package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author ajun */ public class DataServerApp implements DataServerEventListener { public DataServerApp() { } public DataServerApp(String[] args) { try { DataServerConfigure conf = processArguments(args); loadModules(conf); initApplicationContext(conf); // initializing all modules. initModules(conf); EventListenerManager eventListenerManager = appContext.getEventListenerManager(); eventListenerManager.registEventListener(this); // Everything is okay, now we send an event to notify all listener that the data server has started. eventListenerManager.fireEvent(new StartupEvent()); addJVMHook(); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("Start DataServer failed!", e); // To kill all threads. System.exit(0); } finally { } } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { new DataServerApp(args); } /** * 从配置文件中装载所有的Module * * @param conf */ public void loadModules(DataServerConfigure conf) { List<ModuleConfigure> moduleConfigList = conf.getModuleConfigList(); for (ModuleConfigure moduleConfig : moduleConfigList) { Module module = createModule(moduleConfig); if (module instanceof BaseModule) { ((BaseModule) module).setName(moduleConfig.getName()); } modules.add(module); } } private DataServerConfigure processArguments(String[] args) { Properties commandLine = parseCommandLineArguments(args); DataServerConfigure conf = loadDataServerConfigure(commandLine.getProperty(CONFIG_ITEM_CONFIG_FILE)); conf.setCommandLine(commandLine); return conf; } private Properties parseCommandLineArguments(String[] args) { String configureFile = DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_FILE; Properties commandLine = new Properties(); try { String logRoot = DEFAULT_LOG_ROOT; String logLevel = DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL; if (args.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) { String name = args[i]; String value = null; if (args.length > (i + 1)) { value = args[i + 1]; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) { continue; } // -help 去掉前面的“-” name = name.substring(1); commandLine.setProperty(name, value); if (CONFIG_ITEM_CONFIG_FILE.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { configureFile = value; } else if (CONFIG_ITEM_HELP.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { printUsage(); } else if (CONFIG_ITEM_LOG_ROOT.equals(name)) { logRoot = value; System.out.println("Use logConfig:" + logRoot); } else if (CONFIG_ITEM_LOG_LEVEL.equals(name)) { logLevel = value; System.out.println("Use logLevel:" + logLevel); } } } System.setProperty("logRoot", logRoot); System.setProperty("logLevel", logLevel); logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataServerApp.class); } catch (Throwable e) { printUsage(); System.exit(0); } commandLine.setProperty(CONFIG_ITEM_CONFIG_FILE, configureFile); return commandLine; } private DataServerConfigure loadDataServerConfigure(String configureFile) { try { XMLDataServerConfigureLoader loader = new XMLDataServerConfigureLoader(configureFile); return loader.load(); } catch (DocumentException e) { throw new ConfigureLoaderException(e); } } private void addJVMHook() { DataServerJVMShutdownHook hook = new DataServerJVMShutdownHook(appContext); appContext.getEventListenerManager().registEventListener(hook); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(hook); } private void initApplicationContext(DataServerConfigure conf) { this.appContext = new DefaultApplicationContext(modules); this.appContext.setEventListenerManager(new EventListenerManager()); this.appContext.setDataServerConfigure(conf); } private static void printUsage() { System.out.println("Usage: -configFile, setting the config file of Data server."); System.out.println(" -port , setting the listening port. Forexample: -port 8080"); System.exit(0); } private Module createModule(ModuleConfigure moduleConfig) { String moduleClassName = moduleConfig.getClassName(); Module module = null; try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(moduleClassName)) { ClassLoader classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); Class<?> clazz = classLoader.loadClass(moduleClassName); module = (Module) clazz.newInstance(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new FatalModuleInitializationException("Creating module failed! Module name:" + moduleClassName, e); } return module; } /** * Initializing all modules. * * @param conf */ public void initModules(DataServerConfigure conf) { for (Module module : modules) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ModuleContext moduleContext = new DefaultModuleContext(appContext); appContext.addModuleContext(module, moduleContext); if (module instanceof ModuleContextAware) { ModuleContextAware mca = (ModuleContextAware) module; mca.setModuleContext(moduleContext); } module.load(conf.getModuleConfigure(module.getClass().getName())); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Loading " + module.getName() + " SUCCESS. Time consuming(ms):" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); } } } public void destoryModules() { int moduleCount = modules.size(); for (int index = moduleCount; index > 0; index--) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Module module = modules.get(index - 1); try { module.unload(); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Unloading " + module.getName() + " SUCCESS. Time consuming(ms):" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); } } catch (Throwable e) { // 出现异常,只影响某个模块的卸载。 logger.error("Unloading " + module.getName() + " FAILURE!", e); } } } public void onShutdown() { destoryModules(); } public void onStartup() { System.out.println("DataServer is ready!"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("DataServer is ready!"); } } public void shutdown() { EventListenerManager eventListenerManager = appContext.getEventListenerManager(); eventListenerManager.fireEvent(new ShutdownEvent()); } private static Logger logger; private DefaultApplicationContext appContext; private List<Module> modules = new ArrayList<Module>(); private static final String DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_FILE = "dataserver.xml"; private static final String DEFAULT_LOG_ROOT = "log"; private static final String DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL = "INFO"; private static final String CONFIG_ITEM_CONFIG_FILE = "configFile"; private static final String CONFIG_ITEM_LOG_ROOT = "logRoot"; private static final String CONFIG_ITEM_LOG_LEVEL = "logLevel"; private static final String CONFIG_ITEM_HELP = "help"; }