package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * 节点数据迁移工具: 遍历指定目录下面的数据,并将数据迁移到指定的目标节点;<br> * srcPath:设置要迁移数据的原目录; <br> * targetIp: 设置目标节点的服务器ip和端口号;<br> * [threads]:设置远程写入线程数量;默认10个;<BR> * [namespace]: 设置要迁移数据属于指定的namespace;默认迁移所有namespace的数据;<BR> * * @author ajun */ public class NodeMigrateTool extends CommandLineHandler { public static void main(String[] args) { NodeMigrateTool migrationTool = new NodeMigrateTool(); migrationTool.handle(args); } public NodeMigrateTool() { options.add(new Option("-srcPath", "srcPath", "The source path of migration data.")); options.add(new Option("-configFile", "configFile", "The file path of storage configuration.")); options.add(new Option("-targetIp", "targetIp", "The target dataserver ip.")); options.add(new Option("-storageType", "Storage type", "Setting the storage type: bdb or log. Default value is bdb.", false, true, "bdb")); options.add(new Option("-threads", "threads", "Setting the migrationg threads.", false, true, "10")); options.add(new Option("-namespace", "Name space", "Setting the name space which will migrating.", false, true, null)); } @Override public void prepareParameters() { srcPath = commandLine.getValue("-srcPath"); targetIp = commandLine.getValue("-targetIp"); threads = commandLine.getInt("-threads"); namespace = commandLine.getValue("-namespace"); storageType = commandLine.getValue("-storageType"); configFile = commandLine.getValue("-configFile"); System.out.println("--------------------configuration--------------------"); System.out.println("srcPath=" + srcPath); System.out.println("targetIp=" + targetIp); System.out.println("threads=" + threads); System.out.println("namespace=" + namespace); System.out.println("storageType=" + storageType); System.out.println("configFile=" + configFile); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------"); } @Override public void handleCommand() { List<MigrateDataThread> migrateThread = new ArrayList<MigrateDataThread>(threads); dataQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Pair>(10000); // 启动迁移数据线程 List<Future<TaskResult>> taskFuterList = startMigratingThread(migrateThread); // 启动定时打印统计数据线程; startPrinterThread(migrateThread); // 读取存储层数据; iteratorStorage(); long totalRecord = 0; // 阻塞并等待各子任务的执行结果。 for (int index = 0; index < taskFuterList.size(); index++) { Future<TaskResult> future = taskFuterList.get(index); try { totalRecord += future.get().successDataCount; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ConnectionFactory.getInstance().releaseResources(); System.out.println("Finish migrating task. The total records is " + totalRecord); } protected void iteratorStorage() { Storage storage = getStorage(); try {; Iterator<Pair> iterator = storage.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { this.dataQueue.put(; } for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { dataQueue.put(new ExitPair()); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { storage.close(); } } private Storage getStorage() { if ("log".equalsIgnoreCase(storageType)) { System.out.println("Loading log storage driver."); LogStorageDriver driver = new LogStorageDriver(); driver.init(getStorageConfig()); return driver.createStorage(); } else { System.out.println("Loading bdb storage driver."); BDBStorageDriver driver = new BDBStorageDriver(); driver.init(getStorageConfig()); return driver.createStorage(); } } private StorageConfig getStorageConfig() { StorageConfig storageConfig = new StorageConfig(); storageConfig.setPropertiesFile(configFile); storageConfig.setDatabasePath(srcPath); return storageConfig; } protected List<Future<TaskResult>> startMigratingThread(List<MigrateDataThread> migrateThread) { List<Future<TaskResult>> taskFuterList = new ArrayList<Future<TaskResult>>(threads); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { Callable<TaskResult> callableTask = new MigrateDataThread(dataQueue, targetIp); taskFuterList.add(executor.submit(callableTask)); migrateThread.add((MigrateDataThread) callableTask); } return taskFuterList; } protected void startPrinterThread(final List<MigrateDataThread> migrateThread) { Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1).scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { public void run() { long failedOpetionCount = 0; long successDataCount = 0; long totalTime = 0; for (MigrateDataThread mThread : migrateThread) { failedOpetionCount += mThread.failedOpetionCount; successDataCount += mThread.successDataCount; totalTime += mThread.totalTime; } System.out.println("Total:" + (failedOpetionCount + successDataCount) + " sucess:" + successDataCount + " failed:" + failedOpetionCount + " success incr:" + (successDataCount - prevSuccessDataCount)); prevSuccessDataCount = successDataCount; prevFailedOperationCount = failedOpetionCount; } private long prevFailedOperationCount; private long prevSuccessDataCount; }, 1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } private static class MigrateDataThread implements Callable<TaskResult> { public MigrateDataThread(BlockingQueue<Pair> dataQueue, String targetIp) { this.dataQueue = dataQueue; this.targetIp = targetIp; initConnection(); } private void initConnection() { String[] pId = targetIp.split(":"); String ip = pId[0]; int port = Integer.valueOf(pId[1]).intValue(); // 和目标机器建立连接 InetSocketAddress remoteAddress = new InetSocketAddress(ip, port); ConnectionFactory factory = ConnectionFactory.getInstance(); connection = factory.getConnection(remoteAddress); } public TaskResult call() { try {; while (true) { Pair pair = dataQueue.take(); if (pair instanceof ExitPair) { break; } long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); migrateDataEntry(pair); totalTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - begin; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { connection.close(); } System.out.println("Exit thread...."); TaskResult result = new TaskResult(); result.failedOpetionCount = failedOpetionCount; result.successDataCount = successDataCount; result.totalTime = totalTime; return result; } private void migrateDataEntry(Pair pair) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { // 取出要迁移的数据 if (pair instanceof ActionPair) { ActionPair ap = (ActionPair) pair; if (ap.getActionType() == ActionPair.Type.SET) { OperationFuture<Boolean> future = connection.cas(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue()); if (!future.get()) { failedOpetionCount++; } else { successDataCount++; } } else if (ap.getActionType() == ActionPair.Type.DELETE) { OperationFuture<Boolean> future = connection.cad(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue()); if (!future.get()) { failedOpetionCount++; } else { successDataCount++; } } } else { OperationFuture<Boolean> future = connection.cas(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue()); if (!future.get()) { failedOpetionCount++; } else { successDataCount++; } } } public long getTotalTime() { return totalTime; } private Connection connection; private volatile int successDataCount; private volatile int failedOpetionCount; private String targetIp; private BlockingQueue<Pair> dataQueue; private volatile long totalTime; } private static class TaskResult { private int successDataCount; private int failedOpetionCount; private long totalTime; } private String configFile; private String srcPath; private String targetIp; private int threads; private String namespace; private BlockingQueue<Pair> dataQueue; private String storageType; }