entry) to query the replay return getReplay(entry); } /** Get the replay for a given DBEntry. * @note The returned entry is not the same as the one passed in. * Not thread-safe! * @param entry The entry to query the replay for. * @return A new entry including the replay data. */ public DSDBGameEntry getReplay(DSDBGameEntry entry) throws Exception { if (Level.CUSTOM == entry.LEVEL) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No database entries for custom difficulty levels"); } DSDBGameEntry result = null; SQLiteDatabase db = mHelper.getReadableDatabase(); /* ID is sufficient for where clause. */ Cursor c = db.query(GameTable.TABLE_NAME, new String[] { GameTable._ID, GameTable.CN_REPLAY }, GameTable._ID + "=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(entry.GAMEID) }, null, null, null); try { if (c.moveToFirst()) { /* Create a new entry from the given one and add the replay */ result = new DSDBGameEntry(entry.GAMEID, entry.LEVEL, entry.NAME, entry.PLAYTIME, entry.EPOCHTIME, c.getBlob(c.getColumnIndex(GameTable.CN_REPLAY))); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to query replay for ID " + entry.GAMEID); } } finally { c.close(); } return result; } /** Check if a time would be inserted or not. The database isn't changed. * @param difficulty The difficulty. * @param milliseconds The time in ms. * @return True on insert, else false. */ public boolean isHighScore(Level level, long milliseconds) throws Exception { if (Level.CUSTOM == level) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No database entries for custom difficulty levels"); } boolean result = false; SQLiteDatabase db = mHelper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT " + Level4GameView.CN_TIME + " FROM " + Level4GameView.VIEW_NAME + " WHERE " + Level4GameView.CN_LEVEL + "=? " + " ORDER BY " + Level4GameView.CN_TIME + ", " + Level4GameView.CN_DATE, new String[] { String.valueOf(level.ordinal()) }); try { if (!c.moveToLast() || (c.getCount() < Constants.MAX_HIGHSCORES) || milliseconds < c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Level4GameView.CN_TIME))) { /* Highscore when: Less than 10 entries. Move to last is false * (means there are no entries! If it is true we are now on the * last entry.) The new time is faster (<) than the last * one. (That means: No highscore on equal times. That should be * the expected behavior.) */ result = true; } } finally { c.close(); } return result; } private void deleteExcessGames(Level level) { SQLiteDatabase db = mHelper.getWritableDatabase(); /* Statement for getting all games for the given level. * The ID is the one from the game table. */ String sqlGames = "SELECT " + Level4GameView._ID + ", " + Level4GameView.CN_GAMEPLAYER + " FROM " + Level4GameView.VIEW_NAME + " WHERE " + Level4GameView.CN_LEVEL + "=" + String.valueOf(level.ordinal()) + " ORDER BY " + Level4GameView.CN_TIME + ", " + Level4GameView.CN_DATE; Cursor c = null; try { /* Query in loop while the cursor isn't empty and the count of games * is bigger than the configured maximum */ while ((c = db.rawQuery(sqlGames, null)).moveToLast() && c.getCount() > Constants.MAX_HIGHSCORES) { int result = 0; long gameID = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Level4GameView._ID)); /* Save the playerID foreign key */ long playerID = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Level4GameView.CN_GAMEPLAYER)); /* Delete the game */ result = db.delete(GameTable.TABLE_NAME, GameTable._ID + "=" + gameID, null); if (result > 0) LogDog.i(CLASSNAME, "Game " + gameID + " dropped."); /* Try to delete the player. DBMS restricts this when there are * other games referencing this player! */ try { result = db.delete(PlayerTable.TABLE_NAME, PlayerTable._ID + "=" + playerID, null); if (result > 0) LogDog.i(CLASSNAME, "Player " + playerID + " dropped."); } catch (SQLiteConstraintException e) { LogDog.i(CLASSNAME, "Unable to drop player " + playerID + ". Player is still referenced by other games."); } } } finally { if (c != null) c.close(); } } /** Insert a new entry. * @note Database removes the slowest time by trigger when more than 10 * entries are made. Use isHighscore() to check if the time would be * inserted before a call to this function. * @param entry An entry. * @throws Exception On unknown difficulty. * @return The ID of the inserted game. */ public long insertTime(Replay replay) throws Exception { if (Level.CUSTOM == replay.getGameConfig().LEVEL) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No database entries for custom difficulty levels"); } else if (0 == replay.getName().length()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No player name set!"); } ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); long playerID = -1; long gameID = -1; SQLiteDatabase db = mHelper.getWritableDatabase(); // Query player name Cursor c = db.query(PlayerTable.TABLE_NAME, new String[] { PlayerTable._ID, PlayerTable.CN_NAME }, PlayerTable.CN_NAME + "=?", new String[] { replay.getName() }, null, null, null); /* Use a transaction to not pollute the player table with names * that are not linked with a game, if something goes wrong and the * game insert fails. */ db.beginTransaction(); try { /* Check whether the cursor is empty */ if (!c.moveToFirst()) { /* Empty! Player name not found. Insert new one. */ values.put(PlayerTable.CN_NAME, replay.getName()); playerID = db.insertOrThrow(PlayerTable.TABLE_NAME, null, values); values.clear(); } else if (c.getCount() > 1) { throw new SQLException("Player table inconsistant. Broken or manipulated database."); } else { /* Player name found. Store row id. */ playerID = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(PlayerTable._ID)); } /* A query for the level is redundant. The level number is the * foreign key! */ values.put(GameTable.CN_GAMELEVEL, replay.getGameConfig().LEVEL.ordinal()); values.put(GameTable.CN_GAMEPLAYER, playerID); values.put(GameTable.CN_TIME, replay.getPlayTime()); values.put(GameTable.CN_DATE, replay.getEpochTime()); values.put(GameTable.CN_REPLAY, replay.serializeTimeSteps()); gameID = db.insertOrThrow(GameTable.TABLE_NAME, null, values); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); c.close(); } deleteExcessGames(replay.getGameConfig().LEVEL); return gameID; } }