package com.g414.haildb.impl.jna; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.DoubleBuffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.LongBuffer; import java.nio.ShortBuffer; import com.g414.haildb.TupleStorage; import com.sun.jna.Callback; import com.sun.jna.Library; import com.sun.jna.Native; import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary; import com.sun.jna.Pointer; import com.sun.jna.Structure; import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference; public class HailDB implements Library { public static final String JNA_LIBRARY_NAME = "haildb"; public static final NativeLibrary JNA_NATIVE_LIB = NativeLibrary .getInstance(HailDB.JNA_LIBRARY_NAME); static { Native.register(HailDB.JNA_LIBRARY_NAME); } public static interface db_err { // / < A successult result public static final int DB_SUCCESS = 10; /** * The following are error codes<br> * < This is a generic error code. It<br> * is used to classify error conditions<br> * that can't be represented by other<br> * codes */ public static final int DB_ERROR = 11; /** * < An operation was interrupted by<br> * a user. */ public static final int DB_INTERRUPTED = 12; /** * < Operation caused an out of memory<br> * error. Within InnoDB core code this is<br> * normally a fatal error */ public static final int DB_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 13; /** * < The operating system returned<br> * an out of file space error when trying<br> * to do an IO operation. */ public static final int DB_OUT_OF_FILE_SPACE = 14; /** * < A lock request by transaction<br> * resulted in a lock wait. The thread<br> * is suspended internally by InnoDB and<br> * is put on a lock wait queue. */ public static final int DB_LOCK_WAIT = 15; /** * < A lock request by a transaction<br> * resulted in a deadlock. The transaction<br> * was rolled back */ public static final int DB_DEADLOCK = 16; // / < Not used public static final int DB_ROLLBACK = 17; /** * < A record insert or update violates<br> * a unique contraint. */ public static final int DB_DUPLICATE_KEY = 18; /** * < A query thread should be in state<br> * suspended but is trying to acquire a<br> * lock. Currently this is treated as a<br> * hard error and a violation of an<br> * invariant. */ public static final int DB_QUE_THR_SUSPENDED = 19; /** * < Required history data has been<br> * deleted due to lack of space in<br> * rollback segment */ public static final int DB_MISSING_HISTORY = 20; // / < This error is not used public static final int DB_CLUSTER_NOT_FOUND = 30; // / < The table could not be found public static final int DB_TABLE_NOT_FOUND = 31; /** * < The database has to be stopped<br> * and restarted with more file space */ public static final int DB_MUST_GET_MORE_FILE_SPACE = 32; /** * < The user is trying to create a<br> * table in the InnoDB data dictionary but<br> * a table with that name already exists */ public static final int DB_TABLE_IS_BEING_USED = 33; /** * < A record in an index would not fit<br> * on a compressed page, or it would<br> * become bigger than 1/2 free space in<br> * an uncompressed page frame */ public static final int DB_TOO_BIG_RECORD = 34; // / < Lock wait lasted too long public static final int DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 35; /** * < Referenced key value not found<br> * for a foreign key in an insert or<br> * update of a row */ public static final int DB_NO_REFERENCED_ROW = 36; /** * < Cannot delete or update a row<br> * because it contains a key value<br> * which is referenced */ public static final int DB_ROW_IS_REFERENCED = 37; /** * < Adding a foreign key constraint<br> * to a table failed */ public static final int DB_CANNOT_ADD_CONSTRAINT = 38; /** * < Data structure corruption<br> * noticed */ public static final int DB_CORRUPTION = 39; /** * < InnoDB cannot handle an index<br> * where same column appears twice */ public static final int DB_COL_APPEARS_TWICE_IN_INDEX = 40; /** * < Dropping a foreign key constraint<br> * from a table failed */ public static final int DB_CANNOT_DROP_CONSTRAINT = 41; /** * < No savepoint exists with the given<br> * name */ public static final int DB_NO_SAVEPOINT = 42; /** * < We cannot create a new single-table<br> * tablespace because a file of the same<br> * name already exists */ public static final int DB_TABLESPACE_ALREADY_EXISTS = 43; /** * < Tablespace does not exist or is<br> * being dropped right now */ public static final int DB_TABLESPACE_DELETED = 44; /** * < Lock structs have exhausted the<br> * buffer pool (for big transactions,<br> * InnoDB stores the lock structs in the<br> * buffer pool) */ public static final int DB_LOCK_TABLE_FULL = 45; /** * < Foreign key constraints<br> * activated but the operation would<br> * lead to a duplicate key in some<br> * table */ public static final int DB_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY = 46; /** * < When InnoDB runs out of the<br> * preconfigured undo slots, this can<br> * only happen when there are too many<br> * concurrent transactions */ public static final int DB_TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_TRXS = 47; /** * < When InnoDB sees any artefact or<br> * a feature that it can't recoginize or<br> * work with e.g., FT indexes created by<br> * a later version of the engine. */ public static final int DB_UNSUPPORTED = 48; /** * < A column in the PRIMARY KEY<br> * was found to be NULL */ public static final int DB_PRIMARY_KEY_IS_NULL = 49; /** * < The application should clean up<br> * and quite ASAP. Fatal error, InnoDB<br> * cannot continue operation without<br> * risking database corruption. */ public static final int DB_FATAL = 50; /** * The following are partial failure codes<br> * < Partial failure code. */ public static final int DB_FAIL = 1000; /** * < If an update or insert of a record<br> * doesn't fit in a Btree page */ public static final int DB_OVERFLOW = 1001; /** * < If an update or delete of a<br> * record causes a Btree page to be below<br> * a minimum threshold */ public static final int DB_UNDERFLOW = 1002; /** * < Failure to insert a secondary<br> * index entry to the insert buffer */ public static final int DB_STRONG_FAIL = 1003; /** * < Failure trying to compress<br> * a page */ public static final int DB_ZIP_OVERFLOW = 1004; // / < Record not found public static final int DB_RECORD_NOT_FOUND = 1500; /** * < A cursor operation or search<br> * operation scanned to the end of the<br> * index. */ public static final int DB_END_OF_INDEX = 1501; /** * The following are API only error codes.<br> * < Generic schema error */ public static final int DB_SCHEMA_ERROR = 2000; /** * < Column update or read failed<br> * because the types mismatch */ public static final int DB_DATA_MISMATCH = 2001; /** * < If an API function expects the<br> * schema to be locked in exclusive mode<br> * and if it's not then that API function<br> * will return this error code */ public static final int DB_SCHEMA_NOT_LOCKED = 2002; /** * < Generic error code for "Not found"<br> * type of errors */ public static final int DB_NOT_FOUND = 2003; /** * < Generic error code for "Readonly"<br> * type of errors */ public static final int DB_READONLY = 2004; /** * < Generic error code for "Invalid<br> * input" type of errors */ public static final int DB_INVALID_INPUT = 2005; } public static interface ib_cfg_type_t { /** * < The configuration parameter is<br> * of type ibool */ public static final int IB_CFG_IBOOL = 0; /** * < The configuration parameter is<br> * of type ulint */ public static final int IB_CFG_ULINT = 1; /** * < The configuration parameter is<br> * of type ulong */ public static final int IB_CFG_ULONG = 2; /** * < The configuration parameter is<br> * of type char* */ public static final int IB_CFG_TEXT = 3; /** * < The configuration parameter is<br> * a callback parameter */ public static final int IB_CFG_CB = 4; } public static interface ib_col_type_t { /** * < Character varying length. The<br> * column is not padded. */ public static final int IB_VARCHAR = 1; /** * < Fixed length character string. The<br> * column is padded to the right. */ public static final int IB_CHAR = 2; /** * < Fixed length binary, similar to<br> * IB_CHAR but the column is not padded<br> * to the right. */ public static final int IB_BINARY = 3; // / < Variable length binary public static final int IB_VARBINARY = 4; /** * < Binary large object, or<br> * a TEXT type */ public static final int IB_BLOB = 5; /** * < Integer: can be any size<br> * from 1 - 8 bytes. If the size is<br> * 1, 2, 4 and 8 bytes then you can use<br> * the typed read and write functions. For<br> * other sizes you will need to use the<br> * ib_col_get_value() function and do the<br> * conversion yourself. */ public static final int IB_INT = 6; /** * < System column, this column can<br> * be one of DATA_TRX_ID, DATA_ROLL_PTR<br> * or DATA_ROW_ID. */ public static final int IB_SYS = 8; // / < C (float) floating point value. public static final int IB_FLOAT = 9; // / > C (double) floating point value. public static final int IB_DOUBLE = 10; /** * < Decimal stored as an ASCII<br> * string */ public static final int IB_DECIMAL = 11; // / < Any charset, varying length public static final int IB_VARCHAR_ANYCHARSET = 12; // / < Any charset, fixed length public static final int IB_CHAR_ANYCHARSET = 13; } public static interface ib_tbl_fmt_t { /** * < Redundant row format, the column<br> * type and length is stored in the row. */ public static final int IB_TBL_REDUNDANT = 0; /** * < Compact row format, the column<br> * type is not stored in the row. The<br> * length is stored in the row but the<br> * storage format uses a compact format<br> * to store the length of the column data<br> * and record data storage format also<br> * uses less storage. */ public static final int IB_TBL_COMPACT = 1; /** * < Compact row format. BLOB prefixes<br> * are not stored in the clustered index */ public static final int IB_TBL_DYNAMIC = 2; /** * < Similar to dynamic format but<br> * with pages compressed */ public static final int IB_TBL_COMPRESSED = 3; } public static interface ib_col_attr_t { // / < No special attributes. public static final int IB_COL_NONE = 0; // / < Column data can't be NULL. public static final int IB_COL_NOT_NULL = 1; // / < Column is IB_INT and unsigned. public static final int IB_COL_UNSIGNED = 2; // / < Future use, reserved. public static final int IB_COL_NOT_USED = 4; /** * < Custom precision type, this is<br> * a bit that is ignored by InnoDB and so<br> * can be set and queried by users. */ public static final int IB_COL_CUSTOM1 = 8; /** * < Custom precision type, this is<br> * a bit that is ignored by InnoDB and so<br> * can be set and queried by users. */ public static final int IB_COL_CUSTOM2 = 16; /** * < Custom precision type, this is<br> * a bit that is ignored by InnoDB and so<br> * can be set and queried by users. */ public static final int IB_COL_CUSTOM3 = 32; } public static interface ib_lck_mode_t { /** * < Intention shared, an intention<br> * lock should be used to lock tables */ public static final int IB_LOCK_IS = 0; /** * < Intention exclusive, an intention<br> * lock should be used to lock tables */ public static final int IB_LOCK_IX = 1; /** * < Shared locks should be used to<br> * lock rows */ public static final int IB_LOCK_S = 2; /** * < Exclusive locks should be used to<br> * lock rows */ public static final int IB_LOCK_X = 3; // / < Future use, reserved public static final int IB_LOCK_NOT_USED = 4; /** * < This is used internally to note<br> * consistent read */ public static final int IB_LOCK_NONE = 5; // / < number of lock modes public static final int IB_LOCK_NUM = HailDB.ib_lck_mode_t.IB_LOCK_NONE; } public static interface ib_srch_mode_t { /** * < If search key is not found then<br> * position the cursor on the row that<br> * is greater than the search key */ public static final int IB_CUR_G = 1; /** * < If the search key not found then<br> * position the cursor on the row that<br> * is greater than or equal to the search<br> * key */ public static final int IB_CUR_GE = 2; /** * < If search key is not found then<br> * position the cursor on the row that<br> * is less than the search key */ public static final int IB_CUR_L = 3; /** * < If search key is not found then<br> * position the cursor on the row that<br> * is less than or equal to the search<br> * key */ public static final int IB_CUR_LE = 4; } public static interface ib_match_mode_t { // / < Closest match possible public static final int IB_CLOSEST_MATCH = 0; /** * < Search using a complete key<br> * value */ public static final int IB_EXACT_MATCH = 1; /** * < Search using a key prefix which<br> * must match to rows: the prefix may<br> * contain an incomplete field (the<br> * last field in prefix may be just<br> * a prefix of a fixed length column) */ public static final int IB_EXACT_PREFIX = 2; } public static interface ib_trx_state_t { /** * < Has not started yet, the<br> * transaction has not ben started yet. */ public static final int IB_TRX_NOT_STARTED = 0; /** * < The transaction is currently<br> * active and needs to be either<br> * committed or rolled back. */ public static final int IB_TRX_ACTIVE = 1; // / < Not committed to disk yet public static final int IB_TRX_COMMITTED_IN_MEMORY = 2; // / < Support for 2PC/XA public static final int IB_TRX_PREPARED = 3; } public static interface ib_trx_level_t { /** * < Dirty read: non-locking SELECTs are<br> * performed so that we do not look at a<br> * possible earlier version of a record;<br> * thus they are not 'consistent' reads<br> * under this isolation level; otherwise<br> * like level 2 */ public static final int IB_TRX_READ_UNCOMMITTED = 0; /** * < Somewhat Oracle-like isolation,<br> * except that in range UPDATE and DELETE<br> * we must block phantom rows with<br> * next-key locks; SELECT ... FOR UPDATE<br> * and ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE only lock<br> * the index records, NOT the gaps before<br> * them, and thus allow free inserting;<br> * each consistent read reads its own<br> * snapshot */ public static final int IB_TRX_READ_COMMITTED = 1; /** * < All consistent reads in the same<br> * trx read the same snapshot; full<br> * next-key locking used in locking reads<br> * to block insertions into gaps */ public static final int IB_TRX_REPEATABLE_READ = 2; /** * < All plain SELECTs are converted to<br> * LOCK IN SHARE MODE reads */ public static final int IB_TRX_SERIALIZABLE = 3; } public static interface ib_shutdown_t { /** * < Normal shutdown, do insert buffer<br> * merge and purge before complete<br> * shutdown. */ public static final int IB_SHUTDOWN_NORMAL = 0; /** * < Do not do a purge and index buffer<br> * merge at shutdown. */ public static final int IB_SHUTDOWN_NO_IBUFMERGE_PURGE = 1; /** * < Same as NO_IBUFMERGE_PURGE<br> * and in addition do not even flush the<br> * buffer pool to data files. No committed<br> * transactions are lost */ public static final int IB_SHUTDOWN_NO_BUFPOOL_FLUSH = 2; } public static interface ib_schema_visitor_version_t { public static final int IB_SCHEMA_VISITOR_TABLE = 1; public static final int IB_SCHEMA_VISITOR_TABLE_COL = 2; public static final int IB_SCHEMA_VISITOR_TABLE_AND_INDEX = 3; public static final int IB_SCHEMA_VISITOR_TABLE_AND_INDEX_COL = 4; } public static final int IB_TRUE = 1; public static final int MAX_TEXT_LEN = 4096; public static final int IB_MAX_COL_NAME_LEN = (64 * 3); public static final int IB_SQL_NULL = -1; public static final int IB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN = (64 * 3); public static final int IB_FALSE = 0; public static final int IB_N_SYS_COLS = 3; public static class ib_col_meta_t extends Structure { /** * @see ib_col_type_t<br> * < Type of the column */ public int type; /** * @see ib_col_attr_t<br> * < Column attributes */ public int attr; // / < Length of type public int type_len; /** * < 16 bits of data relevant only to<br> * the client. InnoDB doesn't care */ public short client_type; // / < Column charset public PointerByReference charset; public ib_col_meta_t() { super(); } public ib_col_meta_t(int type, int attr, int type_len, short client_type, PointerByReference charset) { super(); this.type = type; this.attr = attr; this.type_len = type_len; this.client_type = client_type; this.charset = charset; } protected ByReference newByReference() { ByReference s = new ByReference(); s.useMemory(getPointer()); write();; return s; } protected ByValue newByValue() { ByValue s = new ByValue(); s.useMemory(getPointer()); write();; return s; } protected ib_col_meta_t newInstance() { ib_col_meta_t s = new ib_col_meta_t(); s.useMemory(getPointer()); write();; return s; } public static class ByReference extends ib_col_meta_t implements Structure.ByReference { } public static class ByValue extends ib_col_meta_t implements Structure.ByValue { } } public static class ib_schema_visitor_t extends Structure { // / @see ib_schema_visitor_version_t public int version; // / < Visitor version public HailDB.ib_schema_visitor_table_t table; // / < For travesing table info public HailDB.ib_schema_visitor_table_col_t table_col; // / < For travesing table column info public HailDB.ib_schema_visitor_index_t index; // / < For travesing index info public HailDB.ib_schema_visitor_index_col_t index_col; public ib_schema_visitor_t() { super(); } public ib_schema_visitor_t(int version, HailDB.ib_schema_visitor_table_t table, HailDB.ib_schema_visitor_table_col_t table_col, HailDB.ib_schema_visitor_index_t index, HailDB.ib_schema_visitor_index_col_t index_col) { super(); this.version = version; this.table = table; this.table_col = table_col; this.index = index; this.index_col = index_col; } protected ByReference newByReference() { ByReference s = new ByReference(); s.useMemory(getPointer()); write();; return s; } protected ByValue newByValue() { ByValue s = new ByValue(); s.useMemory(getPointer()); write();; return s; } protected ib_schema_visitor_t newInstance() { ib_schema_visitor_t s = new ib_schema_visitor_t(); s.useMemory(getPointer()); write();; return s; } public static class ByReference extends ib_schema_visitor_t implements Structure.ByReference { } public static class ByValue extends ib_schema_visitor_t implements Structure.ByValue { } } public interface ib_cb_t extends Callback { void invoke(); } public interface ib_schema_visitor_table_all_t extends Callback { int invoke(Pointer arg, Pointer name, int name_len); } public interface ib_schema_visitor_table_t extends Callback { int invoke(Pointer arg, Pointer name, int tbl_fmt, int page_size, int n_cols, int n_indexes); } public interface ib_schema_visitor_table_col_t extends Callback { int invoke(Pointer arg, Pointer name, int col_type, int len, int attr); } public interface ib_schema_visitor_index_t extends Callback { int invoke(Pointer arg, Pointer name, int clustered, int unique, int n_cols); } public interface ib_schema_visitor_index_col_t extends Callback { int invoke(Pointer arg, Pointer name, int prefix_len); } public interface ib_client_cmp_t extends Callback { int invoke(HailDB.ib_col_meta_t col_meta, Pointer p1, int p1_len, Pointer p2, int p2_len); } public static native long ib_api_version(); public static native int ib_init(); public static native int ib_startup(String format); public static native int ib_shutdown(int flag); public static native int ib_trx_start(Pointer ib_trx, int ib_trx_level); public static native Pointer ib_trx_begin(int ib_trx_level); public static native int ib_trx_state(Pointer ib_trx); public static native int ib_trx_release(Pointer ib_trx); public static native int ib_trx_commit(Pointer ib_trx); public static native int ib_trx_rollback(Pointer ib_trx); public static native int ib_table_schema_add_col(Pointer ib_tbl_sch, String name, int ib_col_type, int ib_col_attr, short client_type, int len); public static native int ib_table_schema_add_index(Pointer ib_tbl_sch, String name, PointerByReference ib_idx_sch); public static native void ib_table_schema_delete(Pointer ib_tbl_sch); public static native int ib_table_schema_create(String name, PointerByReference ib_tbl_sch, int ib_tbl_fmt, int page_size); public static native int ib_index_schema_add_col(Pointer ib_idx_sch, String name, int prefix_len); public static native int ib_index_schema_create(Pointer ib_usr_trx, String name, String table_name, PointerByReference ib_idx_sch); public static native int ib_index_schema_set_clustered(Pointer ib_idx_sch); public static native void ib_cursor_set_simple_select(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native int ib_index_schema_set_unique(Pointer ib_idx_sch); public static native void ib_index_schema_delete(Pointer ib_idx_sch); public static native int ib_table_create(Pointer ib_trx, Pointer ib_tbl_sch, LongBuffer id); public static native int ib_table_rename(Pointer ib_trx, Pointer old_name, Pointer new_name); public static native int ib_table_rename(Pointer ib_trx, String old_name, String new_name); public static native int ib_index_create(Pointer ib_idx_sch, LongBuffer index_id); public static native int ib_table_drop(Pointer trx, String name); public static native int ib_index_drop(Pointer trx, long index_id); public static native int ib_cursor_open_table_using_id(long table_id, Pointer ib_trx, PointerByReference ib_crsr); public static native int ib_cursor_open_index_using_id(long index_id, Pointer ib_trx, PointerByReference ib_crsr); public static native int ib_cursor_open_index_using_name( Pointer ib_open_crsr, String index_name, PointerByReference ib_crsr); public static native int ib_cursor_open_table(String name, Pointer ib_trx, PointerByReference ib_crsr); public static native int ib_cursor_reset(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native int ib_cursor_close(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native int ib_cursor_insert_row(Pointer ib_crsr, Pointer ib_tpl); public static native int ib_cursor_update_row(Pointer ib_crsr, Pointer ib_old_tpl, Pointer ib_new_tpl); public static native int ib_cursor_delete_row(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native int ib_cursor_read_row(Pointer ib_crsr, Pointer ib_tpl); public static native int ib_cursor_prev(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native int ib_cursor_next(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native int ib_cursor_first(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native int ib_cursor_last(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native int ib_cursor_moveto(Pointer ib_crsr, Pointer ib_tpl, int ib_srch_mode, IntBuffer result); public static native void ib_cursor_attach_trx(Pointer ib_crsr, Pointer ib_trx); public static native void ib_set_client_compare( HailDB.ib_client_cmp_t client_cmp_func); public static native void ib_cursor_set_match_mode(Pointer ib_crsr, int match_mode); public static native int ib_col_set_value(Pointer ib_tpl, int col_no, Pointer src, int len); public static native int ib_col_get_len(Pointer ib_tpl, int i); public static native int ib_col_copy_value(Pointer ib_tpl, int i, Pointer dst, int len); public static native int ib_tuple_read_i8(Pointer ib_tpl, int i, ByteBuffer ival); public static native int ib_tuple_read_u8(Pointer ib_tpl, int i, ByteBuffer ival); public static native int ib_tuple_read_i16(Pointer ib_tpl, int i, ShortBuffer ival); public static native int ib_tuple_read_u16(Pointer ib_tpl, int i, ShortBuffer ival); public static native int ib_tuple_read_i32(Pointer ib_tpl, int i, IntBuffer ival); public static native int ib_tuple_read_u32(Pointer ib_tpl, int i, IntBuffer ival); public static native int ib_tuple_read_i64(Pointer ib_tpl, int i, LongBuffer ival); public static native int ib_tuple_read_u64(Pointer ib_tpl, int i, LongBuffer ival); public static native Pointer ib_col_get_value(Pointer ib_tpl, int i); public static native int ib_col_get_meta(Pointer ib_tpl, int i, HailDB.ib_col_meta_t ib_col_meta); public static native Pointer ib_tuple_clear(Pointer ib_tpl); public static native int ib_tuple_get_cluster_key(Pointer ib_crsr, PointerByReference ib_dst_tpl, Pointer ib_src_tpl); public static native int ib_tuple_copy(Pointer ib_dst_tpl, Pointer ib_src_tpl); public static native Pointer ib_sec_search_tuple_create(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native Pointer ib_sec_read_tuple_create(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native Pointer ib_clust_search_tuple_create(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native Pointer ib_clust_read_tuple_create(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native int ib_tuple_get_n_user_cols(Pointer ib_tpl); public static native int ib_tuple_get_n_cols(Pointer ib_tpl); public static native void ib_tuple_delete(Pointer ib_tpl); public static native int ib_cursor_truncate(PointerByReference ib_crsr, LongBuffer table_id); public static native int ib_table_truncate(String table_name, LongBuffer table_id); public static native int ib_table_get_id(String table_name, LongBuffer table_id); public static native int ib_index_get_id(String table_name, String index_name, java.nio.LongBuffer index_id); public static native int ib_database_create(String dbname); public static native int ib_database_drop(String dbname); public static native int ib_cursor_is_positioned(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native int ib_schema_lock_shared(Pointer ib_trx); public static native int ib_schema_lock_exclusive(Pointer ib_trx); public static native int ib_schema_lock_is_exclusive(Pointer ib_trx); public static native int ib_schema_lock_is_shared(Pointer ib_trx); public static native int ib_schema_unlock(Pointer ib_trx); public static native int ib_cursor_lock(Pointer ib_crsr, int ib_lck_mode); public static native int ib_table_lock(Pointer ib_trx, long table_id, int ib_lck_mode); public static native int ib_cursor_set_lock_mode(Pointer ib_crsr, int ib_lck_mode); public static native void ib_cursor_set_cluster_access(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native int ib_table_schema_visit(Pointer ib_trx, String name, HailDB.ib_schema_visitor_t visitor, Pointer arg); public static native int ib_schema_tables_iterate(Pointer ib_trx, HailDB.ib_schema_visitor_table_all_t visitor, Pointer arg); public static native int ib_cfg_var_get_type(String name, java.nio.IntBuffer type); public static native int ib_cfg_set(String name, Pointer value); //public static native int ib_cfg_set_int(String name, int value); public static int ib_cfg_set(String name, String value) { return HailDB.ib_cfg_set(name, TupleStorage.getDirectMemoryString(value.getBytes())); } public static int ib_cfg_set(String name, int value) { return HailDB.ib_cfg_set(name, Pointer.createConstant(value)); } public static int ib_cfg_set(String name, long value) { return HailDB.ib_cfg_set(name, Pointer.createConstant(value)); } public static int ib_cfg_set_bool_on(String name) { return HailDB.ib_cfg_set(name, HailDB.IB_TRUE); } public static int ib_cfg_set_bool_off(String name) { return HailDB.ib_cfg_set(name, HailDB.IB_FALSE); } public static native int ib_cfg_get(String name, Pointer value); public static native int ib_cfg_get_all(PointerByReference names, IntBuffer names_num); public static native void ib_savepoint_take(Pointer ib_trx, Pointer name, int name_len); public static native int ib_savepoint_release(Pointer ib_trx, Pointer name, int name_len); public static native int ib_savepoint_rollback(Pointer ib_trx, Pointer name, int name_len); public static native int ib_tuple_write_i8(Pointer ib_tpl, int col_no, byte val); public static native int ib_tuple_write_i16(Pointer ib_tpl, int col_no, short val); public static native int ib_tuple_write_i32(Pointer ib_tpl, int col_no, int val); public static native int ib_tuple_write_i64(Pointer ib_tpl, int col_no, long val); public static native int ib_tuple_write_u8(Pointer ib_tpl, int col_no, byte val); public static native int ib_tuple_write_u16(Pointer ib_tpl, int col_no, short val); public static native int ib_tuple_write_u32(Pointer ib_tpl, int col_no, int val); public static native int ib_tuple_write_u64(Pointer ib_tpl, int col_no, long val); public static native void ib_cursor_stmt_begin(Pointer ib_crsr); public static native int ib_tuple_write_double(Pointer ib_tpl, int col_no, double val); public static native int ib_tuple_read_double(Pointer ib_tpl, int col_no, DoubleBuffer dval); public static native int ib_tuple_write_float(Pointer ib_tpl, int col_no, float val); public static native int ib_tuple_read_float(Pointer ib_tpl, int col_no, FloatBuffer fval); public static native Pointer ib_strerror(int db_errno); public static native int ib_status_get_i64(String name, LongBuffer dst); // / Callback function to compare InnoDB key columns in an index. public static final class ib_client_compare { private static Pointer ib_client_compare; public static Pointer get() { if (ib_client_compare == null) ib_client_compare = com.g414.haildb.impl.jna.HailDB.JNA_NATIVE_LIB .getGlobalVariableAddress("ib_client_compare"); return ib_client_compare; } } }